Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2739 the puppy that appeared on a rainy day

The next day, at ten o'clock in the morning. (Due to cache reasons, please visit the .\\nCOM website directly with your browser to watch the fastest chapter update)

On the 11th floor of the Kabado-cho apartment, the kitchen smells of the combination of bean paste and fish soup.

Xiaomei stood in front of the chopping board, holding a knife in her right hand, and carefully cutting the beef on the chopping board, cutting the beef into even slices.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki originally wanted to follow other girls and come to her boyfriend's house to help clean up and cook a meal, but when she arrived, she found that Xiaomei didn't even leave any stains at home, and she couldn't even grab the right to cook , I could only stand by and cheer, "It's amazing, Xiaomei... You stand so straight, and you can slice the meat so evenly, it's like some kind of supernatural power!"

Sitting at the dining table, Chi Feichi raised his eyes to look at Xiaomei, then looked away, and cut open the envelope of the letter in his hand with a paper knife.

Xiaomei's posture for chopping vegetables is absolutely unreasonable, her body doesn't bend much, and her arm movements are a bit stiff, but ghosts and robots in movies seem to be like this when they chop vegetables...

Hearing Koshimizu Nanatsuki's compliment, Xiaomei grinned the corners of her mouth covered by her black hair, and said in a gloomy voice, "Thank you for your compliment, you can sit down and rest over there, and when the black tea is ready, I will serve the master Serve the black tea on the table with you."

"Then thank you for your hard work!" Koshimizu Nanatsuki knew that Xiaomei enjoyed serving others, so she didn't shirk, turned around to the dining table, sat on the chair next to Chi Feichi, and looked sideways at Chi Feichi to check the letter , "Mr. Chi, when I got here at half past nine, you just got up, right? You sent us back last night, you didn't do other work, did you?"

"No..." Chi Feichi put the letter he had read into the envelope, and picked up the paper knife and another letter, "I was tired from running yesterday, and I slept for a long time, probably more than nine hours .”

Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi's face, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that Chi Feichi seemed not too interested in the surrounding things today, "It may be that you didn't have a good rest for the past two days, and your energy was too exhausted. Sleeping too long makes you feel tired, right? It’s a pity that the weather forecast says it will rain today, otherwise we can go for a walk in the park in the afternoon, and then go to an amusement park to vent our energy, but since it’s raining, we’d better stay It's better to watch TV and rest at home..."

"Do you want to go to the amusement park? I'm free tomorrow." Chi Feichi put down the letter in his hand, "If you want to go, we can go tomorrow."

"I may not be free tomorrow. Yuanzi said that she and a friend of Xiaolan want to hire a private detective. Considering that the other party and I are young girls, it may be easier to communicate, so Yuanzi wants to introduce us. I told Sonoko and Xiaolan agreed to meet tomorrow at the Seven Detective Office, and they will tell me what needs to be investigated," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said about her schedule, and added, "Actually, I have recently I don’t particularly want to go to the amusement park, but if possible, I’d still like to accept that commission.”

Chi Feichi nodded, and picked up another unopened letter, "Then I'll go to Zhiming's place tomorrow, and I won't accompany you. If you need help, please contact me."

"I can't rely on you too much, I have to do the commissions that I can handle by myself," Nanatsuki Yueshui saw Feichi crawling out of the envelopes, and stretched out his hand to lift Feichi in front of him to open the market, "But don't worry, If I can't figure it out, I'll ask you for help..."

Xiaomei served black tea for the two, turned around and floated back to the cooking table, and started to prepare lunch.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki went to the doll wall in the living room and took a phantom thief Kidd doll back. He made a 'simple snake stick' and played with Feichi for a while. After Chi Feichi finished reading the letters on the table, he asked Chi Feichi again. Feichi chatted about the gossip he had recently heard in the Mihua Town area.

After lunch, Chi Feichi drove Koshimizu Nanatsuki back to Qi Detective Agency.

As soon as the two entered the door, it began to rain lightly.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki changed her shoes, turned on the lights in the corridor, and walked quickly to her office, "Mr. Chi, you go upstairs first, I'll go to the office to see if the doors and windows are closed!"

Chi Feichi also changed his shoes and followed. Seeing Koshimizu Nanatsuki checking the doors and windows in the office to make sure there was no accident, he went to the second floor, turned on the light in the living room, and went straight to the balcony of the living room, leaving a gap The glass door is closed.

Before they came out of the Kabado-cho apartment, Yueshui also reminded him that it was raining today, so don't forget to close the windows. As a result, when Yueshui went to find him in Kubado-cho in the morning, he didn't remember to close the windows.

"The windows downstairs are all closed," Yue Shui Nanatsuki went to the living room on the second floor, and saw Chi Feichi turn back from the glass door, and stepped forward to check, "I remember when I left in the morning, I seemed to forget to check here. the door..."

Chi Feichi saw that Yueshui Nanatsuki was a little anxious, and took the initiative to explain the situation, "There was a gap in the door, but the rain was not too heavy, and the floor was not wet by the rain blown in by the wind."

In the next second, the rain outside the house suddenly became heavier, and the raindrops hit the balcony railing and windows.

