Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2548 Exquisite and mysterious artwork

"There are only six of us on the ship, and there are no other guests staying in the guest room. We can make any arrangements..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki didn't care about the guest room. He looked at Chi Feichi and said, "You stay in the master room with me." He seemed to have no evil thoughts at all. He had doubts about whether Mr. Chi had never regarded me as a woman, and he also reflected on whether his thoughts were not simple enough. "I live with you in the main area... We are lovers, so living together is It doesn’t matter, right?”

Chi Feichi nodded.

The more you can understand, the better.

Those two girls were the Jaguar warriors from Koizumi Hongzi's side. This time they wanted to take the boat to Kyushu to help Koizumi Hongzi collect magic materials.

There is no conflict between the two 'gods' of Fifteen Nights City. Whether it is the Golden Wither Warrior or the Jaguar Warrior, these beliefs do not distinguish between day and night gods. They just choose the pair they want to go to more when they join the team, so the two girls are also his. A believer who offered to be responsible for cooking and cleaning after boarding the ship.

He was a little hesitant at first, but before he could refuse, the two of them immediately said that they would regularly clean up the Quetzalcoatl Temple in Fifteen Nights City.

There are twelve towers in the entire Quetzalcoatl Temple, but only he and Koizumi Hongzi live there. In addition, only young people whom Afu Po likes can go in to deliver things or clean them regularly. The two girls said that, which means they are qualified to contact them. If he refuses the "god's" daily necessities, the two girls will think that he is saying "you are not good", and then Hongzi will blame him for making the two girls sad.

Since the Maori trio did not want to board the ship and there were no other guests on the yacht who wanted to sail with them, he agreed to let them temporarily serve as maids.

There are only six of them on the yacht, so they don’t need to prepare too much food, and there aren’t too many places to tidy up. All things cleaned are automatically cleaned accordingly, and the overall work is not tiring. If the two girls are willing to do this for a while, This kind of work also eliminates the need to arrange for outsiders to come on board.

He thought that the two of them could stay in the staff lounge or in the guest room. He had not made any arrangements before and it was up to the two girls to make their own choices. Since some people were feeling unwell in the staff lounge now, he would definitely have to arrange for someone to stay in the guest room.

The captain had a captain's cabin, and the two girls stayed in the guest room. Of course, he had to arrange a guest room for his deputy. The captain and his deputy were both members of his Golden Withering Warriors. He didn't think that 'one of his own' would be wronged. We can't favor one over another and let the deputy sleep in a small room...

With this arrangement, there are no extra guest rooms for Yueshui to stay in. However, the master room is large in size and has complete facilities. Yueshui Zizhi will live here with him.

Just like Yueshui said, they are lovers, so what does it matter if they live together.

Koshizu Nanatsuki: "..."

Mr. Chi really wouldn't be shy when he thought of living with her...

"The third thing is the reason why I woke up in the middle of the night yesterday," Chi Feichi said seriously, "This needs to start with my ability. Hongzi and I have different growth methods. Hongzi needs Condensing magic power and practicing magic, but I don’t need it. My way of growing strength is a bit special, which requires me to experience some things. The previous time I went back hundreds of years in a dream was one of them, and what I need to experience recently is, It’s the Seven Deadly Sins…”

Next, Chi Feichi told Koshizui Nanatsuki that he was affected by the original sin.

The previous 'sin of laziness' made him sleepy and tired, and his brain was consumed by chaotic thoughts. In severe cases, he even suffered from mental breakdown.

At that time, he was not sure how much changes would happen to him. He wanted to make people around him mentally prepared, so he did not hide his abnormal state from others. He soon received a diagnosis of "relapse of schizophrenia" and ate half of the food. months of medicine.

Just two days after stopping the medication, the second challenge came again.

This time he chose the sin of gluttony. With his last experience, he had a good idea. In addition, he really didn't want to stop taking medicine, so he hid his situation.

The 'crime of gluttony' is the excessive pursuit of excitement, which leads to mental addiction. He has the confidence to deal with it more easily than the last time, and he took the initiative to draw up some rules and regulations.

First of all, you must not let yourself fall into the trap of "drug abuse" that can cause physical addiction. It is best to use some healthier psychological addictions to get through this.

Secondly, whenever you find that you have an excessive desire for something, you should immediately force yourself to find a new goal to prevent your addiction to something from deepening.

For example, when he discovered that he was addicted to drinking blood, he immediately changed his method of obtaining satisfaction and stimulation to surfing. He obtained sufficient spiritual nutrition from surfing. He shot people, blew up people with bombs, and used knives to kill people. Poke someone...

Constantly changing goals in this way can prevent him from becoming more dependent on a certain thing.

Mild addictions are easier to break than severe ones.

