Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2640 Are you still awake now?

Rum didn't expect Chi Feichi to suddenly show concern. He was startled for a moment, looked at the letter and responded, "I just want to identify the bloody fingerprints on the letter. I can see it clearly with a little light..."

When Chi Feichi heard what Rum said, he didn't say any more and slowly drank the wine in the glass.

The effects of the sin of infidelity are really interesting.

Now he looked at Rum, who looked like a bald gangster in prison, and felt extremely cute.

Twenty minutes later...

Chi Feichi drank all the wine in the glass, and before the idea of ​​"wanting to raise a rum" got out of control in his mind, he stood up and said goodbye to rum. When he got out of the room, he turned around and asked, "I want to help you recycle it." A bug?"

"No, the truth about the undead has been revealed. The male teacher did not run out in the middle of the night, and nothing will happen to anyone to attract the police. It doesn't matter if those bugs are recovered later," Rum stood in the shadow behind the door. , turned his head and looked in the direction of the elevator, "Just let them recycle it then. Remember to go to the stairs."

"I see."

Chi Feichi turned around and walked towards the stairs.

The equipment to the left of the computer on the desk in Rum's room looks a lot like the sound-transmitting equipment in the hall of his underground laboratory.

Although the equipment in the underground laboratory is basically installed on the top, a little far from the top of the head, he has looked up more than once and is already familiar with the general outline, size and location of the warning lights of the equipment. When he saw that equipment tonight, he was Give him a familiar feel.

Rum may not be the only one who heard Yueshui's reasoning remotely tonight.

Behind the door of room 606, Rum looked at the direction of the corridor leading to the elevator. After hearing footsteps in the opposite direction entering the stairwell, he looked back, reached out and closed the door, locked it again, walked to the table and sat down.

"What do you think?"

"Since Luck is confident, let him go. As he said, as long as the police don't get the evidence, there is no way to convict him. Even if the police get the evidence, I still have plenty of ways to let him get away... Because of his mother I left early, and because of his experience of being ostracized for women in high school, I have always been worried that he has a hatred of the opposite sex. If he is used to blending hatred and love, it will be difficult for him to get along with the opposite sex normally, which normal people will do in their teens. Lark didn't develop curiosity or admiration for others until he was twenty years old. It was already very late... It would be a good thing if he could interact with women normally, of course, the premise is 'normal'."

"Whether it's normal or not, I'm hard to say for sure. His attitude is very strange... No, this is abnormal. His attitude towards this matter is too casual. However, there should be nothing extreme when he gets along with the other party. Behavior and mood are quite stable.”

"That's not's up to you to confirm it and see what kind of girl she is."

"Yes, but what Luck just said was that he planned to deal with emotional issues on his own. If I contact that girl next, I don't know if it will cause him to be repulsed..."

"Just go ahead and do it. If he has questions about your behavior, tell him that not interfering does not mean not understanding...Bah...Lark is a good and sensible boy, he will understand."

Rum: "?"

Is that one still awake?

It's not that he thinks Lark is unreasonable. Under normal circumstances, Lark is very smart and steady, but under abnormal circumstances, Lark is definitely not the word "reasonable".

What happened to the current sound that was delayed in the signal just now? Nothing happened to that one?

Fifth floor.

Chi Feichi opened the room door with the room card and walked quickly into the bathroom. He held the sink with his right hand and resisted the urge to retching. After his stomach felt more comfortable, he took a long breath and raised his left hand to look. Check out the email that was just sent out not long ago.

I just sent an email to that person and expressed my kindness, but did it make his stomach twitch...

[If you have concerns about something I have done, you can talk to me if you have time. If there is a chance in the future, I hope to introduce Yueshui to you. It is getting late, so please go to bed early (????? ?)! ——Raki]

There's nothing wrong with such a kind tone, right?

He had seen Yueshui use this kind of emoji expression before, and he felt that it could make up for his usual shortcomings of being a bit cold, and it could make the other party feel better about his kindness. Isn't that a problem?

...Wait, something is wrong, is he still conscious now?


New mail came in.

Chi Feichi walked out of the bathroom, closed the door to the room, and clicked on the new email.

[Raki: I will let Rum get in touch with that girl. After all, she is the person you will be with for a long time. I hope to know something about her. If you have anything related to this challenge in the future, you want to share it with me. , I am also happy to listen...]

Received some kind feedback from that one!

Such a cute person who cooperates with him and shows kindness to each other must be protected. It would be great if he could keep one in captivity...

The next day, eight o'clock in the morning.

The first floor of Nagaba Hot Spring Hotel.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki walked out of the souvenir shop and quickly walked to the front desk of the adjacent hall.

"Hello, I am Yueshui, who ordered special sauce from you. I just received a call from you. The phone said the sauce has been delivered, right?"

"Miss Koshimi Nanatsuki, right? Please wait a moment," the young female receptionist at the front desk took the manifest and read the contents on the manifest, "What you want is the full-flavor sauce of Nagahama's special tonkotsu ramen. There are two bottles of each of the five flavors, as well as two bottles of raw horse noodle sauce, so that’s right, right?”

