Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2958 I tricked you

In the corridor outside the restaurant, Hui Yuan Ai stood with his back against the wall, staring in the direction of the restaurant door. After waiting for a moment, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the children did not follow him. He quickly walked to the elevator and tiptoed. After pressing the button to go downstairs, he looked up at the floor displayed on the elevator and stopped on the first floor. His heart seemed to be slowly clenched by a hand, and he stared intently at the numbers on the elevator that started beating again.

The place Edogawa is going to should be the first floor where Justin first saw the raki.

Go to the first scene first, observe whether there are any important traces left at the first scene, and then judge where to investigate next based on the situation at the first scene. This is the detective's habitual thinking.

Rather than Brother Chi's position...


The elevator arrived at the seventh floor where the restaurant was located, and the door slowly opened. Four young men and women walked out of the elevator talking in low voices about interesting travel stories.

Seeing that there was no one else in the elevator, Haibara Ai quickly passed by the four people and entered the elevator. He hesitated for a moment with his finger hanging above the button on the first floor of the underground parking lot, and then quickly moved up the distance of two buttons. Resolutely pressed the button for the second floor, and then pressed the button to close the door.

On the first floor, Conan stood at the entrance to the safety passage, carefully observing the traces in the stairwell while sorting out his thoughts.

The reason why a person comes to a hotel, in addition to staying in the hotel and eating in the hotel restaurant, may also be to visit the people staying in the hotel, to have secret discussions or transactions with someone here, to prepare to assassinate someone...

Justin saw Raki walking into the security staircase instead of walking out, indicating that Raki's destination was a certain floor near the first floor...

Unless Raki had parked his car in the underground parking lot in advance, came here in the evening just to pick up the car, and drove away immediately after arriving at the underground parking lot on the first floor from the first floor, otherwise people should still be in this hotel building.

This was also the reason why he ran out in a hurry.

It’s only been a little over twenty minutes since Justin saw the raki, so there’s a good chance the raki is still somewhere in the hotel building!

Everything is normal in the safe passage stairwell, there are no suspicious people guarding it, there are no suspicious items such as bombs, and there are no traces worth noting. Next...

Conan glanced around, then turned to stare at the stairs leading to the underground parking lot. He set out to walk down the stairs with solemn and firm eyes.

Raki entered the security passage stairs on the first floor. It is most likely to take the stairs to the underground parking lot on the first floor and to the second floor.

Places like underground parking lots are very suitable for secret discussions and illegal transactions. He must check it out to avoid missing clues about the organization.

In addition, Brother Chi left the restaurant about twenty minutes ago and went to the underground parking lot to get candies from President Xiongda. With Brother Chi’s sensitivity, if Rakjiu did something illegal and criminal in the underground parking lot, Brother Chi would probably notice something unusual. .

In order to prevent Brother Chi from being persecuted by the organization after discovering the organization's suspicious actions like him, he also had to go to the parking lot to confirm the situation.

The second floor of the hotel.

The elevator door opened, and Hui Yuan Ai was startled when he noticed someone standing outside the door. It was not until he confirmed that there was no dangerous aura on the two people outside that he softened his expression, and saw two men and a woman in suits and ties who looked like company employees. When entering the elevator, he quickly stepped out of the elevator and looked at the surrounding environment.

Justin saw Raki entering the security staircase on the first floor, and Raki was most likely going to the underground parking lot, which was perfect for a secret meeting.

After Fei Chi received the call, he said that he was going to the underground parking lot to get candies from President Xiongda. If Fei Chi and Raki had agreed to meet, the meeting place between the two would probably be the underground parking lot.

But Brother Fei Chi himself is a very cautious person. He is as cautious as if he has a persecution disorder. He even changes the lock screen password of his mobile phone and computer regularly. Although he often stays with them, he has never revealed the relationship between himself and the organization. If Brother Chi wanted to meet someone from the organization, he would probably be more cautious and deliberately avoid the common option of meeting in secret and not choose to meet in the underground parking lot.

Moreover, Brother Fei Chi had mentioned to them that he was going to the underground parking lot. In order to prevent the children from going to the underground parking lot to find him on a whim and causing trouble, Brother Fei Chi should also avoid talking to the organization in the underground parking lot. people to meet.

Therefore, she felt that Brother Fei Chi was more likely to have secret conversations with people on the second and third floors than in the underground parking lot.

Edogawa didn't know about Fei Chi's connection with the organization. If he hadn't found it at the safety entrance on the first floor, he should have gone to the underground parking lot by now...

That's okay. Edogawa went to the underground parking lot to look for clues about the organization members. Maybe she would gain something. She went to the second floor to confirm whether her brother would meet the organization members here.

It's just that she may encounter people from the organization at any time here, so she must be careful.

There was a zone division map on the second floor on the notice board in the lobby on the first floor. She remembered that the entire second floor was a public area, with large and small conference rooms on one side and a banquet hall on the other. Compared to the banquet hall where waiters came in and out with things, , a place more suitable for confidential discussions is a small conference room...

