Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2672 Who is it?

Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Haibara Ai, and Dr. Ari sat on the sofa, looking curiously at the middle-aged man in the corridor.

At the other end of the corridor, the middle-aged man put down his cell phone, did not hang up in a hurry, and turned his head to greet the hall.

Soon, a younger man who was wearing casual clothes like the middle-aged man walked quickly to the middle-aged man, and walked to the leisure area with the middle-aged man.

"They are members of the Coast Guard," Chi Feichi explained to the three of Yueshui Nanatsuki, "They encountered a rather special case recently and needed me to help provide information. When I received the news last night, They want me to keep it a secret until they come, so I'm only telling you now."

"People from the Maritime Security Agency..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the two men approaching, and thoughtfully, "Did anything happen at sea recently?"

"I don't know." Hui Yuanai looked up at the two men who came over, and said calmly, "If it has not been announced to the public, it is likely to be a major case with very bad methods."

"It may also be because the incidents at sea have not received much attention," Dr. A Li said with emotion. "Cities are densely populated, and incidents that occur in cities are easily involved and noticed by others, but at sea. What happens is rarely paid attention to, except for some special cases, most of the cases are not reported by the media."

"That's right, the sea is not the living area of ​​human beings after all." Hui Yuanai put the juice glass back on the table, "Human energy is limited, and human beings don't pay much attention to places that have little to do with their survival and life." It's also normal."

"No, maybe this time it's really a major event." Koshimizu Nanatsuki focused on the approaching two people's hands, and analyzed seriously, "People who work at sea and on the coast all the year round are more likely to People who work in cities and towns receive more sunlight. Even in winter, they receive more ultraviolet radiation than normal people every day, so the skin color of such exposed parts on the back of the hands of these people will be a little darker than normal people, even if it is Those with a physique that is not easy to tan, work at sea and on the coast all year round, and the back of their hands and other parts covered by clothing will also have obvious skin color differences. Generally speaking, the Coast Guard will require formal attire to work, so their skin color on the back of their hands It will also be darker, and unlike the fishermen whose skin color line is indeterminate, their skin color line will be on the wrist..."

Chi Feichi was still on the phone with the phone in his hand.

Listening to Koshimizu Nanatsuki's analysis, the two men who walked to the side couldn't help but look down at their wrists.

Hui Yuanai took a look at the phone in Chi Feichi's hand, and also observed the wrists of the two men, "Only the uncle in the back has a more obvious skin color difference line on his wrist, but the uncle in front has no skin color difference line." How obvious, it should be because he usually does not participate in patrols, maritime criminal investigations and other work."

"Yeah, he can walk in front of another person. No matter how you think about it, he won't be an ordinary clerk. He should be the type of person who stays in the office all year round. Such a person travels so far to find someone to get information. That's why I suspect that there has been a major maritime criminal case recently," Koshimizu Nanatsuki shifted his gaze to the hand of the man behind, thinking, "and the man behind not only has a clear line of skin color on his wrist, but also has dark spots on his palm and fingers. There are very special cocoons, such as people who use firearms all the year round. General patrol personnel and ordinary clerks should not be equipped with guns. Only criminal case investigators and security personnel are often equipped with guns. His duties are not simple. , has been in an important position for several years."

The two men stared blankly at Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Huihara Ai. From the astonished expressions of the two, Chi Feichi suddenly understood why people always asked Conan - 'Who the hell are you'.

At this moment, the two people who came to pick him up should also want to ask Yue Shui - who are you?

They just had a face-to-face meeting, and they didn't even have a formal greeting, but someone had already picked up the approximate job level and working environment.

Hui Yuanai looked at the palm of the person behind him, and guessed, "It can't be someone from the army..."

The man behind was sweating, quickly hid his hands behind his back, and looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Haibara Ai with vigilance like guarding against thieves and hooligans.

The middle-aged man in front of him came back to his senses, stepped forward quickly, and when he reached Chi Feichi's side, he actively hung up the phone call in his hand, reached out and took out his ID to show Chi Feichi, "Mr. Chi, hello, I'm It's Tomokazu Takashima from the Wakasa Coast Guard, who came to pick you up as agreed."

Chi Feichi glanced at the certificate, and found that the position on the certificate was the chief of the security department. He quietly reached out to Takashima Tomokazu, "Hello, I'm Chi Feichi."

When Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Dr. Ali, and Huihara Ai stood up, Takashima Tomokazu quickly put away his ID, reached out to shake hands with Chi Feichi, and said seriously, "Next, I will trouble you to tell your family and friends Come on, follow us to the scene!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was a little surprised, "Not only here to understand the situation, but also to go to other places?"

Chi Feichi looked directly at Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and said the situation in a calm tone, "I'm going to the Wakasa Security Department, I may not be able to come back tomorrow, so I can only miss the press conference, but I won't attend the press conference for the next two days The meeting will have no effect, you can attend the press conference here with peace of mind."

"Do you want me to help?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked, and then cast a questioning look at Takashima Tomokazu, "After all, I am also a detective!"

