Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2582 It can’t be that organization, right?

"Xiao Chi also learned from that magician, right?" Kudo Yukiko turned to look at Chi Feichi and smiled in a relaxed tone, "I'm not sure whether you learned to dress up, because you asked the teacher The time to study may be after us. Although the fact that we learned from the teacher is not an absolute secret, we have not publicized it everywhere. The reason why you knew that I was your senior sister when I first met you, teacher Have you ever mentioned us or you have investigated the teacher’s other students, right?”

"I learned from the teacher, indeed after you, and he never told me about you. I heard some rumors myself, and based on the situation, I judged your identity." Chi Feichi paused, " In fact, my teacher does not allow me to tell the public about my master-disciple relationship, so next, I will deny the relationship between me and him, and me and you. "

Conan, Haibara Ai, Okiya Ao: "..."

Everyone already knows, do you still want to continue to deny it?

"I understand," Kudo Yukiko nodded and asked curiously, "But why doesn't your teacher let you tell you about the master-disciple relationship between you? Although magicians know how to stay mysterious and like to stay mysterious, But he wouldn’t impose such a ban, would he? Could it be that you misunderstood?”

Conan, Haibara Ai, Okiya Ao, Kudo Yusaku: "..."

Does this become "your teacher"? He really knows how to cooperate.

"It's not a misunderstanding, he told me that," Chi Feichi thought for a moment, "He didn't let me tell it. Maybe he thought I wasn't good at studying and was worried that I would embarrass him because I didn't study beside him. It has been too long, and I have no interest in studying magic. Learning from him is just a coincidence. In his opinion, I am not a very qualified disciple."

"But I think he is not the kind of person who cares about face and denies a relationship because he is worried that his apprentice will be embarrassed." Yukiko Kudo looked confused and pointed at herself. "I learned cross-dressing from him, and the results were not very good. In the end, I was just barely able to disguise myself as a mature person..."

"Can you still dress up as a mature person?" Chi Feichi turned to look at the deer hat Kudo Yukiko put on the cabinet in the entrance hall, and complained without any change in the expression on his face, "I thought you could only do cross-dressing. hat."

"Pfft..." Conan laughed, but when Kudo Yukiko looked at him, he quickly stopped laughing.

Chi Feichi was right. His mother usually only wears different clothes and hats when she cross-dresses. She doesn't even change her hairstyle. She usually just puts her hair up and hides it in a hat. .

Fortunately, his mother knew a little about the art of making fake faces, otherwise he would really doubt whether his mother and Belmod learned the art of cross-dressing from the same person.

"I didn't just change my hat. My dressing style has changed significantly. This kind of fluffy clothes looks young and cute. It's different from my previous style, isn't it? And because the clothes are more exaggerated, , so many people will only pay attention to my clothes after seeing it, and have no idea that someone wearing such clothes would be a celebrity who doesn’t want to be recognized. This is reverse thinking, Kudo Yukiko was unwilling to talk about her cross-dressing. Thinking about it, he raised his hand and pointed at his hair seriously, "Also, my hairstyle has changed significantly. When my hair is hidden in the hat, the fine tips are exposed. It looks like short hair, just like my usual hair style. The hairstyle is completely different, right?”

Conan, Yusaku Kudo, "..."

Haiyuan Ai and Chi Feichi: ""

It's that kind of mysterious woman who looks a little suspicious, and people can't help but look at her. If she is a very familiar person, she may feel more familiar the more she looks at her, and then she can identify her identity.

Okiya Aung: "..."

As a person who has learned cross-dressing from Miss Yukiko, he has the right to speak: Miss Yukiko knows a lot about theory, but she does not have many skills. She cannot expect Miss Yukiko to lead him to practice, and how much he will learn in the end. Basically, it depends on his inferior understanding of those theoretical knowledge. "

After a second of silence, Chi Feichi nodded and said, "It's different. Just think I was joking."

Kudo Yukiko: "..."

"Just take it as such?"

Chi Fei didn't wait for Kudo Yukiko to retort, and returned to the topic, "In the teacher's view, cross-dressing is a skill that serves the appreciation of magic. What is really important is the magic itself. You are just learning cross-dressing from him, regardless of He might not care too much whether you learn magic well or not, but if you are learning magic from him, he might be more strict."

Kudo Yukiko turned her thoughts back to the business and nodded seriously, "He is indeed the kind of person who values ​​magic itself more. Whether it is magic performance techniques or stage performance, he attaches great importance to it. If you say this, he will pay more attention to your magic." The requirements may be much stricter than ours..."

"Although this is a bit excessive, another reason may be that you are not his students in the true sense. You are just two actresses who learned about cross-dressing skills from him in order to play roles. After you asked for those skills, you and He has no deeper connection." Chi Feichi looked at Kudo Yukiko, his eyes so calm that it made people feel scared, "There was something fishy about his death. It was probably not an accident, but a murder. Before his accident, He has been regarded as a thorn in the side because he hindered some dangerous guys. In the eyes of others, you and he are just temporarily asking for help, so you are unlikely to be targeted. But if I declare to the outside world that he is my teacher , maybe some troublesome people will come to me."

