Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2767 Ghost Train Project

Chi Feichi went back to the sofa and sat down, and asked a little speechlessly, "Can you be more specific?"

"No," the crystal ball replied directly, "because I can only see these, energy entanglement, key things, and flashing fragments."

"Can you project those images?" Chi Feichi asked again.

"No," said the crystal ball, still direct, "I'm better at projecting what's happening in a certain place. Predicting the future is not my strong point, and my success rate of predicting is related to time. I can't predict what will happen in a specific place an hour later. The prediction will be more detailed and accurate, and the prediction after one day will not be so detailed. The adults asked me to predict the situation after one week. , the energy interference is severe, those fragments are complex and changeable and are blocked by fog, and I can't project them. What I can be sure of is that this is a dangerous journey, and the danger is caused by the struggle between the light demon and the dark energy. I don’t recommend Master Hongzi or Master Yueshui board the train, if they are involved in those complicated incidents, they have a certain probability of being injured or even killed.”

Chi Feichi nodded.

The crystal ball has actually stated the key points. Peeping into the future to such an extent can at least be used as an alarm to judge bad luck.

But the future is indeed complex and changeable, even the gods in myths and legends can hardly deduce what will happen in the future in detail, and of course he and the crystal ball can't do it either.

"So, will anyone die this time?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked while looking at the crystal ball, "Or to put it another way, how many people died?"

"Someone died," the crystal ball was quiet for a while, the red and black on the surface became more intertwined, and it seemed that the battle between the two colors for the territory was gradually heating up, "The death toll is one... no, it's all... no, no, it should be It's one...not right..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki cast a puzzled look at Koizumi Hongko, "Is it malfunctioning?"

"I don't know either."

Koizumi Hongzi was also worried that the crystal ball was broken, and wondered whether to clap it twice with her hands.

When those old electrical appliances are unstable due to poor circuit contact, taking two shots is the most convenient and quick repair solution.

As for the effect of the repair... Whatever happens.

The crystal ball saw Hongzi Koizumi stretching out his hand towards him, and was so frightened that he didn't freeze anymore, "I'm sorry, the energy of Lord Son of Nature is involved, and there are too many variables. I can't confirm the death toll."

Koizumi Hongzi retracted her hand, heard the crystal ball talk about a certain guy's energy interference, and immediately felt empathy for the situation of the crystal ball, "Child of Nature, since you are involved in it, it will be difficult for it to accurately predict future changes. "

"I just want to check the predicted answer with it, to confirm what I think in my heart, not to let it answer clearly, I want to ask another question..." Chi Fei looked at the crystal ball and asked, "If I don't interfere with this One thing, will the death toll on the train be less than two that day? Or, I have been involved in it for a long time, and staying away from the train can't cut off the interference?"

"I can't judge..." The crystal ball stopped for a moment, and quickly added, "But you should be clear, those are people you know, your energy has already penetrated into them, even if you stay away from the train, I'm afraid it can't be changed Your impact on the future."


Chi Feichi was not surprised. This was also a speculation he had made a long time ago.

"That..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked suspiciously, "They are all people that Mr. Chi knows... Does this mean that Mr. Mori and they will all be involved?"

If you don't know what the "Demon of Light" and "Dark Energy" are, you will feel that the crystal ball is talking in a cloud.

Koizumi Koko thought that Koshimizu Nanatsuki didn't know this yet, and looked in the direction of Mori Detective Agency, "The Demon of Light refers to Edogawa Conan."

"This is the title Hongzi got during divination. We sometimes call him that. His hidden energy is very strong, and he can almost turn danger into safety in a crisis. He is the kind of person who is favored by heaven," Chi Feichi said softly. Said, "As for the dark energy mentioned by the crystal ball just now, it is a criminal organization with a complicated background. Those people are Conan's current enemies. This time, a dangerous incident will happen on the train because they collided with each other, and that criminal organization I also have some contact with me, I should know all the members who boarded the train this time, so the crystal ball said that they are all people I know."

"In other words, you know two people who are opposed to each other. This time they met on the train, which made the train dangerous. Is that right?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki straightened out his thoughts and directly Asked, "What do you want to do? Or, what do you want to do by engraving that forbidden space magic?"

Chi Feichi saw that Koshimizu Nanatsuki had got the point, followed Koshimizu Nanatsuki's question, and expressed his thoughts, "Conan and the teacher don't know my connection with dark energy, and I don't want them to know either. At the same time, I don't want to have a conflict with the dark energy right now, but I also hope that both of them are safe, especially Xiao Ai, she is the person who is most likely to die in this struggle..."

"How could it be Xiao Ai?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki heard that Haibara Ai was in danger of death, and almost stood up from the sofa directly, frowning, "Isn't it Conan who is fighting against dark energy?"

