Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2765 cat who can help burn the stove

"It's great to know magic. The flu is very stubborn this time. I heard that cold symptoms usually last for two or three days. Mr. Mori from the Maori Detective Agency across the street has caught the flu in the past two days. Today is the third day... ..." Yue Shui Nanatsuki said to Koizumi Hongzi, and then looked at Chi Feichi who had poured black tea back, "By the way, Mr. Chi, I asked Xiaolan to sign for the mysterious train pass for me yesterday. This morning, I Go to Poirot for breakfast and find Xiaolan to get the ring pass. I heard that Mr. Maori coughed all night last night, and Xiaolan is going to accompany him to the hospital..."

"Before I came here, I stopped by on the opposite side to see." Chi Feichi returned to the sofa with a teacup in hand, "Xiaolan has accompanied Teacher Mao Li to the hospital and returned after hanging the bottle. The teacher seems to be in good spirits. How about coughing? It’s similar to Hongzi’s condition now. I heard that the doctor told him to go home and drink more hot water and rest more, so I didn’t bother him there.”

"If he is in the same condition as Hongzi, then his condition has improved." Koshimizu Nanatsuki sat next to Koizumi Hongzi, put the teacup on the coffee table, and said with emotion, "When I saw him in the morning, His voice was very hoarse, and he coughed for a long time. I was still wondering whether we should visit him later. Conan and Xiao Ai went camping in the mountains of Qunma County, and today only Xiaolan is left Take care of him over there, and if they need it, we can help in the past, but since Mr. Maori's condition improves and he needs to rest, we'd better not bother him."


Wuming stood on the opposite sofa, looked up at Chi Feichi and called out softly, stepped on the sofa with his front paws, took two steps to the side, and looked up at Chi Feichi again.

Yueshui Nanatsuki looked at Wuming's cautiously cute appearance, then smiled and said to Chi Feichi, "Wuming has been here for more than an hour, and he has been waiting for you on the outer fence after drinking water. It must have been too long since I saw it. You, miss you so much."

Chi Feichi didn't have the habit of stroking cats, and he didn't think that Wuming, who was outside until he was summoned, missed him so much. However, considering Wuming's rush to come back, he sat next to Wuming and stretched out his hand. Bang Wuming scratched his chin.

Feichi crawled out from Chi Feichi's collar, stretched his neck, and touched noses with Wuming who raised his head, expressing his greetings affectionately.

"It stayed on the fence because it wanted to bask in the sun outside..." Koizumi Hongzi exposed Wuming's real motive for squatting on the fence, but seeing Wuming squinting his eyes and snoring, it was difficult to understand this kind of thing. Shang Zhen said with a smile, "However, if it wants to stay with the Son of Nature for two days, I can borrow it back in a few days. Anyway, I want to borrow Wuming to stay with me for two days, and I just want to invite it Help me burn the stove, it doesn’t matter if you wait for a few days, I’m here today, just as if I’m here to have a party with you.”

"Fire the stove?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Koizumi Hongko with a puzzled expression.

"I have some magic materials that need to be melted at high temperature," Koizumi Hongko explained, "It would be very convenient for Wuming to use its fire to help burn the stove, and the heating speed will be much faster. I originally needed three days to complete the pre-medication , with Wuming's help, it may be completed in half a day."

Wuming saw Koshimizu Nanatsuki look at him again, split the fluffy tail behind him into two, made the two tails branch and stand upright behind him, and ignited two clusters of flames at the tip of the tail.

"By the way, Mr. Chi told me..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki murmured, looking at Wuming's two tails curiously, and quickly laughed, "It's just like the legendary two-tailed cat demon cat!"

Wuming was satisfied with Koshimizu Nanatsuki's evaluation, and called Koshimizu Nanatsuki, "Meow~meow~"

Koshimi Nanatsuki and Koizumi Hongko: "..."

With such a call, it is not quite like the legendary monster Maoyou, but more like a soft and cute cat.

Chi Feichi scratched Wuming's chin for a while, and finally hugged Wuming on his lap, and began to check Wuming's ears and teeth, "Wuming, you decide when to go to Hongzi."

When Chi Feichi touched his mouth with his finger, Wuming bared his teeth and opened his mouth. After Chi Feichi finished reading his teeth, he looked at Koizumi Hongzi and called out in a drawn-out tone, "Meow——meow~~ "

"It said that it can go anytime, finish work early and rest early," Chi Feichi helped translate, pulled Wuming's left front paw to look at it, and then grabbed the other front paw, "But you promised it three The daily fresh shrimp set meal is indispensable, every younger brother must have it.”

"Understood, they must be indispensable, let alone three days..." Koizumi Hongzi paused, suddenly felt that he couldn't talk too much, looked at Wuming vigilantly and asked, "Wait, cough... Wuming, you have a total of How many brothers?"

"Meow, meow." Wuming lazily called Koizumi Hongzi twice, paused, and called again, "Meow."

Chi Feichi helped Wuming do the examination and translated, "There are more than three hundred, there may be more than four hundred, or more than five hundred."

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."

Do so many cats go to her house to eat a three-day fresh shrimp meal?

Nameless continued to call, "Meow... Meow..."

Chi Feichi translated, "I haven't counted them properly, I'll let you know when the time comes, and count as much as you come."

