Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2940 Troublesome kid

"Yes, I remembered it too!" Mitsuhiko looked at Justin excitedly and said, "It was the cold-looking big brother in black clothes we met in the bathroom when we encountered a robbery at the bank. !”

"He also has blond hair and blue eyes." Ayumi was also curious about Justin, comparing it with the man's face in her memory, "Even the freckles on his face look very similar to Justin! Could that be Justin's brother? ?”

"No," Justin looked a little confused, but still replied firmly, "Although I don't know how similar the big brother you are talking about is to me, my parents only have one child, me, and I don't have a brother!"

The three children obviously didn't want to let it go, and were still chattering on the sidelines.

"Could they be Justin's relatives?" Ayumi speculated excitedly, "For example, the children in Uncle Justin's family must also be Justin's brother!"

Mitsuhiko guessed seriously, "It might be an uncle or something..."

Yuantai looked up at the ceiling and thought, "It can't be dad!"

Conan was speechless.

Hey, hey, if the little boy in front of me has a relationship with that person, it will be troublesome...


A tall foreign woman walked out from behind the corner, wearing a black turtleneck sweater and a dark pink windbreaker. Her long brown curly hair was tied into a ponytail behind her head. Her eyes were gray and blue, her makeup was exquisite, and her cheeks were very similar to Justin's. He looked like a little freckle, with an intellectual and dignified temperament. When he saw Justin, he walked forward with some dissatisfaction and complained loudly, "How can you run around? If you disappear all of a sudden, I will be very worried!"

Mouri Kogoro looked at the woman and became energetic, with pink hearts in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mommy," Justin apologized to the woman, and then looked at Conan, "I accidentally bumped into him just now, and I promised him that I would show him my treasure! By the way, big brothers and sisters can too Let’s watch together!”

"Okay," the woman smiled helplessly at Justin, took out a booklet from her bag, leaned over and handed it to Justin, straightened up, and smiled apologetically at Chi Feichi and others, " Sorry, I didn’t expect Justin to bump into that kid.”

"It's okay!" Mouri Kogoro squeezed away the others, quickly approached the woman, and said with a smile, "Children are so energetic. It's not surprising if they accidentally bump into others while running and jumping. It's not a big deal! However, I I’m really surprised. I didn’t expect you to be Justin’s mother. After all, you look so young..."

Mao Lilan glanced at Mao Li Kogoro with a speechless expression.

It's okay to praise others, but there's nothing wrong with saying generously that it's okay for children to collide...

But if her father dares to say anything outrageous, she will definitely throw her father out of the door immediately!

After taking the booklet from the woman's hand, Justin called Conan and the other children to gather around him, opened the booklet, and proudly showed others the check-in stamps he had collected by checking in at various attractions in Kumamoto.

The booklet is a check-in booklet dedicated to Kumamoto attractions, with boxes of different sizes on it.

It can be seen that Justin has visited many scenic spots in Kumamoto, and now there are red stamps printed in many boxes. The red stamps have the names, symbolic patterns, and dates of each scenic spot.

Gentai, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi were amazed when they saw it, which made Justin smile more and more proudly. He was no different from those children who show their favorite toys and see their favorite toys recognized and envied by others. The joy was written on their faces.

Haibara Ai stood next to Conan, not paying attention to the child like other children. She turned her head and whispered to Conan, "Justin looks like a mixed race. Since his mother is a foreigner, his father should be Asian." Bar?"

Conan looked at the foreign woman being accosted by Moori Kogoro, frowned and said, "I can't tell..."

