Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2947 I have a good temper

Conan originally thought that Chi Feichi was angry. It was not until he heard Chi Feichi say "reminder" that he realized that Chi Feichi was not blaming the police at all. The look of Matoi's parents was a bit funny. He raised his head and smiled at Keiji Kosugi and said, "Brother Chi just wants to remind all police officers that it is really dangerous to alert the prisoner in the situation just now. There is no other intention!"

With that said, Conan turned to Chi Feichi with a smile, "right, Brother Chi?"

Chi Feichi saw three police officers looking at him and nodded to them.

Mouri Kogoro, who had already arrived, breathed a sigh of relief, and soon looked at Chi Feichi with a speechless expression and said, "So you're not angry!"

"Why does the teacher think I'm angry?" Chi Feichi felt that Mouri Kogoro had misunderstood him deeply. He reached out and handed the Kumamon bear doll to Keiji Kosugi, and explained to himself calmly, "If I'm angry, You wouldn’t have been so easy to talk to just now.”

Kosugi Keiji caught the Kumamon doll and did not dare to show his speechlessness on his face.

Easy to talk to? Is this gentleman serious?

"But it's obvious," Chi Feichi retracted his hand and continued, "I didn't curse or mock anyone just now."

Kosugi Keiji and the other two murmured inwardly: Yes, yes, you didn't curse, you just scared us... that's all!

"Huh?" Maori Kogoro looked at Chi Feichi in astonishment, "Have you ever thought about swearing?"

Conan: "?"

Uncle Kogoro...?

Koshikoshi Nanatsuki: "?"

Did Mr. Chi just express that he wanted to curse?

Mao Lilan, Yuanta, and Mitsuhiko rushed to the side: "?"

Is it because they didn’t learn Chinese well, or has Japanese become so difficult to understand now?

Haibara Ai:"……"

Haha, none of these adults are easy to worry about. If you are not careful, someone will cause trouble!

Chi Feichi stared at Maori Kogoro for a second, then turned to look at the stunned Mao Lilan, and said to Mao Lilan with a calm expression and a calm tone, "Xiaolan, help the teacher find a better psychiatrist. Medical I'll pay for it."

Conan: "..."

He just knew it.

The three policemen next to them and the man caught by the police: "..."

Well, in fact, from this comparison, you can find that what I just said was really polite...

Mao Lilan raised her hand to her forehead helplessly. When she saw Mao Li Kogoro frowning and was about to speak, she quickly spoke out, "Okay, Dad, stop talking nonsense. Fei Chi didn't say what he wanted." If you want to curse, please don’t let the police officers misunderstand you! And Brother Fei Chi, please stop joking..."

On the side, Mitsuhiko whispered worriedly to his friends, "Is it really okay for master and disciple to talk like this? They haven't been quarreling recently, right?"

Conan laughed inwardly.

He could confirm that the two people had not quarreled before, it was just that neither of them made people worry!

"I'm so sorry," Mao Lilan said apologetically to the three policemen before Mao Li Kogoro could speak, "I have caused trouble to everyone."


The three policemen returned their attention to what had just happened. Seeing that Chi Feichi and the people in front of them did not care about it, they also believed that Chi Feichi did not want to report them or spread the matter. When they thought of themselves The three of them felt even more ashamed about Chi Feichi's misunderstanding just now.

"We should be the ones to apologize," Keiji Kosugi looked at the group of people seriously and said sternly, "What the gentleman just said is right. It was us who thought poorly when arranging the ambush and arrest operation. In addition, I just said My voice alerted the arrest target and indeed put people in danger. This was my dereliction of duty! Fortunately, no one was in danger this time, but I must also learn from my experience and try not to make such mistakes again next time!"

The man who was caught hesitated to speak.

I really want to emphasize again: Don’t misunderstand him just by talking about it. He really never thought of hurting anyone...

Chi Fei saw that Kosugi Keiji was chatting with Mao Lilan and Mao Li Kogoro. Without saying anything, he turned around and walked to the trash can nearby, took out the cigarette box from his pocket, took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth. .

He was really very polite when talking to these three policemen just now.

If Amuro had seen an unfamiliar policeman act so recklessly, he would have seriously reminded him like this. If it were one of Amuro's subordinates, someone whom Amuro considered to be one of his own, the scene would be wonderful. Amuro would most likely The first sentence he asked was 'How do you become a policeman?', which made people's minds explode in seconds...

Compared to Amuro, the guy who thought about dragging him into a fight and could speak so eccentrically that it made Gin feel like killing, he felt that his temper was much better, and what he just reminded him was just the truth, and there was no excessive remarks.

Tokyo, Café Poirot.

Toru Amuro packed up the plates and carried them behind the bar. As soon as he put the plates in the sink, he felt his nose itchy. He turned his head and sneezed. Feeling a little confused, he lowered his head and looked at his clothes.

