Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2708 monk and painter

Kogoro Mouri leaned forward and watched Chi Feichi measure the length and width of the letter paper with a soft ruler, "The length of the letter exactly 24 centimeters, and the width is..."

"19 centimeters," Hattori Heiji read out the number on the tape first, and concluded with affirmative gaze, "This is one of the standard specifications for Japanese painting paper. The two portraits of Kazuha and Xiaolan just now should be the same size. No. 8 drawing paper with a length of 45.5 cm and a width of 38 cm, and this letter paper is 24 cm long and 19 cm wide, which is the specification of No. 2 drawing paper."

When Chi Feichi put away the tape measure, Mori Kogoro guessed, "In other words, the murderer is probably a painter?"

"It's not sure yet, but the murderer used drawing paper to print, there must be a reason..." Hattori Heiji thought about it seriously, and took out his mobile phone, "Anyway, let's go to the scene of the eucalyptus first, and I will call on the way Give it to Police Officer Otaki, tell him this discovery, and ask him to confirm the size of the original letter to see if it is consistent with the No. 2 drawing paper."

A group of people stopped a taxi at the intersection.

On the way to Jinshui Temple, Hattori Heiji told Officer Otaki about the letter-sized discovery on the phone.

Mori Kogoro, Chi Feichi, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and Conan were in the back seat, studying the contents of the letter and the two waka songs left at the scene.

There are many temples and shrines in Kyoto, so many that you can see them everywhere. There are well-known temples or shrines in the east, west, north, south, and there are even sayings that "one temple is five steps, and one temple is ten steps".

The Jinshui Temple at the site of the first eucalyptus discovery is not considered a large temple. A large pond was built in the temple. The main hall building is built next to the water. Hosted by two apprentices.

"The person who was killed this time was the abbot of Jinshui Temple, Quan Hui. Although Jinshui Temple is not a big temple, the abbot of Quan Hui seems to be a very famous monk..."

Hattori Heiji walked along the gravel road around the pond, stopped at the place where there was a warning belt, looked at the pond and continued to introduce the case, "He was tied up with ropes and thrown into this pool , was drowned just like that. It is speculated that the time of death was between 2:00 and 3:00 in the middle of the night. There were no witnesses. In addition, it was found on the stones at the scene. Even if the plum is lost, don’t forget the spring day.”

"This is a poem written by Michizane Zuo when he moved to Kyoto. It is used to praise plum blossoms. It means that when the spring breeze blows, the fragrance of the flowers will come to me with the wind. Even if the master is not there, the spring will not forget me..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said, and turned to look at the surrounding environment, "There seems to be no plum trees around here."

"This waka seems a bit strange..." Conan held the photo of the content of the waka with both hands, and when other people turned their heads to look at it, he held the photo up with one hand, and pointed to the small words on the photo with the finger of the other hand, "it is Here! It says 'に书い (花香)', but if it was the time when Michizane left his poems, shouldn't it be written as 'にほひ' and pronounced as 'に书い'?"

"Ah, so it is true." Hattori Heiji affirmed thoughtfully.

"But as long as the pronunciation is 'に书い', it's fine? It's just that the prisoner accidentally wrote it wrong," Mori Kogoro said nonchalantly, turned his head and looked around, and urged, "Since the police will be able to investigate I have investigated all the places, so there is nothing to see here, let's go to the next scene quickly!"

Chi Feichi also felt that there were no clues to investigate here. When he turned around and walked out, he reminded Kogoro Mouri, "But if this is the case, it means that the murderer's research on history and Chinese is not deep, or the murderer doesn't know the truth that much. The works are not like the kind of people who worship Daozhen excessively, frantically collect information about Daozhen, and kill people according to the legend of Daozhen's wraith. The reason why the murderer chooses the victim is probably not because a certain characteristic of the victim conforms to the legend, there should be other The reason, then, the investigation can give priority to motives such as vendetta, robbery, and murder of accomplices, compared with motives based on religious beliefs, the murderer with these motives will know the deceased."

Hattori Heiji added, "In other words, the victim's interpersonal relationship is still worth investigating, especially those disputes that the victim was involved in, those who may have resentment towards the victim, and the relationship between the two victims. You need to pay more attention to your contacts!"

Mori Kogoro nodded again and again, "Ah, that's right!"

Conan followed, sighing helplessly.

If things go on like this, Uncle Xiaowulang will become more like the one who was an apprentice... No, Chi Feichi was stronger than Uncle Xiaowulang from the very beginning. After Chi Feichi became familiar with the investigation process of the case, Uncle He and Chi Feichi were not on the same level at all.

He sometimes wondered if Chi Feichi's cognition had problems in some aspects, so that the uncle could take advantage of the situation and get a powerful apprentice empty-handed?

This is not impossible.


The second eucalyptus was found at a temple.

The name of the temple is Aobao Temple. Because it was burned by fire, the scene is a scorched ruins.

