Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2751 How to survive?

"Mr. Jiroji, the Chi family signed a panda leasing agreement. Although the statute of limitations lasts for nearly a hundred years, which is almost the life of the tuanzi, it is always a lease rather than a purchase. The Chi family must ensure that the tuanzi is not exposed to danger that may bring it In such an environment, if we use the dumplings to arrest criminals, we may violate the contract, and the dumplings may be taken back at that time," Chi Feichi said frankly and directly, "I will not take risks in this kind of thing , please forgive me."

"Of course I can understand," Jiro Suzuki saw that Chi Feichi was so straightforward, and he didn't insist any more. He just thought about a certain junior who could play and the pets around him were more cool than the other, and he felt depressed when he thought about it. Giant panda, if I can rent one to come to Suzuki's house, I'm not willing to take such a risk..."

"And in the eyes of many people, the giant panda is a cute animal that makes a living by showing off its cuteness. Even if Tuanzi has a record of hurting people, everyone will still be deceived by its appearance. After a second glance, it will think that it has no offensive power and needs to be protected. "Chi Feichi looked at the dumpling, and said to Suzuki Jiro in a calm and calm tone, "If we use the dumpling as a tool to catch Kidd, and people find out, within two hours, those who pull up banners to express their dissatisfaction will be killed." I can line up from your door to mine, I don’t want to be unable to go out normally.”

Suzuki Jirokichi looked at Tuanzi, just in time to see Tuanzi yawning lazily. No matter how he looked at it, he thought that a certain giant panda's round head was very attractive. De won't hurt Tuanzi. Although that guy is a thief, he's not particularly bad-hearted. It's just that I don't want to take advantage of Kidd... If that guy knows that we're taking the giant panda to block him, he might take the opportunity to watch the panda, Touching a panda, I will never give him such a chance!"

Mitsuhiko quickly reminded, "I also think that Kidd will not hurt such a cute animal, but he might steal the dumpling, that would be bad!"

Tuanzi was a little tired from standing, so she sat down on the spot, feeling the comfort of her buttocks on the soft doll clothes, and lay down again.

Ayumi turned her head to look at 'Panda Headed Little Water Dragon', and agreed with Mitsuhiko's words, "Yeah, although everyone is saying that Kidd only steals gems, but the giant panda is so cute, he might want to steal the dumplings of!"

Suzuki Jirokichi looked at the dumpling lying on the ground, "Actually, if I had the chance, I would secretly take the dumpling home..."

"Mr. Jiroji, you don't know enough about the physique of Tuanzi," Chi Feichi said in a low tone, "It weighs more than 100 kilograms. It may not be easy for you to carry it back."

Please old man Jiroji sober up, it is still possible to 'steal the dumplings home', but 'carrying them home' is too reluctant.

The dumpling looks like a black and white cotton ball, but it is not a real black and white cotton ball, but a serious bear animal. Its weight and strength are not to be underestimated. It is not the kind of small animal that can be put into a sack and dragged away.

Besides, in the same waking state, Danzi can slap Suzuki Jirokichi unconscious with a single slap, pick up Suzuki Jirokichi and run away, but it is impossible for Suzuki Jirokichi to slap Danzi dizzy with a slap and carry Danzi home. In a one-on-one situation, It is uncertain who will take whom home.

"So many people under my command are available, even if I can't take them back, don't they still have them?" Jiro Suzuki paused for a moment, then put on a smiling face and approached Chi Feichi, raised his hand to pat Chi Feichi on the shoulder, "Feichi , why don't you come and try? Let's make a bet, you will be the defender and be responsible for guarding the dumpling. If I can organize people to bring the dumpling home, then it will be considered as your loss. You just need to let the dumpling go temporarily. Foster with month, just one month will be fine!"

"No bet," Chi Feichi refused calmly, and exposed Suzuki Jirokichi's careful thinking, "It seems that the attraction of giant pandas is indeed very strong, and even Mr. It’s a naive way to set up a trap, this time one month, month after month, I’m not that stupid.”

"I didn't succeed..." Jiro Kichi Suzuki was told the little calculation in his heart, and he muttered something in a low voice, but he didn't feel guilty, and put on a frank expression, "I admit, I really want to take this opportunity Borrow the panda from you for a few days, but this bet is fair, as long as you win, I can't succeed, are you ready to admit defeat before you start? But then again, you just acquiesced I will lose, do you really think that I am smarter than the group consultant senior who has more experience than you?"

The three children clenched their fists, trying to help Chi Feichi speak.

"Brother Chi is not..."

"Mr. Jiroji, you don't have to use aggressive methods. As you said, you are my senior in terms of life experience and career. For me, it is not a shame to admit that you are smarter than me," Chi Feichi said. Without giving the three children a chance to continue talking, they looked directly at Suzuki Jirokichi, fell silent for a while, and still didn't express the thoughts that popped up in their hearts, "And you are a very smart person in the first place."

