Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2882 He is the murderer

"What's going on with Miss Shina, Miss Mamoru, and Mr. Hanekawa?"

After being separated from the remaining members of the Tokura family, Koshimizu Nanatsuki still called the old housekeeper Koga Rikuju.

"Miss Shina dated Mr. Hanekawa, but Miss Shina enthusiastically proposed to Mr. Hanekawa, which made Mr. Hanekawa feel a great burden." Rikushige Koga answered Nanatsuki Koshimizu's question unhurriedly, "Also I don’t know since when, Mr. Hanekawa has been with Miss Mamoru.”

In the bathroom nearby, Chi Feichi filled a basin with warm water and started to help Conan clean the coagulated blood on his hair.

Hattori Heiji stood at the door of the bathroom, leaning against the door frame, and complained speechlessly, "The relationship between them is too complicated."

"Yeah..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki felt a little emotional when he heard that Koga Rishige and Chi Feichi said exactly the same thing. He also followed what Chi Feichi said and provided clues to Hattori Heiji, "By the way, Hattori, just now In the restaurant, when lightning lit up, Miss Xiaoguang saw a suspicious black shadow outside the window. Mr. Chi and I also saw the black shadow behind the curtains. However, the black shadow we saw at that time was with its head upward and hanging in the air. , not hanging upside down, and the shadow is only the head, neck and collar, and the bottom is empty..."

"Empty?" Hattori Heiji murmured in confusion. He quickly realized it and his face turned ugly. "Could it be that the glass in the upper right corner of the door is a convex lens, and what we see is an opposite mirror image up and down? "

"Yes, that's probably a convex lens," Koshimizu Nanatsuki saw that Hattori Heiji had already thought of it, so he poured out the reasoning he had told Chi Feichi once, "The murderer went to the attic smoking room to kill Ma Xin. After that, he hung the head of the restaurant owner with a fishing line outside the restaurant window, and then hung one end of the fishing line on the glass door frame of the restaurant. When someone noticed a black shadow outside the window, the murderer took the initiative to open the door and let the fisherman The head hanging on the line fell down, but because the piece of glass in the upper right corner was a convex lens, the scene we saw was upside down. It looked like the master was hanging upside down with his head moving upward. I think, even at that time Miss Xiaoguang didn't let everyone notice the black shadow outside the window, and the murderer might have created the opportunity for us to see the owner of the museum turning into a vampire."

"There are flower pots and plants on the balcony. When I looked out from the house, the flower pots and plants were not upside down. In other words, the glass that was converted into a convex lens should only be the upper right corner..." Hattori Heiji touched with his right hand. Holding his chin, his eyes were full of seriousness, and he said solemnly, "Unfortunately, when the head of the museum owner fell off, the glass below was blocked by Mr. Hanekawa's body, so we only saw the owner's head through the convex lens on the upper right. The head, but Mr. Hanekawa who opened the door should have seen the head of the owner fall down. He didn’t say anything, so that means he is the murderer!"

"Wait, wait a minute..." Rikuzo Koga's always calm expression finally turned to shock. He took out a handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, softening his ugly expression, "You are saying that Mr. Hanekawa is the one who killed Asobu. Mr.’s murderer? Also, Mr.’s head is hanging outside, this..."

"I'm afraid the owner of the hotel has been killed, and his head was chopped off by the murderer and used as a prop to show off." Hattori Heiji sighed and said seriously, "First of all, it was Miss Shina who went to the room to ask the owner to get up and open the door. The coffin saw the museum owner who looked like a vampire. At that time, the museum owner’s head should have been cut off. What was placed in the coffin was the museum owner’s head and cotton body. After we were alarmed and ran into the room, the murderer came from under the coffin. In the secret passage, it is much more convenient to take away the head and cotton body of the museum owner and just transfer the head and cotton props than to transfer a corpse..."

In the bathroom, Conan stepped on a stool and stood by the sink with his head lowered. Chi Feichi helped rinse the foam from his hair with water. Hearing Hattori Heiji's reasoning, he couldn't help but join in, "Then we will take pictures in the collection room. At that time, the owner of the museum, Mr. Sakuya, appeared in the mirror behind Mr. Hanekawa and Miss Mamoru, but only Mr. Sakuya's head appeared. The murderer probably just hung the owner's head behind the magic mirror, and then , the murderer killed Mr. Masin again, hung the head of the museum owner outside the window, and used the convex lens on the upper right to make us mistakenly think that the museum owner was hanging upside down. He wanted us to believe that the museum owner had become a vampire and that all this was caused by the museum. The Lord did it.”

Compared with the methods of committing the crime, Koga Rikushige was more concerned about the fact that his father was killed for unknown reasons, and his head was cut off to pretend to be a ghost. However, when Hattori Heiji and Conan explained the situation, they still listened and became more confused. "How did it happen...when did it happen...By the way, what's the matter with the secret passage at the bottom of the coffin?"

"About these institutions, I will take you to see them later and explain them in detail," Hattori Heiji said to Koga Rikujuge seriously, "But before that, I have to go to the restaurant and confirm the door on the upper right. Is the glass a convex lens?"

