Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2797 time that can be frozen

Facing some sharp questions from Chi Feichi, Gin lighted a cigarette with the ignition in the car without haste, "What factors will affect your visual ability, and to what extent... These things will be checked sooner or later. Clearly, when you notice that yellow light is affecting your vision, you should have a checkup, but..."

As he said that, Gin put the cigarette lighter back in, glanced sideways at Chi Feichi, his voice was still cold and calm, "Your eyes only started to have this kind of problem this year, right? At the beginning, No one knows whether those simulated lights will cause much damage to your eyes or will accelerate the deterioration of your vision, and now the problem has appeared for a while, and your eyes must have appeared more than once. Blurred situation, but your vision has not deteriorated too badly, indicating that the light stimulation will not cause too much damage to your eyes..."

The yellow light will make it difficult for Chi Feichi to see things, but it will not damage Chi Feichi's eyes.

After confirming this point, there is no need to worry that the yellow light simulated by the inspection instrument will hurt Chi Feichi's eyes, so he can use the instrument to do this kind of inspection with confidence.

Chi Feichi understood the meaning of Qinjiu. Although he felt that Qinjiu might not have chosen this time randomly for him to check, and there might be other calculations behind it, but Qinjiu put on a good communication posture and patiently explained to him. I didn't want to make the communication environment worse, so I temporarily avoided some aggressive questions and focused on the topic of eyes.

"I've seen some drug information from the organization in the past, and there is a drug information that is not very eye-catching but requires permission to view," Chi Feichi saw the increasing number of vehicles on the road, and subconsciously glanced at the exterior rearview mirror , to help confirm whether there is any suspicious vehicle following behind, "If my deduction is correct, that kind of drug can affect the neurodevelopment of the brain, so that the development and daily activity of various brain regions can be maintained at a normal level. In addition, there are Some chemical ingredients that interfere with the optic nerve. No matter how I look at it, I feel that this drug may be effective for the genetic disease of the Field family. I mean the degeneration of eye function. Some of the ideas are close to…”

More than 30 years ago, his fourth uncle Rhodes had a conjecture that the boy with the dominant gene characteristic of purple eyes in the Field family would gradually have abnormal brain development as he grew up, and this abnormal development would make people Possessing an intelligence that exceeds that of his peers, but it will also affect his vision. That is to say, Rhodes believes that the blindness of the boy with purple eyes in the Field family has a lot to do with brain development.

Of course, the impact of genetic diseases on the males of the Field family is not only blindness, but in men who do not have the dominant genetic trait of purple eyes, the manifestation of genetic diseases is some kind of difficult chronic disease, skin disease, human immune system There are also some problems.

Abnormal brain development is not the root cause of genetic diseases, but abnormal brain development may be an important factor in blindness.

Rhodes couldn't solve the family's genetic disease from the root cause, but he thought of using drugs to suppress brain development, so that the brain development of the males in the Field family was consistent with normal people, which might solve the blindness of the Field family due to genetic diseases question.

The information on the drug he saw was consistent with Rhodes' research ideas, and it prevented the abnormal development of brain nerves. In addition, there were some ingredients that could act on the optic nerve. It was hard not to make him suspect that the drug was Luo studies of morality.

"Not long ago I asked that person about this matter, and that person also confirmed my guess," Chi Feichi continued, "It was my uncle Rhodes' research, and I was the first person to use this drug. Beneficiary, the time I met you in the lab five years ago, I woke up and found myself in the lab, I don’t remember what happened before, it’s because Jane added sleeping pills to my food to make me fall asleep Finally, I was taken there for a physical examination to confirm whether the drug was ineffective... In the past many years, this kind of examination should have been done every year, but I just woke up that year, when you were in that laboratory, It means that you knew about my situation at that time."

"Humph..." Gin smiled with a vague meaning, "I may have known you earlier than you imagined, although you didn't know me at that time... Five years ago, after you were After you were sent to that laboratory, there was a problem with the circuit in the laboratory, and the equipment in the examination room also malfunctioned. The person in charge of the examination injected you with sleeping pills before going out for the examination, but I didn’t expect that it was only a short time away. , You actually woke up, and you found the bomb from the warehouse, so many parallel line bombs were strung together..."

Chi Feichi thought about the things he did with this body five years ago, and thought that he almost blew up the gin, and felt that such a scene was worth looking forward to, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "You almost sacrificed your life for art .”

When Qin Jiu heard that Chi Feichi was still in the mood to tease, he glanced at Chi Feichi coldly, "If you detonated the bomb at that time, you would not be able to escape."

Chi Feichi put away the smile at the corner of his mouth, and nodded seriously, "Let's get into art together."

