Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2679 Hidden Mission Opened

"Intelligence officers are not so easy to be killed!" Fujii Nanami couldn't help but said, with a relaxed expression, she said to Chi Feichi, "Let's check our belongings and then board the ship. If you feel like following It is hard for me to observe people, so you can tell me, and I will take you to Lishi Yizuo."

Later, Nanami Fujii explained to Yukio Tateishi in a low voice, "Mr. Chi was hospitalized for mental illness and mental illness before, and his condition improved after that, and his mood is usually stable, but the doctor said that he needs to pay attention to mental stress. It’s too big, so if he feels unwell, I will bring him to you, and I hope you can arrange a suitable place for him to rest.”

Yukio Tateishi was a little surprised. Thinking that they asked Chi Fei to come to help keep an eye on him, he felt that he couldn't make people tired, so he nodded immediately and said, "No problem, but there is a lounge in the open area, and I can Arrange for Mr. Chi to rest!"

Chi Feichi walked towards the belongings inspection area, then turned around and said, "By the way, there is also the pet snake that I asked Kazuo Fujii to mention..."

Feichi got out from under Chi Feichi's collar with a 'swish', raised his neck and looked at Yukio Tateishi.

The Self-Defense Force members at the checkpoint were startled by a live snake, and quickly calmed down, looking at Feichi.

This snake is quite cute.

It's amazing, even if cold-blooded animals are covered with scales, which will bring them a sense of threat, they can also feel cute from this snake.

Yukio Tateishi looked at Feichi's round head and black bean eyes, and felt that a certain live snake was a bit cute, so he nodded with a smile, and told the members of the Self-Defense Forces at the inspection office, "This snake can be regarded as a part of today's public exercise. Audience, check it out and let it board the ship with its owner!"

Member of the Self-Defense Forces at the inspection office: "..."

It is the first time for them to conduct boarding inspections for live snakes...

On the way, Chi Feichi heard what Fujii Nanami said about what he could and couldn't bring, so he left his mobile phone to the people at the inspection office for centralized storage.

Different from ordinary people, Chi Feichi may encounter spies following Fujii Nanami, and it is not ruled out that he will confront spies. Therefore, the medicines, chocolates, small oxygen cylinders, compressed air cushions, daggers and other items on Chi Feichi's body are After inspection, it was confirmed that there were no poisons, miniature cameras, and signaling devices inside, and they were all allowed to be brought on the Aegis ship.

When he arrived at Feichi, Chi Feichi opened Feichi's mouth and showed it to the inspectors. Someone shook Feichi's body with a detection instrument to make sure that there were no metal objects in Feichi's body, and Feichi got the permission to pass.

Fujii Nanami also accepted the inspection of her belongings and carried a gun with her, but she didn't have as many messy things as Chi Feichi, so she quickly passed the inspection.

Yukio Tateishi took the two of them to the navigation command office of the bridge, showed Chi Feichi the navigation route, and found Chi Feichi a copy of the "Guidebook for Visiting Aegis Ships" that will be given to the visitors.

Fujii Nanami left Chi Feichi in the care of Tateishi Yukio, and went to the captain's office and other places to check by herself.

Chi Fei stayed at the navigation command office, found a seat by the window and sat down, quietly read the tour instructions in the instruction manual, and then studied the navigation route.

When he boarded the Aegis ship, his 'group zero hidden mission' had already begun.

There are many active personnel on the Aegis ship, and it is impossible for him to observe them all. Compared with ordinary members of the Self-Defense Force who may retire after a few years, collecting information from self-defense officers is obviously more valuable.

He had made so many preparations before, and now he finally sneaked into the navigation command office where outsiders are forbidden to enter. All he came into contact with were the self-defense officers on the Aegis ship. Of course, he had to hurry up to collect information.

To collect intelligence, there is no need to stare at these people all the time, as that will make him appear suspicious. He can use the method of "listening first" to achieve his goal.

The surnames and positions of these people were all called out during the dialogue.

The sound and color of the voice and the presence or absence of an accent can also be a piece of information. If there is an accent or a unique speaking habit, it can also determine where the other party's hometown is.

Then there are the content of speech, the habit of expression, the speed of speech, and whether the voice is loud or not. Although most people are used to speaking loud and firm without procrastination, people are different. These differences can be used to figure out a person's personality characteristics .

It's a pity that these people are busy with work, and they are talking about work, no one is gossiping, otherwise he can get more information...


Eight in the morning.

The Aegis ship arrived at Maizuru Port, and people who were eligible to board the ship began to board the ship.

Fujii Nanami returned to the navigation command office of the bridge. Seeing other people in the room busy, Chi Feichi sat quietly in front of the window looking at the map and calculating the route. Next to Chi Feichi, he looked down at the line Chi Feichi had drawn on the map, "How is the situation?"

When Nanami Fujii came back, Yukio Tateishi also walked up to the two of them, and also looked down at the map on the table that Chi Feichi had drawn many lines on.