In the bathroom, Chi Feichi put a dry towel on Conan's head, "Those people are in the restaurant now. It's best to find a reason to move them away."

"That's right," Hattori Heiji agreed, "We don't have evidence of that guy's crime yet, and now is not the time to expose him..."

"Also, Mr. Hanekawa came here after being invited by the master, right?" Conan wiped his wet hair with a towel and reminded with a serious look, "Whether it's the secret passage under the coffin, or the magic mirror and the convex lens on the door , these are not arrangements that he can complete in a short time alone. Brother Hattori should be careful that he has other accomplices. Miss Mamoru has disappeared for a long time. She may be an accomplice of Mr. Hanekawa. Of course, she may have been killed. ”

"Speaking of those mechanisms... the secret passage under the coffin must not be hidden from the owner. He has also used that secret passage..." Hattori Heiji glanced at Koga Rikushige and did not say that he suspected Tokura Sakiya of using the coffin. He avoided talking about the murder of the Shimizu maid in the secret passage and forged an alibi, ignoring the case half a year ago. He frowned and said, "I suspect that these mechanisms were prepared by the owner of the museum, but were only used by Mr. Hanekawa."

"Anyway, should we look for Miss Mamoru again?" Rikuzo Koga frowned worriedly, and his whole body seemed to be weakened. He said in a deep voice, "We can organize everyone to go again." Search the mansion and look for the whereabouts of Miss Mamoru. If we can find Miss Mamoru, that would be the best. If not, we have reason to ask Mr. Jiaohei to leave the restaurant. You can take advantage of everyone to leave the restaurant. , to confirm whether the glass is a convex lens, and at the same time, I will keep an eye on Mr. Tiaoping."

"That's a good arrangement, but in this search operation, it's best not to leave anyone alone, and to gather people together to avoid giving the murderer an opportunity to take advantage of it," Hattori Heiji said, turning to look at the man walking out of the bathroom. Chi Feichi said, "In addition..."

Chi Feichi knew what Hattori Heiji wanted to say, and said to Rikuzo Koga, "I will go with you to find Miss Mamoru. If Mr. Hanekawa notices anything unusual, I can help subdue him and prevent him from hurting others or escaping."

"Then I'll go see Xiaolan and Kazuha, and ask the servants for news and see if I can find any new clues." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Koga Rikushige, "So this search, don't The servants have been called, please Mr. Koga to inform the servants to go to dinner, and keep them together and separated from Mr. Hanekawa and others, so that it will be easier for me to inquire about the news."

Under the arrangement of Riku Shige Koga, the people in the mansion took action again.

The chef was assigned to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the servants.

The servants were gathered in the lounge waiting for the meal, which provided Koshimizu Nanatsuki with the conditions to inquire about the news.

Tonakura Shina, Tonakura Kishiji, Tonakura Yuri, and Hanekawa Johei were organized to search for the missing Tonakura Mamoru in the mansion. As for outdoor venues such as courtyards, the doorman at the door was responsible for searching.

Chi Feichi and Koga Rikuhong followed the missing person team.

After the others left the restaurant, Hattori Heiji and Conan entered the restaurant and confirmed that the glass on the upper right side of the glass door was indeed a convex lens. After discussing it, they went to the lounge next to the kitchen to meet Koshizu Nanatsuki to help them from there. Ask the servant for news.

Three detectives were present, including Conan, who looked like a child and could pretend to be curious and ask some tricky questions. The three of them quickly found out a lot of things from the servants.

For example, when the Tokura family members came to the mansion, Hanekawa Jōhei and Tokura Mamoru came to the mansion last night, Tokura Kishiji arrived at the mansion alone in the morning, and Tokura Masin and Tokura Chili and his wife arrived at the mansion in the afternoon, a little earlier than the detective team, and Tokura Minoru arrived at the mansion a little later than the detective team. No matter who it was, there was not enough time to renovate the room...

For example, Hibara Hikaru said that the owner of the store has recently purchased a lot of things for children online, including toy airplanes and swimming pools for children. Although Hibara Hikaru has not opened the TA-Q-BIN box and looked at it, it is certain that the toy airplane is packed with The box was very large. It reminded both Heiji Hattori and Conan of the black shadow fluttering in the night sky and flying into the distance. It also made them more and more aware that this murder plan was originally prepared by the owner of the museum...

In addition, Hibara Hikaru also took out the key and helped open the lock of the new refrigerator in the kitchen.

The refrigerator ordered by the owner and said to be used to store high-end ingredients, only Hikaru Hibara and the owner had the key to it. After it was opened, there was nothing inside...

During the chat, the detective team also learned that the owner of the museum asked Hikari Hihara to find him that morning, and he notified him by email.

The email said, ‘Come to Nanman’s room after breakfast and don’t tell anyone, especially don’t let the housekeeper know’.

When he received the email, Hikaru Hibara put his phone in the bathroom to charge and did not see the email in time. When he saw the email, it was already noon. He thought that the owner of the museum might not be waiting for him in that room anymore, so Hikaru Hibara did not go there again. , directly let go of the owner's pigeon.

After inquiring about this information, Hattori Heiji and Conan already had a rough guess about the truth, but there were still some doubts that had not been clarified, so they were still not sure whether they were right or not.

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