Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2600 The appointment is with a group of children

"What are we eating today?"

In the living room, Gin, who was sitting on the sofa, asked aloud, quit the video playing on the tablet, clicked on the "Plants vs. Zombies" mini game on the computer, then put the tablet on the sofa next to him, and handed it over. Playing games for Fei Chi, "I just looked in the cupboard and refrigerator, and there's nothing edible."

"I had to do important data calculations yesterday, so I only bought two bento boxes last night. Last night and this morning, I ate microwaved bento boxes." Chi Feichi walked to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator door, and removed the food from the refrigerator. He took out the two oranges he had stored. "But there is nothing to eat in the refrigerator. Isn't there half a bag of toast and a can of mackerel? There are also two oranges..."

"Can bread and cans that are about to expire before their expiration date be considered edible?" Gin thought of the emptiness he saw when he opened the refrigerator, and felt his heart become cold again. He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case. He bit it and teased in a cold voice, "I didn't expect that I had only been in France for three days and you had fallen like this. If it hadn't been for the person who made sure you were here recently, I would have thought you would have left long ago. .

Even though he was busy, couldn't Lark buy something decent to store in the refrigerator?

He rushed back from France, originally thinking that since Luck was here recently, he would be able to get some delicious food to fill his stomach. But when he got here, Luck was still busy in the laboratory, and he was optimistically thinking about what was going on in the refrigerator. There is also something to eat. I didn’t expect to open the refrigerator door and take a look...

The refrigerator was so empty that he wondered if Lark had been kidnapped for several days, or if he had opened the wrong refrigerator.

When he thought of the complicated emotions at that time, his heart became cold again!

Chi Feichi raised his hand and threw an orange to Gin, "You didn't have lunch, did you?"

"I ate it," Gin caught the orange and looked through it briefly, "I ate a little bit around ten o'clock in the morning..."

Chi Feichi suddenly understood that people tend to have bad emotions when they are hungry. He started peeling an orange and said, "Stop complaining. There are ready-made ingredients here. There is a cut-up rabbit in the laboratory. I'll take it." Come out and process it to make braised rabbit, it can be done in half an hour."

Gin felt like he was facing Satan's death trap, and asked with a black line, "Can I still eat the dead rabbit that I got from your laboratory?"

"This rabbit has not been subjected to drug experiments," Chi Feichi explained. "I originally killed it specially and saved it for cooking tonight. In the past few days since I brought it here, I haven't even touched it with anesthetics."

Gin was dubious, but in the end he didn't stop Chi Feichi from using the rabbit as an ingredient and contacted Vodka.

Since it was getting late, Gin asked Chi Feichi what he thought and asked Vodka to buy ready-made bento boxes and fried chicken wings.

In half an hour, Chi Feichi cooked the braised rabbit meat, opened the canned mackerel, put it into a bowl and steamed it, filling the whole room with the fragrant and alluring aroma of meat.

Vodka came back just as the canned steamed fish was coming out of the pot, started to put the grilled chicken wings on the plate, and distributed the bento to the other two people. After sitting down, he immediately stretched out his chopsticks towards the rabbit meat.

Gin was not surprised at all.

Lark's mental state is unknown. The rabbit may not be edible. If it is really abnormal, Lark may even poison himself to death. Vodka will definitely not be defensive. Seeing the fragrant rabbit meat, he will not be able to bear it. To stay in the chopsticks, he must stay awake.

Dinner for three people. If both of them are poisoned, he can still contact the doctor in time.

Vodka tasted a piece of rabbit meat, and his whole body became excited. He instantly entered a state of sincere praise, "You are worthy of Lark. The rabbit meat made is much better than the rabbit meat I have eaten before. The meat is fresh and tender, and the sauce is delicious." The sauce is just right...Lark, how could you even think of making rabbit meat?"

"In the past few days he was in the laboratory, someone sent a batch of rabbits over." Seeing that Vodka was not alert at all, Gin felt that he had a long way to go and said in a calm voice, "Maybe seeing the rabbits aroused their appetite, so he Made rabbit meat."

"I see··

"..." He mixed another piece of rabbit meat with vodka and ate it with a face of intoxication. His mind was spinning, and when he came to his senses, his whole body was stiff. He raised his head and looked at Chi Feichi across the dining table through his sunglasses, "Uh, Luck, This is a rabbit for experiments..."

"No medicine has been used. I specially left it as food." Chi Fei moved his chopsticks slowly to pick up the rabbit meat. "Eat it with confidence."

"That's good," Vodka breathed a sigh of relief and started eating the rabbit meat happily again, "The rabbit meat you made is really delicious!"

Seeing that Vodka was fine so far, Gin held the attitude of "Death early and death later is death", and began to stretch his chopsticks towards Rabbit, "You have been staying in the laboratory day and night recently. I asked you this two days ago. At that time, you said you didn’t plan to continue researching the previous drugs. Are you researching something new?”

