Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2835 remember, be respectful

the next morning.

Chi Feichi still took Harrow out for a walk early in the morning, but compared with the day before, he returned home half an hour earlier.

After waking up from sleep, Nanatsuki went to the second floor, and saw the post-it note on the refrigerator with the words "going out for a walk with the dog". I hesitated between 'making omelets by myself' and 'waiting for Chi Feichi to come back', but I still didn't have the confidence to compare with Chi Feichi's omelette skills. Thawed frozen sausages, washed lettuce leaves, opened the refrigerator to find three bottles of milk, poured them into a porcelain pot, turned on a small fire that slowly heated up, turned around and went to the first floor to get newspapers.

Chi Feichi came back from a walk with Harrow just in time for Nanatsuki Koshimi to finish picking up the newspaper and was about to go upstairs.

Yueshui Nanatsuki stopped her steps going upstairs, put the newspaper at hand for the time being, and took off Haro's dog leash collar. Holding his paws covered with dirt, "You came back more than half an hour earlier than yesterday morning. Didn't you go to South Park this morning?"

"I went to a nearby park," Chi Feichi changed his shoes, and after thinking about it, he decided to reveal the truth to Nanatsuki Koshimizu, "Yesterday I went out to inject a medicine and collected some blood. It may be a little bit late in the past few days. Weak, so I didn't go to South Park."

"Pharmaceutical injection and blood collection?" Yueshui Nanatsuki was a little surprised, and looked at Chi Feichi's face, "No wonder you looked a little pale last night, you only took Hello to a small park nearby for a walk, and didn't talk to Hello Take a walk together... But why did you inject medicine and collect blood? You are not doing strange experiments with yourself, are you?"

"Just treat it like this, but you don't have to worry, I promise you will recover after a while of recuperation," Chi Feichi went to the bathroom on the first floor, and then turned back to Yueshui Nanatsuki, "This can't be said to the outside world. secret."

"Okay, I don't know anything," Yueshui Nanatsuki wiped Harrow's four paws, got up and followed to the stairs, and looked at Chi Feichi who was washing his hands in the bathroom, "But you still don't look very happy this morning. Well, other people can probably see that you are not in good health..."

"I told Xiao Ai and the others that I'm not feeling well recently," Chi Feichi explained while drying his hands, "Xiao Lan and the others should have heard from Yuanzi that even if they find that I'm weak, no one else will It's weird."

"Speaking of which, did you tell Yuanzi that you were unwell the day before yesterday just to prepare for today? Is the injection already decided?"

"That's right."

"So, how long will it take to recover?"

"The shortest is more than a week, and the longest is a month."

The two went up the stairs one after the other, and Yueshui Nanatsuki followed Chi Feichi, a little worried, "That's really long enough... What should I pay attention to during this period of time? Are there any dietary restrictions? What is it?" What potion do you need to apply yourself?"

"Just treat me as if I had an operation, and now I need to recuperate after the operation. There are no special dietary restrictions, but I just need to pay attention to supplementing nutrition." Chi Feichi noticed Harrow catching up from behind, and stopped on the slow platform. Let Harrow run up first, "Except for the lack of strength in the hands and feet and the inability to move too much, there are probably no other precautions."

"There shouldn't be anything for you to do recently, right?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki said, "I mean the kind of things that are full of adventure, or things that require energy like carrying t-express bins..."

"There must be no such job," Chi Feichi affirmed, "My latest task is to rest."

"Then take a good rest," Koshimizu Nanatsuki felt a little comfort in his heart, put the newspaper on the dining table, rolled up his sleeves and went to the kitchen, "Leave today's breakfast to me too, I have already heated the milk in a pot Already!"

"It's okay to make breakfast," Chi Feichi went straight into the kitchen, "give me the omelette."

Harrow trotted to the balcony, lowered his head and drank water from the water bowl, then went to the nearby kennel to look at his toy, and made sure that the toy had not disappeared, then went to the cooking table and lay down on the ground, sticking his chin to the Floor, looking at Feichi who was lying on the floor like himself, wagged his tail.

Friendship is all about fighting!

In the kitchen, Nanatsuki Koshimizu watched Chi Feichi making the omelette smoothly, then looked at the omelette with a flat surface and round shape, and thought of his technique of spreading the omelette into burnt pieces, and put ' Let me come" swallowed this sentence, and started to help grill the sausage, "I poured three bottles of milk before, one for you, one for me, and the rest will be shared between Harrow and Feichi, and the sausage will also be given to Harrow. Gen... By the way, Mr. Chi, yesterday was the seventh day, right? Has that passed?"

Chi Feichi knew that Koshimizu Nanatsuki was talking about the crime of greed experience period, so he started to fry the omelette, "It's over."

