"It doesn't matter whether it's a school in Kanto or Kansai. The content that needs to be mastered in the Chinese class is the same," Conan fanned the flames to join in the fun, and said in a childlike voice, "so brother Heiji must have learned it before!"

Hattori Heiji stared at Conan for half a month, "Hey, didn't you think of it at the beginning?"

Yes, the Chinese teaching in Kanto and Kansai is the same. Then Kudo also learned Japanese verse patterns in the first grade of high school. Why didn't he think of the key when he saw the code before?

Does Kudo have the nerve to talk about him?

Conan: "..."

Oops, accidentally pitted myself in it.

Chi Feichi acquiesced that he didn't know 'Conan is Kudo Shinichi', "Conan is still a primary school student, it's normal not to know."

"Yeah, what are you up to with this brat?" Mori Kogoro put on a pointing gesture, "If you have time, you should review the knowledge of the first grade of high school. Review the content you have learned more than let Daozhen blesses that passing the exam will be much more useful!"

"Thank you for your reminder, Uncle, I will," Hattori Heiji Banyueyan said, "But Uncle, if we hadn't mentioned it, you wouldn't have thought that the verse pattern is 57577, right?"

"How can this be the same?" Mori Kogoro replied confidently, "I have graduated for many years, and I don't take any exams. It's normal to forget some knowledge!"

Hattori Heiji:"……"

He lost.

Chi Feichi looked at Hattori Heiji's dejected look, and said the truth, "Hattori, I'm taunting you, but I really think that Kansai High School Student Detective Hattori Heiji should be able to unlock the code a little faster. "

Hattori Heiji was stunned for a moment, then quickly scratched his head and smiled, "Brother Feichi, so you believe in my strength so much, to be honest, after discovering the key to unlocking this code, I also felt that I should have unlocked the code earlier Yes, but don't worry, next time I will try my best to solve the code faster..."

Saying that, Hattori Heiji suddenly asked expectantly, "By the way, Brother Feichi, since you believe so much in my strength, do you think I'm actually stronger than Kudo in Kanto?"

Conan: "?"

This guy Hattori deserves a good blow!

"I'm not familiar with Kudo..." Chi Feichi raised his eyes to meet Hattori Heiji's expectant gaze, but it was still difficult to say against his will, "Hatbu Heiji is stronger than Kudo Shinichi", "Your strength may be about the same."

"That's it..." Hattori Heiji noticed that Conan was staring at him with speechless eyes, and quickly smiled at Chi Feichi, "If you are familiar with Kudo, you will definitely think that I am more powerful!"

"No," Conan Banyue stared at Hattori Heiji, expressionless, "I think Shinichi brother is always stronger!"

Mori Kogoro yawned, and complained sleepily, "What's the point of arguing about this kind of thing? What kind of Kansai Kanto high school student detective, just two brats..."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu sat next to Chi Feichi, smiling as Kogoro Mori and Heiji Hattori stared at each other, and suddenly found a certain red boy crow lowered its head, and reminded aloud, "Mr. Chi, Feimo seems to be It doesn’t have much energy, could it be sick? Or is it injured somewhere?”

Chi Feichi glanced at Feimo, who was out of spirits, "I checked it for him before, and it's fine, maybe it's just tired from playing."

He knew what was going on with Fei Mo.

The white-hat painter is indeed a painting genius. He has already become famous in his early ten years. Being proud but lacking the courage to prove oneself with paintings, resenting the unfairness of fate, and resenting that others do not understand one's talent is simply a standard example of "success in the past is not good for future development".

This serial killing incident has attracted a lot of attention. People like Yoshikazu Mizuno must have heard some inside information, including who the murderer was and what the murderer's motive was.

Mizuno Yoshikazu was originally worried that Fei Mo Zhengta's premature fame would affect his personal growth, and his attitude has finally eased up a little in the past two days. If he suddenly heard the truth about this serial killing incident, he might object to Fei Mo Zhengta too much Participate in national song card competitions.

Feimo flew over happily, wanting to watch the excitement, but found that the excitement would cause him trouble, how could he still be happy?


The next day, the semi-finals of the Yayoi Cup kicked off at Kitano Tenmangu Shrine.

Due to the delay in investigating the case, the detective team stayed in Kyoto for another night. Together with Hattori Heiji, Toyama and Ye, they all went to Kitano Tenmangu to watch the Kara card competition.

The E-level group competition was also scheduled for the morning. When Feimo participated in the competition, the news of the "genius painter's serial killing incident" had not yet spread. Yoshikazu Mizuno, who came to watch the competition, was in a good mood, and he was able to nod and say hello to people he knew .

In the afternoon, Mori Kogoro received a call from the client temporarily, and left Kyoto with Mao Lilan and Conan.

Suzuki Sonoko received a call from home and followed him back to Tokyo.

Chi Feichi, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Dr. Ali and their four children stayed in Kyoto to watch the next day's Yayoi Cup finals.

The Yayoi Cup is a competition organized by the All Japan Kara Card Association, and the entire competition process will be broadcast and videotaped.