"It's Detective Koshimizu Nanatsuki, right?" Takashima Tomokazu said in a gentle tone, but his attitude of 'not increasing manpower' was very firm, "This incident is quite special, and we can't disclose it to too many people for the time being. Mr. Chi's help is because he may know some key information, so I'm sorry, we can't let you participate."

"How about taking me?" Huiyuan Ai suddenly said, and when Takashima Tomokazu looked at him, he stepped forward quickly, hid behind Chi Feichi's legs, stretched out his hand to grab Chi Feichi's trouser leg, and looked at Gao Dao Tomokazu Shimao, like a coquettish and clingy child, put on a timid look, "I want to go with my brother..."

Dr. Ali: "?"

Xiao Ai, did you take the wrong medicine?

Chi Feichi: "..."

Xiao Ai's acting skills are getting better and better.

Seeing Hui Yuan Ai like this, Takashima Tomokazu felt a little headache, hesitantly looked at Chi Feichi, "Well..."

"Isn't it convenient to take children?" Hui Yuanai put on a look of reluctance, let go of his hand, turned around and ran back to Nanatsuki Koshimizu, stretched out his hand to hold Nanatsuki Koshimizu's hand, "Then I still Let me and Nanatsuki-san help the doctor here, and my brother will buy me a present when he is done with his work."

"Understood," Chi Feichi responded calmly, and said to Dr. Ali and Nanatsuki Koshimizu, "Then I'm leaving. Call me if you need anything."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded and said, "Be careful on the road."

Takashima Tomokazu thought of Hui Yuan Ai's grievance before, and felt that Chi Feichi had neglected little loli, leaned over to look at Hui Yuan Ai, and tried to make himself smile more gently, "Little sister, Mr. Chi is going to help We catch the villain, he will come back when he is done, you have to be obedient here!"

Hui Yuanai didn't bother to pretend to be a child anymore, she nodded, pretended to be shy, and hid behind Yueshui Nanatsuki.

In the end, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Huihara Ai, and Dr. A Li still sent Chi Feichi to the door of the hotel, and watched Chi Feichi follow them into the car parked on the side of the road.

Watching the car drive away, Dr. A Li was still a little worried, "What is it that makes it so mysterious? If you go to help this time, you won't encounter such a dangerous criminal with vicious methods?"

"I don't think so," Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked down at Haibara Ai, "Didn't Xiao Ai test it just now? I offered to help, but the other party refused without hesitation, but Xiao Ai offered to go with her Go, but the other party hesitated. If it was a crisis-ridden investigation, and heard that the child was going with him, the other party would have expressed his opposition more forcefully. Since the other party did not object to Xiao Ai's following, it meant that in the other party's eyes, Mr. Chi There is no danger in the environment."

"That's right, that incident should only require high secrecy, and there will be no danger," Hui Yuanai turned back to the hotel indifferently, "The Coast Guard is not the Metropolitan Police Department, and they don't have much contact with us, and they lack trust. They can't be ruled out." They want to hide scandals like criminal accomplices inside, so it's normal for them not to let us know."

Dr. A Li understood why Hui Yuan Ai suddenly proposed to follow, and why he suddenly changed his mind.

It turned out that Xiao Ai proposed to follow, just to test whether Feichi's situation would be dangerous.

"Anyway, let's go back..." Hui Yuanai came to the door, and suddenly stopped in his tracks, turned his head to look in the direction the car was leaving, with an ugly expression on his face, "I forgot to tell Brother Feichi, the seaside is windy, and the temperature has been low in the morning and evening recently , he must be careful not to catch a cold, and he must also be careful not to feel uncomfortable in the respiratory tract..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki quickly took out his mobile phone, "I'll call him!"


In the leaving car, Takashima Tomokazu sat in the passenger seat, and Chi Feichi sat in the back seat with a slightly younger man.

The driver was a young woman who was also wearing casual clothes. She had been waiting in the car and did not follow to the hotel.

After the car drove for a certain distance, Takashima Tomokazu pondered for a while, turned his head to look at the back seat, and wanted to take the initiative to talk to Chi Feichi, but when he heard Chi Feichi's cell phone vibrate, seeing Chi Feichi took out his cell phone, he spoke again. Hold back.

Chi Feichi also paid attention to Takashima Tomokazu's actions, and said to Takashima Tomokazu, "Sorry, I'll answer the phone", before answering the call, "Yue Shui, what's wrong?"

"We forgot to mention something just now. The seaside is very windy, and the temperature difference between morning and evening has been large recently. Don't take off your coat casually, and be careful of catching a cold," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said softly, "Also, your respiratory tract has been irritated by cold air before. As for the cough, when you get to the offshore area, if you feel your throat or nasal cavity is dry, wear a mask or a scarf to cover your mouth and nose..."

While Chi Feichi was on the phone, the other three people in the car didn't speak.

Not only Takashima Tomokazu who was sitting in the passenger seat turned his head to look at Chi Feichi, but the younger man beside Chi Feichi was also quietly looking at Chi Feichi.

Even the young woman who was driving in front raised her eyes to watch Chi Feichi secretly from the rearview mirror while the car was waiting for the traffic lights.

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