Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2684 abnormality in monitoring

Fujii Nanami realized that there was no danger or suspicious person here, so she turned her head and looked at Chi Feichi, and the two left quietly together.

After walking a little further, Fujii Nanami communicated her thoughts with Chi Feichi.

"There shouldn't be any danger there. They should contact the captain immediately. What happened specifically? We can ask the captain after the captain understands the situation. Now I still want to go to the monitoring area and see what you said man……"

Chi Feichi naturally would not refuse.

He also wanted to take the opportunity to observe the few people in the monitoring area again.

Ten minutes later, the two arrived at the monitoring area.

Chi Feichi found courage and the suspicious man in the real-time monitoring, and asked the self-defense force members in the monitoring area to lock the father and son with the system, found out all the pictures taken after the two boarded the ship, and sat down with the contact person Watch the video in front of the monitoring station.

Fujii Nanami communicated with Captain Tateishi Yukio for a while before returning to the monitoring station, pulled a chair and sat beside Chi Feichi, and said in a low voice, "The captain said, the people behind will clean up the drainage device and put it in." When I was in the mouth, I found a severed hand with a sleeve of the Maritime Self-Defense Force uniform on the arm. It is likely to be a member of the Maritime Self-Defense Force. Someone may have been killed now. He wants to go to the back to see the situation. Let us investigate next. Be careful while you're at it."

Chi Feichi nodded, and motioned towards the monitoring station, "Look at the surveillance video first."

"Are you detectives all that bold? I heard from him that they were going to notify Mr. Maori to check, and Mr. Maori was also involved..." Nanami Fujii said, playing the surveillance video at ten times speed, "I want to see it sooner, is there any problem with you?"

"No problem," Chi Feichi affirmed, "Whether it's watching the surveillance or getting Mr. Mao Li involved, there will be no problem."

"Now that's the only way..."

Fujii Nanami also answered with a pun.

The two of them didn't speak after that, and watched the surveillance video of Courage and his son being photographed.

When boarding the ship, the man kept holding Courage, and bowed his head to communicate with Courage from time to time.

When entering the meeting room to learn about the precautions for the visit, the man sat next to Yu Yong, put a "Visit Guide" in front of Yu Yong, and while listening to Fumada Inoue's introduction, pointed at the booklet with his finger, and talked to Yu Yong with his head tilted. It seems to be explaining to Courage.

When I went to CIC to visit the combat exercise, the man also led the courage and followed the others.

Then the crowd entered the core confidential area. There were no surveillance cameras, and the father and son were not photographed again.

See here, everything is normal.

Those two are like a father and son who have a good relationship.

The child was a little depressed, but no matter where he went, the father held the child gently and patiently, and the child followed the father obediently.

When he went to visit the bow deck, Courage first appeared in the range of the surveillance camera outside the passageway, wearing a life jacket, followed behind the crowd alone, arrived on the deck, and left the surveillance range.

After about three minutes, the man appeared under the surveillance camera, looked around, and after finding the figure of courage, he also walked out of the surveillance range.

About three minutes later, the father and son appeared in the upper right corner of the surveillance camera. The camera only captured their shoes. The two seemed to be talking to someone. After a few sentences, they passed the camera and arrived in front of the passageway. , out of the monitoring range.

But the two of them were not completely out of the monitoring range.

Because the man's head and a small part of the top of his head remained within the monitoring range.

A member of the Self-Defense Forces passing by turned his head to look at the direction of the passageway, and then left as if nothing happened, while the man remained there.

Fujii Nanami paused the playback of the surveillance video, checked the time, and confirmed to Chi Feichi, "Is this the time? The time you talked to them..."

Chi Feichi looked at the time and said affirmatively, "That's right, we talked for more than two minutes, and then I left. When I left, I deliberately avoided the surveillance, so I might not be photographed."

Nanami Fujii continued to play the video.

For the next two minutes, the surveillance only captured the top of the man's head, and Chi Feichi's figure did not appear.

After watching for another minute, just when the two thought that there would be no content to follow, Courage appeared in the lower corner of the surveillance video again, followed by a man, and the two walked to the railing one after the other, and Courage took the Things were thrown over the railing.

"What?" Fujii Nanami paused the playback of the surveillance video and operated the surveillance station.

"I should give you two candies for courage." Chi Feichi took out a mint candy of the same style from his pocket and put it on the console.

Fujii Nanami has already zoomed in on the part in front of the courageous right hand in the paused screen, observed it carefully, looked at the outer packaging of the candy on the console, frowned, and said, "That's right, the packaging pattern is the same."

"Do you want to eat it?" Chi Feichi looked at the hard candy on the operating table, "I still have two here. These are mint candies left over by my sister, or they may have been left for me on purpose."

Fujii Nanami thought about the candy-throwing behavior of the two people in the surveillance, worried that Chi Feichi would be hit, hesitated for a while, and picked up the candy on the console, "Thank you, then I'll try it."

Chi Feichi gave an 'hmm', turned his gaze back to the monitoring screen, and adjusted his evaluation of Fujii Nanami in his mind.

