Half an hour after the Suzuki express train departed, Conan and the three children found the man who died in room B of carriage 8.

Shira Masumi followed Conan to see the murder scene, and immediately asked the conductor to call the police and contact the conductor.

Not long after, the in-car announcements sounded in each car of the train.

"Passengers, please note that due to an accident in the train, the train schedule will be changed soon. This train will stop temporarily at the nearest station. Passengers are requested to stay in their rooms and wait before receiving instructions. Try to avoid going out…”

Dr. Ali and Huiyuan Ai had just left the room where the pharmacologist was. When they heard the sound of the radio, they immediately set off and hurried to the No. 7 carriage.

"I don't know where the others have gone," Dr. A Li worried when he saw someone hastily entered the room in front of him. "It seems that the children were still playing outside before, which is really worrying."

Huihara Ai just wanted to comfort Dr. Ali, when he suddenly saw a man in black and a black fisherman hat approaching in front of him. When he looked up, he happened to see a face with burn scars under the hat. Change.

This man seems to be... her sister's previous boyfriend?

Akai Hideichi with the scarred face lowered the brim of his hat, bowed his head and walked past Dr. Ali and Hui Yuan Ai, resisting the killing intent in his heart, quickly glanced at Hui Yuan Ai, and walked forward as if nothing had happened.

When the two sides passed each other, the ghost Yueshui group and ghost Hongzi group who were following behind both also met in the corridor, nodded to each other, and continued to keep up with their respective targets.

The purple eye projection in front of Fei Mo Zhengtai goes out, and the purple eye pattern lights up in the void in front of Wuming, turning the surveillance object into Hui Yuanai.

"Doctor! Huiyuan!"

Conan ran over from the end of the corridor, and came to the two of them nervously, "Why are you two here? Didn't the broadcast say that all passengers should stay in the room?!"

"Mr. Chuanhe's health is not good. Xiao Ai and I didn't want to affect his rest, so we only picked important questions to ask him for advice. Before the radio rang, we had already left his room, and it was inconvenient to return to Mr. Chuanhe's room. Room, so we want to go to the back compartment to find you guys quickly," Dr. Ali became nervous because of Conan's emotions, "What happened to the car? Is everyone okay?"

Hui Yuanai glanced back, and found that the man in black who had just passed by had disappeared. Feeling the beating heart in his chest, he tried to breathe as long as possible, and slowly dispelled the fear in his heart with deep breaths.

Seeing Edogawa's nervous reaction, coupled with the man who is suspected to be her sister's boyfriend, and the dangerous aura on him...

Are people from the organization really on this train?

"Uh, don't worry, everyone is fine," Conan realized that he was too nervous just now, tried to calm down his face, and looked back towards the direction of No. 8 car, "There was a murder in No. 8 car." , the conductor has already contacted the train conductor, and Xiaolan has also contacted Uncle Xiaowulang to go there. When I came, sister Xiaolan and sister Yuanzi took Yuantai and the others to room A of carriage 7. Hurry up too! The murderer is still here Wandering outside, you must lock the door of the room, don't let anyone leave alone!"


Parking lot outside Nagoya Station.

Chi Feichi sat quietly in the back seat of the black Porsche 356A. When he closed his eyes, he kept monitoring the situation on the train with his left eye.

In the half hour before the deceased was found, Belmode wandered around the corridor with a scarred Akai face, as if to confirm the situation in the car and rule out the possibility that the car was ambushed by the police or a large number of FBI agents.

When Belmode passed by the No. 5 compartment, he was discovered by Okiya Subaru and Kudo Yukiko who were hiding in the B room of the No. 5 compartment.

Okiya Subaru was originally a false identity deliberately created by Akai Shuichi with a disguised face. Now that he sees someone acting with his original appearance, he will naturally notice and realize that Belmode has participated in the hunt In Shirley's actions, the scar-faced Akai is probably Belmode.

Since Feimo and Koizumi Hongko only followed Belmode, he didn't know what Okiya Subaru and Kudo Yukiko said or did, but it was predictable that the two must have contacted Conan and passed on the 'organization' to Conan. The people boarding the train, Belmode in it' information, let Conan be more careful.

Afterwards, the deceased in carriage No. 8 was found.

The radio in the car asked the passengers to stay in their respective rooms. Dr. Ali and Hui Yuanai would worry about the safety of other children when they heard the news. Look at the situation of the children.

Belmode took this opportunity to walk back and forth between the aisles of carriages 5, 6, 7, and 8, saw Haibara Ai, and officially confirmed that Shirley, who had shrunk, had boarded the train.

It’s just that Kudo Yukiko and Okiya Subaru hid well, and in line with the strategy of “If the enemy does not move, I will not move, and if the enemy moves, I will secretly watch”, and did not go out of the room to investigate the situation. Therefore, Belmode has no way to determine how much Conan has prepared for the time being. A helper, where is the helper hiding.

At the same time, the incident on the train was unexpected by both parties, so after hearing the broadcast, the two parties will definitely start to confirm what happened on the train.

