Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2742 Not suitable for stocking

It was only then that Toru Amuro turned his attention to Chi Feichi's question, "The apartment I live in doesn't allow pets..."

"But you have a family upstairs that has a dog." Chi Feichi said.

"Re-really?" Toru Amuro was surprised.

"When I came to your house through the window to look for you, I saw someone leading a dog into the building downstairs. At that time, I was worried that my behavior would be discovered by the dog, so I waited for a while before acting. The dog owner People should live upstairs from you," Chi Feichi said, "I don't need to lie to you about this kind of thing, do I? On the contrary, you, haven't you found out that someone has a dog upstairs?"

"I often leave early and return late... No, sometimes I leave early and return early, and I may not come back for several days, and the sound insulation here is very good. Even if I play the guitar at home, I won't disturb the neighbors next door. Toru Amuro was still a little surprised, "So I have never heard a dog barking, and you said that someone upstairs has a dog, and I have never found out."

Chi Feichi looked at the little white dog in Amuro Toru's arms, "Then..."

Since dogs can be raised here, and he's talking about that, Amuro should consider adopting this puppy, right?

Toru Amuro looked at the puppy in his arms and was silent for a while, "You also know that raising a dog is not that simple. If I adopt it, I will be responsible for its life and ensure its physical and mental health. Now I can make time to take care of it, but sometimes I may not be able to go home for a few days, so there is no way to take care of it, and I do a job that may make me go away one day. There is no way to come back, so it is better to find an ordinary family to adopt it."

"Nowadays there are many pet boarding shops, and Machi Pet Hospital also provides boarding services. If you want to go out for a long time and don't want to bother others, you can send your pet to a boarding shop." Chi Feichi tried to dispel Amuro's worries, "In case you If it dies someday, people who miss you will be willing to adopt it, anyway, the life of a dog is not long..."

Toru Amuro: "..."

When the consultant tells the truth, he really has no taboos, and he doesn't intend to be polite at all.

"Even if you throw it in the Zhenchi Pet Hospital, there are plenty of people who can adopt it," Chi Feichi looked at Toru Amuro calmly, "Of course, I also agree with what you said, let an ordinary family come and adopt it." Adopting it may be better for it, at least it is less likely to be sad because its owner died, but a dog is a stubborn animal, it just thinks you are good, even if you are a jerk or a eater A beggar who hasn't finished his last meal, or an unlucky ghost who will die tomorrow, it still wants to follow you."

Toru Amuro felt that his consultant's words were harsh and touching at the same time, the corners of his mouth twitched speechlessly, and he asked seriously, "So what about you?"

To the little white dog, Chi Feichi's words belonged to the "magic lingua franca" that didn't need to be translated.

However, the little white dog can only understand a small part of what Anshi Toru said, and then interpret it in combination with Amuro Toru's face and actions. When he senses Anshi Toru's seriousness, he casts suspicious eyes on the faces of Amuro Toru and Chi Feichi, "Woo ?”

"That's right, I might be the first person willing to play with it," Amuro Toru looked directly at Chi Feichi and said seriously, "but the first one to check for any injuries on his body and find that he always fights Man, the first person to clean up its messy hair and make it look good, isn't it an advisor to you? If it likes me, then it will also like an advisor, won't it? ?”

Chi Feichi looked down at the little white dog with wet nose and eyes, "It's hard for me to refute."

"You want me to adopt it, but..." An Shitou still looked directly at Chi Feichi, and said in a calm tone as much as possible, "It's a puppy that likes to fight like it, it would be better if the doctor came to adopt it?"

Chi Feichi raised his eyes to look at Toru Amuro, and felt that there seemed to be some kind of anticipation in Toru Amuro's bloodshot eyes, knowing that Toru Amuro must have thought of that doctor Miyano Elena, he was silent for a moment, and responded calmly: , "I don't want to push and push. It will make it feel sad after a long time. I want to tell you the reason why I think you are more suitable. If you don't want to adopt it, I will take it away."

"Huh?" The little white dog looked at Toru Amuro with pitiful eyes.

Is this person unwilling to keep it?

An Shitou couldn't stand the little white dog's aggrieved gaze, but he still wanted to hear what Chi Feichi had to say, so he calmed down by exhaling lightly, "Go ahead."

Chi Feichi looked at the little white dog, "First of all, dogs are not suitable for freeing, and they don't fit my pet-keeping habits."

Amuro jumped through his eyelids.

His family's consultant's habit of keeping pets is really worrying. How many people now raise pets like the consultant?

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen Feimo or Wuming for a long time...

"Secondly, since you have time now, I think you can try to accept it into your life and experience the troubles and joys of raising a pet," Chi Feichi continued, "Dogs are the most important thing to make people feel valued. animal……"

Feichi put his head on Chi Feichi's collar, and muttered softly, "Master, isn't it me that makes people feel valued the most? I think I like you more than that stupid dog."

