Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2826 Only five people

Hearing that Chi Feichi seemed to be planning to go alone, Conan quickly reminded, "Aren't there many of them? Brother Chi, you'd better wait for the police to arrive before acting. I will be there soon."

"Even if the police come, we still need to arrange people to go around and break through," Chi Feichi walked into an empty room, "If those people are alarmed, they may still take children as hostages, why don't I see the opportunity now Save people."

"But you're only alone..."

"The first step I need to solve is only five people."

While speaking, Chi Feichi had already arrived at the window of the room, reached out and grabbed a rope that came across from the third floor of the building next door, jumped out of the window, used the rope to swing to the second floor of the building next door, and climbed in through the window.

Conan was still thinking, "Those five people have guns, and there are eight people outside..."

Hui Yuanai silently reminded, "He has already left."

Conan: "..."

He knew... Chi Feichi really didn't listen to advice!

Hui Yuanai stood in front of the window and looked at the opposite building with his head, "It should be that when he sneaked into the building over there, he prepared a rope in advance for sneaking in. He grabbed the rope and swung to the opposite side. I couldn't even follow. past."

Conan heard Hui Yuanai's eagerness to try, and said speechlessly, "Hey, it's dangerous over there, so don't join in the fun..."


The construction of the building next door stopped halfway through, and no doors or windows were installed.

There was a room on the second floor that was used to temporarily detain the children. The room was empty and open, with a lot of dust on the ground.

The three children huddled in front of the rough concrete wall, and their bodies were close together. From time to time, they raised their heads to look at the two men guarding the door, with panic and fear in their eyes.

And actually...

Yuantai sat in front of Mitsuhiko, covered Mitsuhiko's arm with his body, whispered nervously, "Mitsuhiko, are you alright?"

Mitsuhiko's hands were tied behind his back with a rope, most of his body was huddled behind Yuantai's back, holding a small iron piece in his right hand, he quietly rubbed the rope on his wrist with the small iron piece, and replied softly, "Not yet, this kind of toy The removed iron piece is not sharp enough, it will be very slow to cut the rope, don't keep urging, Yuantai."

Fear? nonexistent.

Fear is something only three-year-olds can do. They are seven-year-olds now, and they need to learn how to save themselves!

At the door, one of the guards heard the voice and turned to look at the three children. He remembered the forehead that was hit by Yuantai throwing a brick before, and felt the swelling on his forehead hurt again. The child's gaze also became extremely cold.

Ayumi was terrified, and reminded in a low voice, "He, he has come to see."

Yuan Tai muttered in a low voice, "That guy must be so strict because I hit him with a brick before. Let's be careful, don't let him find a chance to retaliate against us."

Mitsuhiko adjusted his posture a little to make it easier for him to grind the rope on his wrist, and said in a low voice with some disappointment, "But it's a pity just now, Yuan Tai usually has a lot of strength, I thought that letting Yuan Tai smash the bricks would be enough." It had the same effect as Brother Chi, but I didn't expect that person to be hit on the head, and he didn't get knocked out at all..."

"It's not too bad." Yuan Tai firmly defended his label of "Brave Hercules". "I didn't play very well before. Next time I will definitely be able to knock that guy down!"

On the side, Feichi, who quietly crawled into the room through the window, was silent for a moment, then turned his head and shouted out of the window, "Master, I think it's dangerous to be with them, can you let me retreat a little bit first?"

At the door, the man with a bulging forehead vaguely heard Yuan Tai say 'not performing well' and 'knocking down', and immediately made up a series of words that looked down on him and laughed at him, frowned, and angrily set off to walk towards the three children , "Hey, kid! What are you talking about? I didn't want to be as knowledgeable as you, but you shouldn't be too..."


A brick flew straight in from the window, hit the man's face, and slapped the man so that he fell backwards, and the unspoken words in his mouth became ambiguous, "The share is..."


At the door, another man saw his companion being knocked to the ground by a brick, and touched the pistol at his waist with his right hand. He looked up vigilantly towards the window, but only saw a red brick zooming in before his eyes.


Another person fell back on the ground.

the second!

The three children stared blankly at the two people who were knocked unconscious on the ground: "..."

This rough and direct way of using bricks really has an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

After Chi Feichi threw two bricks one after another, he climbed out of the house through the window, passed in front of the three children without any delay, and threw a hypnotic gas bomb outside the door.

