Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2704 the most powerful

"No, I want to add a little more fun to the game, just try this once, and I won't treat the game so casually in the future..." Feimo looked at Mizuno Yoshikazu at the Kagura Hall, "Uncle Yihe has already drawn One card has passed, I thought you might also want to play this game, so I came here to find you."

"Then let's try to draw one." Yuan Tai looked at the singing cards in Fei Mo Zhengtai's hand, and eagerly took a step forward, "Is it all right to just draw one?"

"If you choose one by one, it will take a lot of time." Feimo staggered the singing cards with both hands, and grabbed the lower corner of the singing cards, like holding a thick folding fan. You have to prepare, there is not much time, so you can just pick one."

Yuan Tai immediately took out a song card and looked down at the words on the song card.

Feimo Zhengtai asked the other four children to draw singing cards.

Conan and Haibara Ai didn't want to participate in the game at first, but they were urged by the three children, and each of them drew a card.

Afterwards, Chi Feichi, Dr. A Li and others were invited by Feimo Zhengtai, and they also took out one of them, and even Feichi nodded one with the tip of his tail.

After the others finished drawing cards, Fei Mo Zhengtai put away the set of practice cards, said goodbye and left, and went to Red Leaf Garden to prepare.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko also hurried to the main hall when they thought about visiting the shrine. As soon as they finished the shrine ceremony with their five children, the kotatsu competition officially started.

The first game was the E-level group match that Feimo participated in. In the same Japanese room in Hongyeyuan, eight players wore kimonos and formed a group of two. They divided and arranged the cards on the tatami and began to memorize them.

In the viewing area outside, people who came to watch the game gathered in front of the big screen in front of the hall one after another.

Of the eight contestants in the Japanese room, four of them looked like high school students, two were older, about twenty years old, and one was probably in the second or third grade of junior middle school, with a face that was bigger than the four high school students. Be immature.

Of course, the youngest is Feimo.

The rebroadcast shot captured all four groups of people in the Japanese room. Feimo Zhengtai's figure was at least a circle smaller than the others, but when the camera showed close-ups of each player, Feimo Zhengtai's expression seemed to be smaller than that of the others. Others are more relaxed.

"Xiaomo is the youngest," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said in a low voice while watching the live broadcast, "He should be the youngest top eight contestant in the national competitions over the years."

"His opponent is a high school student," Ayumi was a little worried, "is there any problem?"

Yuan Tai looked at the stern face of the high school boy, and sweated, "I feel that his opponent is very fierce, and he looks very difficult to provoke."

"It's not the most troublesome for the high school students. Those two junior high school students can enter the quarterfinals at the age of junior high school. The strength is definitely not inferior to the high school students. The talent or the mentality of the game may be stronger. The two junior high school students A junior high school student may be the most troublesome," Mori Kogoro analyzed lazily, and then said with emotion, "The children nowadays are really terrible..."

Suzuki Sonoko laughed and teased Mori Kogoro, "Uncle, according to what you said, shouldn't Xiaomo be the best? He has already entered the top eight in elementary school!"

Mori Kogoro choked for a moment, and muttered softly, "That brat must be strong enough to enter the quarterfinals, but the opponent's strength can't be underestimated either..."

"But I think Xiaomo will definitely win," Mao Lilan said with a smile, "You can tell by their expressions!"

"I also think Xiaomo can win," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile while looking at the live broadcast on the screen, "Just like kendo and karate competitions, they will definitely know some information about their competitors before the competition. At the beginning of the game, by looking at their reactions, you can know their inner evaluations of their opponents, and most of the inner evaluations of the players are more pertinent, and the accuracy rate is much higher than that of laymen..."

"That's right, Xiaomo's opponent looks fierce, but you can tell by looking at his facial muscles. He didn't make a bad face on purpose, but felt the pressure." Mao Lilan, who has experience in participating in competitions, smiled firmly Said, "When people are under pressure and feel tense, some facial muscles will tense unconsciously. When we do special training for competitions, we specifically mentioned this situation..."

As she said that, the smile on Mao Lilan's face disappeared, her gaze became firm, and she clenched her right hand and waved her fist, "When you see such a reaction from your opponent, you must fight with confidence! With the attitude of believing that you will win, from the momentum Overwhelm the opponent!"

Conan looked sideways at Mao Lilan's fist, sweating in his heart.

Xiaolan looks really imposing now.

Maybe the opponent wasn't nervous at first, but he became nervous when he saw Xiaolan like this.


Fifteen minutes after memorizing the cards, the eight contestants got up and saluted, and then sat down again, staring intently at the karaoke cards laid out on the tatami.

"Flowers bloom in Namba Tsu, and cold winter closes its face..."

The singers recited a waka other than "One Hundred People of Xiaogura" as the prelude song, which is also the most commonly used waka in the competition organized by the All Japan Karata Association.

