Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2716 The True Face of Financial Celebrities

Behind the gate of the park, Vodka looked at the deserted intersection, and was still swearing at Kotaro Hirama today.

Chi Feichi lit a cigarette, quietly looked at the intersection on the other side of the road, and was still thinking about Kotaro Hirama in his mind.

When the Hirama Financial Firm was first established, some people came to the firm for financial consultation because of Kotaro Hirama's fame.

Kotaro Hirama will also regularly hold lectures in some residential areas to explain some basic financial knowledge to the public.

But not long after, someone broke out that Kotaro Hirama was in contact with a high-interest credit company, and usually used consultation and speeches to introduce new customers to that company.

A person who encountered difficulties in running a store took a loan from a certain credit company on the recommendation of Kotaro Hirama. As a result, he couldn't pay off the loan at high interest rates, and was entangled by violent associations.

Some housewives were deceived by Kotaro Hirama’s reputation and believed in the bond investment and stock investment introduced by Kotaro Hirama in his speech. After losing money, they borrowed usury loans from a credit company recommended by Kotaro Hirama and repaid them in a short period of time. The interest of more than twice the principal can get rid of the entanglement of the collector.

As the first person who exposed Kotaro Hirama's true face came forward, similar revelations emerged quickly, causing Kotaro Hirama's reputation to plummet, and Kotaro Hirama's financial science speeches were also boycotted.

Since then, Hirama Kotaro seems to have let himself go completely, mixed with informal credit companies, provided financial consultation and formulated loan plans for several credit companies, and transformed from a financial expert who barely maintained a decent manner to a greedy fox.

It is impossible for outsiders to know how many bad ideas Kotaro Hirama gave to those companies, but after Kotaro Hirama served as a long-term consultant to the two companies, the scale of the two companies expanded rapidly, and the heads of the two companies had a great deal of respect for Kotaro Hirama. Kotaro Mama has always been polite and friendly, and he will pay a lot of consulting fees on a regular basis. You don't need to check carefully to know that Kotaro Hirama must have provided these two companies with advice that can make huge profits.

In addition to collecting consulting fees, Hirama Kotaro also put his own money in the two credit companies with good relationships, and let the two credit companies lend out to obtain the benefits of usury.

In the past two years, a company that Kotaro Hirama served as a long-term consultant was also involved in a serious dispute over high-interest loans and violent collection.

That incident caused a stir all over Japan.

The protagonist of the incident is an old woman who is nearly seventy years old.

The old woman's husband has disabled legs and feet, and usually works as a cleaner, while the old woman does odd jobs everywhere.

The couple lived very poorly. Since they applied for personal bankruptcy in the early years, even in an emergency, they could not borrow money from formal credit companies.

One day, when the old woman was having a headache to pay the rent and her husband's medical expenses, she met the salesman of the credit company. Under the help of the other's eloquent words, the old woman borrowed 3000 yuan from the company. million yen.

Of course, after deducting various handling fees, the old lady got only 50,000 yen.

The old woman thought that she would be able to repay the money after two days when she had enough money. She happily told her friend that if she could repay the money within a week, the interest would only be 2,000 yen.

As a result, within a few days, an employee of the credit company called to inform her that she needed to pay 50,000 yen in interest per week.

The old lady didn't understand how the interest rate could become so high all of a sudden, so she found the reception desk of the credit company. She was received by the young female employee who helped her handle the loan last time.

The female employee took out the loan contract signed by the old woman, pointed to some clauses and showed the old woman, chattering away.

The old lady couldn't understand those complicated terms, she only understood one thing - for some reason, the low-interest loan was not given to her, and now she had to pay the high interest marked on a certain clause according to the signed contract.

The next ones who sent the old woman out were two vicious-looking men.

After returning home, the old woman could only work part-time to earn money to repay the loan, but she still couldn't pay such a high interest rate. The interest rate of the loan was rolling. Even if the old woman made multiple repayments of more than 100,000 yen, she still couldn't pay it all. At the same time, she had to face the urging and harassment from the collection personnel from time to time. The old woman felt that she couldn't bear it, so she chose to call the police.

But when the police arrived, there was no way to arrest him.

The collectors were also irritated by the old woman's behavior of calling the police, and started more excessive collection behaviors, urging the old woman to pay back the money more frequently, and making occasional phone calls and door-to-door threats.