Softer than he imagined.

Of course, if the fact that he gave Fujii Nanami candy was included in the work report, it would be easy for people who read the information to find out his identity later on. He would not include such things that easily revealed his identity.

In addition, the chief of the Self-Defense Forces who is in charge of the monitoring area will be nervous when communicating with unfamiliar people. When he came to the monitoring area in the morning, he found that the other party was not nervous when facing the captain Tatsushi Yukio, only when facing him and Fujii Nanami It will be a little tense and stiff. When he came this time, the other party's reaction was better. Although he was not as calm as facing Captain Tateishi and his subordinates, he was not as tense as his muscles at the beginning.

Personality is introverted, self demanding...

It's also a personal trait.

As for the other members of the Self-Defense Forces here, he didn't have the energy to observe too carefully. It was enough to collect general information and write down the more obvious characteristics.

Nanami Fujii unwrapped the candy, put the candy in his mouth, and put the wrapping paper in his coat pocket casually, recalling the content of the surveillance video, "After the CIC exercise, the father and courage were separated, and courage followed everyone alone On the deck, it took about three minutes for the man to get there. This is indeed a bit suspicious. It is very dangerous to let the child go on the deck alone. However, if this happens, the father and the child may be separated. It may be that the father went to the bathroom. Some people are careless and tend to ignore the dangers that children may encounter. As for throwing away the candy you gave...Although it can also be explained that X is worried that there are bugs or other suspicious things in the candy. Objects, let the courage to throw away the sugar after careful consideration, but you are a stranger to them, maybe it’s just that the father doesn’t want the children to eat things from strangers casually, the behavior of throwing away is really rude, but it can’t be regarded as his The basis of X... It is impossible to determine whether he is X by watching the video, and if you want to confirm, you have to think of other ways."

"See if we can find a time to separate him from the child," Chi Feichi said, "It's easy for a child to ask the truth."

"That's right, if he is X, we can interrogate him while he is separated from the child to ensure the safety of the child... I will ask them to pay more attention, and I will look at the surveillance video of other people later."

Fujii Nanami got up and greeted the members of the Self-Defense Forces in the monitoring area, and transferred the surveillance video of other people to the monitoring station in front of him, and played it at ten times the speed.

Chi Feichi sat next to him, sometimes paying attention to the content of the surveillance video, and sometimes paying attention to the communication between the members of the Self-Defense Force in the monitoring area and various places. Through the communication content, he sorted out the information of the members of the Self-Defense Force at other command offices.

The deputy captain stayed on the bridge to take command. Compared with the captain Yukio Tateishi, the deputy captain was a little less courageous, but he was very stable, and his orders were all based on stability.

The person in charge of searching for the satellite phone signal in the ship is a person who is responsible for internal security inspections during the voyage. He also needs to maintain communication with the monitoring area, which can almost allow him to capture some personal information and personal characteristics.

He suddenly realized that this time the zero-group intelligence collection mission may not only have to solve the problem of 'how to obtain a large amount of information', but also one--the final report needs to write a summary of personal information and key events during the voyage. He wrote I don't know if I can finish writing in the last two days.

An hour later, Nanami Fujii received a contact from Yukio Tateishi, and learned that the Maritime Self-Defense Force had told the public that "helicopter exercises will be carried out", arranged for the helicopter to take off, and sent the severed arm to the Metropolitan Police Department for anatomical examination. People from the Criminal Department of the Metropolitan Police Department and the Criminal Division of the Coast Guard were quietly transferred to the Aegis ship.

The people in the monitoring area were already eating during their shifts. Chi Feichi and Fujii Nanami also went to the cafeteria. After lunch, they were going to go around the deck and go to the stern of the ship to inquire about the investigation of the severed hand by the police.

"The captain is in the conference room with the police. It's inconvenient to pass on information to us. Let's go outside to listen first..." Nanami Fujii walked, and suddenly noticed a mobile phone on the hatch of the missile launcher, and was taken aback, "That yes……"

Chi Feichi also saw the mobile phone, and stepped forward to observe the mobile phone, "It seems to be a mobile phone issued by the Maritime Self-Defense Force."

Fujii Nanami walked to the side, bent down and picked up the mobile phone with his right hand wearing a white glove, looked at the calls and text messages on the mobile phone, and said solemnly, "It's the mobile phone of the first-class captain Sasaura. When I contacted, I said that when I looked at the drain outlet, I found the sleeve badge and watch on the broken hand. That hand should belong to Lieutenant Sasaura. They contacted the land base, and the whereabouts of Lieutenant Sasaura were unknown. , someone found the body of Captain Sasaura at the shipyard in Wakasa Bay. The police have already arrived at the scene. The body of Captain Sasaura is indeed missing an arm. From this point of view, the owner of that arm is Lieutenant Sasaura, when the Aegis ship departed from Maizuru Port, the drainage device was activated once, and the arm of the corpse should have been involved and severed at that time. His body drifted to the Wakasa Bay Shipyard."

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