Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2722 two points to be added

"That's to say," Yuan Tai also stood up, and glanced at the man with half-moon eyes, "You are too bad for doing something to a girl, uncle!"

The man's face was ugly, "You little brats..."

"Please don't do anything to scare children." Chi Feichi reminded.

In front of him, scaring the children around him, is he really a scarecrow who can't speak or move?

The man looked at Chi Feichi, and when he met Chi Feichi's gaze, he always felt that that gaze was deep and quiet, not like that of a normal person. He frowned, retracted his gaze, turned and left without saying a word, and went straight Out of the yard.

Soon, the sound of the car door opening and closing and the car engine starting came from outside the courtyard.

The man left just like that. This behavior of leaving without even saying hello made the five children of the Detective Boys a little confused.

Toshiko Yamazaki and Saki Okamura came back to their senses, thanked Chi Feichi again, speeded up and fixed the small tree with a wooden frame, and covered the pulled out flowers with nutritious soil. Afterwards, the two did not rush to continue To work, first entertain Chi Feichi and his party to the lounge.

"That person is the owner of a nearby flower shop, his name is Okuda Ryunosuke. The flower garden in the yard was originally leased to him to grow flowers. After that, our regional center was established here. After the lease contract expired, the land owner left. I rented the land to the regional center." Yamazaki Toshiko didn't want to be misunderstood. He sat on the sofa and explained to Chi Feichi with a serious expression. "I'm just an employee here. Is there any other contradiction, but I can be sure that the regional center did not lease the land by unfair means, and negotiated with the land owner to sign the contract after the lease contract between him and the land owner expired."

"I heard before that he originally wanted to manage the flower garden for the regional center, but he was rejected for some reason," Okamura added.

Mitsuhiko had already taken out his notepad and pen, and asked seriously, "Is it possible that Mr. Okuda is the one who destroyed the flower garden? His motive for destroying the flower garden may be to earn money for repairing the flower garden , or it may be to prove that your ability to manage the flower garden is not enough, after you are driven away, he may be hired here to manage the flower garden."

"Well..." Okamura Saki turned to Toshiko Yamazaki with some hesitation.

"I don't know if he did it," Toshiko Yamazaki said without beating around the bush, "but maybe it's true. After the flower garden was destroyed these days, that man always came over to sneer, and only He's happy about it!"

Mitsuhiko nodded with a serious face, and wrote a note on the notepad, "That is to say, he has a motive..."

Like Mitsuhiko, Genta and Ayumi also took notepads and took notes seriously.

"Is it always at night when the flower garden is destroyed?" Conan asked.

"Yes," Okamura Saki looked at the three children who were writing notes with curious eyes, and answered seriously, "We get off work after six o'clock every evening. If there are still people in the activity room, we will stay a little longer. We left around eight o’clock. Before leaving every day, we would check and tidy up the rooms and the flower gardens outside. When we came back from work these days, the flower gardens were still in good condition. When we came here to work the next morning , and the garden will be a mess."

"Then, the person who destroyed the flower garden committed crimes in the evening, after the staff returned, and until the morning..." Mitsuhiko started to record, and then asked, "Has this situation been going on for several days?"

"It's been three days in a row," Yamazaki Toshiko stood up, and when others looked at him, he explained with a serious expression, "There are a lot of things in the morning. Although there was a little accident just now, we can't delay our normal work. I want to Replant the flowers as soon as possible, Mr. Chi, and then let Miss Xiaosaki receive you."

Chi Feichi nodded to show that he could understand, "Please go ahead."

"I'm really sorry, I'm sorry." Toshiko Yamazaki bowed slightly to Chi Feichi, took two steps, and then turned to Okamura Saki, "Miss Xiaosaki, you can take Mr. Chi to have a look at the district center. , but I hope you arrange a good time and come to help me earlier."

"Ah, yes," Okamura Saki quickly responded, "After I show them around here and answer their questions, I'll help you right away!"

Mitsuhiko watched Toshiko Yamazaki go out, "Miss Yamazaki is the kind of person who takes her work very seriously, right? Every time we come here, she is very serious..."

"That's right, Ms. Yamazaki is like this. She is very serious when she works," Okamura Saki laughed, looking at the children and asked, "Do you have any questions? Little detectives."

Mitsuhiko heard the sound of 'Little Detective', and felt the joy of being recognized, and felt that he couldn't be too complacent, so he tried to keep a straight face and make himself look serious, "I have another question, Miss Kosaki , do you have any other suspects for the person who destroyed the flower garden?"

"Anyone else?" Saki Okamura thought about it seriously, "This regional center has not been established for a long time, except for Mr. Okuda, I really can't think of anyone who would be more suspicious... Although Ms. Yamazaki is very serious at work, she will Some people think that she is not enthusiastic enough and does things too rigidly, but everyone can understand and never complain about her, and of course, no one has conflicted with us recently."