Haiyuan Ai looked at the foreign woman and said softly, "Although Justin's mother has brown-red hair and gray-blue eyes, and Justin has blond hair and blue eyes, the skin color and hair color of the mother and son are completely different, but Hair color is determined by the amount of melanin and pheomelanin. A small amount of melanin will produce blond hair, a large amount of melanin will produce black hair, and a large amount of pheomelanin will produce red hair. The color of the iris will be determined by the amount of melanin in the body. It is determined by factors such as the amount of pheomelanin and the HERC2 and OCA2 genes on chromosome 5. Justin’s mother has brown-red hair and gray-blue irises, which means that she has a large amount of pheomelanin and a small amount of melanin in her body. In this case, If her child does not have a large amount of pheomelanin in his body, but only has a small amount of melanin, he will also have blond hair and blue eyes. In addition, factors such as recessive gene inheritance must also be taken into consideration. Therefore, brown-red hair, gray-blue hair, etc. A mother with blue eyes may also give birth to a child with blond hair and blue eyes... Justin has obvious mixed-race characteristics, and his mother looks completely foreign. So, his father should have Asian genes and passed them on to him, In other words, his father is probably Asian..."

"You are right," Conan reminded in a low voice, "Justin's father must have Asian genes, but his father is not necessarily a pure-blooded Asian. He may also be a mixed-race child with Asian genes. In fact, the code name is The face of the man with the raki wine also has the soft contours of Asian features, and I think that man may also be a mixed race with Asian genes.”

Hui Yuanai frowned and was silent for a moment, then suggested, "How about asking Justin directly? Find an entry point and ask about his father's situation, and you can also ask his parents if they have any brothers or sisters..."

"Conan?" Justin looked up and saw Conan standing behind the three children, seemingly not paying much attention to his stamped manual, and asked proactively, "Aren't you interested in this?"

"No," Conan was interested in asking about Justin's family situation. He stopped whispering to Haihara Ai and took a step forward, smiling and complimenting him. "You are really awesome. You have collected seals of so many scenic spots. !”

Justin immediately laughed happily and enthusiastically shared his collecting experience, "When I bought this kind of check-in booklet, I heard the staff said that every tourist attraction sells it. You can also buy it and try it. As for the seal, go to every tourist attraction." You can build a duty room for the staff of each attraction! The duty room is also easy to find, it is in a building near each attraction with a large window!"

Gentai, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko heard this and were eager to get excited. They gathered together to discuss whether they should also collect attraction stamps.

Conan was not interested in the game of collecting seals. He turned around and looked around, and asked nonchalantly, "By the way, Justin, are you traveling with your parents? Isn't your father with you?"

Justin was stunned for a moment, and the smile disappeared from his face. He looked at his mother with a complicated expression, stepped forward and approached Conan, and whispered, "My father has passed away. You have to be careful when talking about him. I'm worried." My mother would be heartbroken to hear that.”

Conan and Haihara Ai didn't expect this to happen, and couldn't help but be startled.

If Justin is still worried that his mother will be sad when she hears it, then Justin's father may have passed away in the past two years...

The other three children were a little surprised when they heard what Justin said, and then they consciously gathered around Justin, as if this could prevent the whispers in the children's circle from being heard by adults.

"Then..." Ayumi whispered with hesitation, "Justin, will you miss your father?"

"Yes," Justin did not show any disappointment and whispered firmly, "But I promised my father that I would protect my mother and take care of her in the future. When I promised him, I was no longer the kind of person who always wants to The little boy is looking for his father!"

The children's whispers could actually be heard by Chi Feichi, Koshisui Nanatsuki and Mao Lilan who were standing nearby.

Seeing that Justin was so sensible, Mao Lilan felt a little distressed. She knelt down and asked in a soft voice, "So, is Justin living with his mother now?"

"Yeah," Justin nodded, and smiled and winked at Mao Lilan, "But sister, don't worry, everyone says I'm cute, and my mother said the same, and she also said she was happy traveling with me. So, I will make my mother happy!"

Conan: "..."

This kid actually discharged electricity randomly on girls again?

However, he probably guessed that this kid seemed to be very good at making women happy. He probably wanted to make his mother happy, so he had learned it from the TV series. Thinking of this, he couldn't bear to express his dissatisfaction with this kid!

But Xiaolan's loving eyes that wanted to hold Justin in her arms and comfort her made him feel a little unhappy...

Children are indeed the most troublesome!

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