Yueshui Nanatsuki heard the sound of the rain becoming more urgent, and suddenly laughed, "It seems that you won't be able to go back for a while, do you want to rest? Or are you going to watch a dog blood TV series with me?"

"Can I choose to watch interesting TV shows?"

Chi Feichi noticed that the phone was vibrating, said 'sorry' again, took out the phone, and checked the newly received email.

[Consultant, I found a single puppy on the bank of Tsutsugawa River in Mihua Town. I am not sure if it is a pet dog kept by a family in this area, or a stray dog ​​wandering outside. When I was working in a pet hospital, I never Haven't seen this dog before, I'm sending you the photo, I don't know if you can recognize it. ——Toru Amuro]

Included in the mail was a photo.

The background of the photo is on the embankment, the light is a bit dim, it may be under the footbridge, or it may be under the aisle of the patrol point of the prevention and control station. A white puppy is standing against the wall, looking at the camera with curious eyes.

"It's Amuro's mail, he seems to be stuck in the rain with a dog."

Chi Feichi explained to Yueshui Nanatsuki and typed to reply to the email.

[Amuro, is it convenient for Fang to tell me the exact location? 】

Tsutsugawa is a long river that flows through many areas such as Kabato Town and Mihua Town. He couldn't recognize where it was in the photo of the distant view.


There is no embankment on the banks of the Tsugawa River.

Under the empty bridge, after Toru Amuro sent out an email, he pulled up his coat and put on his hat. He wanted to run home in the rain, but unexpectedly the rain suddenly became heavier. After receiving Chi Feichi's reply email, he retreated again. went back.

The white puppy trailing behind Toru Amuro couldn't brake in time, bumped into Toru Amuro's leg, and jumped to the side in fright.

"Ah, I'm sorry!" Toru Amuro realized that he backed up and bumped into the puppy. He turned his head and saw the puppy looking up at him with an innocent face. He looked up at the rain outside. He looked down at the email and replied while laughing. Said, "I didn't kick you on purpose, let's hide from the rain here together."


The little dog tilted his head to look at the smile on Toru Amuro's face, felt the kindness from Toru Amuro, and calmed down, looked up at the rain curtain outside the bridge.

More than ten minutes later, a red Lexus SC drove through the rain and stopped on the bank of the river.

Chi Feichi got out of the car wearing a raincoat, his ears caught the sound of the voice amidst the crackling rain, he turned around and took a sealed waterproof bag, and set off for the bridge.

"Hey, if you run any further, you will be drenched in the rain..."

"Don't underestimate me. I have also worked in a pet hospital. It's okay to do a simple examination..."

The space under the bridge was not exposed to rain, but the rainwater on the ground still flowed down the slope of the embankment, making the ground full of rainwater.

Toru Amuro surrounded the puppy to a corner, squatted down, and reached out to pick it up, "I just want to check it for you..."

The puppy shook its ears, and its eyes were eager to try. When Amuro's palm was about to touch him, he jumped up and jumped forward, trying to escape Amuro's "capture" by the previous method.

Toru Amuro had been prepared for a long time, and his right hand shifted accordingly, and his left hand, which had been ready all along, also quickly stretched out. When the puppy jumped up, both hands grabbed the puppy's body, heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at the surprised little Dog said, "I won't fall for the same trap twice!"

The puppy wagged its tail happily, licked Amuro's arm sideways, and looked at Amuro wagging its tail again.

Toru Amuro suddenly realized that he seemed to be able to understand "dog language", and smiled helplessly, "You don't want to say 'one more time', do you?"

The puppy looked at Toru Amuro wagging his tail, his eyes full of expectation.

"Well, I really lost to you. The rain doesn't seem to stop for a while." Toru Amuro put the puppy on the ground. "Let's play again, and then you have to obediently let me check..."

After the puppy stood firmly on the ground, it was just about to run away when it looked up and saw a figure entering the bridge hole behind Toru Amuro. It tensed up in fright, and gave a warning sound vigilantly, "Woo——"

Toru Amuro also turned his head quickly, and saw a person in a raincoat approaching behind him, stood up quickly, turned to face the other person, and after seeing the face under the raincoat hat, he immediately relaxed, "Consultant, you really make no sound when you walk. , appearing behind me so suddenly, it startled me..."

After Chi Feichi got closer, the puppy put away his vigilant and defensive posture, and approached Chi Feichi proactively.

Chi Feichi stopped, threw the waterproof bag in his hand to Anshitou, and looked down at the white puppy that was at his feet, "He is alert."

"He is indeed a clever little guy," Toru Amuro caught the waterproof bag, opened it and found a raincoat inside, and took out the raincoat with a smile, "However, this guy was obviously taken aback just now. I took the initiative to walk over to rub my legs, it seems that as long as it is a small animal, it cannot escape the magic power of the consultant..."

The puppy sniffed at Chi Feichi's feet, rubbed his head against Chi Feichi's trouser legs, and stood beside him obediently.

"You seemed to be having a good time just now. I didn't disturb you, did I?" Chi Feichi squatted down and reached out to flip the dog's ears.

He remembered that in the official derivative works of "Detective Conan", Amuro did adopt a puppy, which should be the one in front of him.


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