Koizumi Hongzi thought that 500 cats would not be able to eat him poorly, and boldly assured him, "No problem, I will call the hotel to order meals, and I will order as many meals as there are cats. It is not a troublesome thing. My room at home Enough, enough to accommodate you."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki couldn't help laughing, "In this case, wouldn't Hongzi's house become a cat restaurant?"

Koizumi Hongzi laughed, "There is also a large restaurant consisting of many restaurants and VIP rooms."

Nameless started calling again, "Meow~meow~~"

Chi Feichi continued to work as an interpreter, "Wu Ming said it wants a beautiful room as its exclusive restaurant."

"That's fine," Koizumi Hongzi looked at Wuming with a smile, "Let's talk about any other needs."

Wuming put away the flame on the tail, and put the two tails together, "Meow."

"No more." Chi Feichi translated, and also completed a simple observation and inspection for Wuming, and carried Wuming to the sofa next to him.

"Wu Ming, come to me," Koshimizu Nanatsuki stretched out his hands to Wu Ming, "I want to see your tail, it won't hurt you."

Wuming jumped onto the coffee table, jumped from the coffee table to Koshimizu Nanatsuki's legs, found a comfortable position and lay down, split the tail into two again, stood up and flicked it, and lit the flame at the tip of the tail again.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the glowing red flame on the tip of Wuming's tail, and tentatively stretched out her hand, but before her fingers could get close to the flame, two clusters of flames separated from the tip of Wuming's tail and floated towards Chi Feichi. Feichi looked over, "Huh?"

"This kind of flame is very hot, don't touch it with your hands." Chi Feichi sucked the two clusters of flames on the tip of Wuming's tail into the palm of his right hand, and flung the flames to the edge of the teacup on the table.

In less than two seconds, a wisp of white smoke rose again from above the teacup, and the cold tea heated up quickly, boiling and bubbling in a short while.

Chi Feichi manipulated two clusters of flames to help Yueshui Nanatsuki and Koizumi Hongzi heat the tea, and looked up at Yueshui Nanatsuki who was stunned, "If you touch it with your fingers, the flesh will be burned when it touches the flames. burnt."

"The temperature is so high..." Yue Shui Nanatsuki was sweating, watching the two clusters of small flames heat tea for herself and Koizumi Hongzi respectively, and watching the two clusters of flames return to Chi Feichi's palm and disappear. Fascinated by this hand-controlled fire technique, he curiously asked Koizumi Hongzi, "Hongzi, can you use magic to control flames?"

"It's possible, but I need to arrange a magic circle or prepare magic props in advance, which is not so convenient," Koizumi Hongzi looked at Wuming who was obediently lying on his stomach, "and the temperature of magic flames is usually not as high as the flames they control, the simplest The flame manipulation is just an illusion, it looks scary, but it has no real temperature."

"This is already very powerful," Koshimizu Nanatsuki stroked the fur on Wuming's back, a little enviously said, "I don't know anything, and I have never seen what the magic of the Montgomery family is like... "

"The power of the Son of Nature is quite special, and the magic mastered by the Montgomery family is also different from that of the Red Magic family..." Koizumi Hongzi returned to the history when the elites of each family gathered for revenge, and was in a daze. Suddenly thought of something, turned to look at the collar of Koshimizu Nanatsuki's dress, seemed to be looking through the clothes at the necklace and bone flute that Koshimizu Nanatsuki had pressed under the clothes, and asked with bright eyes, "Child of nature, you Say... Can the bone flute detoxify the toxin? I mean the poison that the Avengers used to plot against members of the Holy See and make them lose their magic power forever. Doesn't that toxin mean Nanatsuki-san can possess magic power?"

"I haven't tried it, and I'm not sure if the bone flute can detoxify the toxin." Chi Feichi also looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki's collar, "But the powerful vitality of Patriarch Montgomery is closely related to the bone flute. Putting them in good health, prolonging their lifespan, also seems to have a degree of healing, repairing damage to the body."

"That kind of toxin can also be regarded as causing damage to the human body?" Koizumi Hongzi smiled happily, and said to the thoughtful Koshimizu Nanatsuki, "In this case, Miss Nanatsuki has been wearing the bone flute for a long time. Perhaps the damage to the body can be repaired, and with the blood of Montgomery in the body, it should be able to extract the magic power by then!"

When Chi Feichi gave the bone flute to Nanatsuki Koshimi, he just hoped that after Nanatsuki Koshimi wore the bone flute, his health would be better, and his aging and death would be slower. Now that he thinks about Koizumi Hongzi's words carefully, he also thinks it can be achieved. However, I was also worried that Koshimizu Nanatsuki had too much hope and ended up too disappointed, so I gave Koshimizu Nanatsuki a vaccination in advance, "It is possible, but that kind of toxin is something made by the Avengers by combining different styles. If it was so easy to remove, the Holy See, which has searched countless treasures, would have done it long ago, so the bone flute may not be useful, and even if it is useful, the bone flute will affect the human body very slowly. Variety."

"Actually, this is already very good," Yue Shui Nanatsuki did not blame Chi Feichi for splashing cold water, raised his hand to touch the bone flute through the collar fabric, and said with a smile, "Slowing down the speed of aging is something that many people wish for."

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