Finally, try to extend the 'hunger period' as much as possible, stay hungry for as long as possible, reduce the total number of meals in seven days, and prevent your appetite from being enlarged little by little.

Facts have proved that he was right to take precautions in advance.

His appetite is really growing. At first, he can satisfy a group of uncles drunk, and then he can barely stay full until he surfs back and forth in the waves and squeezes out his physical energy.

Moreover, the duration of the digestion period is also getting shorter. After finishing the eating period at the earliest, he has a digestion period of nearly ten hours. During that time, he is in the calmest state, and he will not be a little anxious. After that, in addition to overcoming water, That time, the wonderful thoughts about the Montgomery family filled his spirit. At other times, he was not completely full. He only had two states: "I'm just a few mouthfuls away from being full and it feels so uncomfortable" and "I'm so hungry and it feels so uncomfortable." The only way to stay full was to prevent yourself from starving to the point of losing your mind.

If he doesn't control the frequency of eating at the beginning, in the past two days, he may need stronger stimulation than now to satisfy himself, and he will feel that he is not full at all, and he will keep eating and eating...

Just like the legendary people who burst their bellies and are still eating like crazy, at that time, eating will not matter whether it is their own life or the life of others.

This is the sin of gluttony.

He hurt people and blew up walls last night. He was almost nine-tenths full and could barely sleep peacefully. But at about three o'clock this morning, he suddenly woke up. As soon as he opened his eyes, his mind began to replay what he saw yesterday. Everything you smell and hear is automatically filtered.

After the bullet or blade is immersed in the human body, the bright red liquid overflows from the wound or is brought out by the blade. Those mellow, refreshing or sweet smells permeate the air and blend together to form a complex and worth tasting fragrance. Intoxicatingly wonderful.

Occasionally a drop of blood splashes, under the reflection of the light, it has the bright color of ruby, but also has a soft surface and illuminated interior, like a pearl or fine jade, like an exquisite work of art, even if It fell to the ground and shattered, which was just the transformation and rebirth of this beautiful work of art.

Those people are more interesting than the blood.

When a wound appears, the human body's muscles will instantly tighten, squeezing the wound and preventing more blood from flowing out. Even if the injured person's expression is stunned and the brain does not seem to react at all, the body still takes countermeasures.

There are also expressions on people's faces. The same expression of fear will be different for each person. Even the expressions of fear made by the same person before and after will be different due to changes in the environment and changes in one's own state. They are rich and varied. Interesting and endlessly varied, each face is like a kaleidoscope with thousands of pattern changes, or a blind box that can never be opened, making people wonder how many changes there can be.

The human body is a work of art that carries countless blood drops and is itself a more exquisite and mysterious work of art.

When he had the idea of ​​'catch a human and shave him alive', he couldn't sleep anymore.

"I was going to find something to do on the Umbrella internal website, and I found out that my father was working," Chi Feichi said. "He went to the United States on a business trip not long ago. When I couldn't sleep, he was about to give a talk about satellites. There was a meeting on the project. Today I wanted to test the compatibility of the maritime satellite and the yacht signal enhancement equipment, so I applied to join the meeting. After that, I helped him share some other work, which alleviated the hunger. "

"When we were driving to the dock, what you were reading were work emails, right? After boarding the yacht, you were also testing the yacht and making work calls with Mr. Shinnosuke..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki held his chin with his right hand, his face It’s full of confusion, “Can something like work also be used as spiritual food?”

"Of course," Chi Feichi explained, "As far as the satellite project is concerned, Umbrella has not yet completed manufacturing its own satellites. It previously purchased ten satellites from other companies and used them after simple improvements. The experience was also very good. This meeting included follow-up purchase plans and our satellite post-production plan. After those plans are completed, Umbrella will build its own satellite network. I look forward to that day, so , when I accomplish something for this future, I can feel that my self-worth has been realized, and people can also feel confident, secure, and happy in a state of self-affirmation.”

Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded thoughtfully, "I think I can understand... Just like a detective investigating a certain incident, after investigating and getting the truth, the detective will feel satisfied in his heart, and sometimes he will be so excited that he wants to jump. Not only because curiosity is satisfied, but also because self-worth is realized, right?”

"That's about it."

Chi Feichi said, silently telling the truth in his heart: work makes him happy because he works for himself.

"With your current situation, will you become addicted to work?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked curiously.

"I already have a tendency to be dependent," Chi Feichi said truthfully, "That's why I stopped working and chatted with you, so as not to be unable to stop working today."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked with concern, "Are you feeling hungry now?"

"Not very hungry..." Chi Feichi felt his condition, "Almost 70% full. I won't be so hungry for the past two hours. After two hours, I can go to the sea to vent my anger. I also brought blood. Come here, if necessary, you can also drink blood to relieve your hunger."

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