"Let me make a long story short. Before the Aegis ship enters Wakasa Bay, it will pass through areas such as the Maritime Security School and Baishan Fishing Port. The distance is not too far. Of course, there are people coming and going in these places, and people will not put suspicious equipment there. So there will be no problems in these places. The problem is that the Aegis ship’s sailing route this time is relatively close to the west coast. As far as the route is concerned, it basically follows the coast where suspicious equipment was found,” Chi Feichi said with a pen. Pointing to the sailing route on the left, he looked up at Yukio Tateishi, "If the opponent really makes an electromagnetic booster, such a sailing route will expose the Aegis ship to the opponent's weapon strike range, the captain is You chose the west route on purpose, right?"

Fujii Nanami immediately cast a questioning look at Tateishi Yukio.

Deliberately choose a route that is fully exposed to the opponent's weapon strike range? Why?

"That's right, I did it on purpose!" Yukio Tateishi affirmed, turned his head and looked around, saw that other people were busy and no one was near the three of them, so he looked at Chi Feichi and said seriously, "Frankly. I said that I invited Mr. Chi to board the ship to make my heart feel more at ease, but it does not mean that I am worried that the warship will be attacked by weapons on the coast. I believe in the judgment of Mr. Chi and many physicists. I believe that no one has done so yet. Such a stable electromagnetic booster, so I think the west route will be safe..."

Chi Fei guessed Yukio Tateishi's plan sooner or later, and was not surprised by Yukio Tateishi's confidence, "You suspect that the other party put the equipment on the coast, the real purpose is not to make electromagnetic boosters, but to intimidate you This captain asked you to choose the east route away from the coast in this public exercise, right?"

When Tateishi Yukio answered confidently, Fujii Nanami also thought about it, looked at Tateishi Yukio and said softly, "That's why the captain deliberately chose the west route."

"That's right, the other party put those things on the coast, probably forcing me to choose the eastern route for safety. There may be traps on the eastern route, such as dropping explosive weapons in the sea. We can't let the other party succeed. "Tateishi Yukio said with a serious expression, "The only problem with choosing the west route is that it is relatively close to the coast, and you need to bear the risk of being hit by electromagnetic booster weapons, but the probability of such weapons is very low, and there are defense devices on the ship. It seems that choosing the west route is the safest route.”

"What if the other party guesses that you think so?" Chi Feichi looked at Yukio Tateishi and asked.

He was a little curious, assuming that the other party predicted Yukio Tateishi's prediction and chose to play tricks on the west route, what would Yukio Tateishi think and do?

Yukio Tateishi was stunned, and quickly frowned and thought, "I have confidence in the defense device of the Aegis ship. As long as it is not the kind of electromagnetic weapon that is quiet and fast, and makes it too late for us to open the defense net, the Aegis ship will They can detect when the attack is approaching, and choose different plans to eliminate the danger according to the situation. In fact, the opponent is unlikely to have such a weapon, otherwise there is no need to test us like this. Even if they are prepared, they will just use drifting at most Using physical bombs, deep-sea explosive weapons and other methods to try to attack the Aegis ship, these attacks may be intercepted by the Aegis ship."

"So, the captain's choice is very wise," Chi Feichi evaluated Yukio Tateishi's ability in his heart, put the map aside, and reminded, "Also, compared to defending against strike weapons on the coast, I think this The real thing to be prepared for on this voyage is sea weapons, maybe the other party is unable to cause damage to the Aegis ship, but they can create turmoil."

"Captain, I agree with Mr. Chi's point of view, and I hope you will increase the level of alert on the sea surface. Relatively, you can appropriately reduce the attention to the coast." Fujii Nanami looked directly at Yukio Tateishi, and said seriously, "If we put Focusing more on the coast while the other side is creating disturbances on the sea, we may not react in time or be in a hurry, whichever it is, it will affect the public's perception of the Maritime Self-Defense Force."

Yukio Tateishi thought about it, nodded solemnly, turned to communicate with the deputy captain, and adjusted the alert plan.

Fujii Nanami waited for Tateishi Yukio to explain the matter before he said, "Captain, I just briefly checked a few important places of confidentiality, and found nothing abnormal. Now all the people who are qualified to visit have boarded the Aegis ship , I apply to check the monitoring of the public area and observe whether there are suspicious persons."

Tateishi Yukio nodded, turned around and led the way to the monitoring area, "Come with me, I will take you to the monitoring area!"

Fujii Nanami extended an invitation to Chi Feichi, "Mr. Chi will also go and have a look with us, if you find anything, please let us know in time."


The monitoring area is next to the navigation command office, and members of the Self-Defense Forces are watching the monitoring.

Yukio Tateishi led the way to the monitoring area, stood behind the working Self-Defense Force members, and introduced the monitored public areas to Fujii Nanami and Chi Feichi.

On each of the monitoring split screens, the situation of the public areas on the ship will be displayed in real time.

The time was 8:28 in the morning, and it was less than half an hour before the boarding place opened. All the people who have obtained the boarding qualification have completed the boarding of all members of the ship, either watching the scenery in the public area, or using cameras and Companion group photo.

At 8:40 in the morning, members of the Maritime Self-Defense Force began to organize the public to enter a meeting room in the ship, arranged for the public to sit in rows, and distributed the "Guidelines for Visiting the Aegis Ship".

During the period, Nanami Fujii looked at every face, paid attention to everyone's actions, and then shook his head slightly at Yukio Tateishi, "I haven't found any particularly noteworthy targets for the time being."

Seeing the two of them looking at him, Chi Feichi responded, "Me too."

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