Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2918 The Great Detective’s Art of Assimilation

"His words are indeed very easy to annoy people," Dahe Nobu nods in recognition of Chi Feichi's irritating characteristics. However, he also feels that the prisoner who was brought into the hospital because of his anger has bad lungs. He feels that his boss is a bit nervous, so he comforts him. , "Don't worry, I had a physical examination some time ago and I'm in good health."

Henggou Shenwu saw Chi Feichi coming forward, swallowed his words of advice, and took the initiative to say hello to Chi Feichi, "Mr. Chi!"

"Officer Henggou, we have made some discoveries here," Chi Feichi said to Henggou calmly, "After you, the police, have completed investigating the scene, we can communicate on the clues we have so far."

"Since you have discovered something, can't you tell us now?" Dahe Principle asked with a frown.

Although he had just promised Officer Henggou not to quarrel with others and was worried that his attitude was too tough, he did not regret saying it——

If everyone hides clues and refuses to tell the police immediately, it will cause great trouble to the police investigation work!

Chi Feichi had almost figured out the character and temper of Dahe Yunmao, and knew that Dahe Yunmao was not provoking, so he calmly explained, "Although we think the new discovery may be helpful in solving the case, the information we have now is not comprehensive enough. For example, , we still don’t know how they ingested the toxin, so we need to wait until the police investigate the scene and obtain more information before we can determine whether the new findings will help solve the case..."

Dahe Principle Shou did not expect that Chi Feichi would explain the reason to him so calmly. He glanced at Chi Feichi in surprise, listened carefully to Chi Feichi's words, hesitated for a moment, and said seriously, "Even so, I I also hope that you can inform the police of the clues you have as soon as possible, which will help our police make a judgment."

"Of course it's okay to talk about it," Chi Feichi turned to look outside the door, "With so many police officers here, we shouldn't need to intervene in the indoor search, so we plan to find a place outside to sit down and exchange clues. You want Want to go together?"

"Ogawara, then you should go and find out the situation," Henggou Sengo followed the original plan and threw Dahe Principle to Chi Feichi, and warned him uneasily, "We must get along well with him!"

Dahe Principle: "..."

Officer Henggou said this as if the other party was their colleague and they would have many opportunities to come into contact with him in the future...

Although currently, the police will encounter these detectives more than once when handling cases, and it is inevitable to deal with these detectives, but his wish is that the police will get rid of these detectives in the future and solve cases independently. He does not want to have to deal with these guys in the future. Contact!

With this thought in his mind, Dahe Principle faced Henggou's expectant eyes but did not say what was in his heart. Thinking that Chi Feichi had not objected to sharing clues with the police, he felt that his attitude could be more relaxed and he nodded in agreement. Next, "Yes!"

Seeing that the two of them had finished communicating, Chi Fei turned around and led the way to the yard.

There are outdoor tables and chairs on the grass between the main building and the annex building of the villa.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Conan had already arrived at the table and chairs first, and they were both a little surprised when they saw Dahe Norimori coming with Chi Feichi.

"Officer Ogawara?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki said doubtfully, but turned his questioning eyes to Chi Feichi.

"Officer Okawara wants to participate in the exchange of clues and understand the clues we have." Chi Fei arrived at the table late, pulled out a chair and sat down.

Koshizui Nanatsuki nodded and did not ask any more questions.

Seeing Koshimi Nanatsuki's reaction, Taiga Harimori recalled that Chi Feichi didn't seem to mind telling the police the clues. He reflected on whether he had misunderstood the detectives, and pulled out the remaining chair and sat down.

The four people sat down around the round table one after another, and Conan was the first to speak out about his discovery, "The police found a suspicious syringe in the closet of Mr. Yuichi Kaido's room. No poison test has been conducted yet, so we don't know yet. What is the syringe used for?”

"Is there a needle on the syringe?" Chi Feichi asked calmly.

Conan nodded and affirmed, "Although the syringe had a cap on the tip when it was found, I looked closer and saw that the injection needle was still there!"

"After contacting me yesterday, Ms. Chiga, Mr. Yuichi, and Ms. Shimura don't seem to be people who secretly use illegal drugs. They are in a normal state. I believe the police can also discover this through the examination of the corpse," Koshizuchichi Tsuki glanced at Okawa Norimori and recalled seriously, "Mr. Yuichi doesn't look like he has diabetes or anything like that..."

"That syringe doesn't look like a syringe for injecting insulin," Conan added. "The size of the needle and syringe are the most common specifications."

Koshizui Nanatsuki nodded to show that he understood, and continued, "Since they do not need to use syringes in their lives, then this syringe may be a container for poison or a tool for poisoning. The police need to further investigate Conduct testing. In addition, if the injection needle has not been removed, the syringe can be used to inject poison into the bag containing the chocolate bar. The police can also check whether there are suspicious pinholes on the chocolate bar bag..."

