Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2859 The painting style of this case is a bit strange

Mu Mushisan turned around and saw Honda Ryohei entering the door, his eyes widened in surprise, "Ben, Honda?!"

Takagi was also surprised, picked up the evidence bag in his hand, looked down at the photo on the driver's license in the evidence bag, and looked up at Ryohei Honda.

It is indeed Ryohei Honda.

They were worrying about how to find the person, but they were brought here directly?

Honda Ryohei came in front of Megushisan, clasped his hands in front of him, with an honest look, and smiled apologetically at Megushisan, "Officer Me, Meguro, long time no see."

Conan noticed blood stains and rain stains on the shoulders of Ryohei Honda's coat, walked around behind Ryohei Honda, saw the blood stains on the back of Ryohei Honda's head and on his clothes, and showed a clear expression of "so that's it".

"Long time no see?" Gao Mushe asked Mumu Shisan in surprise, "Officer Mumu, do you know Mr. Honda?"

Mu Mushisan nodded with a serious face, looked at Ryohei Honda and said, "Eight years ago, Honda and a man who happened to meet in a bar committed a robbery case. The person in charge of the investigation at that time was Me, I quickly arrested Honda, but because he didn't know the identity of his accomplice, the only clue was the other party's thick voice, so we didn't find the man who committed the crime with him, and he was the only one who was arrested and imprisoned..."

Conan turned back to Megushisan, looking at Ryohei Honda thoughtfully.

Partner from eight years ago? Met an acquaintance yesterday, come to meet today?

Although it is too early to draw conclusions, it does not prevent him from making some assumptions and guesses.

Ogata Masaaki who fell from the building could not be Honda Ryohei's accomplice eight years ago, right?

In this way, the two parties have the motivation to argue, conflict, or even kill each other!

At the door, Chi Feichi sent a UL message to Hui Yuan Ai on his mobile phone, and asked about the whereabouts of Hui Yuan Ai and Dr. Ali. He looked up at Conan who was thinking with his head down, and turned to walk towards the stairs.

With Conan here, plus Honda Ryohei who has recovered his memory, it is no problem for the police to grasp the truth. He needs to fill in the last piece of the puzzle for Conan...

The four people in the room didn't notice Chi Feichi's departure, Mumu Shisan looked at Ryohei Honda solemnly, "Honda, although you made such a mistake, you performed well during your sentence , after the prison sentence was over, the rehabilitated was very successful, and also inherited your father's factory in the small town, and hired many people who were as successful as you, I don't think you will make mistakes again, but there has just been an incident here, we I found your driver's license in the room, I hope you can cooperate with the investigation and tell me why you are here and what happened?"

"Ogata, who runs a financial office here, is the man who robbed me eight years ago," Honda Ryohei honestly confessed, "I happened to hear him talking to someone when I passed by downstairs last night. Call, I recognized his voice immediately, and advised him to surrender, he said that he needs to calm down, and invited me here again today, I want to come here to persuade him again, so I came here..."

There was no surprise on Conan's face.

Sure enough...

Mu Mu Thirteen asked with a frown, "Then you went to the rooftop, and there was a conflict because of disagreement, so did you push him down?"

"No, no," Honda Ryohei waved his hand quickly, turned around to let Mekushisan see behind him, and pointed to the back of his head for Mekushisan to see, "It's true that I had a dispute with him, but I was the one who was pushed down. I fell on the balcony outside and lost consciousness very quickly. When I woke up, I found myself lying in the room, and the room was in a mess. My brain was dizzy, I couldn't remember what happened, and there was still noise downstairs. I went to the balcony to look, and found a person lying on the road below. I was worried that I caused him to fall, so I quickly Go out and hide upstairs..."

Conan: "..."

He also wondered why Honda Ryohei, who was the real victim, was not here. It turned out that he had temporarily lost his memory and felt scared, so he left by himself.

However, the suspect himself told all the truth, it seems that the police can figure it out without much reasoning.

Is this style of painting a bit wrong?

"What happened after that?" Mu Mushisan looked at Ryohei Honda and asked, "After you recovered your memory upstairs, did you take the initiative to find it again?"

"It's actually..." Ryohei Honda turned his head to look at the door, and found that Chi Feichi who brought him had disappeared without a trace, "That, that..."

Gao Mushe also looked towards the door, and although he didn't see Chi Feichi, he still asked clearly, "It was Mr. Chi who found you and helped you recover your memory, and brought you down to find us, that's right. Bar?"

"Uh, yes..." Ryohei Ryohei Honda nodded with a complicated expression, turned his head and looked back with a stiff neck, he was relieved when he found that Chi Feichi was not there, and was embarrassed by Mu Mushisan who was staring at him with doubt Smiled, "I was hiding in the tea room upstairs, ready to drink a glass of water, when I suddenly saw a pale face behind me from the glass, it was the gentleman who brought me here, he didn't know what When I stood behind me, I was shocked, and then I remembered everything..."

Takagi tried to imitate the scene that Ryohei Honda saw, and said with a dry smile, "That, that is really scary."

Conan: "..."

Well, the painting style of today's case is indeed a bit strange.

Honda Ryohei smiled relaxedly, "But it seems that I'm just thinking too much. If that gentleman is a ghost, the police officers can't see him. I'm probably collecting water when he enters the door. The water flow The sound covered up his footsteps, and I was groggy at that time, so I didn’t notice that he was behind me, I’m really embarrassed when I think about it, it’s really rude to misunderstand him as a ghost.”

Looking at the relaxed smile on Honda Ryohei's face, Mu Musan secretly vowed that he would never be in Honda Ryohei without Chi Feichi's mental illness history.

After all, it is quite scary to suddenly find a snake spirit standing quietly behind them. For some people, it may be scarier than a ghost standing behind them.

"Well, in short, after you recovered your memory, you were able to take the initiative to cooperate with the investigation. Honda, I am very pleased that you have such awareness. We will verify what you said immediately. If Ogata's death has nothing to do with you, we will absolutely I won't let you suffer wrong..."


The building's underground car park.

There was only one black car parked in the parking lot, which was deserted and empty.

Dr. A Li and the Boy Detective Team stood beside the black car, watching Chi Feichi take pictures of the inside of the car from the car window with his mobile phone.

The children were short and couldn't see clearly what was in the car. Dr. A Li could see a pair of new boots and a shovel in the car, but he didn't know what the purpose of Chi Feichi's photo was.

When Chi Feichi stopped taking pictures and videos, Dr. A Li immediately asked, "Feichi, is this car related to the falling incident?"

"It's a piece of the puzzle, and with this, the puzzle can be completed."

Chi Feichi replied, using the UL software to send the photos and videos to Conan, and edited a paragraph of text to send.

[There is only this car in the underground parking lot, let Police Officer Mumu arrange someone to come and investigate, and I will leave the rest to you. 】

The police should soon be able to find out that this car belongs to Ogata Masaaki, and they can also quickly find Ogata Masaaki’s invoices and witnesses for buying boots and shovels. With these, they can prove that Ogata Masaaki intended to kill Honda Ryohei, And intend to use the car to transfer the body.

And Conan got this clue, and he could quickly deduce that Ogata Masaaki had to change the murder plan because the bookstore truck blocked the exit of the parking lot, let Ryohei Honda fall on the balcony and mess up the room.

With the last piece of the puzzle, Conan can sort out the case by himself, and help the police sort out the case by the way.

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