The man at the door was knocked to the ground by a brick, the movement caught the attention of the three people outside the door, and the brick even flew into the hall outside.

It's just that the three people outside the door didn't expect the intruder to move so fast. They had just seen the fallen companion clearly, and before they had time to take their guns, they only heard the 'clink' sound of metal touching the ground, and their vision was quickly filled with white smoke.

"Hey, why...cough cough..."


Chi Feichi rushed into the white mist, and quickly approached the first place where the sound came from. While maintaining the speed, he also kept his footsteps light and inaudible. The telescopic stick that had been prepared in advance slipped from the sleeve into the palm of his right hand .

The man closest to the door choked on a big mouthful of white mist, and his brain was a little groggy. He just held his breath when the back of his head was hit hard. He didn't struggle much, and fell to the ground with a plop.

The third!

Lina Ikawa stood in the middle of the hall, and because she saw the bottle on the ground in time, she held her breath vigilantly in time, and took out her pistol as soon as the white mist filled the air, facing the room vigilantly, but didn't notice the bottle behind her. A dark figure has raised its stick high.


the fourth!

The man guarding the stairs was the farthest away from the place where the hypnotic gas exploded, and he was also the one who was finally covered by the white mist. Although his reaction was a bit slower than that of Ikawa Lina, he did not inhale the hypnotic gas, and pointed his gun at it with both hands. White mist ahead, carefully hold your breath.

A black figure suddenly moved in front of the man, and under the man's astonished and flustered eyes, he hit the man's right hand with a long stick. When the man's right hand was suffering from pain, the tip of the stick picked up the pistol in the man's hand, Then he quickly and heavily hit the man's jaw.

The man leaned back, stepped on the ground, fell from the stairs, slid down most of the stairs, and completely passed out.

the fifth!

In the drafty room, the hypnotic gas fumes are quickly blown away by the wind.

The windows of the room where Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko are located are on the upper air outlet, and the windows blow the wind into the room, and the smoke does not spread into the room.

However, when the hall outside was shrouded in white smoke, the three children still couldn't see what was happening outside. When the white smoke was blown away by the wind, they stretched their necks nervously to look out.

"It was Brother Chi just now..." Yuan Tai looked out of the door and found that he could only see the legs of the fallen man on the ground. He looked down at the rope binding his ankles and felt that it was difficult for him to stand up and walk, so he simply He just lay down on the ground, turned sideways and rolled towards the door.

One lap, two laps, three laps...

Mitsuhiko and Ayumi: "..."


This seems to be a good way to move when the hands and feet are tied and cannot break free temporarily.

Seeing Mitsuhiko and Ayumi lying down and rolling, Feichi looked at the three children speechlessly, then quickly twisted his body and climbed out of the door, "Master, your trick of knocking people down the stairs with a stick is so cool, can you Can't teach me?"

Chi Feichi collected the guns from the three of Jing Chuan and Lina in the hall. Hearing Fei Chi talk about the offensive blow from the spear, he raised his eyes to the door, "That is too difficult for snakes..."

The three children gurgled and rolled behind Fei naked, their heads turned ashamed, and they raised their heads to face Chi Feichi and bared their teeth, smiling happily.

"Brother Chi!"

"I knew Huiyuan would definitely find someone to save us!"

"Have you taken care of all these people? How cool!"

Chi Feichi looked at the ashen faces of the three children, took the gun away from the man in front of him quickly, went to the door and squatted down, and cut the ropes binding the three children with a knife one by one, "Actually, you are Just wait for me in the room."

"We're worried about you..."

"I can't see what's going on outside..."

The three children happily tore the broken rope off their hands and feet, without any fear of being caught.

Chi Feichi untied the children, took away the pistols of the remaining two people, and moved the three children to the third floor, so that the three children could have a long-distance battle with Hui Yuanai in the room on the third floor of the next building. Looking at each other, the communicator who could only communicate with detective armbands did not bring the five seized pistols, but went downstairs with only a stick.

The news that the five people in the building were dealt with did not disturb the eight people who were searching in the yard. Then, the eight people could also be dealt with by surprise and in a quick way.

Although cold weapons are not as lethal as hot weapons, they don’t need to be aimed like a pistol when used, and they don’t make too much noise. As long as the timing is right, it’s no worse than using a pistol...

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