Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2737 all put together

"After putting Ms. Yamazaki into a coma, you went to the coffee shop in front, because it's only a ten-minute drive from the coffee shop to the district center. In order to make your alibi perfect, you won't leave our sight for more than Ten minutes," Conan continued to reason with Mori Kogoro's identity, "Not long after, when it was eight o'clock in the evening, you made an excuse to bring us some edamame, returned to the room on the third floor, moved Ms. Yamazaki to the window and threw it down. , let her hit her head accurately on the bricks on the flowerbed, and then you left the room and went back to the coffee shop to chat with us..."

"Half an hour later, that is, at eight o'clock in the evening, we are going to leave the coffee shop," Toru Amuro said, "You heard Conan calling other children, saying that the child named Yuanta had a bad stomach, Because of this incident, Teacher Maori was about to give up the night patrol and go straight home, which also made you anxious, because if no one came to the district center and found the body in time, your alibi may be in vain, so you encourage The Maori teacher came with us to patrol the district center."

"After Mr. Mori and the others left the coffee shop, you immediately closed the shop and returned to the yard, and loaded Ms. Yamazaki's body into the car." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the car parked in the yard, "Of course, she hit her head. You put away the brick and the blood-stained brick beside it and put them in the car. After that, you drove out of the house and took another detour to catch up with Mr. Maori and his group who were walking. When I arrived at the center of the district, I drove the car into the yard and parked it, and prepared to move Ms. Yamazaki’s body to the edge of the flowerbed, and replace the bricks on the edge of the flowerbed with bloody ones..."

"If the plan goes well, when we come to patrol, we will find Ms. Yamazaki's body and call the police. The police will think that Ms. Yamazaki died by the flowerbed in the center of this area at 8 o'clock in the evening, plus the footprints on the outdoor escape stairs Okuda-san, who doesn't have an alibi at eight o'clock, will be the first suspect," Conan said into the bowknot voice changer, his expression becoming severe, "and you who were in the coffee shop around eight o'clock and left within ten minutes , there is an alibi, and it is an alibi from a famous detective and a famous detective's apprentice!"

This time they were all put together by Okamura Saki.

No one would have thought that Saki Okamura would kill someone right across the wall while talking and laughing with them.

"These are all your guesses..." Okamura Saki frowned.

Chi Feichi was the last person who didn't want to hang out with Saki Okamura, and interrupted loudly, "Your move of the corpse has been recorded by the video recorder."

"What, what?" Okamura Saki was stunned for a moment, instinctively wondering if Chi Feichi was deceiving herself.

Toru Amuro felt a little annoyed at the thought that all three of his master and apprentice were being used, and his tone was not as gentle as before, "Miss Kosaki, don't you wonder why there are those screaming frogs here, and what are those frogs?" Is the time arranged?"

Okamura Saki turned to look at the shaking-head grandfather doll in the flower garden, her face became ugly, "Who is that..."

"In the morning Conan saw traces of suspected brick dust in the cracks of the shovel in the storage room, do you remember?" Conan said in Kogoro Mouri's voice, "At that time, Feichi said that he could not determine when the brick dust was left. Yes, there is no need to investigate, but in fact, he already had suspicions, let Conan secretly use a handkerchief to dip the things in the gaps in the flower shovel, and collected brick raw materials, brick powder from the destroyed bricks beside the flowerbed..."

Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko turned their heads to look left and right, but they couldn't find Conan, and then turned their eyes to Chi Feichi, with more or less resentment in their eyes.

They were there in the morning, so it's fine if Brother Chi doesn't let them help, but he didn't even tell them...

Chi Feichi: "..."

No matter what kind of blame is thrown, he can bear it.

"Of course, he said that the brick powder in the gap of the spatula could not be determined when it was left. That was also a lie. After the children went to school, he asked the doctor to identify the brick powder. The flower shovel scraped the bricks last night, leaving brick powder and some soil in the gaps." Conan hid in the shadows and continued seriously, "Because the doors and windows are locked at night, and Feichi didn't find it in the morning. The door and window locks showed signs of being pried open, and the only person who can get the flower shovel in the storage room is the one who has the key, so he thinks that the two employees who have the key to the regional center—you and Ms. Yamazaki are very likely It's the flower garden destroyer, and you called us to your coffee shop tonight to confirm whether you are the flower garden destroyer..."