The old woman was so disturbed that she called the police three times.

The police went there three times, but they still couldn't prevent the collectors from coming to the door in the future.

The old woman was forced to collapse and left a suicide note accusing usury. She and her husband, who was over 60 years old, chose to commit suicide. elder brother.

This suicide incident aroused a lot of public attention. Subsequently, the police and the Financial Services Agency launched an investigation into the incident of illegal credit and violent collection by the credit company.

In the end, several collectors were sentenced to three or four years in prison and fined 300,000 to 1 million yen. The president of the credit company was sentenced to one year in prison and fined 2.5 million yen. However, he was released on bail before he formally served his sentence in prison. .

That set of dazzling loan terms was written by Kotaro Hirama. Even young people will suffer from those loan terms, let alone some old people whose thinking is gradually slowing down.

During the turmoil of that suicide incident, the set of loan terms was also circulated, the key points were marked, and it was circulated among those who often borrowed money, reminding others that the original terms can also be formulated so insidiously.

As the creator of the set of loan terms, Kotaro Hirama was not affected by other things except being scolded in private.

In what Kotaro Hirama said in the interview at the time, he just did his best to provide a loan plan and corresponding terms to the company that hired him. The amount of interest was not set by him, and he was not the executor of the final plan. He is not a violent collector, so why should he be held accountable? What reason is there to hold him accountable?

In the following two or three years, the Financial Services Agency and the police all paid attention to Kotaro Hirama because of some economic disputes, but Kotaro Hirama was clever, he would not leave evidence when providing improper advice to others, and he would be cautious about making money in gray areas. Therefore, the Financial Services Agency and the police have nothing to do with Hirama Kotaro. Even if they know that Hirama Kotaro is not a good person, they can only condemn him on a moral level.

This is something outsiders know.

And secretly, Hirama Kotaro also colluded with the organization.

The police don't have any evidence to send Kotaro Hirama to prison, but the organization has it.

The matter goes back to five years ago, when Kotaro Hirama was exposed for embezzling students' academic achievements.

When Kotaro Hirama was a professor at a university, he had three students under him. He not only used the three students as servants, but also insulted the students when he was in a bad mood.

Those three students wanted to endure it and leave Kotaro Hirama after graduation, but on the eve of graduation, Kotaro Hirama usurped the academic achievements of one of the students, causing that student to commit suicide, and made the other two students no longer want to bear it. Yes, it exposed to the outside world that Kotaro Hirama embezzled the academic achievements of students, and made a big fuss about it.

Outsiders thought that the student committed suicide, and even the police concluded the case by committing suicide, but in fact, the student was pushed down from the river bank by Kotaro Hirama when he had an argument with Kotaro Hirama, and hit his head Then he submerged in the water and died.

Kotaro Hirama had time to save or call for help, but he didn't do anything, standing on the shore and watching the students drown.

At that time, no one else was on the river bank, but on the opposite bank, a member of the organization was sitting in a car observing the surrounding situation. When he found someone on the river bank, he used the camera in the car to zoom in and observe the opposite bank, and it happened to be photographed. Kotaro Hirama clashed with the students and pushed the students off the river bank.

Subsequently, the video was handed over to the intelligence personnel above.

The intelligence personnel who saw the video recognized the identity of Kotaro Hirama as a financial expert. Considering that Kotaro Hirama was useful, they arranged for people to go to the river bank that night to clean up the traces left by Kotaro Hirama after he escaped, and forged a fake report on the other side. They set up a fake 'suicide scene', found the corpse along the river, and manipulated the corpse.

On the second day, someone found the student's body in the lower reaches of the river and called the police. The police found out the identity of the student, and found Kotaro Hirama while investigating the relationship.

Kotaro Hirama was a little nervous at first, so he also attracted the attention of the police.

It wasn't until the evening that the police found the fake incident scene, and found traces of the students jumping into the river to commit suicide on the river bank.

Kotaro Hirama heard from the police that the police found the student's footprints on the bank, the kind of footprints left by jumping out of the bank with force, and the mud in the river on that side was also found on the fingers of the corpse. The police speculated that it was likely that the students subconsciously waved their hands and fingers caught the mud on the inner side of the river when they drowned...

Those traces would never have existed.

