Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2574 As expected of Doraemon

At eight o'clock the next morning, Conan sent an email to Chi Feichi, saying that he and other children were going to take Sato Miwako's car and go to the Metropolitan Police Department to check on Takagi Wataru's situation through the tablet computer. He also said that he would call Sato Miwako. At that time, I heard that Takagi Wataru was still safe at the moment, so Ichi Feichi and Koshizui Nanatsuki didn't have to worry. They would contact Ike Feichi again when I went to the Metropolitan Police Department to learn about the new situation.

After Chi Feichi and Nanatsuki Koshizu had breakfast, they contacted someone to arrange a scooter, and then went to a convenience store with Nanatsuki Koshizu.

When Conan called Chi Feichi at nine o'clock, Chi Feichi happened to be checking out. When he heard the voice of a clerk at Chi Feichi's side saying, "The change is 11,000 yuan," he was stunned for a moment, "Brother Chi is buying." Something?」

"Didn't Officer Takagi stay outside for a day and two nights and haven't eaten yet?" Chi Feichi took the change and stuffed it into the pocket of his jacket. He and Koshimizu Nanatsuki walked out carrying their things, " I didn’t expect that we would come to Hokkaido this time. The only thing I could use for Officer Takagi was chocolate, so while I was waiting for your contact, Koshizui and I restocked the supplies at the convenience store and bought thermos cups and glucose solid powder. , quilts and frostbite ointment."

Conan: "..."

As expected of Doraemon, when the props on his body are not enough, he consciously replenishes them in advance to ensure that the props are sufficient and everything in his pocket can be taken out.

Koshizui Nanatsuki approached Ike Feichi's mobile phone and added, "The convenience store also supplies warm water. We brewed a large cup of glucose powder with warm water and put it in a thermos cup. When we found Officer Takagi, he I can drink glucose warm water to relieve the discomfort."

Speaking of looking for someone, Conan remembered the purpose of calling and quickly replied, "By the way, Brother Chi, the police officers on duty last night investigated and found that Miss Natalie is indeed from Hokkaido, and her parents are on their way to collect her body. There was indeed a car accident on the way, and the person who finally went to collect her body was Mr. Ryusetsu Nimoto, a fellow villager in Hokkaido who was about the same age as her father and taught in the same school as her. Gave it to him as well! The police officer who was responsible for delivering the body to Mr. Nimoto Ronza also said that when Mr. Nimoto Ronza saw Miss Natalie’s body, he cried so much that he almost collapsed. He seemed to have handed over Nata from his hometown. Miss Li treats her like a daughter!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki put his ear next to the phone and heard Conan's words, "In other words, the person who kidnapped Officer Takagi is probably Mr. Ryusetsu Otomoto, right?"

"Yes, when we arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department this morning, the police officers found a photo of Ryusetsu Nimoto. I confirmed with Haibara and the others that he was the old man who handed the tablet to us!" Conan said, " In other words, our reasoning last night was correct. He mistook Officer Takagi for Miss Natalie's boyfriend, Officer Date. He thought that Miss Natalie committed suicide after being abandoned by Officer Takagi, so he kidnapped Officer Takagi. !」

Chi Feichi could guess that Conan had passed the reasoning to him and Koshizu Nanatsuki again, and asked aloud, "So, his address in Hokkaido is..."

"Well, this hasn't been investigated yet," Conan was a little embarrassed and quickly explained seriously, "However, Manager Matsumoto has asked people to contact the Hokkaido police for investigation, and according to the investigation, he claimed to be ill a month ago. After quitting his job in an English conversation class, the police officers investigated near his Tokyo residence and found that there were no signs that he had moved out of the apartment he lived in in Tokyo. He was probably lurking in the Tokyo apartment. Now Officer Sato has led people to rush out. It’s over! Haibara and the others will stay at the Metropolitan Police Department with me, and we will make a video call on Officer Sato’s mobile phone to confirm once again whether he is the one who handed the tablet to us!”

"Then is Officer Takagi still in Tokyo?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked.

"I don't think so," Conan confirmed. "In the video yesterday evening, a Sidauri jackdaw appeared under the camera of Officer Takagi. This kind of crow generally lives in Europe. There are only two records found in Japan. times, those two times were both in Hokkaido, so I think Officer Takagi is probably in Hokkaido. Where exactly, we will know when Officer Sato finds Ryusetsu Omoto and asks him again... Wait, Brother Chi , Manager Matsumoto and Officer Megure want to talk to you, I will turn on the speakerphone now and give them my phone."

Chi Feichi waited for a moment and heard the voices of children and Ke

Minami asked the three real children to quiet their voices, and Matsumoto Kiyonaga's voice also rose up.

"Mr. Chi, I am Matsumoto from the Metropolitan Police Department. I really appreciate the help you have provided us this time. Of course, it has been the same before," Matsumoto Kiyonaga said in a serious tone. "The current situation is special. In addition to thanking you, I would like to Let me tell you about rescuing Takagi. Now Sato has taken people to Otomoto Ryuse's apartment, but we have to be prepared. Megure has already had people contact the Hokkaido Police Station, and when the investigation leads to Natalie-Kurama Our Hokkaido police colleagues will contact the patrol officers and rush over to the Hokkaido address of the family and Nimoto Ryuzawa, but Takagi Wataru may not be there, or he may have been there but was moved. I am worried that the patrol police will ignore some clues, so If possible, I hope you can help check on the situation."

