Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2604 The same funeral

Takagi Wataru looked around the room, "So, Mr. Hagino, is there any evidence here to prove that you were in the room just now?" Hagino Keisuke walked into the room, pointed at the TV that was still on, and said, "Look. , the TV is still on."

Takagi Wataru turned to look at the TV and said with a dry smile, "I'm afraid this cannot be used as evidence. As long as you turn on the TV and leave the room, the TV will always be on..."

Hagino Keisuke walked to the table, turned his back to the person who came in, picked up a glass with beer, turned to Takagi Wataru, Chi Feichi and Conan and said, "This should be okay? I was watching TV and drinking beer just now. , the foam in this beer hasn’t disappeared yet!”

Takagi Wataru looked at the foam in the beer, "There is indeed a lot of foam..."

"Please Mr. Hagino, as you just said, hold that glass of beer in front of you and let us take a photo." Conan took out his mobile phone, "Leave the photo as evidence so that when other police officers arrive, they will not I couldn’t figure out the situation because the foam in the beer disappeared.”

"Okay," Hagino Keisuke raised the beer glass high and hung it next to his face, "Is this okay?"

"That's it!" Conan took a photo of Hagino Keisuke with his mobile phone and confirmed that the foam in the beer was clearly captured in the photo. Then he raised his head and said to Takagi Wataru, "Officer Takagi, let's go to the next person and take a look. !”

"Mr. Hagino, please put the beer glass back on the table, then lock the door and follow us outside. When my colleagues arrive, they will confirm whether there is beer in your glass," Takagi Wataru said seriously, turning his head Looking at the two people waiting at the entrance, "Next is Miss Tsukihara..."

Tsukihara Ka led the way to her room, while Hagino Keisuke, Sodezaki and Tomo stayed at the entrance.

Conan saw a bag in the room that was the same as the paper bag in Hagino Keisuke's room, and asked aloud, "Sister, did you also attend the funeral of the same person as Mr. Hagino?"

"Yes," Yue Yuanxiang turned to look at the two people at the entrance, "The three of us went together, but the president didn't go." Takagi Wataru stood in front of the table, observing a cup of coffee on the table, "Excuse me , is this coffee?”

Yue Yuanxiang looked at the cup of coffee and explained, "It's the coffee I just prepared to drink before leaving the room. I usually make a cup of coffee and drink it first when I get up in the morning..."

"Then let's take this as evidence," Takagi Wataru leaned over and looked at the top of the coffee cup. "There's still a little steam rising from the top." Conan came forward with his phone again and asked Yue Yuanxiang to pick up the coffee cup and take a picture of himself. A photo.

Because the heat was not clear when shooting, Conan also recorded a video of less than ten seconds.

After the group of people left Tsukiharaka's room, Sodezaki Kazutomo became a little anxious. He dragged Takagi to his room and anxiously opened the door lock with the key, "Mr. Police Officer, hurry up! Come and take a look!"

Takagi Wataru sweated, smiled and comforted, "Mr. Sodesaki, calm down..."

"When I saw Ms. Tsukihara's coffee just now, I remembered that I also have evidence here that I have been in the room..." Sodezaki Kazutomo opened the door, walked into the room, and saw cigarette ashes on the computer table. He stepped forward quickly and took out the cigarette butt from the ashtray, "Oh no! It's been extinguished! When I heard the loud noise outside, I put the cigarette I had just taken a few puffs on the ashtray, and then I went out, I thought it was still burning..."

The cigarette butt picked up by Sodezaki Kazutomo still had a little white smoke floating in it.

"Ah..." After seeing the smoke, Sodezaki Kazutomo happily showed the cigarette butt to Takagi Wataru, "Look at this, there is still smoke, right? This is the evidence that I was in the room before. ah!"

"Indeed..." Takagi Sheba looked at the white smoke and nodded in confirmation, "This can also be used as evidence that you are in the room."

"The next step is to let my little brother take photos, right?" Kazuto Sodezaki looked at Conan happily and held the cigarette butt close to him, "Is this okay? Can you see the white smoke clearly?"

I'm too anxious...

Conan slandered, but it was not that he could not understand Sodezaki Kazutomo's worry about being suspected, so he raised his phone and took a photo.

film, "Okay."

Seeing that the photo was taken, Takagi Wataru turned to look at the two people at the entrance and confirmed again, "So, have you never been to the president's room?"

The three people immediately affirmed. "of course not!"

"I was in my room until I heard the noise and then went downstairs." "Me too, didn't I just say that?"

Conan observed the expressions of the three people, but he couldn't tell who had something up his sleeve. Bubbles, heat, and smoke?·····

Gao Mushe turned to Chi Feichi and asked, "Mr. Chi, do you have any questions for them?"

"Go out first, lock the door, and let's go check out President Katsumoto's room. I'll ask the three of them a few more questions on the way," Chi Feichi glanced at the three of them calmly, then started to walk out the door, and at the same time, he took some money from his pocket. He took out a pair of disposable medical gloves, unpacked them, and put the gloves on his hands, "President Katsumoto probably fell from his room, so when you get there, please don't enter the house..." ·”

Conan sighed in his heart that his friend had really become serious, and quickly followed Chi Feichi, "Brother Chi, I want to go to the room with you to see it, and give me a pair of gloves too!"