Haiyuan Ai made a judgment in her mind and started walking in the direction of the conference room.

The sky outside has completely darkened, and the neon lights far and near give the city a prosperous appearance.

The face of a young man with small freckles on his cheeks was reflected in the window. The blue eyes under his blond hair were calm. He stared into the distance, quickly looked away, turned to look at the person behind him, and raised the corner of his mouth. A playful smile.

Chi Feichi looked at the familiar face in front of him and expressed his feelings calmly, "Don't make such strange expressions with this face, Belmod. It looks very awkward."

Belmode turned to look at the window glass, made a face at the glass, and showed a bright smile, making the Lark fake face look like a sunny and cheerful boy, but the words he spoke were still female, and the whole person With a strong sense of division, he said, "Ah, was my expression weird just now? You may not be used to it, but I always think this face goes well with a smile. It's really a pity to keep a cold face."

Feichi lay on Chi Feichi's shoulder, staring at Belmod's fake face, and did not take back the snake letter he spat out for a long time.

Although when the owner practices false voice, he will also make a girl's voice with his own face, the face of raki wine, or even the face of a rough man, but no matter how many times he has seen it, it is still not used to it.

Belmode actually put on the fake face that his master often used, smiled so brightly, and even made his own voice, which made him feel very awkward. He really wanted to bite someone or click something to vent his anger...

Chi Feichi ignored Belmode's teasing and asked directly, "Why do you come here with this face?"

"I kindly want to help. Bourbon is a very smart person. He often moves around you. Aren't you worried that one day he will suspect you?" Belmod said with a smile, "I'm using this today. You went to see the Volcano Museum and the Aso Shrine. During those times, you were with Mouri Kogoro and the others. In this way, even if Bourbon becomes suspicious of your identity in the future, after a little investigation, he will never think that you are the one. Lark…”

Chi Feichi watched Belmode's performance in silence.

The meeting tonight was not what they had agreed upon in advance.

He received an email from that person in the morning and learned that the matter of contacting the government's Tian Jun would be handed over to Bellmod. Bellmod also sent him an email, saying that he would rush to Kumamoto today and might need to find him. Confirmed the news, but didn't say they would meet today.

According to the rules, Belmod should contact him after arriving in Kumamoto and agree on a time and place for the meeting. However, more than ten minutes ago, he received a call from Kumada Munkichi at the restaurant and went to the underground parking lot to get it. After receiving the candies given to them by Kumada Munkichi, they met Belmod wearing Lark's disguise and smiling at him in front of the elevator in the underground parking lot.

The smile on Belmod's face at that time was like a happy greeting to a friend after a long absence, making Raki's fake face with small freckles look gentle and sunny, but from Belmod's smile, what he saw There is only one sentence - 'Sorry, I still tricked you'.

When he was on a sightseeing trip with others, Belmode appeared in other places with Raki's face on his face, which could make others subconsciously think that he and Rakjiu were two people...

This is true.

But Belmode also appeared with this face in the hotel where he and the protagonist group were staying, and found him when he left the group alone. If Conan later suspected that someone around him had contact with the organization and passed their information to Organization, he who left the team alone tonight and had the opportunity to come into contact with 'Raki' will definitely be included in Conan's suspect list.

In this way, Belmode's appearance in the hotel today with a face full of raki is more likely to send a clear signal to Conan - people from the organization have come to the hotel to give Conan an impression of today's events. profound.

The reason why he didn't use his own face to send signals to Conan was because Chris Wynyard's face was too well-known and would attract too many people's attention if exposed. Conan might not be able to notice it if he covered it up. Belmode just wanted to To convey a signal to Conan, he didn't want to attract too many people's attention, so as not to cause trouble for his actions.

It is very appropriate to use the face of Raki to send signals. There are not many foreigners staying in this hotel, but it is not completely absent. A blond and blue-eyed person will not attract too much attention when he appears in the hotel, and Conan is very interested in Rak. The impression of wine should be very deep. As long as Belmode makes one or two actions that will cause others to talk about it afterwards, such as giving someone a fierce look when entering the hotel, the 'evil deeds' and characteristics of this face will be transmitted to Conan. in the ears.

He had no doubt that Belmod could pass on the signal quietly, and even Conan might have heard the news by now and started looking for raki in the hotel.

As for how Belmod would make Conan suspect that someone around him was connected to the organization, leading him to think of him leaving the team tonight...

He believed that Belmode was patiently lurking, waiting for the next opportunity.

When the time comes, Belmod will immediately lay mines for his identity, and he will never be lenient if he can detonate minefields. Just like what he did during this period, he will keep trying with hidden needles. If it doesn't work once, he will Two or three times, as long as you are not caught out, you can try countless times until you achieve your goal.

Some people had smiles on their faces and said, "I'm doing it for you." They gave explanations as if they were thinking about their teammates, but in fact they stabbed their teammates in the back quietly.

He may not be human, but Belmode is a real dog.

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