Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2577 Mu Mu Thirteen: I reflect

"As far as I know, your physical examination has always been very healthy. Judging from your current state, it doesn't seem like you can't bear excitement." Chi Feichi returned to Takagi Wataru with the quilt and thermos cup, squatted down, and first Cover Takagi Wataru with the quilt. While leaning forward to pick up his mobile phone, he placed the folded pillow under Takagi Wataru's head. He raised Takagi Wataru's head and put his hands on his chest. Then he opened the thermos cup and put the The steaming thermos cup was handed to Takagi Wataru. When Takagi Wataru reached out to catch the cup, he tore open the packaging of a piece of chocolate and handed it to Takagi Wataru's other hand. "Anyway, we are safe. You can eat a piece of chocolate first and drink." A little glucose warm water, drink it slowly, don’t rush, someone will come to pick us up soon, but be careful not to turn over and fall.”

"Ah...okay, okay."

Takagi Wataru was lying on the wooden board leaning on the pillow, covered with a quilt, holding a thermos cup in one hand and chocolate in the other. The stiffness of his body from the cold was relieved, and his mood was a little subtle.

Usually it was the police who rescued people. They had learned how to rescue hostages, how to calm their emotions, and how to wait for rescue. But this time, it was his turn to be rescued like an ordinary person.

In the Metropolitan Police Department, other police officers looked at the pictures on their tablets. After they were all happy that Takagi Wataru was rescued, their eyes focused on Chi Feichi, who stood up with his mobile phone, and his mood became as subtle as Takagi Wataru's. .

A policeman who often went to Poirot Cafe for breakfast and was familiar with Chi Feichi and others sighed softly, turned to his colleagues with emotion and complained in a low voice, "I always feel that Mr. Chi is more like a policeman than Takagi now. "

"Yeah," the old policeman next to him also looked regretful, "It's such a pity to leave it with Mao Li."

Shiratori Rensaburo wanted to say, 'This sentence is not very friendly to Mr. Mori,' but he recalled that Chi Feichi had prepared rescue items in advance, moved the bomb away, rescued and comforted the kidnapped person, and after finding the person, the whole process I kept in touch with the Metropolitan Police and had to admit that my colleagues were right.

As for today's operation, Mr. Chi rescued the kidnapped hostages while contacting the temporary command point of the Metropolitan Police Department. He really looked like a policeman, with outstanding abilities.

Although he felt a little sorry for Mr. Mao Li, he also felt that it was a pity that Mr. Chi did not become a policeman.

When Megure Thirteen heard what his subordinates said, he couldn't help but look at Matsumoto Kiyonaga, and then looked away with emotion.

The management officer had long regretted it, and he had also tried to think about it before - if Brother Chi was from their police force, then he would definitely try his best to snatch the person to the search section, and when he arrived at the crime scene, no matter what his name was, The detectives or the high school detectives were all waiting for him to cooperate with the investigation. There was no need for the detectives to run around looking for clues. They, the police, could solve the problem by themselves. Thinking about it, he felt proud...

It's amazing. He had more contact with Brother Kudo in the past and thought, 'It would be great if our police had such talents.' But maybe it was because Brother Kudo was still a high school student, so he watched him grow from a kid to a hairy boy. Boy, he has also seen too many things about Kudo's bratty look at the crime scene. When he thinks of the possibility of Kudo going to the police academy to become a policeman, he will immediately think of "the instructor will have a headache" and "it doesn't feel right." "It's too suitable." I subconsciously felt that it was unlikely and would not happen.

In fact, Brother Chi is not a worry-free person. He seems to have a peaceful mind, but sometimes he is more trouble-making than Kudo. Not only is he annoying, but he is also more aggressive when attacking prisoners. He is not sure that he can restrain him. If he becomes a policeman, He is definitely the kind of 'prick' who makes his boss both love and angry, who is capable but unruly.

Moreover, Brother Chi is the heir to the group, so he is unlikely to become a police officer no matter how much he thinks about it...

Even if there were problems like this, he just thought more than once, 'It would be great if Brother Chi came to be a policeman.'

After thinking about it, he thought it might be because Chi was similar in age to a newcomer to the police station, had a stable performance, and could calm people down at the scene, so he had such an idea.

In the police force, it is not uncommon to find "thorns" with outstanding abilities but individual personalities. They are scarce resources in every department. As long as they are not excessive, it doesn't matter. As heirs of the group, they are not incapable of kidnapping, like White Bird. Wouldn't it be possible for a child from such an aristocratic family to become a policeman? Considering that the Chi family only has one child, they can also let Chi Laodie spend most of his time in the rear...

Many problems are not problems, but Brother Chi's own mental state or psychological state is a big problem that cannot be avoided.

If Brother Chi can get a certificate of recovery or a certificate that his condition has improved and stabilized, he might be eager to seduce Brother Chi to become a policeman.

It's just a pity that some mental illnesses have a high chance of recurrence. It's difficult for Chi to get proof that his condition is improved and stable. Even if he gets the certificate, letting Chi do a high-pressure job like a police officer may cause Chi's disease to relapse. Worse, then they are harming people.

This was the reason why he gave up encouraging Brother Chi to become a policeman.

And thinking about that, he felt that it was the best arrangement for everyone that Chi should be the apprentice of that guy Mao Li and occasionally help them.

