Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2652 people in a strange state

Charlie was stunned for a moment, and his gaze gradually turned weird as he looked at Chi Feichi, "No, my operation is as correct as the doctor's. I can assure you of this, and now I feel no different from the dialysis before..."

This guy can't really be a doctor, can he?

Or is this guy implying that there is something wrong with the dialysis machine? Have you already been recruited? If he is unwell, does it mean that the other party has the symptoms that a method should have?

Thinking about it, Charlie deliberately sneered, "Hmph, you are not really a doctor, are you?"

Chi Feichi went to the hospital bed opposite Charlie and sat down, facing the face of the middle-aged consultant, and speaking in the voice of the middle-aged consultant, he said somewhat casually, "I'm not a doctor, but I'm usually interested in professions like veterinary medicine."

Toru Amuro: "?"

Is the consultant messing things up on purpose?

First, act like a doctor, go up to check the machine and ask how the other person is doing. When the other person asks 'Are you a doctor', although I don't directly say 'I am a veterinarian', it is similar to tell the other party 'I am just interested in the veterinary profession' Yeah, it's like saying 'you're an animal/livestock'.

Seeing Charlie's face, he really wanted to draw out his gun in advance to prevent Charlie from violently hurting others.

The emotion on Charlie's face gradually changed from shock to anger, and there was a murderous look in his eyes that could kill someone in a second.

Feichi reminded with a suppressed voice, "Master, you have murderous intent!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

In fact, Fei Chi does not need to be reminded.

Not only could he feel this murderous intent, but he could also see it from Charlie's expression.

"You don't want to provoke me on purpose, do you?" Charlie forcefully suppressed the anger on his face, and asked bluntly, "Or, do you think I'm no different from an animal?"

Chi Feichi admired every straightforward child in his heart, and affirmed, "Of course, humans are animals in the first place, including chordates, vertebrates, mammals, primates, hominids, and hominids."

Charlie: "..."

What about imagined humiliation?

In this case, shouldn't the person who came to arrest him declare that he was arrested with a straight face, and then angrily accuse him of "you are not worthy of being human because of what you have done"?

If the other party really wanted to do this, he would feel at ease, but the other party said, "Humans are originally animals", and the direction of the conversation was a bit beyond his expectations.

What the hell is going on with this guy?

Toru Amuro: "..."

Is the advisor okay now?

Or is this a way for consultants to buy time?

If it was delaying time, the effect should be very good. Charlie is now obviously much more confused than before, and he can't help but focus on the consultant.

Charlie has already suspected that the hospital made a mistake in evacuating patients, so that the psychiatric patients were missed and ran up to find him, and pretended to be disapproving to test, "Monica sent me an email before, saying that there are two A person came in, is it the two of you?"

"That's right, it's us." Chi Feichi looked directly at Charlie with a peaceful gaze, "I want to chat with you, and if you don't want to chat with me after hearing what I said, you can refuse."

Charlie silently judged that the brain circuit of the middle-aged uncle in front of him was not normal, the anger in his heart completely dissipated, his face returned to the previous gentleness, but he was not as tired as before, showing a trace of curiosity, "Then tell me, it seems that you are very interesting For the sake of this, as long as the topic is not too boring, I am willing to chat with you."

"First of all, there is a question," Chi Feichi asked, "Do you have the desire to share and talk?"

Charlie was silent for a while, "Can I ask, why do you ask this question?"

"People are group animals. When they encounter something that stimulates their nerves, they will want to talk and share it with others, and criminals are no exception," Chi Feichi said in the tone of a middle-aged consultant, not rushing Said, "Serial killers can basically get the pleasure of controlling themselves and the fate of others from their crimes. If they don't share it with others, their desire to share will always be suppressed. There are many serial killers who can make their crimes more concealed, but They will still deliberately leave clues, which is often regarded as a provocation to the police, but this kind of provocation is not out of resentment, but just to satisfy their own "desire to share". In your own mood, the pleasure you get will be much stronger than the unknown killing, and you, Charlie, you belong to this type of serial killer. During the crime, you have other methods to choose, but you still insist on Narcotic cocktails are a sign of crime, and this is also an act of sharing. You want to tell everyone that you did it..."

Charlie looked at Chi Feichi with interest, and after listening patiently, he nodded in agreement, "You are right, before I was wanted, I thought that I would be noticed by the Interpol sooner or later, but I still want to It’s such a terrible feeling to do that when the excitement is built up inside and you can’t share it.”

Amuro felt that the mentality and cognition of the two people in front of him were a little abnormal, but he also wanted to understand the criminal's criminal psychology, so he walked up to Chi Feichi and sat down, "Can't you share and confide in Monica? It's much safer to share with her."