Suzuki Jirokichi knew that his plan had come to nothing, but hearing Chi Feichi admit that he was a smart person, he was quite happy in his heart, he laughed loudly, "Hahaha! I remembered that you admitted that I was smart! "

Chi Feichi felt that an old man was laughing a bit nastyly, so he reflected on whether he should have thought of being polite just now, and took remedial action, responding, "After all, you are extremely smart."

"You..." Suzuki Jiro Kichi just wanted to praise Chi Feichi for speaking very pleasantly today, but suddenly realized that Chi Feichi's evaluation was a bit wrong, and found that Chi Feichi was really looking at the top of his head, the smile on his face froze, half a month He glanced at Chi Feichi.

The Chi family boy's mouth is really bad.

Beside, Suzuki Jirokichi's secretary wiped the cold sweat from his brow.

Urgent question and answer one: If their consultant is now fighting with the young master of the Chi family, how should he fight? How long do you need to be a sandbag in the middle to last until the end? How do the strengths of these two add up? Is there any chance of him surviving today?

Urgent question and answer 2: The Chi family and the Suzuki family have a close relationship recently. If the relationship between the two families deteriorates after today, will Chairman Shiro Suzuki blame him for not smoothing things over and adjusting the atmosphere at a critical moment? Would the advisor and president think he was dull? Afterwards, the two families wanted to reconcile and find a way out. Will he be the scapegoat for this dispute?

Urgent Q\u0026A 3: How did he survive?

When Chi Feichi saw Suzuki Jirokichi, he should have come to his senses. He didn't say what he was teasing, and continued, "You can try to plot me and use aggressive methods against me in order to borrow a panda to raise, then after the bet starts, you can also I can do something else in order to be able to raise pandas, such as when there is no other way, let go of the means and go to Kidd to cooperate..."

Suzuki Jirokichi: "..."

It's definitely... possible.

That's right, he just thought about it, if it doesn't work, just cooperate with Kidd once, and let's talk about it after getting the panda for two days.

Obviously it was the kid from the Chi family who teased him with that kind of words, so why is he still guilty?

Chi Feichi deliberately said nice words, "In order to protect your reputation and integrity, I will not make that kind of bet with you."

Suzuki Jirokichi Banyueyan, "Actually, you don't have to think about me so much..."

Chi Feichi was worried that he would make old man Jirokichi explode by teasing too much, or make old man Jirokichi want to insist on betting, so he gave both sides a step down, "Even if we don't care what others think, we have to think about the thoughts of the dumpling. The dumpling is a life." , It’s not a lifeless dead thing like a gem, it’s very smart and has its own thoughts, it’s not appropriate to bet on it, you also have pets, I think you can understand.”

Suzuki Jirokichi's face softened, and he looked at Lu Bang who was always standing guard at his feet, and it was even more difficult to keep a straight face, so he glanced at Chi Feichi helplessly, "You've said that, how can I persist, no Don't gamble... Ah, by the way, I have something to give you, since you are here, I don't need to call you anymore..."

As he spoke, Suzuki Jirokichi reached into the pocket of his suit trousers, took out a brass ring, and threw it at Chi Feichi.

When Chi Feichi saw the ring, he already knew what it was in his heart. Seeing Jirokichi Suzuki throwing the ring over, he reached out to catch the ring, and looked down at the engraving on the ring.

Mystery Train Pass...

Sure enough, this is it.

"You should know what this is, right?" Suzuki Jiroji smiled proudly, "That is a train that I spent a lot of money to build and only leaves once a year. It was selected by the group and has always been very popular with reasoning enthusiasts, and that train has a retro steam train appearance. Participating in reasoning activities on it will have a suspenseful atmosphere like participating in the murder of the Orient Express. You will worship that A famous Maori detective as a teacher shows that you are interested in reasoning, I think you might like the feeling of participating in reasoning puzzles on that train, and I want to invite you to experience that train!"

"Brother Chi..." Yuan Tai looked at the ring in Chi Feichi's hand, and asked curiously, "The train you mentioned, the reasoning activities, and this ring..."

"What is it?" Ayumi was also curious.

"Can we also participate in the reasoning activities?" Mitsuhiko asked expectantly, "Is the train open to the outside world?"

"We are talking about the Suzuki express train that departs once a year. There is an induction magnetic piece in this ring, which is an exclusive pass to board the train." Jiroji Suzuki smiled and leaned over the three children. "I welcome you to go too. , However, the ring I gave Feichi was on my body when I was testing the pass yesterday. Now I don’t have any other passes on me. After 1:00 this afternoon, the Suzuki Express train will open ticket reservations on the Internet, although you You can also book a pass online, but if you want it, I can ask my secretary to register your personal information later and help you register on the computer. After you get the corresponding pass, he will arrange for someone to take the pass Send it to the address you specified!"

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