Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2621 They are all small animals

Chi Feichi stared at the dome, ready to feel the emotional changes in his heart, and asked in a low voice, "Is it the mayor of Yamaguchi Village?"

He knew clearly yesterday that Yamaguchi Taro was likely to be killed, but he still chose to do nothing. If Yamaguchi Village Chief really died, he would not have taken it to heart before, but now he is in the period of experiencing the crime of infidelity, and he It's not good for me to feel guilty for my inaction last night because of my "excessive admiration for the world"...

He had not felt guilt as an emotion for a long time, and he wondered if he could use the influence of the sin of infidelity to feel it this time.

Otherwise, over time, he might completely forget what it was like.

"Yes, Genta did say something like, 'I didn't expect the Yamaguchi Village Chief to die' when he left," Feichi mumbled motionlessly, "Ayumi said, 'Although he is a bad guy, he is just a bad guy. It's still surprising to be so dead..."

Chi Feichi caught the guilt-like emotion in his heart and immediately focused more on himself, only to find that the guilt receded like a tide.

Think about what Ayumi said, although Yamaguchi Taro is a bad guy, bad guys are also human beings...

Feeling guilty again...wait a minute, come back! return……

"Then they walked away, and I didn't hear what they were saying clearly," said Fei Equator. "It was too cold outside, so I didn't follow them out to see. I don't know what happened next."

The guilt in Chi Feichi's heart disappeared without a trace. He recalled the thoughts just now without giving up. After realizing that there was really no way to arouse his guilt, he regretfully reached out to unzip his sleeping bag, got up and put on his coat. Go out with your clothes in good condition.

The driving force of the sin of infidelity is not very strong, but it can be regarded as enriching his emotional experience. I hope that the sin of infidelity can continue to work hard in the future, and strive to be stronger tomorrow.

Five police cars were parked in the square outside the house, and the patrol police, criminal police, and forensics department personnel from the local jurisdiction were all present. They were all busy. Some were entering and exiting the palace igloo next door, and some were checking around the palace igloo. Some left traces of the incident, and some stood in the square to learn about the situation from the villagers.

Haiyuan Ai and Chong Shi Subaru stood at the door of the igloo where they stayed. The first thing they noticed was Chi Feichi pushing the door open and saying hello, "Brother Feichi, it's good morning."

"Morning," Chi Feichi looked at the police car in the square, then withdrew his gaze and looked at Chong Shi Subaru who was standing next to him and Haiyuan Ai who looked up at him, "Your relationship has been getting better and better recently, Xiao Ai hedged. Mr. Shi’s attitude has improved a lot.”

If it were before, Xiao Ai would never stay alone with Chong Shi Subaru. The day before yesterday, she was willing to stay downstairs with Chong Shi Subaru, and they stood at the door together this morning.

It seems that Xiao Ai has discovered that the pink hair next door will not harm her 'relatives'.

In the past, on the one hand, he hoped that his sister could treat others with a normal heart, and on the other hand, he was a little worried that his sister would be abducted by this 'brother-in-law' after knowing the identity of Fenmao next door. However, recently, he was in the period of experiencing the sin of infidelity, and his mentality Obviously much more tolerant than before.

After waking up and seeing people when he went out tomorrow morning, his tolerant mentality seemed to have been upgraded. If he had to describe it, it would be - in his eyes, Chongshi Subaru was similar to a... smart, brave, and once in danger. After taking risks in the environment, he was separated from his family and friends and lived alone next door to the doctor. He looked gentle on the surface but was a bit stubborn on the inside... a German shepherd.

This German Shepherd lives next door to the doctor. Every day he peeks his head through the railing into the doctor’s yard, wanting to play with his aloof puppy. However, his aloof puppy is always wary of the German shepherd next door, baring its teeth. , now the German Shepherd finally got rid of the defensiveness of his aloof puppy, and can stand and play with the aloof puppy in a friendly manner...

Under such circumstances, it would be difficult for him to intimidate and expel the German Shepherd.

Letting the German Shepherd next door play with your aloof puppy for a while, it seems... doesn't matter?

When he became the father of the whole world, every creature around him was a little animal that needed care, care, and tolerance.

"Yes," Subaru said without hesitating, he responded with a squinted smile, "I seem to have made her find out that I am a reliable person, which is something to be happy about. Finally, I no longer have to be regarded as a reliable person. The weird neighbor next door.”

Hui Yuan Ai couldn't help but glance at Chong Shi Subaru.

She didn't say this person was 'reliable', right?

"It's worth being happy..." Chi Feichi reached out and touched Hui Yuan Ai's hair, trying to dispel his strange mentality of treating his sister as a cold puppy. When he retracted his hand, he saw Hai Yuan Ai looking up. He himself lamented to Haibara in a gentle tone, "It is more joyful to find that there is an extra friend beside you than to find that there is a bad guy next to you, right?"

Haiyuan Ai did not expect that there would be a 'head-touching interaction' today, and was a little surprised. After thinking about what Chi Feichi said, she felt that this was indeed something worth being happy about, and nodded her head softly in agreement, "That's right."

