Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2706 Wraith Legend

"Can't you say I asked you for help? It's just a joint investigation by famous detectives from Kanto and Kansai!" Hattori Heiji retorted with black lines. Kogoro entangled, looked at the main entrance of Kitano Tenmangu behind the three of them, and looked a little more serious, "The case I want to tell you is related to Sugawara Michizane..."

"Michizane Sugawara?" Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at the shrine behind him in astonishment, "Michizane Sugawara is from the ninth...nine..."

"Died in 903." Chi Feichi said.

"Cough, yes, how could a person who has been dead for so many years be related to this case?" Mouri Kogoro looked at Hattori Heiji suspiciously, as if to say, "Is your brain not so clear?" , "You don't mean to say that the serial murder case you want to tell us is actually a punishment from Michizane Sugawara, right? That's not right, Michizane Sugawara is the god of learning. It should be to deprive others of their brains or learning ability..."

Hattori Heiji was not in a hurry to refute, and looked at Mori Kogoro with weird and profound eyes, "I said, uncle, don't you know that legend? In the Heian era, Sugawara Michizane's vengeful spirit haunted the world, spreading the haze of terror across the world. Kyoto..."

Mao Lilan stopped chatting with Yuan Shan and Ye, and listened to Hattori Heiji's gloomy tone, and hugged Yuan Shan and Ye's arms tightly, "Resentment, resentment spirit?"

"Isn't he the god of learning?" Mori Kogoro was confused, looking at the plaque above the gate of Kitano Tenmangu, "and he is also the god of literature and art, right? Such a talented person, how could there be resentment What's causing trouble?"

Hattori Heiji was a little helpless, "You really don't know those legends."

Chi Feichi felt that Mori Kogoro's question was a bit silly, but he still chose to speak for his teacher, "Sorry, teacher, he may not pay much attention to these folklore, as for the origin of Kitano Tenmangu... the teacher may not pay much attention Pass."

Maori Kogoro:"……"

What his apprentice said was not so strange, it seemed to be speaking for him, but it seemed to be secretly poking at him.

Hmm... Maybe it's the coexistence of 'disgusting' and 'helping him speak'?

"I can see..." Hattori Heiji reluctantly introduced to Mori Kogoro, "Sugawara Michizane was a famous scholar, Chinese poet, and politician in the Heian period. He was good at poetry since he was a child, and he was very talented. However, in 901, he was framed by the left minister Fujiwara Shihei, and was demoted to Kyushu Dazaifu as the commander in chief, and all four of his children were exiled..."

"Two years later, he died of depression in Dazaifu," Koshimizu Nanatsuki took the words seriously, "But in the thirty years after his death, Kyoto suffered successive disasters such as floods, fires, lightning strikes, and plagues. During this period, those who betrayed Michizane and those who participated in framing Michizane basically died. Even Genpei, who became the right minister after Michizane, fell into the swamp and died. Prince Homei, the son of Fujiwara Tokihei's sister and the successor to the emperor supported by Fujiwara Tokihei, died suddenly at the age of 21. Two years later, Prince Homei's five-year-old son also died. After that, Emperor Daigo reigned During the meeting, thunder suddenly fell in the clear sky, killing several courtiers, and Emperor Daigo, who was already ill, also died of illness in the same year."

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Kitano Tenmangu Shrine behind him, and suddenly felt the cold wind blowing in Kitano Tenmangu Shrine, so he turned around silently, turning his back facing the gate to the intersection.

"That's why Sugawara Michizane, Emperor Sutoku and Hei Shomon are also known as Japan's Three Great Wraiths. In some sayings, Prince Saara will also be added to them and called the Four Great Wraiths," Chi Feichi looked at. The plaque on the gate of Kitano Tenmangu Shrine reads, "About 40 years after Michizane's death, some folks said that Michizane was entrusted with a dream and raised funds to build a shrine in the north of Heiankyo to worship Michizane. Not long after the shrine was built, the Jingluo area was rampant for several years. Then the measles epidemic subsided..."

"After learning about this, Shisuke Fujiwara donated a lot of money in the name of the Fujiwara family, and used manpower to expand the shrine into the Kitano Tenmangu Shrine. Hattori Heiji also looked at the plaque of Kitano Tenmangu, and suddenly smiled, "It is worth mentioning that Shifu is the nephew of Tokihei Fujiwara who killed Michizane in the first place, so the folks are also saying that the Fujiwara family is in the spirit of resentment. I have to bow my head in front of me."

"Afterwards, Tenmangu Shrine was established in other places to enshrine Michizane," Koshimizu Nanatsuki added, "Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine in Fukuoka and Kitano Tenmangu Shrine in Kyoto are the head shrines of Tenmangu Shrines across the country. It is called 'God' by the believers."

"That's how it is," Mori Kogoro looked at the gate of Kitano Tenmangu Shrine, "No wonder the main color here is black. The builder actually wanted to warn everyone that the god of learning also has a very bad temper. After letting everyone in Don't be too presumptuous..."

Hattori Heiji:"……"

Uncle has a really rich imagination.

