Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2546 It’s better not to be Shuichi Akai

In Toru Amuro's eyes, Subaru's actions were more like 'taking Mr. Chi and Xiao Ai as a banner to show off his power'. Although he was not willing to just let them go, after thinking about it, he still gave up trying to stop Subaru. Thoughts, with a smile on his face, he said, "I see, were you trying to find your car parked here just now? Do you need my help?"

He wanted to stop people, but he had no proper reason to stop them.

If you mess around, it will be difficult for him to explain when the consultant hears what this guy said today and asks him about it.

Before he got definite evidence, he didn't want to confess his guess about this guy's identity to the consultant. If he misunderstood, it would be very embarrassing. Moreover, the consultant was very cunning. If he couldn't get the evidence here, he might be deceived by the consultant. The consultant covers this guy's transfer.

In addition, if this guy didn't lie, the little sister of the consultant's family was still waiting for this guy to send dessert back. If this guy went back late, he would definitely explain to others that he was late because of his unreasonable obstruction, and he didn't want to be regarded as a fool by the little girl. A villain who bullies others...

Stay steady and don't rush.

Now that he is working for the organization, it is not a good time to question this guy, so forget it and let this guy be proud for a few more days.

"Thank you for your kindness, but no, I've found it, my car is over there," Subaru Oishi looked at the white car not far away, then squinted at Toru Amuro, and asked with a smile, "By the way, why did Mr. Amuro come to Minato City today? I didn't mean to inquire about your personal affairs, but when I came from the entrance and exit of the parking lot, you seemed to be standing here, not going to the entrance or exit, and there was no movement at all. , so I almost didn’t notice anyone here, so I was wondering, are you in any trouble? "

"We are not in trouble. I made an appointment with the client to meet at a nearby restaurant. I came a little early, so I will stay in this outdoor parking lot to enjoy the peace and quiet... Did I scare you just now by standing here?"

Amuro Toru responded with a normal expression, but her thoughts in her heart were not as kind as her expression.

This guy better not be Shuichi Akai.

He had already let him go, but instead of leaving quickly, he pointed out his suspicious behavior... Did he not want to leave?

"No, I'm not easily scared. I just didn't expect to meet you here. Since you're not in trouble, I'll leave first."

Before a certain black man had dangerous thoughts, Subaru took the initiative to say goodbye and started walking to his car without hesitation.

He didn't mean to provoke Bourbon, but he was already in a depressed mood today. He was blocked in the parking lot and was forced to move out with others to escape. He was even more depressed. He couldn't help but want to mention Bourbon's suspicious behavior. Look at Bourbon. how to explain……

It's all because he's in a bad mood today. This kind of trouble-seeking behavior is really irrational.

After taking two steps, Subaru stopped dead in his tracks, turned around with squinted eyes, and said to Toru Amuro, "See you some other time, if there is a chance... No need to make assumptions, I think we may have a chance to get together and chat."

"I think so. Let's see you another day." Amuro Toru smiled back.

After nodding, Subaru walked forward to the car, opened the door and got in.

In fact, he really wanted to take the opportunity to try bourbon.

He suspected that the person who broke into the cruise ship this time was Raki.

That man is not only agile and can do the disappearing trick that Raki performed before, but looking at his figure from a distance, he also feels like Raki...

If Rakjiu was also involved in this operation, then the timing and plan of the operation that surprised him today might have been Rakjiu's handiwork.

He could say to Bourbon - 'If there is a chance, we can drink together some other time. I have a lot of liquor there, like whiskey, raki, etc.', making Bourbon suspect that he knew the intelligence of this operation. As long as Bourbon showed something abnormal on his face, he could confirm his guess about the person who boarded the ship.

But in this way, he was almost telling Bourbon openly - 'I have a problem, I know about the organization, come and check me out'.

It's not worth it no matter how hard you think about exposing yourself just to confirm whether Raki was involved in this operation...

Amuro Toru was still standing between the fronts of the two cars, not looking at Subaru Oishi who was driving. When Subaru Oishi drove away and honked the horn, he turned his head and glanced. After watching the car leave, his eyes were soft and gentle. Xie's expression cooled down a little, he looked up at the night sky, took out his cell phone and made a call.

"...It's me. How is the situation over there? I don't need to guard my side anymore. If necessary, I can go over and help..."

"It's almost been checked here... When I got here, there were a total of 131 cars parked here, and 25 of them had been parked here for more than three days, with no one getting on or off during this period. The cars will not be their cars, there are fifty-six private cars owned by families with children..."

"There are twelve cars left that belong to members of the tuning club. They should be together. When I came, they had just left. Moreover, cars with messy modifications are easy to be stopped by the traffic police. Those people don't do anything. We will borrow them, and there are five other buses..."

