Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2714 He won't mind

"Seven o'clock in the morning." Conan said the time that had been discussed earlier, "We have agreed before that we will gather downstairs at the Maori Detective Agency at seven o'clock, and go to school after investigating the scene."

"Then let's meet at seven tomorrow morning." Chi Feichi said.

"Brother Feichi, are you going home now?" Hui Yuanai said again on the phone, "Or are you still staying at the seaside restaurant..."

"I'm going to drive for two laps before going back. Don't worry, I'll go back early to rest." Chi Feichi took the initiative to stop Hui Yuanai from talking.

His sister really suspected that he lost contact in the afternoon to help the organization...

Although the fact is true, he made a new drug for the organization to use, which is considered to be doing things for the organization, but he didn't want Hui Yuanai to pursue it any further.

Huiyuan Ai was only a little skeptical, hesitated for a while, and decided to use the child's 'advantage' to test the situation clearly, and deliberately asked in a low-confidence tone, "Then can you come back early? You have been in touch this afternoon No, I'm very worried and want to see you and make sure you're okay before going to bed."

She said so, if Brother Feichi really just went to a seaside restaurant to find creative inspiration, he probably wouldn't go for a drive and would choose to drive back right away, right?

Yes, she just wanted to test it out, to see if Brother Feichi was really looking for creative inspiration alone, or if he was entangled in something he couldn't get out of.

For example, to meet some dangerous guys...

Chi Fei was mentally prepared sooner or later, and replied without the slightest hesitation, "I'll go back now, but I shouldn't be able to arrive at Mihua Town until around ten o'clock in the evening. If you feel sleepy, go to bed early, and I will go to the doctor's house to see You go home and rest."

He was just betting that his sister wasn't so sure what he was doing, that his sister was just testing and wouldn't really want to torment him.

If Xiao Ai really intends to make him go, then he should go to the doctor's house around ten o'clock.

Anyway, there is no particularly important action tonight, as long as you tell Gin in advance, the big deal is that he will not participate in anything tonight and go back to sleep early.

Seeing that Chi Feichi agreed so simply, Hui Yuan felt that he might be thinking too much, so he changed his words nonchalantly, "It's going to be ten o'clock... I feel sleepy now, and by ten o'clock, I should be asleep It’s over, I don’t even know when you’ll come, why don’t we see you tomorrow morning.”

"Have you made up your mind?" Chi Feichi asked, "Before you hang up, you have a chance to change your mind."

"I've already thought about it, we'll see you tomorrow morning," Hui Yuan Ai confirmed, and said with concern, "But you still have to go back to sleep early, lack of sleep will make your mental state unstable, and you don't want to be disturbed by the situation. Are you taking medicine if you are unstable?"

"I'll be back sooner."

"That's how it is. Edogawa and the others are going back. I'll pack up my things and go to bed early."


After hanging up the phone, Chi Feichi put the phone in his pocket, and pulled the tab of the canned coffee, "You're right, it's easy to get overwhelmed when dealing with children."

"Huh..." Gin laughed in a deep voice, put down his phone, and put out the cigarette that had burned to the end into the ashtray, "Are you about to leave the team early and go back to coax the children? But since you said I'll go back sooner, so I don't need to go, right?"

"She thought ten o'clock was too late, so she changed her mind and didn't need me." Chi Feichi drank iced coffee and walked to the sofa. "I didn't have anything to do tonight. You promised to send an experimental subject." Give me an experiment, and in the end I have to catch people myself."

"This is for you to choose first. If you don't need to catch someone alive, I will consider smashing his head with one shot, or letting him be smashed to pieces in the explosion." Gin Jiu glanced at the can in Chi Feichi's hand Filled with coffee, stood up and said, "Let's go, find a place for you to have dinner first, do you still plan to fill your stomach with a bottle of coffee?"

Chi Feichi turned around and went to the laboratory, "Wait for me, I'll bring the disguise tool."


Half an hour later, Chi Feichi went into a relatively remote small bar in the Shinjuku area with Gin and wine under Lak's face.

About twenty minutes later, Vodka also entered the bar. In a bar with no other customers, he saw Gin and Chi Feichi sitting in front of the bar at a glance. He walked up to him and greeted him loudly, " Brother, Lark, you are all here, I didn’t keep you waiting too long, did I?”

"It's not too long, Lark hasn't had dinner yet, wait for him to fill his stomach first," Gin sat in front of the bar, tilted the glass in his hand on the countertop, straightened, tilted, straightened, staring at the light red in the glass. , The crimson wine spread on the crushed ice, "If you want to drink, you can order it yourself, but don't drink too much."

On the side, Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze and continued to eat the delicately placed noodles and sauced beef in front of him, while using his mobile phone to read the information that Gin had sent him before.

"Understood, brother!" Vodka opened the chair and sat next to Gin. His eyes were attracted by the glass of cocktail in Gin's hand. He glanced again, raised his left hand to the waiter standing in the corner of the bar, and pointed with his right hand. The glass in Gin's hand, "Hey, give me a glass of this cocktail too!"