"The chocolate bar may have been something the deceased had eaten before his death. The police will not be careless when investigating those chocolate bars," Chi Feichi said calmly, "They should be able to investigate it without us reminding them."

Dahe Principle: "..."

These people have a lot of confidence in their police, and they don’t seem to care about their police at all...

"Where's Brother Chi?" Conan asked Chi Feichi proactively about the clues he found, "Have you found any?"

"I checked the product information on the Internet, and I can confirm that the water glass dropped next to Miss Shimura's body and the water bottle next to Miss Chiga's study desk are sold together." Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone and turned to the page to investigate I came to the product promotion page and put my phone on the table to show it to others, "A set of products is a round-belly and narrow-mouth water bottle, plus a water cup for sale together. The price is not low, but it is not high enough to be used as a collectible." level, that is, daily necessities that look more exquisite and are more expensive..."

Like Conan and Nanatsuki Koshizu, Taiga Norimomo looked at the product information on Chi Feichi's mobile phone, feeling a little surprised.

These people are also very capable, and they were able to find out information about some special things at the scene so quickly...

"In addition, I watched the police investigate the kitchen," Chi Feichi added, "and no other similar products were found. In other words, there is only one such set of water bottles and cups in this home."

Koshimi Nanatsuki quickly grasped the key, "But the water bottle was in Miss Chiga's study, but the water glass fell next to Miss Shimura's body..."

"That water bottle doesn't look suitable for drinking water directly. The correct way to use this set of products is to fill the water in a large water bottle and then pour it into a water glass to drink, right?" Conan said while gesturing for pouring water, with a cute childish voice. , "But now the water bottle and water cup are separated, and they seem to be used by two people. It's really strange."

"No," Okawa Norimori frowned and thought seriously, "This may not be a set of goods used by two people separately, but one of them took the other's things. For example, Miss Shimura took away something that belonged to Chiga. The lady’s water glass, she drank from it, and she was poisoned and died..."

As he spoke, Okawa Harimamo couldn't hide the look of surprise on his face, "Well, if you put it this way, if Miss Shimura was poisoned after drinking the water in the cup, then the poison may not have been targeted at her. She might have been poisoned." Just killed by mistake..."

"It is indeed possible," Koshimizu Nanatsuki paused, "but it does not rule out that Miss Chiga deliberately applied poison on the cup and then lent the cup to Miss Shimura for drinking."

Dahe Principle nodded in agreement and fell into deep thought.

When Chi Feichi saw Taiga Principle like this, he knew that Taiga Principle had not escaped the 'Great Detective's Art of Assimilation', but he did not think too much about this kind of thing, and reminded Koshimi Nanatsuki, "I I think it is unlikely that Ms. Chiga lent the cup to Ms. Shimura to drink. I checked Ms. Shimura’s body in the morning. What is certain is that she had been dead for several hours when we found the body, so her The time of death was close to last night. Wouldn't she feel strange if someone lent her a cup to drink water in the middle of the night? If Teacher Maori lent me his cup in the middle of the night and asked me to drink water, I would think he was sick."

"Ahem..." Dahe Principle choked on the air.

To directly say that my teacher is sick or something, even if it is hypothetical, is too tactful...

Chi Feichi continued, "Although Miss Chiga seems to have the habit of writing at night, Miss Shimura has already put on her pajamas. She should be planning to sleep, so..."

Others imagined a scenario:

After Sachiko Shimura washed up, put on her pajamas and prepared to go to bed, she suddenly heard a knock on the door of her room. After opening the door, Kaido Chiga, who was standing outside the door, handed the cup to Sachiko Shimura and said, "Use my cup to drink water." …

Well, it's really strange.

"Wait a minute," Conan suddenly discovered a problem, "Since Miss Shimura has changed into her pajamas and is ready to rest, it is unlikely that she would go to Miss Chiga's study to take that cup to drink water, right? She It was poured next to the semi-open kitchen in the living room. Could it be that you got up at night to drink water, saw water in the water glass on the table, and picked it up to drink?"

"In that case, who put the cup in the living room?" Okawa Harimori frowned and thought, "Miss Chiga?"

"Speaking of this," Koshimi Nanatsuki reached out and opened the magazine in front of him, "I have read Miss Chiga's mystery novels before, and also watched her interview show. I remember that there was a magazine that published the interview content. , there are some living habits she said personally, I just found the magazine in the living room..."

Dahe Principle's eyes lit up.

These people are indeed very capable!

After Koshimizu Nanatsuki opened the magazine, he pointed to a few lines of text and said, "Look here, Ms. Chiga said that she likes eating chocolate bars, so she will always eat them at work...Here, she said that she eats them every day She has to take five sleeping pills at night to fall asleep, but her husband, Mr. Yuyi, has always been against her taking sleeping pills..."

"However, there was an empty bottle of sleeping pills on the ground next to Mr. Yuichi's body, but no sleeping pills were found there," Conan reminded thoughtfully in a childlike voice, "Did Mr. Yuichi take her?" Are you going to take some sleeping pills?"

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