Matsumoto Kiyonaga thought that when he first met Chi Feichi, he had thought about letting Chi Feichi become a policeman. He sighed at his regret in his heart. He quickly put aside those thoughts and listened to the report of the policeman who came next to him. , spoke into the mobile phone, "Mr. Chi, now the Hokkaido Police Station has confirmed your location and notified the Komae Town 1-chome patrol officer to go there first. They will be there in about five minutes. In addition, the explosives The processing team can arrive within thirty minutes. I want you to confirm the specific time of the explosion countdown on the bomb."

Chi Feichi stood up with his cell phone, walked along the wooden plank to the platform, reached the corner, and squatted down in front of the bomb.

Matsumoto Kiyonaga couldn't see Chi Feichi in the corner through the camera screen, so he had to remind him, "Pay attention to your safety and don't touch the bomb casually..."


There was a soft sound from the phone, as if some kind of plastic case was being opened.

Matsumoto Kiyonaga fell silent.

This sound...

It's probably not what he thought...

Thirteenth eye has a black line on his head.

Thinking about Brother Chi's previous performance, he immediately thought... Brother Chi had defused the bomb himself!

He had to reflect on why he thought it was a good thing for someone with such willful and annoying traits to be a policeman. He even thought that it would be great if he had such subordinates. Wasn't this because he was not angry enough at ordinary times?

"The electronic board shows that there are still 27 hours and 35 minutes until the explosion." Chi Feichi put his mobile phone at his feet, opened the plastic shell above the bomb, and observed the situation inside. "The bomb relies on an electronic igniter to detonate. The wiring is not complicated and the overall structure is relatively simple, so I can dismantle it.”

Matsumoto Kiyonaga felt helpless and tried to persuade Chi Feichi not to act rashly. "Since it is still a long time before the explosion, is it better to wait for the explosive disposal team to deal with it? It will be safer this way..."

Mitsuhiko said with a serious face, "However, I think Brother Chi's ability to disarm bombs is no worse than that of the police officers from the explosive ordnance disposal team!"

Yuantai nodded in agreement, "Conan told us that there was a terrible bomber who was targeting the police before, but many of the bombs he planted were defused by Brother Chi. This shows that Brother Chi has a strong ability to defuse bombs. Right?"

Ayumi smiled confidently, "I also think Brother Chi will be fine!"

Conan was dragged into the trouble-making squad for no apparent reason. Seeing Matsumoto Kiyonaga and other police officers looking at him angrily, saying, "You guys are naughty kids," and worried that the children's words would cause Chi Fei to be late in defusing the bomb, he hurriedly smiled at the children. They said, "Anyway, Brother Chi doesn't have professional tools, so it's still very dangerous. Obviously, as long as we wait for the explosive ordnance disposal team to arrive..."

"Torn down."

Chi Feichi's voice came from the other end of the phone.

A group of people looked at the tablet in surprise.

On the video screen, Chi Feichi still had his back to the camera, squatting on a platform covered with blue plastic sheeting. There were some small scissors, a multifunctional portable knife and some small tools that could not be seen clearly at his feet. However, Chi Feichi I was still looking down at the bomb in front of me, and gently took out the electronic igniter and other parts.

Yueshui Nanatsuki was not far behind Chi Feichi, curiously looking towards Chi Feichi without any fear at all.

Conan: "..."

If he had known that the bomb could be defused so easily, he would have spared no effort.

Mu Mu Thirteen: "..."

Brother Chi didn't care what they said at all.

This act of going its own way is really a detective spirit.

Hui Yuan Ai also sighed silently in his heart.

Not to mention Brother Chi, this is not the first time that he defuses the bomb himself without waiting for the police.

In fact, she was quite confident about Brother Fei Chi's ability to dismantle bombs. In addition, she was used to Edogawa's style of saying things first, so when she saw Brother Fei Chi dismantling bombs, she didn't worry too much. I was just a little worried that the bomb was complicated or it was Brother Chi's fault, so I paid attention to the picture on the tablet.

However, Sister Nanatsuki actually looked full of curiosity and eager to try, as if she wanted to step forward and give it a try. Is this mentality okay? Is it a common problem for detectives to not be afraid of danger?

What a worrying group of guys.

"Speaking of which..." After Shiratori Rensaburo came to his senses, he looked at the things at Chi Feichi's feet in the video, "Mr. Chi, the pile of red, blue, and green small objects at your feet look a bit familiar to me. , very similar to the one I went shopping with Teacher Xiaolin before..."

"They are colorful inserts used to build models!" Ayumi was happy that she could recognize those objects, and said with a smile, "The props that Teacher Xiaolin prepared for us before are like this."

"I remembered it too," Mitsuhiko smiled and turned to talk to Conan and Haibara Ai, "What our team made that day was a sailboat, right?"

When Conan saw that Chi Feichi had defused the bomb, he no longer worried. He nodded and added, "The toy insert is made of plastic and comes in different sizes. It is very suitable for temporary use." Cut off the current in a certain circuit."

He didn't find it strange at all that his little friend had something like this.

Just like carrying chocolate with you because you are worried that you will fall into danger and your body will not be able to replenish calories. Chi Feichi has plastic inserts on his body. It is possible that he expected to encounter various dangers when he went out and brought these things in advance. And maybe Chi Feichi was worried that a bomb was placed in front of him and wanted to dismantle it but didn't have enough tools, so he brought the plastic insert.

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