"Sleeping pills," Chi Feichi didn't hide his research. The experimental data had been sent back to the organization, so there was no need for him to hide it. "I want to study a drug that has a better sedative and sleeping effect and less negative impact on the brain." .

Gin noticed that Chi Feichi's motivation for researching this medicine was different from the previous medicines. He raised his eyes and looked at Chi Feichi, "Are you planning to research it and use it yourself?"

Luck suddenly wanted to study this kind of drug, so he had to wonder if there was something wrong with Luck's recent state, and judge that he would need powerful sleeping and sedative drugs at some point in the future...

"It won't be needed at the moment," Chi Fei ate the grilled chicken wings slowly and methodically, "but I might need to use sleeping and sedative drugs in the future. If I can develop drugs that have less impact on the body, I can feel more at ease when using them in the future. "

Of the sleeping pills that are commonly available on the market today, it is not ineffective for him to take one or two pills, but they only take effect in the first ten minutes after taking them, and cannot let him sleep peacefully for several hours.

In the future, he will most likely experience original sin experiences such as "anger" and "jealousy". By then, his state may not be as mild as "lazy" and "gluttony", so he wants to research a powerful sleeping pill.

In the later stages when the impact of the original sin worsened on him, if there was a drug that could make him sleep for half a day and a day, he would not have to worry about doing something out of control and causing the situation to get out of control.

This was an idea he had before. During this period, he had read some pharmaceutical information and had a rough idea of ​​pharmaceutical preparation, so he decided to take action and adjust the pharmaceutical plan while actually operating it.

Infidelity and arrogance are probably relatively mild original sins, at least not as aggressive as anger. He can put the experience of anger last, so that he can still have a lot of time to develop drugs.

Seeing that the test did not get the answer he wanted, Gin simply asked bluntly, "You are studying this drug because you feel that your recent state is not good enough?"

"I'm in good condition recently," Chi Feichi looked up at Gin with a normal expression, trying to convey to Gin that he was fine with a calm attitude, "I just wanted to do it in case of emergencies."

Ginjiu thought that Chi Feichi would have spoken out if he was not in good mental condition before and would find a doctor in time, so he did not continue to ask further questions. He withdrew his gaze and stretched out his chopsticks towards the attractive rabbit meat again, "Do some sleep and calm down in advance. medicine, that’s not a bad thing.”

"But Lark, it shouldn't be easy to make a sleeping and sedative drug with good efficacy and little impact on the body, right?" Vodka couldn't help but interjected, "There are countless pharmacologists and institutions developing such drugs. , it’s better than those drugs on the market, and it’s very difficult no matter how you think about it.”

"The progress of the research is indeed a bit stuck..." Chi Feichi thought about the experimental data on mice received in the morning. "The efficacy of the drug is pretty good, but it is difficult to avoid side effects. Currently, new drugs have been discovered that have More serious side effects."

Gin didn't care too much about the progress of drug research, "How long do you plan to stay in the laboratory?"

"The next experimental data collection can be handed over to the laboratory over there. I will rest for two days," Chi Feichi said truthfully about his arrangements, "I will go to a certain village to see an ice sculpture exhibition."

"Want to relax?" Gin asked, "Or go on a date?"

"It's a date, but it's just a bunch of kids." Chi Feichi suddenly had a bad idea.

With an interesting idea, he suggested nonchalantly, "I heard that there will be a five-meter high ice sculpture of Gomera. If you are also interested, then I will not go with them. I can go and see it with you in disguise." "

It seemed like he hadn't seen the frightened faces of Conan or Xiao Ai for a while, and he missed them very much.

"Are you leaving tomorrow?" Gin thought about his recent work arrangements, and finally chose to give up, "There is a deal the day after tomorrow. I have to find someone to investigate the situation tomorrow. I have to keep an eye on it in Tokyo. I don't have time. Went to see the ice sculpture exhibition..."

Chi Feichi knew that his idea of ​​arranging Gin to scare Conan and Haihara Ai was impossible to realize, "What a pity."

He thought that Gin had just come back and would rest for two days, but he didn't expect that there would be action soon. As long as there were actions planned, not to mention the five-meter-tall Gomera ice sculpture, even the ten-meter-tall Gomera ice sculpture would not be able to seduce him. Gin.

"It's a pity," Vodka said regretfully, "I've never seen the five-meter-tall Gomera ice sculpture before..."

"This operation cannot be cancelled, nor can anything go wrong," Gin cast a warning look at Vodka, then softened his expression and explained, "Otherwise, I will have to spend a lot of effort preparing next time, even if I am willing to give up this operation. Even those who have worked so hard to collect information will be dissatisfied with this opportunity!"

"Ah, then let's go meet that stingy guy for a while, brother," Vodka thought of other people's complaints and immediately lost the intention to go to the ice sculpture exhibition. He quickly found new fun and laughed. "When I first sent him an email, the content of his reply was extremely arrogant! When he finds out that he has been in our trap, his expression will be very exciting!"

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