Knowing the answer to this question, Chi Feichi turned his head and said to Amuro, "If we raise a potted plant together, and the potted plant blooms amazingly beautiful flowers under the careful watering of the two of us, of course we I will also get together to talk about how beautiful and rare this potted flower is, but if you can only share and talk with me, every day, don’t you think it’s boring?”

"That's right, that's right," Charlie said with a happy smile on his somewhat bloated face, "Sharing it with Monica, sharing it with the police, sharing it with the public, sharing it with other serial killers, it's exactly the same mood, there is Just because you have someone you can share with, doesn’t mean you don’t need a second or third.”

"There are also criminals who will tell the victim how they felt about the last crime," Chi Feichi looked at Charlie and asked, "Have you ever done that?"

"Of course there was..." Charlie said with a smile, "The man who was stabbed to death with a knife had a long period of time between injury and death. Otherwise, what do you think I was talking to him during that time?"

This disapproving attitude is cruel and cold-blooded, but Toru Amuro has seen many serial killers in the organization, so he didn't react too much to it.

Chi Feichi was not too surprised, and continued to ask, "Back to my original question, what I want to ask is that you have given so many details of the crime at the police station, and your desire to share should have been satisfied. It’s been less than a day since you came out of the police station, do you still have the desire to share with us now? But judging from the current situation, you should still have the desire to share with the outside world.”

"If it's someone who just asks boring questions, I don't think I have much desire to share. Unless it's to tease the other person, I won't share anything with them, but you are different. Your questions are very interesting. ..." Charlie laughed again, and the smile on his round face was gentle and open, "Criminals are just like ordinary people. Of course, they will have more desire to chat with people they can chat with."

"You are very good at talking," Chi Feichi looked at Charlie calmly, "'I only talk to you, I don't want to chat with those boring people', and 'I don't want to chat with those boring people, but you are different ', the meaning of the two sentences is the same, but the former is more suitable for one-on-one intimate relationship, and the latter is more suitable for communicating with friends, new acquaintances, and people who are not close enough. Have you mastered these communication skills? Or is it an inborn talent?"

"How should I say this? I have been very good at talking to others since I was a child," Charlie said briskly, "Of course, I have paid special attention to whether my words and deeds will make people uncomfortable. I have not studied systematically, but I have thought about how Being able to become a popular person, so it should be considered a talent, but it also has the credit of acquired thinking and improvement, it should be possible to say that? But I didn’t do it too deliberately... By the way, are you a reporter? Or a thought A psychologist who studies my criminal mind?"

"None, just a person in a strange state." Chi Feichi paused, "I want to hear if you have anything else to tell."

He didn't do much, it's just that the crime of infidelity wanted him to become a priest.

Charlie raised his eyebrows, "It's hard for me to deny that you're in a strange state."

Amuro Toru silently agreed in his heart,

The consultant had a friendly chat with a serial killer, and now the atmosphere in the dialysis room was as good as a symposium with friends, and he couldn't go against his conscience and say that his consultant was not strange.

"So Charlie, do you have anything to say?" Chi Feichi asked.

"Before I answer, I want to ask, is there anything you want to know?" Charlie asked with a smile, "As long as you tell me, I will be happy to tell you what you want to know."

"Then I'll ask two more questions, and you can choose whether to answer them yourself." Chi Feichi paused, "The first question is, did you intentionally want to go to the police station to talk to the police when you were caught by the police this time?" One time, or you want to tell the police about your concealed cases and undisclosed details... The second question is that you stayed in the hospital for hemodialysis and manipulated the pipes. You did all this for yourself Can you escape more calmly?"

"I'll answer the first question first. I'm very interested in the FFF group. Their behavior of wandering and gathering in the streets at night seems to have a mysterious attraction." Charlie became a little excited, "I want to try it, if They really are criminals, then I'll make a crime spree with them, and if they're normal people, then scare them! After that, I can bring the cops here so you can witness me A gift made!"

Saying that, Charlie looked down at his left arm.

"As for the reason, I can also tell you that the Interpol shot my kidney five years ago. Although I managed to escape, I had to remove the kidney on that side. Soon, my other There was also a problem with my kidney, and the doctor said it was difficult to find a suitable kidney for me. I waited for four years, and I could only watch my body deteriorate..."

"Since half a year ago, I have had to go to the hospital for hemodialysis at intervals, and the intervals are getting shorter and shorter. Soon, I may need to undergo hemodialysis three or four times a week, which will take a lot of time. On top of this, I still can’t get rid of it, and I have to think about the time for the next dialysis when I go to play, and the feeling of being bound is really enough for me!”

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