Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2594 Unable to escape the fate of going to the police station

Koshimizu Nanatsuki's eyes lit up when he heard Aose Kai humming, "It sounds very good!"

Hui Yuan Ai turned to look at Chi Fei Chi, who was going to drink water, and complained in his heart, "Inhuman".

"The waves hit the shore, passing by my feet, and I don't know what they took with them..." Chika Suzu hummed along, paused, and then sang in a softer and more melodious voice, "On the calm sea... ...It should sing this kind of leisurely summer feeling.”

Aosehai also studied the lyrics and music carefully, "Look at the melody of the song. From the beginning of 'pop, light blooms,' you should sing more briskly and decisively, right?"

Chi Feichi put down the tea cup and turned back to Aise Kaidou, "If you think this is enough, I can help you familiarize yourself with the lyrics and music today and complete the arrangement. If you want to make adjustments, just re-record this song yourself. It’s a chorus, it’s up to Min Ye to decide how to arrange your partner.”

"I think that's enough," Qingasehai thought for a while, without being polite to Chi Feichi, "Then I'll trouble you today!"

In the following time, Chi Feichi arranged for someone to register the copyright of lyrics and music, and helped Aosehai get familiar with the feeling of each part of the song. In the afternoon, he took Nanatsuki Koshizu and Ai Haibara to the company to provide lunch. And started to produce the accompaniment music.

During this period, Chi Feichi was worried that Koshizui Nanatsuki and Haibara Ai were bored, so he proposed to let Chika Suzu take the two around the company. However, Koshimi Nanatsuki saw Aose Kai's eyes looking at Chi Feichi. Always shining, just want to stay.

Haibara Ai was too lazy to move around, so she discussed with Koshizui Nanatsuki and decided to stay together. When Ikefei helped Aoseumi get familiar with the songs, she flipped through the magazines one after another from cover to cover, and followed Koshizui Nanatsuki from time to time. They whispered to each other and shared the new fashions and bags in magazines.

When Ike Feichi was working on the accompaniment in the afternoon, Chika Suzu and Aose Kai went to the president's office, while Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Haibara Ai stayed with Ike Feichi to help. Suddenly there was room for improvement, and each person was responsible for one instrument. , listened to Chi Feichi's arrangements, recorded the sound and handed it over to Chi Feichi.

The three of them went off together and didn't finish until about five o'clock in the afternoon.

When he went out, Aose Hai was waiting outside the door, and Odagiri Toshi was also standing beside him. He was wearing a thick winter windbreaker and a suit. He leaned against the wall and smoked. He turned to look at the door when he heard the door open. He felt heavy all over his body. emotions come.

Chi Feichi was a little surprised when he saw Odagiri Toshiya waiting outside the door. He handed the USB flash drive with the music to Aise Kai and said hello to Odagiri Toshiya, "Toshiya, why are you here? Odagiri Toshiya also saw Chi Feichi After Fei Chi, his originally heavy expression softened, and he could still smile and joke, "Of course we'll have dinner together after you get off work!"

"Mr. Chi, President, I'll go back first." Aasehai took the initiative to say goodbye, but the look of sigh and emotion on his face before leaving made Chi Feichi and the others a little confused.

Odagiri Toshi also turned his head to watch Aise Kai leave. The smile disappeared from his face, but he didn't show off. He threw the nearly burned out cigarette on the ground and stamped it out. He looked at Chi Feichi and said, "I also have something to tell you, Feichi." , "Li Ren Shiranui" may really have to be postponed. Just three hours ago, I got the news that Miss Man Gongnan committed suicide by jumping off the building and died on the spot."

"How could this happen?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki blurted out in surprise.

Haibara Ai had also been in contact with Man Gongnan the day before. Hearing that the person who was so alive the day before had died and could no longer chat with him, he couldn't help being surprised. He looked up at Odagiri Toshiya and asked , "Is it because of the scandal that she had a secret meeting with a bad man on the eve of her wedding?"

"That's right," Odagiri Toshi also lowered his head and glanced at Haibara Ai, then told Chi Feichi sternly what he learned about the situation, "I learned about the situation from the police. She jumped from the window of the apartment where she lived. There were no signs of outsiders staying at home, and there were no signs of fighting. There was also a suicide note written by her in her own hand. The police had ruled out the possibility of homicide. The police officer responsible for investigating the matter told me that yesterday her affair before marriage was published on the After the magazine, some people found the man in the photo and beat him to the hospital. But as for the identity of the man, she called me last night and told me that he was her half-brother, because he He was an illegitimate child, so he kept it secret and did not announce it to the public. And that photo

The photo was not a kiss, it was an embrace when she told the other person that she was going to get married. The person who took the photo of them at that time was her friend for many years. She didn’t know why that misplaced photo was circulated. She told me last night , I will call today to find out, and by the way, ask the other party if he has any other photos to help prove his innocence. "

"She mentioned today's arrangements last night. She probably hadn't thought about committing suicide at that time, right?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki frowned, "How could that be..."

