Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2657 Fate Trap

Everything was ready, Dongcheng Sheng first explained the theme of this meeting, introduced the identity of Chi Kanai's major shareholder, the identity of Chi Feichi Umbrella's consultant and the person in charge of the investigation, and also introduced the identity of Zhengqin Shinan.

After the introduction, Dongcheng Sheng mentioned the two people who were absent from the meeting.

One is the person in charge of two hotels in Shinjuku, Tokyo, and the other is the secretary of the person in charge.

The two high-end hotels in Shinjuku have foreign tourists staying all year round, and their quarterly turnover accounts for the majority of the industry in the Tokyo area. Under such circumstances, the person in charge and the secretary took advantage of their positions to embezzle funds from the hotel's revenue, enrich their own pockets, and Tricks were made on the income and expenditure accounts.

The person in charge and the secretary of the hotel were a little panicked when they learned that the Tokyo branch of the Field Group sent an investigation team, especially the inspection team required all industries to enter their accounts on the internal website, and then quickly check the accounts through the website, so that the speed of checking the accounts is fast and convenient. To be sure, the person in charge of the hotel felt that he could not hide those fake accounts, and there was a misappropriated turnover in the recent accounts that could not be filled in, so he moved his mind.

Using his position to embezzle the company's property and the amount is too large. As long as the person in charge of the hotel is prosecuted by the company, he will definitely be imprisoned for economic crimes. Therefore, the person in charge of the hotel decided to poison his secretary, and then forged a suicide note. Push all the blame on the secretary, so that at most he is dereliction of duty and will not go to jail because of it.

On the night when the investigation team arrived at the leisure industry in Dongdu, the person in charge of the hotel brought wine to meet at the secretary's house under the pretext of 'discussing countermeasures'. He poisoned the wine and successfully killed the secretary.

However, what the person in charge of the hotel did not expect was that the secretary was also on guard against him and recorded all his conversations after he entered the door with his mobile phone. Not long after he forged a suicide note, forged a suicide scene and left the scene, the recording was automatically sent to the investigation team Published report email.

Both Chi Feichi and Chi Kanai knew that it wasn't the secretary's foresight, but that Noah had monitored the mobile phones, computers and other networked electronic devices of the project leaders and their secretaries after the investigation began, and used the recordings after the murder of the hotel manager. The secretary's cell phone was sent out.

But the others didn't know the truth behind it, and when Dong Chengsheng talked about the murder, the others just felt in their hearts the intrigue and intrigue between these two people.

At present, the person in charge of the hotel has been arrested by the police on various charges such as embezzlement and murder. The secretary's body may have just come out of the autopsy room of the Forensic Section of the Metropolitan Police Department. There is no way for the two of them to attend the meeting. .

Dongcheng Sheng said to the end, and persuaded with a serious face, "Once a crime like this has a beginning, it will be difficult to stop, and it will get deeper and deeper. I hope everyone can learn from this incident. Don't do stupid things that ruin your future!"

With crime as the prelude to the whole meeting, everyone else smelled something different and knew that this investigation might be dealt with strictly. Some people voiced their support for the victory of Winter City, while others were sitting on pins and needles, and some bowed their heads in silence.

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Chi Feichi took everyone's reactions into his eyes, but he couldn't relax. After Dongcheng Sheng brought the topic to 'Chuandu Village', he cooperated with Dongcheng Sheng to talk about what he had learned.

The person in charge of the development project of Chuandu Village is the root cause of this comprehensive investigation. He himself also came to the meeting this time. He is a man just over 30 years old.

After Chi Feichi learned that there was a problem with the signing process of the person in charge of the Chuandu Village project, he asked the investigation team to check the accounts involved in this person. During the meeting, he also used a projection to show the problematic account data, and briefly explained the various data. represent the situation.

There are some problems with those accounts, but the amount is not too large.

Dong Chengsheng talked about the second recent murder case-the case where the village chief of Chuandu Village was killed by the village ice maker, and reminded others that economic crimes are bad and easy to be related to murder cases.

The person in charge of the Chuandu Village project also heard about the killing of the village head of Chuandu Village. After Dong Chengsheng finished speaking, he echoed and apologized at the meeting, and reflected on his behavior with guilt.

When Chi Feichi was introspecting with the person in charge of the Chuandu Village project, he always calmly observed the other person's body movements and facial expressions.

He believes that the other party has remorse.

The Japanese workplace pays attention to seniority. This person became a project leader in his early thirties. He not only needs to graduate from a prestigious school and enter the company as soon as he graduates to take up a position with room for advancement. To be a good boss of your subordinates, you need to have quite good working ability.

He has seen this person's employment experience, graduated from a prestigious school, met a very good boss when he joined the job, got along well with his colleagues, and has a good reputation. It is really not easy from the staff of the project department to the project leader.