Is there dust in the store? Or did he accidentally get cat hair on his body when he went out to see the captain just now?

Strangely, this place is very clean and there is no cat hair on his body. Similarly, there is no cat hair on Miss Zi's body either...

There were no flowers that would carry pollen in the store, and there was no dust that would float on the plate he just brought over...

There was no smell or dust on the checkout customer over there that could irritate the nasal cavity, otherwise he and Miss Zi Zi would have started sneezing long ago...

Is he about to catch a cold?

There can't be someone talking about him behind his back, right?

There are people in the organization who don't like him, but those people don't like him for more than a day or two, and they definitely don't talk about him behind his back once or twice. If those people could make him sneeze by talking about him, he would have been a long time ago. I'll sneeze out of nowhere.

As for people outside the organization…

He has such a good temper, he always has a kind smile on his face, and he is not stingy in caring for people he doesn't know well. He is not the kind of consultant who likes to have a cold face and is easily resented by murderers or kidnappers. He should be No one is watching him behind his back, right?

"Welcome next time!" Azusa Enomoto smiled as he watched the guests who had just paid go out, then turned to care about Toru Amuro, "Mr. Amuro, I just heard you sneezing. Could it be that you have a cold?" ?”

"Probably not... I don't feel unwell," Toru Amuro thought for a moment, then turned to Azusa Enomoto with a sunny and sincere smile, "Maybe I just accidentally inhaled relatively large particles of dust, causing my nose to feel uncomfortable. , actually after sneezing, I felt much better!”

Azusa Enomoto was fooled by Toru Amuro's sincere smile and said with a smile, "That's good!"

Toru Amuro looked away, silently calculating in his mind.

If he discovers that he is not feeling well later, he should drink more hot water and take a good rest after returning home.

In addition, you should wear a thicker coat when taking Haro for a walk by the river. After all, the weather has been cold recently...

Kumamoto, Kaderi Animal Park.

Mouri Kogoro watched his eldest apprentice running to the side to smoke without saying a word, and said to Kosugi Keiji with a speechless expression, "Don't worry, that's the kind of character he has. He seems to be very disrespectful, but he said he was just reminding him. , it is definitely just a reminder, there is no malice..."

Conan whispered to Haiyuan Ai from the side, "Although it is a bit strange to say this, it is very rare that Brother Chi is willing to take the initiative to remind the three police officers."

That's right, just now Chi Feichi preemptively struck at the beginning, then pointed out the three police officers' mistakes in their actions, and finally mentioned the serious consequences, which made the three police officers turn pale with fright. He suppressed the three police officers and did not dare to speak the whole time. It seemed that They were bullied, but Chi Feichi could take the initiative to remind three unfamiliar police officers. In fact, he had great kindness towards those three people. It was so strange.

"Maybe I can't stand it anymore," Haibara Ai whispered, looking at the three police officers who were chatting with Mouri Kogoro, "Just now, Officer Kosugi made a noise to alert the arrest target from so far away. Especially when there are children around the arrest target, it is a big mistake that will have serious consequences. I doubt that any rookie police officer in Gunma Prefecture will make such a mistake..."

Seeing Haihara Ai speak venomously as he spoke, Conan laughed dryly. But thinking of the ability of "catching criminals" that Yamamura Cao had shown in front of him, he stopped laughing again and whispered with a speechless face, " No, when police officers from various prefectural police stations went to Tokyo to jointly handle a case, when they were ambushing a suspect in a shopping mall, Officer Yamamura fell to the ground during the arrest and threw his police ID at the feet of the target. , making the target realize that he was surrounded by the police, and it is precisely because of this that the target kidnapped Belmode, who was disguised as an ordinary passerby..."

"It's similar to today's situation," Haihara Ai continued to speak calmly, "The working ability of the Japanese police is really worrying sometimes."

"You can't say that," Conan said with a smile. "Officer Sato and Takagi are very reliable whether they are monitoring targets or arresting criminals..."

"So you are the famous detective Mr. Kogoro Mori!"

On the side, young male police officer Kunifu Tianjun sighed in surprise, causing Conan to divert his attention.

"Yes, I am Mouri Kogoro!" Mouri Kogoro was very satisfied with Kunifu Tianjun's reaction. A smile appeared on his face, but he was not too busy to be proud and asked proactively, "By the way, what incident are you investigating? Is there anything I can do to help?"

"No, this matter is actually..." Kokufu Tian Jun didn't know whether he should say it or not, and looked at Keiji Kosugi hesitantly.

Kosugi Keiji also hesitated for a moment, and subconsciously glanced at Chi Feichi who was standing on the roadside smoking. He was not sure whether his words would violate work regulations and whether he would receive another 'reminder' from Chi Feichi. Considering that these people might be found in the future, I decided to talk to Kogoro Mori about the situation, "Mr. Mori, if our follow-up investigation requires it, we may contact you. As for this incident, it doesn't matter if we briefly talk about it... …”

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