Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2769 rare opportunity

Chi Feichi was not surprised by Koizumi Hongzi's nervousness, and said to Yue Shui Nanatsuki, "Yue Shui, if you are interested, I will take you to Shiwuye City some other day, which is the city where our believers live. It’s a beautifully landscaped, well-built place, and you’ll be amazed when you see it.”

Yue Shui Nanatsuki felt that Koizumi Hongzi should be calmed down, looked at Chi Feichi happily and smiled, "Okay, when you are free some other day, take me to see it!"

"Let's go there in two days," Koizumi Hongzi thought of the wonders of Fifteen Nights City, and was a little eager to try, "All you need to make the ghost train that the Son of Nature wants is three magic treasures, and the same specification as the Suzuki Express train. The carriage, these have been solved, the problem of depicting magic runes inside can also be solved by borrowing the power of the gods, I think we should be able to build the ghost train within a week, and we even have time to use the Dongdu Ring Line, Let’s test the effect of the Shinkansen train in advance. Since the Son of Nature has sent all the carriages to Fifteen Nights City for renovation, let’s go to Fifteen Nights City tomorrow. Tomorrow the carriages will be remodeled, and we will take a stroll there before resting. After one night, the day after tomorrow, I can prepare to carve magic runes in the carriage."

"I'm afraid it won't work tomorrow," Chi Feichi said, "I have guests to entertain."

"It's the apprentice he accepted in Nagano Prefecture with his riding and archery skills," Koshimizu Nanatsuki explained the situation to Koizumi Hongko, "In a serial murder incident that happened in Nagano before, the other party's wife was killed, and soon he was killed. Knowing that the senior I admired died tragically many years ago, I felt a little bit unmotivated. I calmed down in my hometown for a while, and now I rarely want to come to Tokyo to relax. I also said on the phone that I would bring some special products to Mr. Chi. Chi How can the master be willing to leave his apprentice alone."

"So that's how it is," Koizumi Hongzi saw that Koshimizu Nanatsuki was acquainted with that guest, and considering that the other party was Chi Feichi's nominal apprentice, Koshimizu Nanatsuki had better also receive him, so he didn't propose to let Yuemizu Nanatsuki Tsuki left Chi Feichi and took a step ahead with himself, "Then I will go there tomorrow. Before we start drawing the magic runes, we have to figure out which god's power to borrow and prepare the sacrifices as soon as possible. Without finding a suitable god to leverage on, with our strength, it is impossible to draw all the magic runes within a week."

Chi Feichi looked up at the wall clock on the wall, and found that it was past eleven o'clock in the morning, and suggested aloud, "Have lunch first, I plan to order food, and wait for the time when the food is delivered, let's see which one we can borrow." With the power of the gods, you can continue to discuss after the meal."

"But, the chief designer of the train design team, didn't you agree to come to the office today?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki was a little worried that he would not be able to spare time in the afternoon, and reminded, "You have already made an appointment with the other party. We will meet at 2:30 in the afternoon, if you need to cancel the meeting, it is best to call and tell the other party now."

"The chief designer of the train design team?" Hongko Koizumi looked at the two with some doubts.

"Mr. Chi wants someone to design and manufacture a luxury train," Koshimizu Nanatsuki explained. "It's not a ghost train, but a real train that can be opened to the public like the Suzuki express train."

"The inspiration for the ghost train also comes from this idea," Chi Feichi took the conversation, and said to Nanatsuki Koshimizu, "There is no need to cancel the meeting appointment, if we haven't found a suitable god to borrow power from at 2:30 in the afternoon, we can receive it first Chief designer, you accompany me to meet with the other party, tell the other party the elements you want, and ask the other party to go back and prepare the design plan. It will be over in about an hour. During this hour, Hongzi can go to the second floor to take a rest ..."

"That's right," Koshimi Nanatsuki looked at Koizumi Hongzi and said with concern, "Hongzi, don't you have a cold? Take a rest this afternoon."

"Speaking of colds..." Koizumi Hongzi felt the itchy throat that was still dry in the morning, and found that the discomfort disappeared. I hope to reproduce the forbidden magic. I am too excited. My cold seems to be cured. When people are emotional, the body will increase the secretion of adrenaline, causing the heartbeat to speed up, blood pressure to rise, and metabolism to speed up? I Originally, I only had mild symptoms of a cold, and when I was excited, the cold might just be driven away..."

"It might just be that the cold symptoms are temporarily suppressed." Chi Feichi reminded.

"It doesn't matter, if you have cold symptoms again later, I will use magic to drive away the cold." Hongzi Koizumi picked up the cup, with a look of anticipation in his eyes, "This is the biggest space magic I have ever come into contact with. , It is even more of a challenge to implement it until the experiment is completed within a week. If we can really create a ghost train, I will be very happy, and things like colds don’t want to hold me back..."