Qin Jiu felt that he shouldn't compete with a snake spirit, looked at the road ahead, and stopped looking at Chi Feichi, "Hmph... I didn't want to sacrifice for your art, but after I stopped you that day, , you suddenly fainted, it was the second personality who ran out to make trouble at that time, right?"

"That's right," Chi Feichi responded vaguely, and then returned to the topic of medicine, "That medicine was developed for the genetic disease of the Field family, and it is impossible to use other experimental products for clinical trials... No, actually there are I have conducted a clinical trial with some people with similar conditions, but I am the only member of the Field family who actually used that drug, so no one can be sure how effective the drug is..."

"In actual use, the effect of the drug is not bad," Gin was convinced of the effect of the drug, "Your eyes have no problems after the age of five, which means that the drug research has been successful, and the mental problems seem to be gone There are ways to avoid it, but you were pretty normal most of the time in the past few years, as for the aggravation of mental illness in the past few years, it may be because the drug’s effect is about to pass.”

Chi Feichi couldn't deny this possibility.

This body has not lost its sight after the age of five, maybe it is really the credit of that drug.

At least for the time being, it is impossible to determine whether this body is not blind because of drugs, or because it was selected early by the three gold fingers.

"The duration of the drug... was originally estimated to be twenty years," Chi Feichi recalled the information he had read, "If I had used that drug around the age of five, the drug effect should last until I was around twenty-five years old, But for other people who have taken that drug, the effect of the drug did not last for 20 years. In about 15 years, those people began to have physical problems one after another. Although they are not members of the Field family, they just have similar symptoms. , may not be able to make the drug play the best effect, but this is the result of detecting the traces of the drug in their body, that is to say, the drug fails because the body's acceptance of the drug has reached the limit, whether it is People in the Field family use drugs, as long as they are normal people, they will develop a strong resistance to that drug in about fifteen years, making that drug no longer effective."

"So you have to make a choice early..."

Qin Jiu stared at the road ahead calmly, and exhaled a long puff of thick white smoke, letting the smoke drift away along the half-opened car window, "Since that person told you about this, he should also tell you about it." You mentioned another drug, as long as you take that drug, your body will not change again, as if the time on your body stays forever at the moment of taking the drug, before the drug that suppresses blindness in your body completely fails , you can still use that drug, so maybe it can stop your eyesight from deteriorating further, but that drug already has strong side effects, your body has some strange things happening due to the genetic disease and the influence of the previous drug There are strong antibodies against many chemical components, and no one knows whether that drug will work for you, whether it will kill you directly, or what kind of side effects you will face..."

As he said that, Gin paused, "Check your current visual situation, and it will also be convenient for you to understand your own situation and make a choice, whether to let yourself go blind, take the risk of using that drug, or Wait and see for a while, it’s up to you to choose what to do.”

"That person did tell me about that drug, and he let me make my own choice," Chi Feichi thought of these choices, and felt in a dilemma. After a long time, after the eyes are completely blind, it will be useless to take the medicine that freezes time, and my eyes will remain blind forever."

"But relatively, with a longer time, you can also store more hematopoietic stem cells for yourself," Qin Jiu said, "If you have read the information on the drug that freezes time, you should know that hematopoietic stem cells that are not affected by the drug It may be able to resist the side effects of drugs. Although some researchers use those hematopoietic stem cells that were taken away before you to cultivate new donors, trying to make animals or some people become donors of hematopoietic stem cells, but the current progress is slow, even if it is effective. , the effect may not be as good as those hematopoietic stem cells extracted by yourself. Half of the hematopoietic stem cells extracted from your body last time will be stored for you. If you want to use the drug that freezes time, those hematopoietic stem cells may be in Save your life in an emergency."

Chi Feichi gave a soft 'hmm', but was not in a hurry to express his opinion.

He had read the drug research data and some drug experiment data of that frozen time, and he had already guessed that the drug had side effects, and the side effects needed to be alleviated by hematopoietic stem cells that were not affected by the drug.

He didn't know if half of the hematopoietic stem cells that he had been taken away had been stored, but some of them would definitely be used on someone to help them alleviate the side effects of the drug.

In fact, he doesn't have to consider taking that kind of medicine that freezes time. Under the influence of Sanwu Golden Finger, the genetic disease gene in his body may have changed. At least the genetic disease is not so easy to break out, but he is not sure what his eyes are. Whatever the situation, we still need to wait and see.

The results of the examination this afternoon were not very good. A variety of mixed lights containing yellow light can make his vision blurred. The most serious two kinds of mixed lights can make him unable to see the outline of objects clearly. This is not a normal situation.

He really has some problems with his eyes.

"Do you want to inject the mobilizing agent tomorrow?" Gin Jiu asked abruptly.

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