"It feels like you haven't changed much this time," Koshimizu Nanatsuki flipped through the grilled sausage, recalling Chi Feichi's situation this week, "Except for the crazily delivery of TA-Q-BINs two days ago, there seems to be nothing else. "

"Probably because I'm a very greedy person, so the change is not very obvious," Chi Feichi fried an egg pancake, and made the next one without raising his head. "Through this test, it can also be proved that every original sin The experience can bring me different pressures, encountering those original sins that I have inherently, I experience it much more easily."

"Is Mr. Chi the kind of greedy person?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki turned his head and looked at Chi Feichi's calm side face, "The crime of greed is excessive pursuit of money and power, but Mr. Chi's usual impression is obviously You don't care about money or power, although sometimes you have some good business ideas, and sometimes you look like a workaholic, but compared with those big and small businessmen, you don't seem to care so much about how much you can get .”

"Whether it's a businessman chasing money or a politician chasing power and status, the greed in their hearts is too weak in my opinion, like a weak flame that has just sprouted," Chi Feichi said in the usual tone, finishing the last one Egg pancakes, use a spatula to shovel the pancakes into the plate, turn off the fire, turn around and look at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, in the shadow cast by the bangs, the purple in the eyes is also deep and dark, "Fifteen Night City revealed Umbrella's technology is just the tip of the iceberg, Umbrella was built according to my wishes, what do you think I need Umbrella for?"

Yueshui Nanatsuki was stared at by Chi Feichi, feeling that Chi Feichi's eyes were full of oppression, he took a step back subconsciously, leaning his body against the cabinet, his heart was beating wildly as if it was about to jump out of his chest, yes Chi Feichi also had some conjectures about his purpose, and tentatively said, "Y-should...won't it be as simple as defeating the Holy See?"

"I want to control the whole world and let human civilization develop according to my instructions. This is my greed."

Chi Feichi revealed his ambition, and seeing Koshimizu Nanatsuki's nervous and defensive face, almost putting his hands in front of his body, he said helplessly, "I'm not your enemy, so you don't have to be so nervous."

"What you said is that you want to rule the world, right? I am a member of human beings, and I am also a member you want to rule," Yue Shui Nanatsuki heard Chi Feichi's own confession, and his heart was not so flustered, and his face was firm. Looking at Chi Feichi, he said, "If it was in a movie, you would be the kind of villain who disregards human rights, is ambitious and very cunning, and I, as a righteous female detective who pursues freedom and justice, is destined to embark on a journey with the villain." The road of resistance, sooner or later there will be a battle between you and me..."

Chi Feichi looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki, who was possessed by the second grader and spoke more and more vigorously, tried to control himself not to show his eyes of "caring for children", and said expressionlessly, "Then, Miss Detective, who pursues freedom and justice, now put Serve the villain's breakfast on the dining table, and respectfully invite the villain to have dinner. Don't forget to organize and iron the newspapers that the villain needs according to their categories. This is the labor you need to pay when renting at the villain's house. Remember, be respectful."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."


Damn capitalists!

The grilled sausages on the iron plate kept making sizzling noises. Before the grilled sausages smoked, Chi Feichi reached out to help turn off the fire, and looked sideways at the egg pancakes on the plate, "Then..."

"I know," Yue Shui Nanatsuki stepped forward unwillingly to take the spatula from Chi Feichi's hand, put lettuce leaves on the egg pancake, and shoveled the sausage onto the lettuce leaves, "Look at the big villain For the sake of taking good care of me, sir, I will make breakfast and invite you to have breakfast, but I should not call you 'Master' anymore, right?"

"If you don't mind..." Chi Feichi received Yueshui Nanatsuki's secluded gaze, and didn't finish his sentence, "I can see that if you mind, then there's no need."

In fact, the crime of greed has not completely affected him these days.

A few days ago, he seemed to be excited only when he thought or saw money coming into the account, or when he thought or felt the power he possessed, and he lacked the motivation to pursue other things.

He had a feeling of being separated from the world before, but he didn't see everyone as a cartoon character. It was because he lost interest in chasing other things, and his mental state was greatly affected.

The sin of greed is a very overbearing original sin, which rejects all desires that are contrary to the definition of greed itself, and even plunders and expels the existence of other desires, including the emotions of men and women.

A few days ago, he didn't pursue the relationship between himself and Yueshui Nanatsuki. It's not that he didn't care, but he couldn't get any fun from it, and he lacked the motivation to move forward.

It wasn't until this morning that he realized that the feeling of being separated from the world had disappeared. When he saw Yue Shui, he had the idea of ​​"hugging and teasing Yue Shui" again, and he was able to confirm the crime of greed. The experience period is completely over.

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