Chi Feichi also wanted Koizumi Hongzi to be happy for a while, but thinking that he had to say it sooner or later, he thought it would be better to say it sooner, "Hongzi, will you get involved in this incident, will you be caught by them?" energy impact?"

Koizumi Hongzi was stunned for a moment, feeling his heart was taken out and put into ice water, his heart felt cool.

Seeing Yueshui Nanatsuki, Chi Feichi was a little puzzled, and explained, "Hongzi's use of magic to interfere with the Demon of Light and dark energy may affect her body in some ways, such as having many white lines on her skin, or making her The skin turned black and it took a long time to fade away, in fact, she would have similar changes when she was disturbed by my energy, such as growing feathers on her body."

Thinking of the ever-changing past of her skin, Koizumi Hongzi twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, and said in a low voice seriously, "In the past, I just interfered a little bit, and it would be affected. This time, I directly involved in their duel, and the situation may be more serious. , I might really get seriously ill afterwards... But a serious illness is not a big deal, I can survive it, I don't want to give up the opportunity to master a forbidden magic, if I give up learning magic because I am afraid of a little energy interference, then How can I ask the Holy See for the debts owed by the Holy See in the future? I’m so scared, I’d better find a coffin and hide for the rest of my life.”

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Koizumi Hongko's firm eyes, swallowed back the words of persuasion, and smiled encouragingly at Koizumi Hongko, "I have recently read those herbal medicine books written by Elizabeth, and they all know the medicinal properties of many herbs. Write it down, if you get sick at that time, you can come to Seven Detective Office, I will cook delicious and nutritious soup for you every day."

Koizumi Hongzi thought of the past when those Avengers fought side by side and took care of each other in life, and nodded with a smile, "Okay..."

"Can we try to take advantage of a loophole?" Chi Feichi didn't care if his calm discussion attitude would be a nuisance, so he drew the two girls' attention back, "Take those things that will affect the situation. Let me do the work, such as putting the switch of the virtual-real transfer magic circle on the mirror of the sun, and I will control it. Hongzi is responsible for stabilizing the ghost train. You can even entrust me with the task of burning magic runes, Hongzi Responsible for transmitting the borrowed power of the gods to me. In this case, Hongzi just assisted me in completing the ghost train and helping the ghost train run stably. I am the one who really interferes with the development of the situation. Reduce it a lot ... do it, at least it won't get worse."

"You're right, this method might really work," Koizumi Hongzi had already made up her mind, and said with a firm gaze, "However, I still want to complete the magic rune depiction by myself, you know, see Watching other people's drawing of magic runes is different from my own drawing, especially this time with the help of the power of the gods to complete such a large formation. If I can complete this part of the work myself, it will be easier for me to make magic formations in the future. So, can you Give me this chance?"


Chi Feichi stated his position without delay.

This kind of opportunity to use the power of gods to complete a large-scale magic circle is rare. As long as Hongzi can do it with his own hands, and encounter a large-scale magic circle in the future, he can rely on the experience and body muscle memory gained this time to complete it. Hongzi's experience in this area ranges from apprentice to master.

As for Hongzi, the blood in his body has been 'purified' once, and he has already mastered some commonly used instant spells. He just lacks the experience and ability in this area, so it would be a pity to miss it.

Even if he experienced this kind of magic rune depiction, he would not gain anything, so he might as well leave the matter to Hongzi.

"Then it's settled, I will entrust the task of drawing magic runes and completing the magic circle of the ghost train, and I will leave the operation of converting the magic circle between virtual and real to you," Koizumi Hongzi said with a smile, "I will operate the magic circle The spell is placed on the mirror of the sun, and the magic power required to activate the operation can be extracted from the orb, so that even if you have no magic power, you can use the mirror of the sun in your body to complete the magic circle operation."

Chi Feichi looked down at the manuscript paper on the table, "The runes in the energy supply part still need to be changed..."

Koizumi Hongzi also looked at the manuscript paper, "However, there are not many things that need to be changed. Even if I do it alone, it will take less than half an hour to finish it."

"Then I'll call to make an order, and we'll have lunch first." Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled and hesitated, "Mr. Chi is in charge of operating the magic circle, and he is the one who mainly interferes with the development of the situation. Will his body be affected as well? "

Thinking of this, Koizumi Hongzi felt a little depressed, took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, "He solves cases beside the Demon of Light when he has nothing to do, and from time to time he mixes with dark energy guys to kill and set fires, and he can even assign me If you do something for him, he won't be affected, even if he kills everyone on the train this time, he probably won't be affected by the other two energies."

"The Demon of Light can fight against people with dark energy, or solve the case with Mr. Chi. It seems that he will not be affected by any energy," Nanatsuki Koshimi asked curiously, "Mr. Chi will not be affected by the energy of the other two parties either." Influenced, then why is Hongzi affected by other people's energy?"

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