"The second victim was Jianrong, who was also a monk in Aobao Temple. He was a monk who came out of a big temple, and he came to Aobao Temple later. The presiding officer is equivalent. Three nights ago, he was doused with gasoline and burned together with the temple, and died a terrible death." Hattori Heiji walked around the scorched black wooden pillar on the ground and led a group of people inside, "The fire burned The time I got up was three nights ago, around two o'clock in the morning. In addition, there was a piece of paper written on the place outside the door that was not burned by the fire, and the content was " The water is as deep as the sea and the moon is reflected, and the loyalty can finally see the brilliance'..."

"It means that no matter how deep the bottom of the water is, the moon can be reflected on the water, and my heart is like the moon, and I will not lose my clarity." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked around and murmured in doubt, "But there is no pool here, It seems that there is no water that can reflect the moon. When the murderer chose waka, didn't he choose according to the environment? Then what is the reason why the murderer chose these two waka?"

Hearing Koshimizu Nanatsuki's murmur, Chi Feichi thought for a while, and asked Hattori Heiji for the letter again, "Hatbu, give me that letter again."

Hattori Heiji immediately took out the letter and handed it to Chi Feichi, "Brother Feichi, did you find anything worth noting?"

"No... I'm not sure if I found it." Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone, took a photo of the content on the copy of the letter, and then returned the letter to Hattori Heiji, "I just want to do some more research."

"It turns out that there are still some unburned rooms." Mori Kogoro stepped onto the corridor of the charred building, frowned and sniffed the smell in the room, "The smell here is too bad, there is a strange burnt smell ..."

As he said that, Kogoro Mori stepped forward and opened the door next to him. He felt a more intense burnt smell coming from his nostrils, and quickly took two steps back.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki also felt the smell in the air was weird, held his breath, went to the door and looked into the house, and saw a lot of burnt paintings on the floor, "It's a painting of Buddha statues, it seems that all of them have been burned. Burning... Huh? There seems to be a complete painting in front of the wall over there..."

Mori Kogoro led the way into the house, trying to avoid the charred paintings of Buddha statues on the ground. When he reached the corner, he squatted down and looked at the painting of Buddha statues that had not been burned. He suddenly noticed the pattern of flowers and branches in the lower right corner, "Eh? Realgar orchid branches?"

"Could it be that this painting of Buddha was painted by the artist who painted the portraits of Xiaolan and Heye before?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki also recognized the pattern of flowers and branches, and looked at the whole painting again, "This painting of Buddha statue It is very good, and it should be drawn by a painter with profound painting skills..."

"Ring ring ring...!"

The phone rings suddenly.

Hattori Heiji, who was standing at the back, took out his mobile phone, looked at the number displayed on the screen, and answered the phone, "Officer Otaki, it's me... What's wrong?...Wh-what? The third victim appeared ?!"

Hearing what Hattori Heiji said, Conan and Mori Kogoro's expressions changed, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki also looked at Hattori Heiji in surprise.

The murderer committed crimes four or three days ago, and there was no movement for the next two days. Chi Feichi didn't expect a third victim to appear today, but it's not surprising after thinking about it.

The Grim Reaper is here, will the victim be far behind?

"Is your location...the art museum on Omiya Road in Shimokyo District?...Mr. Mori and the others are with me too. We are at Aobaoji Temple, and we will go there right away..."

Hattori Heiji hung up the phone and recounted the location of the third eucalyptus to others.

Before the group left Aobao Temple, they used their mobile phones to take pictures of the situation in the room and the painting of the unburned Buddha statue.

On the way to Shimokyo by taxi, Nanatsuki Koshimizu sat in the front seat and used her mobile phone to search for information about realgar orchid branches on the Internet.

Hattori Heiji looked at the photo of the Buddha painting on his mobile phone, and frowned, "There are traces of smoke on the edge, but not too much, which means that when the fire started, the painting was in the room, but it was not there at the beginning. It was not put together with other paintings, but was placed in that corner, someone must have put this painting there on purpose..."

Conan leaned next to Hattori Heiji, looked at the phone photos with Hattori Heiji, and frowned.

If the murderer put the painting there specially to prevent it from being burned, then the murderer must have something to do with the artist who drew the painting...

Kogoro Mori stared at the pattern of flowers and branches in the lower right corner of the painting, "The realgar orchid pattern on this painting of Buddha is exactly the same as the realgar orchid on the portrait of Xiaolan and the others!"

"I checked on the Internet, and this pattern of realgar orchid branches doesn't seem to be a symbol of a certain painter's association or painting club." Koshimizu Nanatsuki put down his phone and turned to the four people in the back seat, "Of course, it's not ruled out." It is the logo of an unknown painting team, but there is not much information on the Internet. It is better for us to inquire in the Buddhist painting circle, because some Buddhist painters are not well-known in the outside world, only temples, monks, Buddhas Only painters and some buddhist study enthusiasts will know. In addition... Uncle, do you want to call Xiaolan and the others to be careful? The artist who painted their portraits is probably the artist who is suspected of being connected with the murderer. If you go to inquire about the other party's news, you may be targeted by the murderer."

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