Kudo Yukiko and Okiya Subaru have taken the lead again. They only need to contact Conan to learn about the murder in the No. 8 car from Conan, while Belmode and Amuro Toru will be more troublesome here. Consider Carriages 7 and 8 are the gathering places for the protagonists. Toru Amuro, who has a certain degree of favorability in front of Mori Ran and others, and who is also Mori Kogoro's apprentice, should go to see it, so that even if he is seen and interrogated , can also find a way to perfunctory——

Knowing that the famous detective teacher came to the train, the apprentice suddenly had a holiday, so he bought a pass to find the teacher to participate in the reasoning game, what's wrong with that? The reason why I didn't tell everyone in advance is because I wanted to surprise the teacher. Is there a problem with this?

In short, at this point, the black duo composed of Belmode and Amuro Toru has completely fallen into a disadvantage, but the two sides have not yet formally faced each other. Only the red reinforcements composed of Kudo Yukiko and Okiya Subaru understand that their side has the upper hand. advantage.

In fact, Chi Feichi can only monitor the movements of two people at the moment, one is Haibara Ai and the other is Belmode. I don't know what Kudo Yukiko and Conan did, but based on the current situation, we can basically guess that Hong The next development of the black side.

In the next half hour, Toru Amuro will go to find out what happened in the No. 8 car and whether there are any traps.

Afterwards, Toru Amuro should focus on Sera Masumi, wanting to arrange Sera Masumi, who 'seems to have something to do with Akai Shuichi, not sure if he is the FBI's eyes and ears'.

Belmode, who is wearing the fake face of Akai Shuichi, will do the specific actions to arrange Sera Makoto.

In addition, Kudo Yukiko and Okiya Subaru on the red side began to split up, one to attract Belmode's attention, and the other to transfer Sera Masumi and Haibara Ai to a safe place.

And after Conan confirms that Haibara Ai is safe, he will ask Kidd, the phantom thief who is disguised as a maid in compartment D of No. The illusion of being killed'...

Seeing Conan sending Haihara Ai and Dr. Ali to Room A of Carriage 7 to meet the children, Chi Feichi temporarily switched his perspective to Belmode. After sending the email through, he switched his perspective back to Hui Yuanai's side.

For Belmode, let's look at it later.

He reminded Guo Yueshui and Hongzi in advance—[If there is a homicide in the No. 8 car and Toru Amuro is at the scene of the crime, keep an eye on his accomplices. 】

In the next period of time, Feimo and Hongzi will follow Belmode closely.

Taking advantage of Belmode's meeting with Kudo Yukiko this time, he wants to see if Belmode will reveal his identity to the red party, how much he dares to disclose or hint.

This also helps him control the situation.

He didn't want to be betrayed by Belmode and act foolishly in front of the protagonist group.


Five minutes later, Vodka passed the news of the incident on the train to Gin, and also specifically mentioned Suzuki Jirokichi's attitude - the train conductor proposed to find a stop at the nearest station, Suzuki Jirokichi insisted that the train enter Nagoya Station, and wanted to see it with his own eyes The murderer who dared to kill on the Suzuki express train was caught.

Fifteen minutes later, the Aichi prefectural police arrived at the Nagoya train station.

Vodka stayed near the Suzuki Consortium and his party, using a miniature camera on a tie clip and a bug to broadcast live to Gin remotely.

Suzuki Jirokichi summoned the bodyguards and the police to one place, and lectured angrily, "As soon as the train arrives at the station, rush all of them in! Bind the murderer directly in front of me like a flash!"

The police department of the Aichi County Criminal Police stood aside and reminded with an awkward smile, "Suzu, Advisor Suzuki, please don't give orders to my subordinates casually, please leave it to us, the Aichi County Police."

Suzuki Jirokichi turned his head and yelled at the criminal police department, "A murder happened on the train named after me Suzuki! Why do you still let me sit and wait?! After I catch the criminal, I must send Hang that guy's head on the castle tower in Nagoya for public display!"

Standing behind the crowd, Vodka looked at Jirokichi Suzuki, who was furious, and whispered to the gin on the earphone, "Brother, this old man really has a bad temper, but he insisted on letting the train go to Nagoya Station, so he did it." A decision that is beneficial to us, all our preparations are in Nagoya, if the train stops halfway, maybe Shirley will take the opportunity to escape."

In the parking lot outside the train station, Gin was sitting in the driver's seat of his car, and the tablet was placed on the chair of the passenger seat.

Gin held his mobile phone in his left hand, looked down at the email he had just received, and did not turn his head to look at the screen on the tablet, "I just received a message from Belmode, she has confirmed that Shirley is on the train, Next, she will catch Shirley with Bourbon, just make sure Shirley is on that train and the train will come to Nagoya as planned, I have plenty of ways to kill her!"

"With the abilities of Belmode and Bourbon, it shouldn't be easy for that woman to escape," Vodka said with confidence in his fellow criminals, "Maybe they can catch Shirley on the train Woolen cloth!"

"Hmph... I hope so."

Gin responded nonchalantly, went through the multiple action plans he had prepared in his mind, and sent an email to a peripheral member. After putting down his phone, he looked up at the quietly closed picture in the rearview mirror. purpose face.

It seems that Lak has not moved for a long time, but with Lak's usual physical fitness, he should not die suddenly, right?

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