"At the same time, he asked me, Xiaolan, and the doctor to bring the children here to check the situation in the yard after Ms. Yamazaki also left the district center, and set up early warning devices and video cameras in the yard in advance," Yue said. Mizunatsuki saw Okamura Saki's hands clasped tightly in front of her and trembled, knowing that Okamura Saki had also thought of that possibility, she turned her head to look at the wall and said affirmatively, "The night vision video recorder we placed there captured You drove into the yard, tried to move the body, got scared and quickly faked the scene, and also filmed Mr. Okuda just climbing over the wall and hiding under the stairs, and the kids and I stayed outside after setting up the video recorder In the car on the side of the road, we all saw your car drive into the yard with our own eyes."

Okamura Saki's feet softened, and she fell to the ground, staring blankly at the ground.

Toru Amuro didn't want to make Saki Okamura argue again, and added, "Although this is just evidence that you moved the body, not evidence that you killed someone, as long as there is this, the police can go to your yard to investigate, if there is Miss Yamazaki who was killed There should be a lot of traces left behind at the first scene."

"Yes..." Saki Okamura stopped insisting, stared down at the ground in despair, and suddenly smiled bitterly, "I killed her, and the process was of course the same as what you said... I embezzled the funds of the regional center, she I found out about this when I checked the account book, and asked me to make up the money within a certain period of time, otherwise I would tell the person in charge that I also wanted to make up the money and let her hide it for me, but I embezzled too much money Well, the time she gave is not enough. In such a short time, I have no way to make up the money. With her serious personality, she will definitely report me. I just thought, if she dies, she will not Someone will report me, and I can push the embezzlement of public funds on her...I really didn't expect that it would be filmed by a video camera, and it would be like this..."

"Even if it wasn't captured by the video camera, do you think your crime can be concealed?" Conan asked in the voice of Mori Kogoro, and said firmly, "Once you do it, there will be traces, no matter how cleverly you cover it up. , the crime will be discovered sooner or later, what you should regret now is not that you are not cautious enough, but why you killed Miss Yamazaki, which not only deprived her of life, but also ruined your own life!"

Okamura Saki looked at the ground silently, her face was indeed remorseful, but why Okamura Saki felt remorse in her heart, others did not know.

Miwako Sato was more willing to believe that Saki Okamura was also regretting why she had killed someone, so she stepped forward to help Saki Okamura get up, "Ms. Okamura, please go back and talk to us about the specific situation."

Saki Okamura stood up, followed Miwako Sato out with a gray expression, lacking energy like a puppet.

Mu Mushisan followed out the door, turned around and looked at the video recorder in Takagi Shepherd's hand, and said seriously to the detective team, "Miss Yue Shui, we need to take this video recorder back as evidence for investigation. , I will call everyone to take notes, I hope you will take your children to the Metropolitan Police Department when the time comes..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

I thought it was a prank sabotage incident that didn't need to alert the police, but I didn't expect it to turn into a murder incident that required a record.

He had escaped from the transcript several times before, but he didn't expect to be able to escape this time.

Mu Mushisan's gaze stayed on Chi Feichi, "I'm talking about all of you, Brother Chi, you have to take notes, don't forget!"

Seeing the special reminder from Mu Mu Shisan, Chi Feichi nodded blankly in response, "Call me when the time comes, and I will go."

He decided to persuade himself to think about it, as long as the death pupil exists for a day, everyone present has the fate of regularly reviewing the recording method.

He is not alone.

"We should be able to return the video recorder to you when you take notes..." Mu Mushisan said, looking down at the video recorder in his hand, and then at Saki Okamura who was being brought into the police car over there. Thinking about the cases that can be solved as soon as the police come out, I still can't help complaining, "But Brother Chi, Miss Xiaosaki wants you to act as her alibi, and you are also secretly preparing behind Miss Xiaosaki's back. You are in the coffee shop When we were together, we really had our own thoughts.”

Conan: "..."

That's right, although Uncle Kogoro is dealing with Miss Xiaosaki this time, it should be said that Chi Feichi is fighting against Miss Xiaosaki. Before the result comes out, neither of them knows whether their preparations and plans will work. , Until the end, the winner was decided.

"But Ms. Kosaki really lost this time." Seeing the video recorder, Takagi She was also a little emotional. "The plan to transfer the corpse was destroyed, and the decisive evidence was recorded..."

"But we also let her successfully carry out the murder plan," Conan added in a low voice with some regret, "No one really won this time."

Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi next to him noticed Conan and cast dissatisfied glances at Conan.

Conan noticed that the atmosphere was a bit strange, turned his head and looked at the three children, confused: "?"

"Conan, you helped Brother Chi collect the brick powder in the morning, why didn't you tell us?" Guangyan asked dissatisfied.

Ayumi didn't speak for Conan this time, but nodded in agreement with Mitsuhiko's words, "We can help too."

"We are all members of the Detective Boys, so we should act together," Yuan Tai said angrily, "Did you forget that we are still there?"


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