Conan's expression changed again and again, he frowned and stared at Kudo Yukiko, and cast a puzzled look at Kudo Yukiko who was "eager to confirm the situation."

Hey, the person who murdered that magician couldn't be a guy from that organization, right?

If this is the case, could the strange look Belmod looked at Chi Feichi in the past mean that the magician was killed because of what he found out from Belmod, and that Belmod felt guilty towards Chi Feichi? Bell Moder repeatedly appeared next to Chi Feichi, could it be to investigate whether the magician left anything for Chi Feichi?

When Kudo Yukiko heard what Chi Feichi said, she was startled for a moment. She didn't pay attention to Conan's gaze. She confirmed to Chi Feichi in shock, "Wait, wait a minute, you mean, he was murdered? That's not the escape magic. Accident?」

"Just do some tricks on the magic props, and he can die during the magic show." Chi Feichi paused, "I have no evidence to prove that he was killed, I just heard from some people around him. Well, he was already in trouble before the accident and was targeted by some dangerous guys, so his escape magic shouldn't have killed him."

Kudo Yukiko's face lost her smile and looked a little heavy. She looked at Chi Feichi and asked, "Xiaochi, since you can tell this matter, it means that you have other discoveries. It is definitely not just what others said." He also confirmed that the dangerous guy targeting him does indeed exist, right?”

Chi Feichi nodded. Seeing that Kudo Yukiko still wanted to ask questions, he answered first, "It's a group of people who carry guns. We haven't found out who is behind the scenes yet."

Hui Yuarai frowned in thought.

Could it be that her brother got into the organization in order to investigate the death of the magician?

Kudo Yukiko also thought of an organization that made her son smaller. She turned to look at Kudo Yusaku, not knowing how to ask further.

"Are you still planning to continue the investigation?" Yusaku Kudo took over the chat task and said sternly to Chi Feichi, "If it is a group of people with guns, the mastermind behind those people must be very complicated, you alone It may not be easy for people to investigate clearly, and they may need help. If you trust me, I will be happy to help."

"I am not the teacher's most proud disciple, nor am I the main force in investigating those people. I only occasionally assist or occasionally help with the investigation," Chi Feichi calmly replied, "If his proud disciple does not personally find out the truth, I am afraid he will feel that Disappointed, I think it would be better to let the other party do the main thing, and that person has done a good job and has already made those people slip away. "

Conan: "..."

Already wandering around?

Okiya Aung: "..."

That shouldn't be an organization.

The organization still had the energy to fight with their FBI a few days ago, and afterwards it was able to leisurely arrange personnel to investigate the whereabouts of their FBI. It didn't look like it was in trouble.

Haibara Ai:


It doesn’t feel like an organization.

Not sure, she waited and waited.

Kudo Yusaku noticed that Conan was looking at him, and shook his head slightly towards Conan, indicating that he did not think it was that organization, and said to Chi Feichi, "It seems that you are very confident, then I will not ask if necessary. , you can come to me at any time."

Not those guys?

Kudo Yukiko wanted to confirm this matter clearly, but was unwilling to let it go, and asked, "Xiao Chi, what kind of people are they? Do you remember some characteristics? A group of people dare to kill people but also carry out robbery. , he is probably a dangerous internationally wanted criminal!"

"I found out the identities of several of them, and they are indeed internationally wanted criminals," Chi Feichi confirmed Kudo Yukiko's words and explained, "We did not call the police to arrest them because we were worried about alerting the enemy and did not pursue them too deeply. , also because I want to bring out the mastermind behind them.”

Haiyuan Ai thought about the composition of the organization's members, and was sure that what Chi Feichi was talking about was not an organization.

The organization may hire internationally wanted criminals, but for those wanted people, the organization will only use them and will not actually entrust them with important tasks.

Brother Fei Chi stays in the organization and has a lot of contacts with Belmode, so it is impossible that he does not know the situation of the organization. Brother Fei Chi has already confessed so much, and there is no need to lie about such small details...

No matter how she looked at it, she felt that those people were not members of the organization.

Conan looked up at Okiya Ang, and when he saw Okiya Ang shaking his head slightly towards him, he had the answer in his heart.

It seems not.

When Kudo Yukiko saw that Conan, Haibara Ai and Okiya Ao didn't get excited, she also guessed that it was most likely not that organization. She was a little glad that Chi Feichi had not encountered that dangerous organization, but also a little regretful that she could not get clues about that organization. It wasn't until he met Kudo Yusaku's smiling gaze that he put down his tangled thoughts and looked at Chi Feichi sincerely, "Since you have a plan, I won't ask any more. Also, although I believe in Conan and the others, I won’t go out and talk nonsense, but in order to prevent you from getting into trouble, I will not say the teacher’s name or his personal information. After today, I will not mention the teacher’s matter again. I hope You can find the truth as soon as possible, sure to pay attention to your safety!"

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