"In short, there are only thirteen cars that need attention. They have all been driven away. No one was injured, and no one discussed strange topics. The owners of six cars are thin office workers, and two cars are... A group of college students drove over, both men and women..."

"There were two foreign faces, but they seemed to be a foreign couple traveling. The car was rented. I didn't find anything suspicious about them..."

"Yeah, there's nothing to gain here..."

The next morning.

A small luxury yacht sets off from the port of Tokyo.

The yacht has a black and silver appearance and is designed with a sense of technology. After setting off from the port, it gallops on the sea at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, making people on the decks of yachts and passenger ships along the way unable to help but pay attention. .

In the study room in the master area, Nanatsuki Koshizui sat on a single sofa chair, holding a tablet in his hand and a satellite phone tucked under his head. While talking to Mao Lilan, he used the tablet to adjust the indoor lighting settings and air-conditioning temperature. , "...Nagasaki and Fukuoka are both in Kyushu. If you want to travel to Nagasaki, you can also go there with us on a yacht. Mr. Chi said before that you can go around the sea near Kagoshima. I will send you there first. We’ll go to Nagasaki, and then we’ll go to Fukuoka.”

Over the phone, Mao Lilan explained with a smile, "My father and I took Conan to travel to Nagasaki because I won a hospitality coupon. There were only five free rooms in the hospitality coupon every day. My father was worried that he would be late. We can’t stay in a free room, and it will take at least ten hours to get to Nagasaki by yacht. In that case, we will definitely not be able to get a free room, so he refused Fei Chi’s invitation. Instead of taking the yacht, we should take the Shinkansen. A little faster.”

"So that's it..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki adjusted the lights and air conditioning, put the tablet aside, and reached for the satellite phone. "Mr. Chi just told me this morning that Mr. Mori disliked the yacht being too slow. I thought You are in a hurry to travel."

"No, I'm just worried about not being able to get a room. It's unreliable to ask them to communicate. If I had known earlier, I would have called you myself in the morning," Mao Lilan said, and teased in a teasing tone, " However, we are right not to follow you. Brother Chi will accompany you back to Fukuoka this time. You must seize the opportunity to improve your intimacy. If we follow you, won't we ruin your life as a couple? "

"There are staff on the yacht, and it's not just the two of us," Koshimizu Nanatsuki refuted the idea of ​​a 'two-person world' with some embarrassment, and added, "And when we go to Fukuoka this time, we are going to help my mother. "Sweep the grave."

"Is that so?" Mao Lilan felt that her teasing just now was a bit inappropriate, and said quickly, "I'm sorry, Sister Nanatsuki, I didn't know you were going to visit your aunt's grave, but you just said such outrageous things..."

"It's nothing. My mother has been dead for more than ten years, and I don't think that going to visit her grave is something that requires sadness and seriousness." Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled, "Actually, I'm quite happy to go back to visit her grave this time. Yes, because I mentioned to him on the chat software not long ago that I haven’t visited my mother in more than half a year. Originally, I just said it casually, but I didn’t expect him to ask me if I wanted to accompany me to visit the grave. At that time, I I felt very happy, so I took this opportunity to go back to Fukuoka and take him to see the place where I lived when I was a child.”

"That's great..." Mao Lilan's voice was full of envy and expectation, and she whispered resentfully, "Unlike some reasoning madmen, they can't even find anyone."

Conan, who was listening carefully over there, said: "..."

He has been following Xiaolan, but Xiaolan doesn't know it.

"If you can't find anyone, just call him and ask him directly," Koshizui Nanatsuki tried to come up with a bad idea, "Find a reason to trick him back, put sleeping pills in his water, and wait until he drinks the water and becomes unconscious, Just tie him up and put him in a dark room so he won't escape. What do you think of this method?"

Conan eavesdropping: "..."

Is this what a girl should think?

I'm a little worried about Nanatsuki-san's mental condition.

Mao Lilan smiled and agreed, "What a good idea! If he wants to escape, starve him twice so that he has no energy to run again!"

Conan: "..."

Xiaolan's smile also became scary.

Mao Lilan joked and said, "But I don't care what happens to him... By the way, Sister Nanatsuki, isn't Brother Fei Chi next to you?"

"He's not here. Mr. Chi went to the cockpit to ask the captain about the navigation route." Koshimizu Nanatsuki leaned back and let his back sink into the back of the single sofa. "There are two women on board who are responsible for cooking and cleaning." Maid lady, but they are preparing lunch, so now I am the only one in the master area. If I hadn’t called you, I would have only found a book or watched a movie to relieve my boredom..."

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