For the hundreds of waka in the competition, there is a fixed time for long and short sounds and a pause of a few seconds in between. Waka can also be read in an orderly manner and full of traditional charm.

Some Kapai fans also excitedly recited the prelude.

"This spring is full of halls..."

"The flowers are fragrant..."

The three children happily joined in.

"This spring is full of halls..."

"The flowers are fragrant..."

On the screen, the reader randomly pulled out a reading note and read it in a specific tone, "The ancient capital..."

A card flew out of the competition line from Feimo's hand, and the crowd watching the broadcast let out a neat exclamation.

The other players were obviously slower than Feimo Zhengtai in terms of hand speed and card taking speed. The person whose speed was closest to Feimo didn't touch the card until Feimo swept the cards out of the competition line.

However, in the live broadcast, the other contestants were not distracted to look at Feimo, and everyone was focused on the singing cards in front of them.

"... Nara Castle, the fragrance is strong right now..."

The reader finished reading the entire last sentence, paused for a moment, and then read the contents of the next sheet of reading, "The courtyard is full of..."

"It's me..." Ayumi just wanted to say, "It's the song card I drew", but just as she opened her mouth, she saw a card being swept out of the competition line by Fei Mo, and cheered excitedly, "Got it!"

Genta and Mitsuhiko were also filled with anticipation, staring eagerly at the broadcast screen, and whispered the waka on the song cards they had drawn before.

Chi Feichi looked at the children's reactions, then turned his eyes back to the screen.

At the beginning, Feimo probably wanted to use this trick to "deal with" Mizuno Yoshikazu, so that Mizuno Yoshikazu could feel a sense of participation in his own game, and gain happiness or pride in the "successful drawing of cards". Yoshikazu Mizuno softened his attitude and no longer objected to Feimo's continued competition.

Later, Fei Mo thought of adding them.

Everyone is happy together, and then the children may think about watching the game tomorrow.

Although Feimo clearly said, "Just try this once, and I won't treat the game so casually in the future", indicating that I don't want to do such troublesome things in the future, but people will subconsciously approach some things that make them feel exciting and happy, even if that The thing is that I have been emotionally turbulent once, and people will continue to choose to get close to it in the short term, and will not quit it all at once.

The reader looked at the next reading note and read the content on it, "No..."

It was probably because there were no song cards with similar beginning pronunciations in the field. After hearing the first two sounds, Fei Mo directly swept a card out of the competition line.

In the viewing area next to the main hall, two young men in their twenties stood together, both wearing well-tailored kimonos, and one of them held a small fan in his hand. The two great children who have come out of the times.

Mori Kogoro felt that the images of the two were too old-fashioned, so he couldn't help but pay attention to the two.

"...People ask about loneliness, who has pity for heartbroken..."

Amidst the chanting of the singers, the two turned their heads and whispered.

"Did you see that? That kid who is still in elementary school... is the one from the Mizuno family... I didn't lie to you, did I? His strength is at least C-level. I heard people from Chidorikai say that he defeated C-level Contestants, I thought they were joking with me, but I didn't expect that kid to be really strong..."

"Just now the close-up shot didn't take a clear picture of the song cards in front of them, and I didn't see their card array clearly, but his hand speed is really fast...I remember you said before that he also won the E-level group in the last competition Champion, do you have any video of him playing in the final?"

"I recorded it. If you want to watch it, you can go to my place to record it another day. He won the E-level competition too easily. It seems that there is still a lot of energy left. I can't see his specific level. You don't want to Careless, maybe it won't be long before you meet him in the B-level group competition."

"Probably not, it's just a ten-year-old child, but what you said put me under a lot of pressure. I don't want to compare with a child. If I lose, I will be hit, and if I win, I don't seem to have anything to be happy about." ..."

Mori Kogoro looked back at the broadcast screen, and muttered softly, "That kid looks pretty good."


Behind the crowd, Ooka Hongye was standing by the guardrail of the main hall. Hearing the chanting of the singers, his eyes quickly focused on Fei Mo Zhengtai in the broadcast screen.

"...the red leaves fluttering, the autumn wind on Sanshishan Mountain..."

Iorimu stood behind Momi Ooka. I thought I would stay with Momo Ooka for a while longer, but I didn't expect Momo Ooka to suddenly walk towards the shrine and followed, "Aren't you going to continue watching?"

"Don't worry about it, he's hiding his strength," Hongye Ooka looked back at the figure of a nasty kid on the screen, and continued to walk along the path in a speechless manner, "The same card, he played the same card last time. When picking cards, the speed was a little faster than this time, but some cards took longer than this time last time. His performance is so unstable, it can only show that he is covering up his true strength, even if he The current fastest record, I suspect that may not be his real strength. There were some rumors at the Chidori Club that his strength may not reach C-level. I think it is true, he may already have a B-level level. , but I'm not sure how he compares to the average B-level player."


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