Next to it, another female receptionist opened two exquisite gift boxes, allowing Koshimizu Nanatsuki to see the bottles of sauce inside.

The bottled sauces are lined up one by one in the middle of the foam board covered with silk cloth, filling two boxes, which looks beautiful and heroic.

Koshizu Nanatsuki looked at the sauce bottle in the box and nodded to confirm, "That's it. Thank you for your hard work. By the way, there is also the rye whiskey that Room 504 called this morning to buy. We are together, so we will be there soon." I’m about to leave. I’d like to ask if the wine is ready?”

The female receptionist knew that Koshizui Nanatsuki was talking about Ike Feichi, and also knew that the two of them and the president of Dongdu Leisure Industry were together, so she brought the long box with the wine on the table, "Yes, we have asked someone to Went to the storage room to bring the wine, would you like to confirm it?"

"We'll see when he comes. I don't know much about wine," Koshimizu Nanatsuki replied with a smile, "He was picking up things from the souvenir shop on the second floor and came down soon."

While another female receptionist was closing the two sauce boxes, a customer came to the front desk.

Koshizui Nanatsuki took two steps to the side to make way for the visitor, then turned to look at the man walking beside him.

The man has a thick build, but is not very tall. He is wearing a brown woolen coat and a gray knitted hat. He has a square face and wears a pair of glasses with thick lenses. There are a few deep lines at the corners of his eyes, but there are no lines on his face. There are too many wrinkles, and he looks like a man in his sixties who has just retired from leisure.

Seeing the female receptionist close the box, the man looked at the label of 'ramen soy sauce' on the box, "Huh? Is there ramen sauce for sale in the hotel?"

"Yes," the female receptionist who closed the box said with a smile, "our hotel also sells the village's special ramen sauce. It is actually the same sauce sold at the village market, except that hotel guests If you buy it in the hotel, we can provide souvenir packaging for free, and the packaging boxes are very beautiful! ”

"Is that so..." The man looked up at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, who was standing aside, and asked slowly and kindly, "Are the two boxes here belonging to this lady? You bought so many."

Koshizui Nanatsuki didn't expect that the other party would talk to him. Although he was surprised, he smiled back and nodded, "Yes, I bought them all. I like the tonkotsu ramen here very much. I heard that there are other flavors. , I just wanted to take one of each flavor back home, and yesterday I told my friend on the phone that the ramen here is very delicious, and my friend also asked me to help bring one back, so I bought so many..."

Thinking that Ike Feichi and his party hadn't arrived yet, Koshimi Nanatsuki didn't mind chatting with other guests in the hotel, and said, "If you like the taste of the special ramen here, you can also try to buy some sauce back. , I heard that you just need to put a little in the soup when cooking ramen, and there is also a vinegar-flavored sauce for raw horse noodles. Although I have not eaten raw horse noodles in the village, the owner of the ramen shop gave it to me yesterday. I’ve smelled the village’s special vinegar-flavored sauce and it smells very good. ”

"Oh? I have eaten the raw horse noodles here, and it tastes really good." Rum, who pretended to be gentle and gentle, looked at the box on the counter again, "Then I will buy a bottle of raw horse noodles sauce and go back to try it. It doesn’t matter if I just buy one bottle, right?”

"Of course it doesn't matter," the female receptionist said with a smile, "We have a special box for single bottles of sauce here. If you like, I can help you pack it. You can take it away now or keep it at the front desk temporarily and take it away when you leave. Can……"

"Miss Yueshui!"

Akira Nishihara led three students towards the door. They were all dressed in cold-proof clothes and fully armed to go out. When they saw Nanatsuki Koshimizu standing at the front desk, the four of them stopped to say hello.

Koshizui Nanatsuki also turned around to greet the four of them, "Teacher Nishihara, are you planning to go out and look for ornaments?"

"Yes, we were just going to take a look in the snow at the foot of the cliff!" Akira Nishihara was a little more energetic than last night. Probably after a night, his mood had calmed down a lot, and he had a relaxed smile on his face, "If you find If not, I’ll come back after the snow melts!”

"You should pay attention to safety," Koshimizu Nanatsuki saw that the four of them were in good condition, and his mood became more relaxed. "It's a pity that we are in a hurry to return to Tokyo, otherwise we can help you find ornaments."

Uemura Takuma was a little surprised, "You guys probably just came to the village yesterday afternoon, right? Are you going back now?"

"We came to Nagahama Village just to see how the place is developing. After seeing it, we will go back," Koshimizu Nanatsuki laughed, "I used a shotgun to scare those two guys last night. Although I took a police report At that time, we also told the police about this matter, but they had not yet realized that my behavior was a bit excessive. Therefore, before the police could react and call me to talk, I had to run away and wait until I left. If the police call me in Gunma Prefecture, I have reason to refuse.”

On the side, after communicating with the female receptionist, Rum paid for the vinegar sauce and turned his head to pay attention to the conversation of a group of people.

Are you talking about the incident that the police came to the village to deal with last night?



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