"I also think she didn't want to commit suicide last night," Odagiri Toshiya said. "She may have committed suicide because her engagement was cancelled. The investigating police officer told me that the police found some email exchange records on her mobile phone. Around early this morning, she was about to The congressman who was married to her sent an email telling her that she wanted to cancel the engagement. They also had a phone call at about 9 o'clock this morning. The congressman seemed to be very determined because after that she made several calls and the congressman refused to answer them. At around ten o'clock in the morning, the congressman was interviewed by reporters and announced the cancellation of her engagement. At around one o'clock in the afternoon, she jumped out of the window of her room and was discovered by reporters who were guarding downstairs. However, the floor was too high and she died on the spot after jumping. 」

Koshimizu Nanatsuki's mood became heavy and he murmured in a low voice, "Yes, she was going to get married today..."

Odagiri Toshi also felt it was a pity and sighed softly, "In short, although the police have initially determined that she committed suicide, they still want to find out more about the situation the night before she committed suicide. Let me go there today or tomorrow when I am free. Metropolitan Police Department, I plan to go there now. If you want to know the situation, you can come with me and we will have dinner together later."

Yuesui Nanatsuki turned to look at Chi Feichi, "Mr. Chi..."

As soon as Chi Feichi looked at Koshizui Nanatsuki's eager eyes, he knew that if he didn't go there, Koshimizu Nanatsuki would definitely not be able to sleep tonight, so he nodded to Odagiri Toshi, "We'll go too."

"I knew you would want to know the situation."

Odagiri Toshi also smiled helplessly and sighed in his heart.

But until he received the news from yesterday to today, he never thought that he would still be unable to escape the fate of going to the police station this time.

THK Company has a cooperation with Man Gong Nam. When something like this happened to Man Gong Nam, many reporters were stationed outside THK Company. However, the reporters just hoped to find some ordinary employees and artists to see if they could learn more. more information.

Odagiri Toshi also called the security guard on the first floor to communicate with the reporter. When the four of them went out in Ike Feichi's car, they were not chased and intercepted. They arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department and were received by their acquaintance Shiratori Rensaburo.

Shiratori Rensaburo asked Odagiri Toshiya about the situation on the phone the day before. Koshimizu Nanatsuki found Sato Miwako and asked about Takagi Wataru who was recovering in the hospital. Then he went straight to the topic and learned about the specific circumstances of Mangu Minami's suicide.

Miwako Sato thought that the detective Koshimizu Nanatsuki was worried that there would be doubts about the case, so she immediately explained the situation.

The day before the incident, there were many reporters and fans outside the apartment building where Man Gongnan lived. Although he contacted the police to persuade people outside, the police could not persuade everyone to leave, so Man Gongnan never went out. The door was locked, and except for the window where he jumped from the building, the other windows were locked properly. There were no signs of the door or window locks being picked open, and there were no signs of intrusion by outsiders in the house. The scene was a secret room.

In front of the window where Man Gongnan fell, a suicide note was pressed with Man Gongnan's slippers. After the police took over the scene, they sent the suicide note to the Metropolitan Police Department for handwriting comparison. It was confirmed that the suicide note was written by Man Gongnan. Yes, looking at the paper, there is no possibility of pasting or stamping.

In addition, Man Gongnan seemed to have changed his clothes and put on makeup some time before he fell. Before jumping, he also sent a farewell email to his family on his mobile phone. The situation around the windows did not look like there was anything. The possibility of him killing...

In order to prove that the police's judgment was well-founded, Sato Miwako also dug out the photos taken at the scene and pointed to the window photos for Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Ike Fei to look at.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki listened quietly to Sato Miwako's introduction to the situation, carefully looked at all the photos, and affirmed the police's judgment. Judging from the current situation, there was basically no possibility of homicide in this matter.

Chi Feichi didn't have much interaction with Man Gongnan, and he was not active in understanding the matter, but he was not repelled either. He listened with Yuesui Nanatsuki on the side.

He suddenly discovered that the detective seemed to be able to accept the facts as quickly as possible through the process of "understanding the incident and rationally analyzing the nature of the incident", at least for Yueshui.

On the way to the Metropolitan Police Department, I even said, "I never thought Miss Man Gong Nan would commit suicide." When I arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department, after asking the police to learn about the situation at the scene, I seemed to have accepted the fact that Man Gong Nan was dead and stopped thinking about it. Immersed in "How could it be possible? I don't believe it", I began to understand the situation of Man Gongnan's dirty information.

Miwako Sato even showed the photos of the incident scene to a group of people, so she had no reason to hide other things.

The contents of the suicide note left by Man Gongnan were very negative. He basically said that this happened to him, and that the man in the photo was beaten and hospitalized, and that the release of his new movie had to be postponed. He felt sorry for this and thanked everyone for their continued care. , but he was a person who had lost his future and no longer had the courage to live. At the end of his suicide note, he explained his possessions and their distribution.

The suicide note did not blame the congressman for canceling the wedding, but because the TV in the house was always on and stayed on the channel where the congressman announced the cancellation of the engagement at around nine o'clock, there was a cut-up wedding dress on the sofa in the living room, and Man Gongnan fell from the building. She put on the dress she wore when she met the congressman, and there were emails sent to the congressman on her mobile phone describing the good times in the past. Therefore, the police also believed that the cancellation of the engagement was the main driving force behind Man Gongnan's suicide.

Man Gongnan has made preparations for retirement and has expressed her expectation for a happy married life several times in talk shows.

, she probably didn't expect that something happened to her one day, and the person she thought she could be with for the rest of her life didn't listen to her explanation and pushed her away immediately.

"Has she contacted the photographer who took the photo?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked, "Did the other person refuse to help her clarify?"


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