Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2852 Basic skills as a detective

In the night, a suction cup quickly ejected into the sky, flew to the outer wall of the seventh floor of the building, firmly sucked the outer wall, and instantly pulled the rope tied to the suction cup straight.


There is a slight mechanical sound from the suction cup, and the rope is then retracted towards the opening of the suction cup.

Chi Feichi wore a non-slip and cut-resistant glove with his right hand, and he grasped the rope that was wrapped around his waist. As the rope was recovered by the suction cup, he was also hoisted to the sixth floor.


The remote control was pressed by Chi Feichi's left hand, and the switch for the suction cup to recover the rope was also turned off.

After Chi Feichi's body stabilized on the sixth floor, he stepped on the outer wall of the sixth floor with both feet. Relying on the rope and his own sense of balance, which was stronger than ordinary people, his body and the wall maintained an angle of 90 degrees, and he walked quietly step by step. in front of the window.

Downstairs, Conan looked up at the building in the night, and the glasses he wore helped narrow the observation distance. When he saw Chi Feichi walking calmly on the outer wall of the building, he felt a little more nervous involuntarily.

He believed that the suction cup must have been modified, but no matter how modified it was, there was no guarantee that the suction cup would not malfunction. With brother Chi's current situation, if the suction cup fell off, it would definitely fall to the ground.

On the side, Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Amuro Toru each had a mobile phone, pointed the mobile phone camera at the building, and used the mobile phone camera to zoom in on the shooting distance, watching the silhouettes walking on the outer wall of the building. Although it is not as clear as Conan's glasses, the silhouettes The outline is definitely visible.

Conan directly used the technology on the glasses, but also because the two people next to him were busy looking at the outer wall of the building with their mobile phones, and confirmed that their attention was focused on Chi Feichi, he decided to use the glasses quietly.

On the sixth floor, Chi Feichi walked along the outer wall to the window. First, he squatted by the window and observed to make sure that there was no one or trap behind the window. The wire gently opened the window lock, turned over and entered the window, looked back to observe the environment, and then untied the rope buckle around his waist, took out a new rope and the retractable strap that Conan gave him, and fiddled with the original rope stand up.

Three minutes later, three ropes with loops slowly descended from the sixth floor and hung between the outer walls on the side of the first floor of the building.

Toru Amuro stepped forward and tied one of the ropes around his waist. After Conan tied the other rope around his waist, he leaned over and held Conan in his arms with his right hand, while his left hand wearing a cotton glove grasped the rope tightly. , Worried that Yueshui Nanatsuki might not be able to handle it, she turned her head and asked, "Miss Yueshui, there should be no problem with you, right?"

"Sure, are you ready?"

"I'm ready."

"I'm here too..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki had already put on cut-resistant gloves and tied a rope around his waist. After being confirmed by the two, he grabbed the rope with his right hand and pulled it hard.

As Chi Feichi turned on the switch of the suction cup and the retractable strap on the sixth floor, the three of them were hoisted to the sixth floor at an even speed by the rope.

Judging by the time, it might be faster to climb the stairs, but considering the advantages of saving energy and avoiding being bumped into by people on the stairs, it is obviously better to use tools to sneak in from the outer wall.

Arriving at the opened window on the sixth floor, Toru Amuro put Conan into the room first, and saw that Koshimizu Nanatsuki had already climbed over the window with agility, and did not dawdle any longer.

Both Toru Amuro and Conan knew that Koshimi Nanatsuki was not weak in kendo. Although they were a little surprised by Koshimi Nanatsuki's sensitive and light skill when he turned into the house, they didn't think much about it, and quickly observed the situation in the room.

Since the location of the outer wall chosen by Chi Feichi was close to the office of the newspaper office, the four of them went directly to the office of a firm next door to the newspaper office after they came up.

After confirming the location, the four of them cleaned up the scene, left the firm's office, walked along the corridor for less than ten meters, turned the corner and arrived at the office of the newspaper.

Probably because the funds are not sufficient, the office space of this newspaper office is distributed in three rooms in the corridor and the bathroom at the end. There is no anti-theft door and no reception area.