Chi Feichi gently patted Haiyuan Ai's head again, raised his eyes and spoke to Chongshi Subaru, "Mr. Chongshi, I remember when I was in kindergarten, some classmates in the class suspected that the teacher in the next class was a teacher. A witch who knows how to use magic. After entering elementary school, some people in the class suspected that the male owner of a certain house on the way to school was a bad person, suspected that a neighbor nearby would do strange things at home, and some even suspected that he was a weirdo. Every day, the uncle transforms into an earth warrior to save the world. Children will feel the mysterious characteristics of people who suddenly come into their sight but don't know them well, and they will give even more mysterious and wonderful fantasies to people with a sense of mystery. You suddenly live in Next door to the doctor, he is not a cheerful and lively character, but has the characteristics of children giving mysterious fantasy..."

Chong Shi Subaru lowered his head and looked at Haiyuan Ai.

In this way, there are indeed many children who will be like what Mr. Chi said.

In Mr. Chi's eyes, Shirley seemed to have many characteristics that children would have. Probably because of this, Mr. Chi never thought that Shirley had become a child from an adult... Of course, an adult has become a child. This kind of thing is so science fiction that most people would never imagine it.

"I think Xiao Ai must have thought of you as a bad person with evil intentions who deliberately lived next door and did some weird things next door every day. I found you didn't care about her attitude before, so I wanted Xiao Ai to find out by herself. , as long as you are not a bad person, you will definitely stand the test," Chi Feichi continued, "When she discovers on her own that you are not a bad person, her sense of accomplishment will form interesting memories together with her fantastic ideas. It seems to be an interesting experience for the strange and imaginary neighbor next door.”

"Mr. Chi completely expressed my feelings," Chong Shi Subaru's smile deepened, and a happy and cheerful mood came out of his smile, "I, the weird neighbor next door, really think this is a very interesting episode. experience!"

Haibara Ai:"……"

Does this mean that she was the only one who was worried before?

Where is the fun in this experience of worry and fear?

"Brother Chi!"

Genta said hello loudly, and ran over from a police car with Mitsuhiko and Ayumi, followed by Dr. Agasa who followed quickly, and Conan who lowered his head and thought about something.

"Brother Chi, you finally woke up!" Ayumi ran closer and took a breath. Thinking of the incident that just happened, the smile on her face quickly disappeared. She turned to look at the palace igloo and said, "This... An incident happened here, and the Yamaguchi village chief who lived in the big igloo died last night..."

Haiyuan Ai also looked up at Chi Feichi, and seriously added to the situation he had learned, "This morning, Mr. Xiaomu, the secretary of Yamaguchi Village Chief, came to his room to wake him up, and after he opened the door with the key and went in, he discovered Yamaguchi Village. Chang Shi, we had just gone out at that time and were going to wash up in the bathroom over there. When we heard Mr. Ogi’s shout, Edogawa immediately ran in..."

"When Mr. Yamaguchi died, he was lying in a sleeping bag on the ice bed in the house. The zipper of the sleeping bag was pulled high, and there were no traces of struggle or fight nearby." Conan followed Dr. Agasa closer, with a look in his eyes. With a hint of confusion after deep thought, he not only shared what he knew about the situation with Chi Feichi, but also took the opportunity to sort out his thoughts, "When I ran up to take a look, I found that there was a long and thin line on the sleeping bag of the Yamaguchi Village Chief near his neck. There were burnt marks on his throat, and there were also strangulation marks left by a thin line on his throat. However, there were no marks left by the thin line on the side or back of his neck. There were no signs of strangulation. After investigation, the police officers confirmed that the cause of death was He died of suffocation caused by tracheal compression. The time of death was around two o'clock last night. There were no other external injuries on the body of Yamaguchi Village Chief. No string was found at the scene. The possibility of suicide has been preliminarily ruled out..."

Subaru Oki followed the clue and thought for a while, "In other words, when he was sleeping, someone used a string to compress his trachea from above the sleeping bag, causing him to suffocate to death? It was really a strange way to kill someone. "

"Yes, and I found a strange little hole on the wall of that igloo..." Conan raised his head and invited Subaru and Chi Feichi, "Do Mr. Subaru and Brother Chi want to take a look? I said so. That little hole.”

Chong Shi Subaru looked at Chi Feichi, "We can't leave or do anything else now anyway. I think it's better to go and have a look. Maybe I can think of something..."

Chi Feichi nodded in agreement, "You might as well go and have a look."

"Then follow me!" Conan immediately turned around and led the way.

"Conan, why didn't you ask us if we wanted to go take a look?" Genta complained and followed, "You are also a member of the Youth Detective Team, but you just forgot about us at this time. Isn't it too much? ?”

Conan didn't want to argue with the child, so he smiled dryly and said, "Sorry, sorry."

Chi Feichi noticed that Guangyan remained silent and was distracted from time to time, so he asked aloud, "Guangyan, are you feeling unwell?"

When the others heard Chi Feichi's question, they all looked at Guangyan.

"Actually..." Mitsuhiko walked forward and looked up at the palace igloo in front of him, his eyes filled with horror. "Actually, around four o'clock this morning, I went to the bathroom and saw... the village chief's... ghost!"

Ayumi exclaimed in fright and hugged Haihara Ai's arm.

Dr. A Li was startled, "Yu, ghost?"

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