Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2669 Does the teacher use it like this

"As long as the children are obedient, the two of us can help take care of everyone. It shouldn't be a problem, but..." Mao Lilan thought about it, moving her eyes between Chi Feichi, Yueshui Nanatsuki, and Dr. A Li, " The doctor has already turned 20, so what about Brother Feichi and Miss Nanatsuki?"

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the two of them expectantly, "I boarded the ship on April 20, as long as my birthday is one day behind, I don't think I'm twenty years old!"

"Unfortunately," Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled helplessly, "I'll be twenty years old in April."

"Me too." Chi Feichi said.

Suzuki Sonoko was discouraged all of a sudden, "Then the three of you can only go to one..."

"In a few days, I will be attending a product launch event in Osaka," said Dr. Ari with a smile. "This launch event is very important, and I must be there. Departure, Osaka is not far from Kyoto, but I still have a party to attend on the night of the 19th, and the Aegis will leave early on the 20th, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up, so I won't go with everyone."

"Is it the new product launch conference between Umbrella and that technology company in Osaka?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi, "I remember Mr. Chi said in the morning that you are going to Osaka to attend the launch event..."

"Yes, the doctor and I are going to attend the same press conference," Chi Feichi affirmed, "The press conference will last for three days, and I will go to Osaka in two days, although I can leave two days after the press conference, but The doctor's product presentation will be on the last day, and we originally planned to stay in Osaka for three days and come back after the press conference, so I won't compete with you for a spot to visit the Aegis ship."

"And me," Hui Yuan Ai also said, "The doctor's product materials and speech scripts have not been sorted out. After finishing, he has to practice twice. Brother Feichi probably doesn't have time to help him, so I originally planned to accompany them to Osaka to attend the press conference, and I will not visit the public exercise."

"Do you need me to help?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki turned to ask Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi nodded and answered straightforwardly, "Need."

If he and Yue Shui are the only ones who can board the Aegis ship, then don't bother.

Anyway, he wouldn't let Yue Shui lead this group of people alone.

There will be a dangerous spy on board the Aegis. When the time comes, the personnel involved in the plot of the theatrical version will change. If one is not careful, Yue Shui may replace Mao Lilan and become the person who fell into the sea.

His Yueshui is not a koi girl, nor does he have wings and dimensional lungs like him. The warship can also use it to expel large marine life. In terms of detection ability, he himself can't fly or dive to accompany him. If he falls into the sea over the water, he might not be able to come back.

Even if there was only a chance of one in a hundred billion, he would not let Yue Shui face that kind of danger.

Yueshui Nanatsuki was stunned for a moment when he heard Chi Feichi's decisive response, thinking that Chi Feichi said so definitely that he needed him, he felt happy, and immediately said to Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, "Then I won't be with you either. went."

"You two are too clingy..." Suzuki Sonoko's eyes turned resentful, he glanced at Chi Feichi, and asked with half-moon eyes, "Is there really something I need to help with? Could it be that I just want to take this opportunity to go on a date in Osaka?" Bar?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Suzuki Sonoko's resentment, and quickly waved his hands with a dry smile, "How could it be, Sonoko..."

Chi Feichi didn't bother to hide it, and took the words, "I need Yueshui to accompany me on a date, and this is also a need."

Suzuki Sonoko: "?!"

Brother Feichi can't lie to her? She is easy to deceive, and she can convince herself to believe it with one more lie!

It's really too much, she's sitting here to discuss the tour of the Aegis ship, not to let Brother Feichi stuff her with dog food!

"It's not easy for one person to bring so many people to participate in the public exercise..." Chi Feichi suggested again, "Let Teacher Mao Li take everyone there."

Amuro Toru, who carried the tray to the side, paused, and cast a concerned look at Chi Feichi like everyone else.

That's not easy, so let the teacher go...

Is that what Maori teacher used?

"Although Mr. Mao Li sometimes seems unreliable, he has a sense of social responsibility. Going to a warship to participate in public exercises is not something that can be messed up. He has a sense of propriety," Chi Feichi patiently persuaded others, "And if you meet If there is any trouble, he can communicate with others more easily if he puts on his identity as a detective..."

other people:"……"

Seems to make sense...

"In addition, we have too many applicants. Even if Xiao Ai doesn't go, there are still four elementary school students and two high school students, led by a mature detective who used to be a policeman. No matter how you look at it, it is better than letting a It’s reassuring to have a twenty-year-old young detective come to lead them,” Chi Feichi threw out his trump card, “Although the application instructions didn’t mention that you can’t bring a group of children, it also mentioned that the Maritime Self-Defense Force’s review The Department has the right to reject any application that is not suitable for participating in the exercise. If the invitation code is drawn, the team led by Mori Kogoro will pass the review more easily than the team led by Yue Shui. Moreover, this is the Aegis ship This is the first time it is made public to the public, and the members of the Maritime Self-Defense Force on the Aegis ship should also be nervous, and at this time, it is better for them to feel at ease."

Mao Lilan couldn't help but nodded, and looked at Suzuki Sonoko, "I think what Brother Feichi said makes sense..."

"I can't help it," Suzuki Sonoko also sighed helplessly, and spread his hands, "Since Miss Nanatsuki is going on a date, please ask Uncle Mori to take us there. Who told us that there are so many little ghosts here? If we invite The code was drawn, and with him leading the team, it is indeed easier to pass the review!"