"No problem. I originally wanted to go find Officer Takagi. I also contacted someone who sent me a car to transport me there." Chi Feichi simply agreed. He walked to the car parked on the roadside, opened the door and put the handle in his left hand. The quilt he was holding was stuffed into the back seat, "How is Officer Takagi doing now?"

"The situation is not too good," Matsumoto Kiyonaga said with a hint of heaviness in his voice. "Starting yesterday, we turned on the tablet for ten minutes every hour and recorded the content played on the tablet with a camera. Maybe because of Takagi. It feels too cold outdoors. He has been trying to move his body since last night. However, his hands and feet are tied with ropes, making it difficult to move, so he must have consumed a lot of energy. His current mental state It’s much worse than yesterday. Of course, I believe he can hold on! By the way, do you want to take a look at the videos we recorded? Maybe you can find other clues..."

"I'm sorry, Manager Matsumoto, I want to do other things first than watching those videos." Chi Feichi closed the back seat door, walked to the front and sat in the driver's seat, "I want to watch Hokkaido on the Internet A forum for regional bird enthusiasts to gather, or see if there is any contact information for the local bird observation team. It is rare to see the Sidauri jackdaw in Japan, maybe someone will see it..."

Conan: "!"


The idea of ​​his little friend is really great!

"If someone shares the news about the jackdaws in West Dauri on the Internet, they can roughly pinpoint the area where Officer Takagi is." Chi Feichi said.

"Okay!" Matsumoto Kiyonaga shouted excitedly over there, "Shiratori, you also use the computer to search for relevant information. Chiba, you contact your colleagues in Hokkaido and ask if there is any famous local bird observation team. If If they can contact those bird observation teams, please ask them if anyone has seen the Siddauri Jackdaw yesterday evening. If not, then extend the time to the past three days, and they must find the Siddauri jackdaw. The trajectory of the jackdaw’s activities in Hokkaido! Mr. Chi, I will also help with the investigation next time!”

"Then I'll hang up first," Chi Feichi said. "If I find anything, I'll call Conan's cell phone again."

"Sorry to trouble you!" Matsumoto Kiyonaga said solemnly.

Next to him, Nanatsuki Koshimizu, who was sitting in the co-pilot, opened his laptop in advance. Seeing Chi Fei Chi put down his mobile phone, he handed over the laptop that he had just started, "You are better at collecting information on the Internet. The computer belongs to you, I will use it. Use your mobile phone to help find information on the Hokkaido Bird Lovers Forum..."

Chi Feichi took over the computer and entered the keywords 'Hokkaido,' and 'Sida Uri Jackdaw' on the computer search webpage. "Actually, I know where Officer Takagi is."

"Ah?" Koshizui Nanatsuki didn't react for a moment. He held the phone in his hand and looked at Chi Feichi blankly for confirmation, "You just said..."

"Last night, two crows came to me and said they saw Officer Takagi." Chi Feichi looked at the content that appeared on the computer and explained without looking up, "Because Officer Takagi is someone I know. Look, The situation wasn't very good, so they went out of their way to tell me."

Koshizui Nanatsuki regained his composure, "What on earth is Officer Takagi doing...?"

"Komae Town."

Chi Feichi said, handing the laptop to Koshizu Nanatsuki.

What is displayed on the computer is a forum called ‘I don’t know the mountains and rivers,’ in the opened post.

, a group of people were updating on the movements of jackdaws in Sidauri.

Someone was seen in Ikeguchi Town the day before yesterday, someone was seen in Komae Town yesterday, and today it was in Sapporo...

Koshimizu Nanatsuki took the computer and looked at the forum name again, "What a strange forum name..."

Chi Feichi started the car and drove in the direction Komae was staring at. By the way, he shared his search method with Koshimizu Nanatsuki, "Search for Nisidauri jackdaws in Hokkaido, and then block online reports from news agencies and magazines." For content, focus on personal accounts and find the kind of content that you have spent time writing but does not look like professional promotion. No matter whether the other party’s content is the content of the other party, as long as the content shows the right If you are interested in jackdaws in Siddauri, you can check the content displayed in that person's account. In the account I found, a lot of information from the Ignorant Mountain and River Forum was shared, and it was all about birds. Then enter the Ignorant account. If the Shanhe Forum is a gathering place for bird observation enthusiasts, just look at the posts posted in the past two days and located on the first few pages. If anyone sees the Sidauri Jackdaw, they will definitely share it."

"In other words, sometimes when collecting information, you can filter out part of the information by blocking. Don't worry about the information being ignored. Find the core part first..." Nanatsuki Koshizui thought about Chi Fei's search method and searched on the computer. Opened a new window and tried to search for information using a similar method. "THK's H... blocked the news account and mainly looked for personal accounts that were interested in H, and then found the shared content... There didn't seem to be any small H team in the account." The information..."

"No need to rush," Chi Feichi

While driving, he said, "If you're lucky, you'll get a clue if you find one. If you're not lucky, you'll have to search through many accounts and web pages to find what you're looking for. This is normal. Collecting intelligence requires the most patience. "


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