Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2648 Reasons for Cooperation

"Do you have any other hats?" Chi Feichi turned to look at Toru Amuro and asked.

The Violent Search Class 1 also participated in this search. People like Megure Jusan and Sato Miwako had seen Amuro Toru's face. Amuro Toru could not walk over so openly and let others know that he was a public security policeman.

"I also have a hooded jacket in the car. I was worried that the weather would cool down two days ago and I would feel cold when I went out to investigate at night, so I put it in the trunk as a spare. It can be used just now..."

Toru Amuro walked around to the back of the car, opened the trunk, and took out a folded black jacket from a paper bag. In order to facilitate movement, he took off his suit jacket and put on only the black jacket. Putting everything into the pocket of the black coat, "Counsellor, I'll let Feng Jian give you his gun temporarily. The situation is urgent now. Even if we don't apply in advance, no one will hold us accountable for violating the regulations."

Chi Feichi closed the door of the passenger seat and left his laptop in the car. He did not refuse Toru Amuro's kindness, "That's fine. They will use the ventilation ducts to deliver anesthetic gas, and they also have guns in their hands. We will bring them with us." It will be safer if you have enough weapons.”

"With the shooting skills of both of us, if we go in and search with pistols together, it should be no problem," Toru Amuro closed the trunk, locked the door, zipped up his black coat, and put on his hat, smiling. Walking forward, "But if we go there like this, it may make Feng Jian's work more difficult..."

At the entrance of the hospital, Yuya Kazami saw that other police officers had gathered and were preparing to surround the medical building, and immediately stopped him.

"Wait! There is a special situation in the diagnosis and treatment building. Our public security will send people in to check. Before the danger is eliminated, please do not get close to the diagnosis and treatment building. The search operation has also been temporarily terminated. Let the situation remain unchanged for now!"

The criminal police and mobile team members were about to enter, but they were all stunned when Yuya Kazami stepped forward and stopped them.

Six people from the Metropolitan Police Department's Public Security Department saw Yuya Kazami blocking the door. Without asking why, they also walked forward and blocked the door.

"Those two internationally wanted criminals are in the clinic building, right?" Miwako Sato asked in confusion, "We have so many people here, wearing body armor, carrying bulletproof shields, and wearing gas masks As long as the mobile team searches all the way up, it shouldn't be a problem to catch two people, right?"

Kazami Yuya also felt that it was okay for so many people to come together, but his boss felt that there was a problem, that is, there was a problem. He wanted to explain but couldn't tell what basis his boss had for his judgment, so he had to say with a straight face, "This is Just in case, there are people guarding the entrance and exit of the building and the hospital anyway, so the prisoner can't escape, so it doesn't matter if we arrest him later, right?"

On the side, six police officers saw two strange men in black approaching. They looked over cautiously and saw Toru Amuro raising his hand to pull the hat on his head. After catching the blond hair with his eyes, they guessed that the person was Toru Amuro and relaxed. Tight nerves.

The criminal police officers and mobile team members all turned their backs to the two approaching people. Some people noticed that the public security police officers were looking in the direction behind them, while others noticed that someone was approaching and turned around to look at the two mysterious people with vigilant eyes.

It was very strange to be close to the scene of a police operation at night, and one of them was wearing a baseball cap and the other was wearing a hooded jacket, which obscured his face.

And being stared at by so many police officers, even people from the Yakuza organization would feel oppressed, but these two people had no reaction, which made people worry that these two people would suddenly attack the police...

"This is the person I mentioned before who will enter the clinic building to investigate the situation," Kazami Yuya took the initiative to explain, stepped aside and got out of the way, "We will wait until they confirm the situation!"

Because Ike Feichi and Toru Amuro were dressed really weirdly, the criminal police and mobile team members present felt a little conflicted.

On the one hand, they know that the Ministry of Public Security will investigate some special cases, and the identities of some members need to be kept secret. It is normal to appear dressed like this.

On the other hand, the police did not explain anything clearly and stopped them from surrounding the clinic building to arrest people. They also asked two mysterious people to go in. If the police system had special arrangements for this matter, they were willing to cooperate, but if it was the case in front of them, Out of selfish motives, does this public security policeman want to let the criminal go or risk taking credit?

"Um..." The captain of the mobile team looked at the two black hat men walking next to him, took a step forward, looked at Yuya Kazami and asked, "Excuse me, please suspend the arrest operation and let someone go in to investigate this matter first. Well, have you applied yet?”

"I also want to know," Mumu Shisan turned to look at the two people approaching and asked with a serious face, "Is the command of this arrest operation now solely taken over by the public security?"

When they, the instructions they had received so far were only that 'the Ministry of Public Security will come to help.' They were not told to do nothing and leave everything to the public security police to decide.

Now I want them to cooperate and not carry out the arrest operation, and let two strange people go in to check first, at least give them a reason to cooperate.

Whether it's explaining the reason for doing this, or giving them a statement saying 'we have permission and we are now at our command', it has to be the same, right?