Looking at the environment where the anti-theft security is obviously not high, and thinking of the only duty room on the first floor of this building and the loose patrol arrangement, Conan feels that this place does not look like a spy den.

It's just that they are here, it's more reassuring to confirm.

Toru Amuro walked to the door of the nearest room, reached out and twisted the doorknob.

The door lock clicked and there was no sign of the door being opened.

Nanatsuki Koshimizu took out the prepared wire.

Chi Feichi took out the prepared wire.

Toru Amuro took out the prepared wire.

Just as Conan was about to say that the door was locked, when he raised his eyes, he saw three people taking out something similar in shape at the same time, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

The three noticed their movements and looked at the tools in the hands of the other two.

Chi Feichi was the first to suggest, "How about one office for each person?"

"Okay!" Koshimizu Nanatsuki readily agreed, and walked to the door of the back room, "The back room belongs to me, it looks like the president's office..."

Chi Feichi walked to the innermost room, "The financial office belongs to me."

"The outermost staff office is mine." Amuro smiled, and took out a small flashlight from his pocket. After turning on the switch, he clenched the flashlight between his teeth and squatted down to unlock the door with two wires.

In front of the other two rooms, Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki also took out their respective small flashlights. Seeing that the other party was well prepared and did not need help, they began to fiddle with the door lock in front of them.

Standing in the corridor, Conan watched the three of them skillfully unlock the lock, and suddenly felt that the world had become strange.

They look like a well-trained burglary gang...

In the corridor, the three put away the wire almost simultaneously, stood up, and turned the doorknob to open the door.




Conan: "..."

And it's the kind where the team members' lockpicking skills are very superb.

Toru Amuro knew very well that his unlocking speed was faster than many lock-picking masters. Seeing that Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Chi Feichi, who were one step behind him, also finished unlocking, he smiled in surprise and said, "Advisor and Yue Miss Shui's lockpicking skills are not bad either."

He can understand that the consultant has a high level of lockpicking, but Miss Yueshui is not worse than them...

Koshimizu Nanatsuki didn't mention the existence of Chikage Kuroba, with a harmless smile on his face, "I'm a detective, sometimes when I encounter troublesome commissions, I also want to sneak in to collect clues, so I look for opportunities After learning a bit, I didn’t expect that I was quite talented.”

Chi Feichi also spoke nonsense seriously, "As the apprentice of a famous detective, I also feel that I need to master some skills to facilitate searches."

"That's really a coincidence," Amuro said with a smile, "I also learned to pick locks for detective work, and my talent is not bad!"

Conan: "..."

Don't call lockpicking the basic skill of a detective...

Uh, although he also has a little bit of lockpicking skills, but he studied that out of curiosity, not for sneaking in... Well, well, he also thought that he might need to use technology to open locks when encountering difficult cases. This is why he studied it curiously. Motivation for lockpicking skills, but certainly not every detective knows how to pick locks!

That's right, Hattori kicked the door violently, that guy would definitely not be able to unlock least not with such a high level of unlocking!

In this way, the lockpicking skills of the three people in front of them seem to be a bit beyond the standard.

As Toru Amuro, code-named Bourbon in a criminal organization, and Brother Chi, the current No. 1 bounty hunter in Japan, Qiyue, these two people have a high level of lockpicking, and he can understand it. In the end, even sister Nanatsuki is so good. Could it be that he and Hattori only accepts commissions for the investigation of bizarre cases, so is he not paying enough attention to the training of these auxiliary skills?

When Conan was speechless in his heart, Chi Feichi, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and Amuro Toru divided the tasks in a few words, and each was responsible for searching the rooms they opened. Whoever searched the office first would take care of the bathroom.

Toru Amuro was in charge of the staff office, turned on the three office computers in the house, and started searching from one corner while waiting for the computers to turn on.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was in charge of the president's office, using a flashlight to illuminate, carefully inspecting the collection display cabinets, bookshelves, and desks.

Chi Feichi was in charge of the financial office. He also turned on the computer in the room, and then started to attack the two safes in the room.

Conan turned around and found that the three searched carefully and methodically, so he took the initiative to search the bathroom.

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