The night before, the student hit his head and fell into the water. He didn't struggle much at all. After floating feebly in the water, he was washed away by the water. He had no chance to catch the mud inside the river, let alone the mud accumulated on the other side of the river. sludge.

Kotaro Hirama reacted as planned by the intelligence officers, and followed the police back to the river bank.

The intelligence personnel arranged for people to watch on the river bank, and after confirming that Kotaro Hirama had not surrendered himself, he could confirm whether Kotaro Hirama could be controlled.

Kotaro Hirama discovered that things were weird and beyond his control, but he still refused to tell the truth to the police. He would not be the kind of person who would dare to commit murder.

From this, it can be concluded that even if Kotaro Hirama is threatened, as long as the threat does not endanger his life, Kotaro Hirama will most likely not seek help from the police.

Afterwards, the intelligence personnel contacted Kotaro Hirama by email and told Kotaro Hirama that we helped clean up those traces you left behind, and we can help you cover up the murder and send you to prison.

Also sent over was the video of Kotaro Hirama pushing the student off the river bank and watching him drown.

In this way, Kotaro Hirama quickly agreed to do things for the organization. After the incident of "appropriation of academic achievements" was exposed by two other students, he took advantage of the situation and coyly admitted to the police about the misappropriation of academic achievements, and explained himself I was a little nervous the day before because I was worried that this matter would be exposed.

Since Kotaro Hirama realized that there was someone behind him who would help him, he felt confident and he was no longer nervous when explaining. He behaved more calmly than the day before, and the police believed Kotaro Hirama's explanation.

In the final analysis, the fundamental reason why Hirama Kotaro resigned and left the school so simply was that he killed someone. He was worried that the other two students and school colleagues would see that something was wrong with him. He wanted to stay away from those people and start over in a new environment.

Kotaro Hirama established a financial consulting firm not only to make money himself, but also to facilitate work for the organization.

In the past five years, Kotaro Hirama has been responsible for legalizing some money of unknown origin for the organization, and occasionally using the business of consulting the client to help the organization clear up gray real estate.

However, Kotaro Hirama probably didn't feel at ease when he killed someone. He felt that staying in Japan and being under the control of others was not an option. It might also be that he felt that it was too hard to help the organization and found out that complex and terrible criminal activities were involved behind it. Therefore, Hirama Kotaro Ma is usually thinking about how to run away.

In the past five years, Kotaro Hirama has amassed money crazily, accumulating a wealth of wealth, but did not purchase excess real estate. He spent intermittently making goldware and purchasing precious jewelry. Not long ago, he used some illegally obtained money to buy on the black market. A batch of jewelry, ready to leave Japan with the jewelry.

The organization has long been aware of Kotaro Hirama's small actions, and after nearly two months, Kotaro Hirama no longer concealed his intention to run away.

This year, the review of bank transfers has become more stringent. Kotaro Hirama used this incident as an excuse to push or delay the money laundering tasks assigned to him in the past two months.

Vodka often trades money with gin, and has more contact with "money launderers" everywhere. I must have been dissatisfied with this kind of perfunctory procrastination.

The reason why Kotaro Hirama has been kept until now is because Kotaro Hirama's office has an internal account, and there is also a record of the flow of funds when helping the organization to launder money. If the account is obtained by the police, tracking the flow of funds may be traced When it comes to several members of the organization, the organization needs to send someone to find out and clean up the account and all the backups.

In fact, as early as a month ago, the intelligence personnel had figured out the location of those accounts and backups. However, the cleanup operation against Kotaro Hirama was not carried out immediately. It was not until a week ago that the operation task was handed over to Gin Jiu .

During the period, the organization gave Hirama Kotaro a chance, but Hirama Kotaro didn't cherish it, and still found reasons to procrastinate not to help.

Kotaro Hirama probably wanted to use the name of "Going Abroad to Participate in a Jewelry Exhibition and Sales Conference" to take those valuable jewels and fly abroad on a plane, and then find a place to slowly change his face and identity. Those jewels were cashed in gold to ensure that he could live well abroad.

In a few days, the jewelry exhibition sale in Europe will start, and Kotaro Hirama has booked a flight ticket to Europe at noon tomorrow, so Kotaro Hirama should come to pick up the last batch of black market transactions tonight. jewelry.

This is also the action time selected by Gin several days ago.

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