"We won't embarrass everyone," Chi Feichi said in the voice of a middle-aged consultant, with a somewhat casual tone. He walked between Mu Mu Shisan and the captain of the mobile team, and before Mu Mu Shisan frowned, he took something from his coat pocket. He took out the small ID card given to him by the National Police Agency, and only let Megure Thirteen and the captain of the mobile team see the cover without opening it. "I am sorry that I cannot disclose personal information, but we have contacted the National Police Agency. Your superiors should I will give you new instructions soon, but time is tight now, we have to go in first and won’t wait for you to confirm.”

When Chi Feichi took out his ID, Toru Amuro turned his head and communicated in a low voice with Yuya Kazami about borrowing the gun.

He could give Feng Jian full command of the arrest, and even Feng Jian himself could apply for and obtain permission from the head of the Metropolitan Police Department's Public Security Department, but that would take a while, and the last thing they wanted to waste right now was time.

These criminal police officers had heard the voice of 'Toru Amuro', and he couldn't change his voice like the consultant, so they had to ask the consultant to give it a try with his ID.

Seeing the ID from the National Police Agency and seeing that Youfeng, a member of the Ministry of Public Security, was here, he should be able to convince the other police officers to let them in first.

When Megure Thirteen and the captain of the mobile team saw clearly that it was the ID of the National Police Agency, their thoughts of obstruction were all gone, and they took the lead and stepped aside to make way.


"Sorry, let's wait here for the next instruction!"

Toru Amuro took the pistol from Kazami Yuya, and after walking into the door with Chi Feichi, he handed the pistol to Chi Feichi.

As Chi Feichi walked, he took out woolen gloves from his coat pocket and put them on. He wiped the fingerprints on the gun and lowered his head to check the bullets in the gun.

At the gate, Feng Jianyu didn't waste any time. He immediately found the hospital director waiting next to the police car and asked him how to find the hospital consultation records.

Miwako Sato watched the two mysterious men walk through the front yard and enter the clinic building. Thinking about the certificate in the case of the Metropolitan Police Department, she was not sure how serious the arrest was. She looked at Megure hesitantly. Thirteen, "Officer Memu..."

Megure Thirteen shook his head at Miwako Sato, indicating that he was not sure what the situation was, and also hinted that Miwako Sato should not talk too much for the time being.

Yuya Fengmi heard that the hospital director said that after entering his management account and password into the hospital's internal computer, he could check the consultation records, so he took the director to the reception and emergency building closest to the door.

After passing through the police guard at the door and entering the medical building, Toru Amuro and Chi Feichi took out their own guns. After a brief check, they turned on the safety, walked towards the floor sign, and asked in a low voice, "What if they are coming to the hospital for medical treatment?" When they were traveling, they brought some dangerous items to the hospital and hid them. The place where they hid the items was probably a place where they often moved around and could stay for a long time. There were various examination rooms, anesthesiology departments, operating rooms, etc. in the diagnosis and treatment building. There are quite a few places they may have visited in the pharmacy... Should we start from the first floor and go up? Or go to the anesthesia room first to check the situation? "

Chi Feichi also walked to the floor sign, looked at the staircase sign, and spoke in a lowered voice, "Go directly to the anesthesia room on the top floor. You may not be able to find them. You'd better look along and wait until Feng sees them. information."

Toru Amuro nodded, picked up a pen holder at the front desk, and started to walk towards the elevator, "Then let's force the elevator to stop on the first floor, unable to close the door and run, and then take the stairs to find it... Consultant, what do you think of Charlie Five? Could it be that the part injured by the bullet years ago was the kidney?”

"I also have such a guess," Chi Feichi followed to the elevator, "Normal people have one kidney damaged, and the impact on the body is not serious, but if they are people with abnormal kidney function or the elderly, one kidney will be damaged. It will lead to renal insufficiency. Charlie is not an old man, but it cannot be ruled out that he had poor renal function before or had problems with one kidney. Five years ago, he was hit by a bullet in the intact kidney, leaving him with chronic kidney disease for five years. People who suffer from the sequelae of being shot and have problems with their kidney function will indeed experience symptoms of general weakness, fatigue, and physical decline. They can also cause cardiovascular disease complications. These conditions can make it impossible for people to escape with hostages. Plan, if it’s a little more serious, you won’t even be able to do strenuous exercise.”

"Yes, although liver insufficiency caused by problems with the liver and gallbladder will also cause fatigue and various complications. If it continues to be bad, there will also be upper abdominal pain, which will also affect people's normal activities. , but there is only one liver and one gallbladder. If a person wants to live, they must stay in the body. In this way, when he goes to the hospital for examination, the doctor will definitely be able to see that it is a bullet penetrating injury. Even if he finds an excuse to get it, the doctor will definitely treat him I have a strong impression that when the police entered the hospital to search, a doctor might have recognized them from the photos as patients in the hospital," Toru Amuro analyzed carefully, "They have only been in Japan for half a year disguised as the Japanese couple. The clinic will be here for six months. If a bullet has injured the liver or gallbladder, there should be a doctor who will remember them..."

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