"Dark energy is Conan's enemy, but it doesn't mean that Xiao Ai has nothing to do with them. They and Xiao Ai are also enemies..." Chi Feichi paused, "Enemies of life and death."

Yueshui Nanatsuki was silent for a while, and sighed softly, "The relationship between you is too complicated..."

"If we reproduce the magic this time, you may be able to witness their struggle with your own eyes, and you will probably be able to figure out the relationship between them by then, and my plan is to create a ghost train..."

Chi Feichi talked about his plan.

He wants to use the space magic of virtual-real transformation to project the phantom of the same train on the Suzuki Express, and follow him all the way, just like a ghost train that overlaps with the Suzuki Express.

It exists and it does not exist.

If Xiao Ai or someone he cares about is about to die, they can switch the space around that person from reality to reality, causing that person to fall into a space crack and be transferred out of the Suzuki express train.

As long as the magic proposed by Aklan is improved and the phantom is cut into nodes, they can even freely choose to transfer a person or a group of people.

The disadvantage of this plan is that they may not be able to improve the magic successfully, and the time may not be enough for them to create the ghost train. In addition, the large magic circle will cause considerable fluctuations, which may be noticed by the Holy See, so he did not Betting all his treasures on this plan, he also prepared other plans.

Ark has used some means to book some passes for the Suzuki express train, and is ready to allow the golden eagle fighters to get on the train that day. Noah has already figured out the train route from Tokyo to Nagoya, and he can send someone at any time Do some tricks on the rails.

In short, he came to Koizumi Hongzi today because he wanted to discuss with Koizumi Hongzi the feasibility of 'making a ghost train'.

If he can complete this magic arrangement, he will have a strong and secure hole card. Other plans can be adjusted a little, and it will be much easier and safer to make the plan revolve around the 'ghost train'.

After Chi Feichi finished talking about his plan, he borrowed a pen and paper from Koshimizu Nanatsuki, put the printing paper on the coffee table, and explained to the two girls while picking up the pen to draw his own idea of ​​making a ghost train.

He has no magical power in his body, but he has read many family heirlooms of the Red Magic family and witnessed the history of magic development for centuries, and his theoretical grasp is no worse than that of Koizumi Hongzi.

He has even seen the structure of Aklan's magic circle, and now he can draw those magic runes while recalling them.

If it wasn't for the lack of magic power in his body, he would have experimented by himself.


Here, Chi Feichi drew a pattern on the paper from time to time, marked it with a shorthand magic symbol, and in a short while, five or six sheets of printing paper were filled with the drawing. On the opposite side, Yueshui Nanatsuki and Koizumi Hongzi were listening carefully.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki has read the introductory book on magic that Hongko Koizumi sent to him. Most of the magic terms can be understood. Although the in-depth knowledge is still incomprehensible, but through Chi Feichi's explanation, he also understands that he couldn't distinguish before. Clear knowledge of magic arrays.

Koizumi Hongzi listened more seriously. As he listened, he couldn't help asking Chi Feichi for a few pieces of printing paper, took out the ball pen he carried with him, and followed Chi Feichi's thinking to calculate the magic runes.

The "ghost train manufacturing plan" designed by Chi Feichi is not a big problem. As far as the magic theory is concerned, the probability of success is very high, but this is a new magic extended from the old magic after all. Many new elements have been added. Will it succeed? , have to try again.

Koizumi Hongzi waited for Chi Feichi to stop writing, regardless of whether he had finished his calculations, he stopped writing, lowered his head and stared at the draft in front of him, and said seriously, "Son of Nature, the large-scale combined magic array you designed is indeed perfect. There is no problem with the nodes, it is worth a try, but have you ever thought that it is a big project to create a ghost train, and the Suzuki express train will leave in a week, it is difficult for us to complete such a large project in a week... ..."

As he said that, Koizumi Hongzi circled a few magic symbols on his manuscript paper with a pen, "Aklan's magic circle is used on a fixed ground, and we want to use the magic circle on a high-speed moving train. The high-speed moving train and the space crack may cause the space crack to be unstable, causing people who fall into the space crack to drift to other places, or even be directly killed by the crack. The solution you gave is to use this large attachment magic, Let the ghost train and the Suzuki express train completely coincide, and add magic, so that the ghost train is completely attached to the Suzuki express train..."

"That's right," Chi Feichi said, "The ghost train and the Suzuki Express train overlap and move forward. When running the virtual-real transformation magic in the carriage, it is equivalent to performing virtual-real changes around a fixed floor or in a stable carriage. There is no need to consider whether the train is moving, nor will the stability of the array be affected by the movement of the train."

"This idea is very good, but in this case, we need to prepare a train that is exactly the same as the internal compartment of the Suzuki express train. There should be no gaps in length, width, height, and internal structure. If there is a slight gap, it will cause adhesion. We were thrown away during this period," Hongzi Koizumi asked, "Where should we go to get such a train out?"

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