Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2964 I am stingy

The dinner lasted until eight o'clock in the evening.

A bottle of Kuma Soju that Chi Fei Chi brought back to Tokyo was consumed by the three masters and apprentices. Everyone also picked some of the candies they brought back and put them in paper bags.

After Suzuki Sonoko left with Tang, the three children Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi were also picked up by their parents one after another.

Haibara Ai decided to stay at the Seven Detective Office for one night, called Dr. Ali to say hello, and helped clean up the yard with the people who stayed.

Toru Amuro stayed until the end, helping to send the pots and pans back to the kitchen, and helping Mouri Ran take the drunk and unconscious Mouri Kogoro home.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Chi Feichi sent Tohru Amuro and the trio of Mori out together. They watched the four of them leave along the road. When they looked back, they noticed Haibara Ai yawning beside him and asked with a smile, "Are you tired, little Ai?" ?Do you want to take a shower before going to bed?"

Huihara Ai was indeed tired, but thinking of running around all day and having an outdoor barbecue, she was not in a hurry to rest immediately, "I've been playing all day, I'd better take a shower."

"I'll put the hot water on for you." Chi Feichi turned around and walked into the house.

"I don't know if the hot water is enough for the three of us to take a bath. Now that the weather is cold, it would be more comfortable to take a hot bath..." Yuesui Nanatsuki stretched out his hand and led Haibara Ai to follow behind. After thinking about it, he lowered his head and said to Hui Yuan Ai suggested, "Why don't you take a shower with me, Xiao Ai? This way the hot water will definitely be enough!"

Haibara Ai was stunned for a moment, but she didn't object to bathing with Nanatsuki Koshizui. She nodded, "As long as you don't mind, I..."

"Children should develop more independence and let Xiao Ai wash herself." Chi Feichi pushed open the entrance door and walked to the bathroom expressionlessly, "Don't worry about hot water. When the bathroom is renovated, The designers have considered the situation where the whole family needs to take a bath, and the hot water will definitely be enough for three of us to take a bath.”

Haibara Ai and Koshizu Nanatsuki stopped in the corridor, watched Chi Feichi walk into the bathroom, and joked, "You don't want me to take a bath with Nanatsuki because you are jealous, right? Even for children, Being jealous will make you look stingy!"

Chi Feichi turned on the bathtub faucet in the bathroom. His voice mixed with the sound of water flow was still calm, "I'm sorry, I'm stingy, so you have to wash it yourself."

Haibara Ai:"……"

This kind of person who responds confidently after being teased is the most difficult to deal with.

Thinking about it, Haibara Ai looked up at Koshimi Nanatsuki who was blushing.

Well, it’s still fun to tease Nanatsuki-san...

"By the way, I put Xiao Ai's pajamas in the closet in my bedroom," Koshimizu Nanatsuki maintained a serious expression on his face, turned around and opened the door to the room next to him, "I'll get it for you, just wait a moment. one time."

Haibara Ai watched Yuesui Nanatsuki enter the room, and followed him to the door, deliberately showing a trace of curiosity on his face, "Sister Nanatsuki, haven't you moved to the upstairs bedroom to live with Brother Feichi? I still have I thought that after you two have been dating for a while, this room can be mine."

Yuesui Nanatsuki: "?"

She regards Xiao Ai as a relative, but Xiao Ai is thinking about her room? seems that's not the point?

After Haibara Ai and Koshimizu Nanatsuki took turns taking a shower and returning to their rooms, Chi Feichi also took a quick shower and carried Feichi to the attic.

In the dimly lit attic, the shadowy figure stood in front of the bookshelf, leaning over to read the books on the lower shelf. Hearing the footsteps coming from the stairs, he turned to look at the stairs alertly, and his face was reflected by the moonlight shining through the window. Become clear.

Chi Feichi witnessed the moment when "Xiao Hei transformed into Toru Amuro" at the stairs. Even if it wasn't the first time he saw Xiao Hei, he would still feel the magic of this world if he saw it with his own eyes again.

"Consultant," Toru Amuro took the initiative to greet Chi Feichi and looked at the bookshelf with a smile, "I originally thought I would have to wait a little longer and wanted to find a book from the bookshelf to kill the time, but I didn't expect you to be so Coming up soon..."

When leaving from the main entrance, Toru Amuro was still wearing the brown jacket he wore when working at Poirot, but now he had changed into black clothes.

"Have you ever gone back?"

Chi Feichi asked aloud, bending down to put Feichi on the stairs to let the air flow.

"I have already gone back to feed Harrow and took him for a walk. I also took a bath and changed my clothes. Then I drove nearby, went around to the park and came in through the window. After all, it has been more than an hour. ..." Toru Amuro smiled, and soon put away the relaxed smile on his face, and asked with a serious look, "So, you asked me to find a way to come over tonight. Do you have something important to follow? Did I say that?”

Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone, found out the information about Guofu Tian Chun, and handed the phone to Toru Amuro. After Toru Amuro finished reading the information, he said to Toru Amuro, who looked ugly, "I sold this person's information to the organization. .”

Toru Amuro was surprised for a moment. Thinking that Chi Feichi was not a policeman, he could understand that Chi Feichi had no so-called collective sense of honor for the police. He quickly considered the consequences, "In other words, the organization may send people To get in touch with this person…”

"It's already been sent," Chi Feichi said, selling Belmod quickly and neatly, "It's Belmod."

"I've been investigating other things these past two days, and I haven't had much contact with Belmod. I didn't know she went to Kumamoto." Toru Amuro softened his expression, handed the phone back to Chi Feichi, and said thoughtfully, "Although I don't know I would like to see the organization control a criminal police officer, but this talent has not been working for a long time, and his power and influence in the Kumamoto Prefectural Police are very limited. It should not cause much trouble. I would like to say that maybe he can be kept for now... Are you What do you think?"

"I provided this information to the organization," Chi Feichi whispered calmly, "I just hope you will consider my safety and not make it too obvious. As for how to deal with it, it is up to you."

"Then let him stay, I will arrange for someone to go over and keep an eye on him," Toru Amuro made a decision and thought about it, "If the organization succeeds in getting on the line with him, let him do whatever he wants for the organization. After he causes Before the harm is too great, I will arrange for the zero team to go to Kumamoto County to investigate, pretend that I accidentally discovered that he is addicted to gambling and colluded with criminals, and arrest the person. If he can resist the temptation of the organization, it means that he is not hopeless. Medicine, I will transfer him when the time comes, and then help him escape from the organization’s black hands.”

"I also tend to keep him first," Chi Feichi agreed, "The problems that have been exposed are not necessarily problems."

"Maybe it's a gain..." Toru Amuro smiled, and then whispered thoughtfully, "Belmod is difficult to deal with. The people I sent to monitor must be smarter. Before Belmod takes formal action, I need to Find a suitable candidate as soon as possible..."

"You think about it slowly, I went downstairs to sleep." Chi Feichi looked at the cupboard set up against the wall. "You can stay here for one night if you want. The bedding is in the cupboard."

"Forget it, I'd better go back," Toru Amuro walked to the open window and before turning over to go out, he reminded her, "Don't forget to close the window!"

Chi Feichi walked to the window and watched Toru Amuro climb the tree in the park behind and jump into the night. He closed the window halfway, lowered his head and took out the cigarette from his pocket.

Amuro wanted to send someone to monitor Kokufu Tianjun, and the most convenient and covert method would be to send a fellow criminal police officer or superior to Kunifu Tianjun.

In order to make it easier for the monitor to act during the surveillance period, the person Tohru Amuro arranged to go over would not be a newcomer to the police, but would probably be Kunifu Tianjun's superior, who could have some influence and adjustments on Kunifu Tianjun's actions.

Although Kunifu Tianjun is wary of other police officers in order to conceal his gambling debts, as long as the people sent there are smarter, monitor Kunifu Tianjun's movements and allow Amuro Toru to easily judge Kunifu Tianjun's situation, there should be no problem. of.

Based on Guofu Tianchun's performance in the original plot, he believed that Guofu Tianchun would definitely abandon the bottom line and take advantage of the organization.

Amuro, who still hopes that Kunifu Tianjun can resist the temptation, will definitely be disappointed and angry at Kunifu Tianjun's choice...

Amuro will not ignore the overall situation just because he is angry. Even if he is angry again, he will not let people arrest Tian Chun of the government immediately, but Amuro is also a sinister person.

If, as he thought, Amuro sent a boss to Kunifu Tianjun, Kunifu Tianjun would probably encounter some troubles for no reason at that time, and even Bermod, who was responsible for contacting Kunifu Tianjun, might also be affected a little.

As long as he did what he did today, and when he told Amuro the information, he didn't say that he thought it was very likely that Kunifu Tianjun would get involved in the organization, he didn't vaccinate Amuro in advance, and he didn't let Amuro vent half of his disappointment and anger. Amuro's anger towards Kunifu Tianjun explodes in a concentrated manner, the more serious the troubles caused by others to Kunifu Tianjun will be more serious, and the greater the possibility of affecting the progress of Belmod's mission...

This time Belmod created a little trouble for him, and he also wanted to create a little trouble for Belmod so that Belmod would not complete the task so smoothly.

He just had a little bit of caution, and whether it would work or not depends on Belmod's luck. This shouldn't be stingy, right?

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