"He can't make this, it's made by Lark," Gin finally moved his eyes away from the glass, and glanced at the pale waiter over there, "the glass of 'Tom Collins' he made earlier didn't taste very good So Rucker just made me a drink."

Chi Feichi temporarily put down the mobile phone and the fast chip in his hand, turned his head to look at the vodka, and asked in a hoarse voice, "The Thorn Cocktail was born in the Fred's Club in London in the 1980s, and it has only become popular in recent years. Come to Japan, do you want to try it?"

"This..." Vodka hesitated, wanting to try that blood-thinning cocktail, but also felt that it would not be good for Chi Feichi to come off and help him mix the drink, "Would it be too much trouble for you?"

"It's okay, I've eaten enough anyway."

Chi Feichi hissed, got up and went around the bar, found a cylindrical glass, put a slice of lemon into the glass, then filled it with crushed ice, and then added a certain amount of gin, blackcurrant liqueur, and pomegranate in sequence syrup.

The appearance of the Thorn Cocktail is quite distinctive.

The red wine and red syrup will soak into the crevices of crushed ice, fall to the bottom of the cup, and be diluted in transparent gin and ice water. The deep place will be dark red, and only traces of light red will adhere to the ice, as long as it is handled properly , it will be like blood flowing into water, and it will be slowly diluted by water at the same time.

Vodka waited for Chi Feichi to make drinks, and noticed that Chi Feichi was taking the bartending tools and drinks on the bar very casually and skillfully, and also noticed that the waiter was still standing weakly in the corner, staring at the waiter with his eyes behind the sunglasses After looking at it for a while, "Brother, is he not one of us?"

Gin gave the waiter a cold look, "That's right, he's not one of us, but he won't mind."

Vodka saw that the waiter flinched at the sight of Gin, and wondered in his heart whether the waiter was beaten by his elder brother because of his poor bartending skills, so he laughed, "He can't do anything if he wants to mind. Is his bartending skills not good enough?"

Chi Feichi looked at the waiter, but he still didn't speak after all, and focused on making the cocktail in his hand.

Actually the food in this pub is not great.

After he and Gin entered the door, he asked the only living person in the store, that is, the waiter and bartender, and the answer he got was-'There are only fried chicken nuggets, edamame, and French fries in the store. '.

At that moment, he and Gin understood, no wonder there were no customers in the store and the waiter was dozing off when they entered the door, there was a reason for all of this.

He didn't want to settle for chicken nuggets, french fries, edamame, and gin and he didn't want to go to other crowded and loud bars, so they chose to buy food from other bars and eat here.

Bars generally do not allow customers to do this. When they went to the street to buy noodles and sauced beef and brought them back, the waiter did call out 'guest', but was quickly choked back by Gin with gloomy eyes.

The waiter was very tactful, and asked instead, 'Would I help prepare two drinks'.

Of course, the waiter's bartending skills were not very good, and the drinks he prepared were disgusted by gin again.

This time it's not that he's picky about gin. He's tasted the 'Mockingbird' that the other party made for him. People who have drunk too many cocktails or have a keen sense of taste should be able to taste the inaccurate ratio of wine and water, and the mixture of wine and liquor. The degree is not up to standard.

The dominant taste of the liquor that should have been stimulated was not stimulated, and some flavors that needed to be blended with other ingredients were not blended in place. As a result, the overall taste seemed to be correct, but the feeling of drinking was not very good. Flat, too thin where it should be full-bodied.

This kind of drink is difficult to pass two people who have drunk a lot of good wine, so Gin asked - 'Can we make the bar ourselves? '

It may be that Gin Jiu's complexion was not very good at the time, and he had a kind of coldness of "you will die if you dare to refuse", which made the waiter stand in the corner until now.

What he was sure of was that even if the waiter rejected Gin's proposal on the spot, Gin would not throw the table up and throw a temper tantrum. At most, he would exchange two glasses of beer and leave after he finished eating.

But people always believe in their own conclusions. Even if he said it, the waiter would not believe his judgment.

"The alcohol content of the thorn cocktail is not high, it has a strong berry flavor," Chi Feichi said in a hoarse voice, and put the cocktail on the table in front of the vodka, "If you are not used to drinking it, you can put it aside and drink some Anything else."

"Thank you, Luke," Vodka happily brought the wine to himself, "Although I rarely drink berry-flavored cocktails, I'm willing to try any flavor, and I can drink a glass of berry-flavored cocktails tonight Cocktails are also a very good experience!"

"Then try it first."

Chi Feichi politely responded to the vodka, poured himself a glass of soda, walked back to the bar and sat down, took out his mobile phone and continued to look at the target's information.

Who would reject a vodka who usually likes to boast and say thank you when things happen?

Although vodka is sometimes very reckless when communicating with people, which slightly lowers the basic quality of the members of the organization, but in terms of emotional stability, he feels that vodka is better than many members of the organization, and occasionally can help the big guys stabilize their emotions.

Even if it is cursing, vodka can also have special effects.

Even if he and Gin originally had resentment towards a certain target, they would feel less 'angry' when they heard Vodka swearing at that target endlessly.

And the frequency of vodka scolding a certain action target is...


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