"It's nothing to do with that," Chi Feichi began to worry about whether the knowledge base of his teacher's brain had been eaten up by alcohol. He didn't believe that the knowledge base in his teacher's brain had always been so empty. "The Kitano Tenman Palace has been rebuilt many times , The current appearance is rebuilt after the Warring States Period, using the style of Gongenzo Shrine, which uses black as the background color and adorned with a lot of gold ornaments, the intention is to make Kitano Tenmangu look luxurious and solemn."

"," Conan had to change his address under the eyes of other people, and found that Hattori Heiji was looking at him proudly, and he was speechless for a while, reminding Hattori Heiji to hurry up and talk about the case, "The serial murder you mentioned , what does it have to do with Daozhen?"

"In this serial killing, the two victims were both monks. The first was the drowning incident at Kinsuji Temple four days ago, and the second was the burning incident at Auhoji Temple three days ago," Hattori Heiji said. Asked rhetorically, "After the flood, there was a big fire, isn't it just like Daozhen's wraith is causing trouble?"

"Huh?" Conan looked at Hattori Heiji speechlessly.

When did Hattori become so superstitious?

Feichi sighed with emotion, "Master, the case that Hattori wants to investigate is really the serial murder case that Feimo mentioned."

"Have you read too many legends lately, boy?" Mori Kogoro also looked at Hattori Heiji speechlessly, "Water and fire, aren't they very common things? It can't be proved that the murderer uses this method to kill people." Is this related to the grudge of Michizane? Just like Emperor Sutoku and Hei Shomon mentioned by Feichi just now, there have also been disasters such as fire, flood, earthquake or plague after death. How can you be sure that it is related to Michizane, not What about these vengeful spirits?"

"Because this was found at the two crime scenes..." Hattori Heiji took out a stack of photos from his pocket, pulled out two of them, and held them in front of him so that others could see the contents of the photos, and introduced them seriously Dao said, "Both scenes left a note, and both of them wrote the waka written by Michizane."

Mori Kogoro leaned forward and watched, "The water is as deep as the sea and the moon is reflected..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki also looked at the two photos, "What is the order? Which song is left at the scene of the first incident and the scene of the second incident?"

"At the scene of the drowning in the first incident, the waka left was 'If the east wind blows, the fragrance of the garden will come by the wind, and my plums will be lost, and don't forget the spring day'," Hattori Heiji said, looking at the photo, "The second incident At the burning scene of the incident, the waka left behind is "The water is as deep as the sea and the moon is reflected, and the loyalty can finally see the brilliance"..."

"Is that so?" Nanatsuki Koshimi thought thoughtfully, "I thought that what was left in the drowning incident was the 'Deep Sea', and what was left in the burning incident was the 'Dongfeng'. Is this roughly consistent with the situation at the scene? Because Speaking of Dongfeng, it reminds people of the battle of burning Chibi in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which can also be regarded as fire, and the deep sea corresponds to drowning in water... But the scene turned out to be the other way around?"

"Yeah, I haven't figured out what the waka played at the scene meant, but what is certain is that the murderer probably wanted to borrow the legend of Michizane's wraith to design the murder," Hattori Heiji put his hand by his side, allowing Conan to He took the two photos away and took a look, and then took out a piece of copy paper from the stack of photos in his hand, and held it up in front of him, letting Chi Feichi, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and Mori Kogoro I can see clearly, "One month ago, the Kyoto Prefecture Police received a strange anonymous letter, which seemed to be some kind of code. Combined with the two recent cases in Kyoto, both the Kyoto Prefecture Police and the Osaka Prefecture Police believed that this letter was related to this incident. There must be a connection between the cases..."

Letter paper has normal printing paper size.

Rows of numbers and symbols are printed on the left side of the paper.

The first line is '5-0', the second line is '7-1+2', the third line is '5-3', the fourth line is '7-0', the fifth line is '7-0', the The sixth line is '5-1+2', the seventh line is '7-2+3+4'...

There are 15 rows in total, aligned to the left.

The longest is the most'.

On the right side of the paper, three lines of text were printed vertically.

【please answer my question】

【Death Kyoto】


"Tenjin...that's Michizane Sugawara, right?" Mouri Kogoro looked at the words on the printed paper, frowned and muttered, "But what do those numbers mean? Is it a calculation problem?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple," Koshimizu Nanatsuki rested his chin on his right hand, observed the numbers on the printing paper, and carefully analyzed, "The murderer sent this kind of thing, the purpose should be to convey a certain message...I mean the text. Such a message, at least it will be a sentence or something else, even if we calculate the above numbers, it is just numbers like 5, 8, 2, 7, 7, and there is no way to combine them into a sentence."

Chi Feichi didn't remember the circumstances of this incident, and followed the rules of observing those numbers, deducing various possibilities in his mind, and felt that the corner of his clothes was being pulled.

Conan couldn't see the content on the printing paper, so he directly pulled the corner of Chi Feichi's clothes, and when Chi Feichi looked at it, he hurriedly said, "Brother Chi..."

Chi Feichi squatted down and picked up Conan.

Didn't the famous detective just want to read the contents of that letter?

Conan praised Chi Feichi in his heart, then turned to look at the printing paper.

As expected of his little friend, there is a tacit understanding with him.

However, the code on this letter is indeed very special, and he has no clue to solve the mystery for the time being...


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