"So Mr. Okuda is the most suspicious person at the moment, right..." Mitsuhiko finished recording and looked up at Chi Feichi, "Brother Chi, do you have any questions for Miss Xiaosaki?"

Okamura Saki also turned to look at Chi Feichi, with a kind smile on her face, "Do you have any questions?"

"Not yet," Chi Feichi said calmly, looking at the three children who were taking notes in notepads, "but I want to add to your notes. First of all, among the bricks taken out from the edge of the flowerbed, there are two There were scratches on the cross-section of the brick, and the scratches were very new, probably left last night. In addition, the inner side of the dirt pit left after the brick was taken out was smooth, indicating that the prisoner dug the brick out of the soil with tools. Therefore, we can rule out the possibility of animals being disturbed or some kind of coincidence causing the destruction of the flower garden. The destruction of the flower garden was indeed intentional, and judging from the law of the smooth marks on the inside, it is very likely that the shovel used by the prisoner was of different length and width. A small flower shovel over fifteen centimeters."

Mitsuhiko lowered his head and recorded in his notebook, with a dignified expression, "Small flower shovel..."

Chi Feichi waited for the three children to finish the records, and then turned around and asked Okamura Saki, "There should be a flower shovel in the center of this district, right?"

Saki Okamura was a little dazed when she heard this, and when asked by Chi Feichi, she nodded quickly and said, "Ah, yes... We have many different types of shovels in our tool room, and there are also shovels with a surface of no more than fifteen centimeters in length and width. A small shovel, that's usually given to children."

"Will you take me to see it later?" Chi Feichi asked in a very polite tone, but there was still a faint hint that he could not refuse.

"No problem!" Okamura Saki agreed simply.

"Excuse me," Chi Feichi said politely to Saki Okamura before continuing to talk about his analysis with the three children, "There is a flower garden here, and the staff will lead the children to plant plants, so we must consider that there will be There is a small flower shovel, and the prisoner may look for criminal tools here, so the flower shovel here is the priority investigation target, and the other is..."

"Mr. Okuda's small flower shovel, right?" Conan looked directly at Chi Feichi with a confident smile on his face, "We can go to Mr. Okuda's flower shop to see, he used to plant and cultivate For flowering plants, there should be common types of flower shovels in the flower shop or his home, including the small flower shovel. If he is the one who destroys the flower garden, he may bring the tools from his home or the store. The flower shovels there are also worth investigating."

Chi Feichi nodded to Conan, waited for the three children to make a record, and said, "Next is the second point I want to add. The prisoner dug out the bricks on the edge of the flowerbed last night, and pulled out the edge of the flowerbed. However, there were no mud footprints on the cement floor around the flower garden, and there were no messy stampede marks inside. We can preliminarily speculate that the prisoner was very careful when destroying the flower garden, paying attention not to leave obvious footprints on the flower garden. Walking on the concrete floor outside, but the prisoner wants to pull out the plants in the flowerbed, he needs to squat outside the flowerbed and reach out to pull them out, so that the prisoner exposes his arm length. Length, to estimate the length of the prisoner's arm, I visually estimate it to be about 65 centimeters, that is to say, the length from the middle of the prisoner's palm to the middle of the shoulder blade is about 65 centimeters."

Mitsuhiko stopped writing in doubt, "The middle of the palm?"

"If the prisoner wants to reach out and pull out the plant, he needs to hold the stem of the plant with his hands, isn't it?" Conan smiled and stretched out his right hand, making the gesture of grabbing the plant and pulling it out, demonstrating it to the three children, explaining by the way He said, "Because the prisoner needs to bend his fingers to hold the plant, Chi Feichi counted from the middle of the prisoner's palm. Similarly, because the prisoner can lean out to pull the plant, he needs to count from the position of the shoulder blade. However, if the prisoner's palm The distance from the middle section to the middle section of the scapula is 65 centimeters, so the length of the prisoner's single arm will be almost the same, that is, the length of an arm from the fingertips to the shoulder is 65 centimeters."

"The length of a single arm..." Mitsuhiko wrote and recorded, and made up the picture of measuring the arm in his mind.

Yuantai also had the image of a villain who was "reaching out and waiting for the measurement" in his mind, "Should we measure all the suspect's arms?"

"Don't be so troublesome," Hui Yuanai said calmly, "A person opens his arms to both sides and measures the distance from the tip of the left finger to the tip of the right finger. The data obtained is called the arm span. Normally, The length of a person's arm span is not much different from his height. Although there are cases where the arm span is longer or shorter than the height, we can first calculate according to the situation of most people. If the length of a prisoner's single arm is about 65 cm , then, the prisoner's height will be between 160 cm and 170 cm, and there will be many men and women whose height falls within this range. Even if the prisoner comes, it cannot be used as evidence to determine who the prisoner is..."

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