When it came to the one-on-one final on the second day, the broadcast rate of the TV broadcast program soared. Many people hadn't watched the game before, but when it came to the final, they would watch the program broadcast on TV at home.

The number of people who rushed to Kitano Tenmangu was several times higher than the previous two days.

Although the competitions of the contestants are held in the closed Hongye Garden, and the audience can only watch the broadcast outside the Kitano Tenmangu, but almost all the people who rushed to the scene came to feel the atmosphere of the Kapai competition, and no one cared whether they could Enter the game venue.

While waiting for the start of the game, Chi Feichi paid attention to the crowd nearby, and found that Yoshikazu Mizuno hadn't been there until the start of the game, probably because he had heard about the "genius painter's serial murder incident" and began to object to it, which would make Fei Mo Zhengtai too much Early fame game plan too.

Feimo was not affected. Since many members of the Chidori Club went to Kitano Tenmangong to help Feimo, Feimo Zhengtai didn't even have time to chat with Chi Feichi and others. He greeted all the acquaintances and Went to Red Leaf Court.

Not surprisingly, Feimo won the final with an overwhelming advantage. After the referee announced the result, he saluted the opponent, the singer and the referee calmly, just like after the game a few days ago.

Until he exited the stage, Fei Mo Zhengtai did not show any complacency, joy, or pride on his face.

This calm attitude also amazed the audience in front of the big screen.

The finals of the five grade groups of E, D, C, B, and A ended before 1:00 p.m., and everyone rested for an hour. The Yayoi Cup began to award awards, and members of the All Japan Karatag Association recommended contestants to advance and other links.

The champions of the five grade groups have all been recommended for promotion, and all of them have successfully advanced.

In addition, the three players who failed to win the championship but had excellent performance in the competition in the past were also recommended for promotion and successfully advanced.

After the competition officially ended, the organizers left the arena, and the media and players present entered the "free interview" session.

Media workers are free to invite a certain player to participate in the interview. Of course, the player can also freely choose whether to accept the interview. Sometimes the two parties will agree on the content of the interview before conducting the interview.

Generally speaking, the atmosphere of most post-match interviews will be relatively harmonious, but it is not ruled out that some unscrupulous media deliberately lead players to say some unpleasant remarks in order to create gimmicks.

Mizuno Yoshikazu arrived at Kitano Tenmangu one minute before the official end of the competition, found the person in charge of the organizer, chatted for a while, and then went to the Red Leaf Garden, stopping Fei Mozheng who was about to participate in the interview.

Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko recognized Mizuno Yoshikazu immediately when they saw Mizuno Yoshikazu, and seeing that the guards in front of Hongye Garden did not stop Mizuno Yoshikazu, they set off and ran over.

"We're going to have a look too!"

"Let's go congratulate Mizuno-san for winning the championship!"

"His performance in the competition just now was really amazing! The other player is not his opponent at all!"

Dr. Ali, Nanatsuki Koshimizu, Chi Feichi, and Huihara Ai had no choice but to set off and chase after them.

The three children were stopped outside the blockade by the guards without any surprise.

"Why can't we go in?" Mitsuhiko looked at the two guards and questioned, pointing to the two men who had just entered, "If outsiders can't go in, why can the two of them go in?"

"Uncle Mizuno's family went in just now," Ayumi said, and assured, "We won't run around after we go in!"

Yuan Tai asked suspiciously, "Could it be that you saw us as children, and you deliberately teased us to save trouble?"

"No, it's not..." One of the guards smiled dryly and waved his hands. Seeing Chi Feichi and others approaching, he smiled helplessly at Chi Feichi and others, leaned over and explained to the three children, "We don't let outsiders The purpose of going in and out is to protect the safety of the players and ensure that the players will not be disturbed by others. The two gentlemen who went in just now are staff members of the Kyoto Newspaper. They are also people who have made an appointment in advance and obtained the post-match interview qualification. , that is because he is a family member of the contestant, so he was allowed to pass, I know you have no malicious intentions, but there is no way to let you pass."

"Okay, you three," Dr. A Li deliberately put on a straight face, "I can talk about congratulations later, and don't disturb the work of the guards now!"


The three children responded with regret on their faces.

"...Don't rush to accept the interview before the firm I arranged for you is completed..."

Not far from the cordon, Mizuno Yoshikazu led Fei Mo Masata to the side of the path, followed by Kuroki Yasuji and a few bodyguards.

Mizuno Yoshikazu lowered his head and talked to Fei Mo Zhengtai, with a serious expression and a gentle voice, "After the establishment of the office is completed, you can let the staff of the office speak for you. They have experience in dealing with interview questions. I won’t let everyone misunderstand you. Even if you want to accept an interview, it’s best to ask the people in the firm to help you screen out suitable media, and then let them teach you how to deal with interviews. If you decide to participate in the competition, I will also There is no way to force you, but in this matter, you have to listen to me..."

Standing behind the blockade, Chi Feichi could vaguely hear what Shizuno Yoshikazu said, as if he could see the feeling on Mizuno Yoshikazu's face that "it's so tiring to take care of a child, whoever said that a mature child can be worry-free".

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