Since Conan and Mori Kogoro were not around, Mori called them and asked them both. After confirming that both of them were willing to participate in the Aegis ship public exercise, he borrowed Chi Feichi's laptop and opened the application information filling page with the invitation code. Fill in the applicant as Mori Kogoro, and fill in the information of Mori Kogoro and other 'travelers'.

When filling out the supplementary instructions, Mao Lilan carefully filled in a large paragraph of text, first explained the relationship between the personnel in their team, mentioned the children's yearning for visiting the Aegis ship, and said that no matter whether they were selected or not, they would be very good at it. Looking forward to the public exercise, if you are not selected, you will watch the news, if you are selected, you will seriously restrain the children during the exercise...

Seeing Mao Lilan writing the supplementary explanation so seriously, the others suddenly felt that if the reviewers got this invitation code and read this sincere supplementary explanation, they should not have the heart to refuse the application.

Afterwards, a group of people had enough to eat and drink, and parted at the door of Poirot's Cafe.

Mao Lilan invited the three children Genta, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Suzuki Sonoko to his home to learn about some Aegis ship-related knowledge in advance.

Hui Yuanai accompanied Dr. Ali home, preparing materials for the press conference.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki also didn't want to be idle, after discussing with Chi Feichi, Dr. A Li and Haibara Ai, he took over the job of booking food and lodging for the "Three Days Tour in Osaka" and worked out a few plans for the three that combined work and rest. Osaka trip plan.

Chi Feichi went to the underground laboratory in Kabado-cho, and used the computer in the underground laboratory to receive the experimental reports from other laboratories. He stayed in the laboratory overnight and read the experimental reports. The next morning, The adjusted drug prescription and the new experiment plan were re-passed, and the laboratory over there was asked to make new drugs and conduct the second phase of the experiment.

The departure time for Osaka was set at 6 pm that day. Koshimizu Nanatsuki had already booked the air tickets, and the four of them who were going to Osaka had dinner together, and then they could go directly to the airport.

Chi Feichi left the Kabadocho laboratory, went back to the apartment to take a shower and packed his luggage, and was about to contact Koshimizu Nanatsuki when he received an unexpected call.

At three o'clock in the afternoon that day, Chi Feichi followed An Shitou to the Security Bureau of the Police Department with the disguised face of a middle-aged public security consultant.

Arriving at a lounge at the end of the corridor, Toru Anshi stopped at the door, told Chi Feichi the location of his office, and turned around to leave.

Two men with sunglasses covering their faces guarded the door. After contacting the people in the room, they nodded at Chi Feichi and pushed open the door of the lounge.

Chi Fei entered the lounge late and met the public security committee member who had let him take a second post in the zero team.

The Public Security Commissioner waited for Chi Feichi to take his seat, turned on the projector with the remote control, and got straight to the point, "This morning, the patrol personnel from the Coast Guard discovered some suspicious things while patrolling the coast around Wakasa Bay. ..."

On the white curtain in front of the wall, a photo was projected. The photo was taken on the coast. A white machine suspected of medical equipment was placed among the messy rocks, placed upside down, like an abandoned of large objects.

The Public Security Commissioner used a remote control to control the projection, and showed the long-range, close-up photos of the object, as well as photos of the coast. There were more than 30 photos in total.

In addition to this, there are other medical devices found nearby, some with rock-looking coatings to camouflage...

After seeing half of it, Chi Feichi guessed what this thing was used for.

He had given THK a script before, which was a complete remake of the classic suspense film "Devotion of Suspect X" from his previous life. At the beginning, he mentioned the theory of "one bullet blows up a warship".

The range of a bullet is limited. It is impossible to fly to the sea and hit a warship, let alone destroy a warship with a single bullet. However, in the movie, the criminals used the electromagnetic equipment of the hospital to create an electromagnetic booster. A shot was fired at the surface of the sea from the top of the weapon, and the bullet that flew out was driven by electromagnetic force, flew out of the range and increased its destructiveness, directly destroying a warship.

There is no scene of blowing up a warship in the movie, but the detective character did a similar experiment, letting a steel ball detonate the template room with the help of electromagnetic force.

If you want to blow up a warship with a single bullet, it may be as difficult as sneaking into a warship to install a bomb. It is not easy to manufacture a suitable electromagnetic booster. It takes huge data calculations to build a booster with electromagnetic equipment. , made a booster, the position of the booster, the route of the warship, and the angle of the bullet shooting all need to be calculated accurately...

Frankly speaking, he doesn't think that such a calculation can be done by the human brain, unless with the help of a supercomputer, and even if it is done, this electromagnetic booster does not go through many experiments, and its function is not stable.

To put it simply, a movie is just a movie. The techniques in it are theoretically feasible, but in practice it is very difficult and the success rate is very low. In reality, there is a more worry-free and labor-saving way to blow up a warship.

And the photos shown to him by the Public Security Commissioner, the location and layout of the medical equipment on the coast, look very much like they are making an electromagnetic booster.

Yes, it is the kind of electromagnetic booster that can bomb a warship with a single bullet.

Is this someone who decided to actually do it after watching the movie and wanted to try blowing up a warship?


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