"It's like I can feel that I'm valued from Feichi," Chi Feichi added Feichi in order not to let Feichi ramble on, and he had to make his words not too abrupt, "Yang Yang Pets can really feel happiness. You usually have a lot of work pressure, adding a little happiness to your daily life, and it can also prevent your nerves from being too tense and lead to a bad mental state..."

Please ask Amuro to take care of his body and brain. Whether he can live a life where "most of the work is done by assistants" depends on this.

"That's why I want you to adopt it," Chi Feichi continued, "I hope you can consider my proposal."

Toru Amuro put aside the personal emotions brought about by past events, and only considered the problem rationally. He also had to admit that he might be more suitable to adopt this dog than Chi Feichi, and added, "Finally... I always remember that the psychiatrist The doctor said that you need to pay attention to rest. You have a lot of things at hand, and you also have pets that need to be taken care of. If you add a dog to take care of, I am also worried that you will not be able to bear it, so I may be more suitable for adoption than you. Having said that, I haven't seen Feimo and Wuming for a long time, are they okay?"

"Wuming led a team to wander around the Shinagawa area. It should be fine. Maybe he'll be back in a few days," Chi Feichi said. "Feimo went to Kyoto some time ago, and he's probably in Tokyo recently."

Amuro's hair was full of black lines, "'should', 'maybe' and 'probably'..."

"They have a lot of experience wandering outside, so you don't have to worry," Chi Feichi added, "I will also pay attention to their safety in a while."

"If you can't even see them, it's useless for me to worry," Toru Amuro smiled helplessly, feeling more and more that his consultant is really not suitable for keeping a dog, otherwise the puppy in his arms may become a dog 'A puppy with rich experience in wandering', leaning back on the sofa, raising the puppy in his arms, looking into the puppy's watery eyes, "Do you really think it would be better for me to adopt it? I'm still thinking, it can like us or other humans, we can accept it, and other humans can accept it, should I send it to a shelter and see if it can be adopted by ordinary people... …If I really can’t find a suitable person to adopt it, it’s not too late for me to adopt it.”

"Of course you can do this." Chi Feichi looked at a certain little white dog who couldn't understand Amuro Toru's string of words, "Although it may feel abandoned and hit again, I can enlighten it. Touch it, just tell it that this choice is not to hate it, but to hope that it can live a good life, and it should be able to understand."

"I understand..."

Toru Amuro put the little white dog back on his lap, sighed softly, and said with a smile, "It's decided! No need to try, just let me adopt it!"

Chi Feichi turned around and looked out the window. Seeing that the rain had stopped, he asked Amuroto to confirm again, "Are you sure? If you are sure, we will take him to the Machi Pet Hospital for a more detailed examination and preventive measures." Needle."

"I'm sure," Toru Amuro also looked out the window and got up holding the puppy, "Let's go, let's take it to the hospital!"

Seeing Toru Amuro holding him towards the door, the little white dog was worried that he would be expelled. He twisted his body and tried to break free from Toru Amuro's embrace.

"Be honest, we will take you to the hospital, and then you can live with him," Chi Feichi comforted the little white dog, then turned to Amuro Toru, "there should be some pet supplies in the hospital warehouse. , you can bring some daily necessities for it by the way, so you don’t have to go to the pet supply store to buy it.”

"Is that okay?" Amuro Toru's attention was diverted, so he didn't pay much attention to the reaction of a certain little white dog who calmed down in an instant, "The pet supplies in the warehouse should be given to customers during the event time..."

"It doesn't matter, many of those things are sent in batches by pet product factories, and employees can receive some for free as employee benefits."

"But I have already resigned..."

"I'm still working."



The two drove the dog to Zhenchi Pet Hospital.

Amuroto bought snacks as gifts on the road, went to the dean's office to visit Soma Taku who had been thinking about him, talked for a while, and then brought the dog back to the reception hall with Chi Feichi.

The doctor in the reception hall heard that Toru Amuro's adopted animals were going to be examined, so he handed a registration form to Toru Amuro. Although he also enthusiastically asked the puppy's name, he was just gossiping and didn't intend to fill out the form himself.

Toru Amuro handed the dog to Chi Feichi, and filled out the registration form by himself, "I haven't figured out the name yet, I just picked it up today."

"Let's leave it alone for the time being," the doctor in the reception hall looked expectantly at Chi Feichi, "If you do the basic checkup, the consultant can also handle it? This way you don't have to wait in line..."

Chi Feichi nodded, and after Amuro completed the registration form, he gave the dog to Amuro Toru, took the registration form by himself, signed his name from the visiting doctor, and went to the floor where the inspection area was located with Amuro Toru.

Next, the two entered the 'full self-help mode' without the help of a doctor.

Chi Feichi was responsible for the puppy's examination, and Toru Amuro was responsible for filling out all the forms related to the examination and printing the examination results, and only asked Chi Feichi to sign where the doctor's signature was required.

When it was time for the vaccination, after Amuro filled out the form, Chi Feichi took the form to receive the vaccine, and was going to help the little white dog get vaccinated by himself.


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