"Conan..." Takagi Wataru was about to say that children don't need to go in, but when he saw Chi Feichi handing Conan a pair of gloves, he swallowed his words again, turned to Sodesaki and Tomo, " Mr. Sodezaki, please put the cigarette butts back in the ashtray, then lock the door and come out with us!”

Sodezaki Kazutomo put the cigarette butt back and locked his door after going out.

Takagi Wataru led the way to the elevator while lowering his head to record the contents on the notepad, "President Katsumoto's room is on the 26th floor, right?" "Yes," Sodezaki Kazu nodded, "President Katsumoto lives in 2602 room!"

"2602..." Wataru Takagi recorded it, and then asked without raising his head, "Speaking of which, looking at your positions and work... Does President Katsumoto run a publishing house?"

"That's right," Yue Yuanxiang said, "The publishing house is called Katsumoto Publishing House, and the president also serves as the chief editor." "Katsumoto Publishing House is the publishing house that publishes "Weekly Great"." Chi Feichi added road.

Takagi Wataru was a little surprised, "Is it that magazine that reports a lot of celebrities' scandals? It seems to be very famous. I always feel that I have heard of it recently..."

"Is this the publishing house that reported on Miss Mangong's secret pre-marital affair with a dangerous man..." Conan thought of Mao Lilan angrily complaining about the "Weekly Great" magazine two days ago, and also thought of Mangong Nan who committed suicide a week ago. When he looked up at Chi Feichi, he suddenly found that Hagino Keisuke, Tsukihara Kazuya, Sodezaki Kazumo's expressions were not quite right, and he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Is it possible that this falling incident is still related to the suicide incident of Man Gongnan...

"That's the publishing house." Chi Feichi stopped in front of the elevator. Seeing Gao Mushe reach out and press the elevator button, he turned to look at the three of them and asked, "I want to ask, the funeral that the three of them said they would go to together. Is it the funeral held by Miss Manmiya yesterday? Because the paper bags still look new, and the bags of Mr. Hagino and Miss Tsukihara are still placed next to the entrance hall, and Mr. Sodezaki’s bags are placed next to the sofa and have not been collected yet. Put it away somewhere, so I think the funeral you attended was probably yesterday..."

The three of them looked heavy.

Yue Yuanxiang responded softly, "Yes, yes..." "Ding!"

The elevator door opened, Chi Feichi walked into the elevator, turned around and looked at the three people following the elevator, "I heard before that there was a dispute within Shengben Publishing House because of Man Gongnan's suicide. The photographer of that photo, the writer responsible for writing that article, and the editor responsible for reviewing and organizing that issue of the magazine are preparing to sue President Katsumoto..."

Takagi Wataru cast concerned glances at the three of them.

Hagino Keisuke and the other two people looked at each other and sighed, "Those who are going to sue the president are the three of us. I am the photographer who took that photo, and I am also Miss Mangu's high school classmate. Miss Mangu said that When I met her brother, I was also present and took photos of them hugging each other as a souvenir. However, after taking those photos, the president secretly

I took a photo that looked like a kiss and gave it to Mr. Sodezaki..."

"He told me that it was a photo of Miss Mitsuomiya's affair," Sodezaki sighed, "and asked me to write an article to expose this matter."

"I am the editor responsible for reviewing that issue of the magazine," Tsukihara-ka frowned, "Actually, before the official printing, Mr. Hagino came to Mr. Sodezaki and me and told the truth. We planned to delete the report, but the news He took it upon himself to publish the report and changed some of the content, giving it a title like "Popular Actresses Playing with Fire Late Night"!

"Because the magazine was released on the eve of Miss Mangu's wedding, the magazine sold very well," Hagino Keisuke gritted his teeth. "The fanatical fans attacked Miss Mangu's brother, and the matter of Miss Mangu's wedding was over. Then, he jumped off the apartment building where he lived and ended his life the next day.”

Chi Feichi turned to look at Takagi Wataru and said, "The on-site investigation of this case is handled by Officer Sato and Officer Shiratori. You should still be on vacation that day."

"No wonder I feel a little familiar. It turns out that when I went back from vacation, I heard everyone talking about it..." Takagi Shita nodded and couldn't help but ask, "But, since it was all a misunderstanding, why didn't she How about making it clear to the public? Just saying that he is her brother doesn’t mean that the article is false?”

"She can't say it," Hagino Keisuke sighed, "Her brother is the illegitimate son of her father and his lover."

Yue Yuanxiang's brows were always furrowed, "The president must have expected this, so he could safely publish this inaccurate report!" "And he also signed our names on that report. This is our It will never be forgiven! When we went to Miss Mangong’s funeral yesterday, we didn’t dare to use our names, and because we felt guilty and wanted to apologize to her, we could only go there as employees of her office..." Sodezaki Kazutomo said with a dissatisfied look, "So after we came back from the funeral last night, we jointly sent an email to the president, saying, 'We have evidence that you fabricated that report, so just give up.'"

"We will definitely sue you until you are completely defeated!" Hagino Keisuke also said the content of the email angrily.

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