The salaries of the project leaders of Dongdu Leisure Industry not only have a fixed salary during the investment period, but after the project starts to make profits, part of the project profits will be allocated as the person in charge’s bonus. If the project is well managed, the income will also increase accordingly. When the employees of the company reach the position of the project leader, the annual income will have a huge change from before, and the annual income will not be much less.

This person managed to get the position of the project leader. Being able to be in charge of the Kawadu Village project that Ike Kana was interested in is also a kind of attention of the company. It is very likely that Dongcheng Shengze made the decision to train capable young people. However, in his first project, the other party had problems such as violation of regulations, serious dereliction of duty, and suspected embezzlement of public funds. Once the company submits evidence to the police and requests to file a case and prosecute, it may face a prison term of about three years. Personal resume If this kind of taint appears on the Internet, it will not be easy for other companies to climb up to management positions in the future.

A person who originally had a bright future buried his entire future in it, and whoever came here would regret it.

But if he hadn't gone to Chuandu Village this time and found out about these things, this person would definitely continue to poach the company's funds in the project if he stayed in the company, and he probably wouldn't regret it as much as he does now, so the company wouldn't either. Because it is not easy for the other party to give up pursuing responsibility.

"I joined the company at the age of 22, and now I am 32 years old. I have worked in the company for ten years," said the person in charge of the Chuandu Village project, his eyes turned red involuntarily. Sad emotions, "In the past ten years, everyone has treated me very well, and the president also attaches great importance to me. I have no complaints against the company. The reason for misappropriating funds is because I lost a lot of money in gambling before. For the less borrowed money, I want to move some out of the project first, and then manage it well to make up the money. The signing process with the head of Chuandu Village violated the regulations, because the head of the village promised to complete the signing as soon as possible and cooperated with me. Divert money from project development to…”

Chi Feichi observed the other party's eye movement trajectory, and after confirming that the other party showed no sign of lying, he withdrew his gaze.

Things are already clear.

When everything is going well, it is indeed easy for people to let their guard down and fall into a trap that will make them fall into the abyss.

For the person in charge of the Chuandu Village project, when he was successful in his career, had a lot of money and did not have much pressure in life, he might be curious about gambling and wanted to pursue excitement, or he might be tempted by others and wanted a fortune. Windfall or better integration into a certain group, thinking in your heart that you don’t invest much money and you can easily earn it back, it’s easy to take the first step in gambling.

But gambling is inherently a big swamp where countless people are trapped. People like the person in charge of Chuandu Village tend to be more confident and obsessed with success. After failure, they continue to try. .

Finding that they have lost all the money on hand, such a person will think 'I can advance my salary', 'I will be rich when I get my salary next month'; "I can pay back by saving money in the next year", "Work harder and get more bonuses to pay back"; when I found that the debt was beyond my ability, I was entrusted with a heavy responsibility. The string of estimated investment figures in the project, thinking that the money will pass through my hands soon, will also think "I will use it for a little emergency, as long as I make it up in time, no one will find out"...

People who fall into the mentality of gamblers are all criminals of the crime of gluttony. In the end, they can only see the "food" in front of them and forget their own future.

"After I withdrew those funds, part of them was used to repay debts, and part of them was invested in foreign gambling websites." The person in charge of the Chuandu Village project showed a trace of fatigue on his face, and his voice lowered, "So I'm really sorry, I can't help it Return the embezzled funds, and at the same time, I am willing to accept any punishment from the company and from the law."

Others in the meeting room were silent, and many people had complex expressions.

"About the company's treatment of you, I will announce later..."

Dong Chengsheng looked at the other person in the conference room, calmed down, maintained a calm appearance, and continued to chair the meeting.

The next one mentioned is the person in charge of the Yokohama Amusement Park project.

This is an old employee of Dongdu's leisure industry, a few years older than Dongcheng Katsuno.

At that time, Dongdu Leisure Industry received capital injection from Field Group, and its internal development was rapid. It was also when this old employee joined the company. Contributed a lot to stabilizing the company. On one occasion, he made a bold decision to abandon a project invested by the company, which saved the company from a big loss.

After so many years, Dongcheng Shengze also believes in the other party. A few years ago, he applied for shares for the other party as an incentive. How much is the other party.

The location of this inspection was randomly selected by Chi Feichi, and the last stop was the Yokohama Amusement Park, which was still in the early stages of construction.

The other party probably didn't expect that Chi Feichi and Dongcheng Sheng would be so successful. They only went from Tokyo to Tottori the day before, and then ran from Tottori to Yokohama the day after. It may also be that the account problem is too big to cover up. It was bad, or they were confident that their projects would not be investigated. In short, as soon as Chi Feichi and Dong Chengsheng arrived at Yokohama Amusement Park, they found that there were problems with the investment accounts of the projects. After the last investigation, there were problems. The amount of funds is large, and the construction of the playground also cut corners.

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