Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2969 Super Accident


The smiles appeared on the faces of the three children again.

Ayumi put the captain into Haiyuan Ai's arms and said with concern, "Xiao Ai only wears one piece of clothing, so it's better to hold the captain, he's very warm!"


Hui Yuan Ai happily took the captain and held him in his arms.

After the car door was closed, Conan searched around with his watch and flashlight, and found a strange cardboard box behind the pile of boxes nearby. When the others were happily discussing how to go out together when the door opened next time, he opened the cardboard box and looked at the contents with a solemn expression. Di reminded aloud, "I think it would be better if we don't let them know that we are here. Before we entered the cargo compartment, there were already customers coming in..."

The height of the large cardboard box is only slightly shorter than the shoulders of a child. A middle-aged male corpse was stuffed into the cardboard box with his legs bent. The body was covered with a piece of cloth as a shield. However, the cloth was too small, and the head and knees of the male corpse were still intact. Exposed.

The three children and Hui Yuan Ai came to the box together. They were all shocked when they saw the male body in the box.


"W-what's going on..."

"I don't know. I don't know who this person is now, nor why he was killed, but the people who killed him are probably the two deliverymen who just went to deliver the goods..." Conan looked at the man in the carton. The corpse said his reasoning with a solemn expression.

After two delivery men killed a man, they put the man's body in a refrigerated delivery truck in order to slow down the decomposition of the body and delay the presumed time of death before dumping the body elsewhere.

In this way, even if the police investigate afterwards, the two deliverymen can still say that they were working when the deceased died and thus get away with it.

In addition, one of the two deliverymen will deliberately drop something during the delivery to impress the recipient, so that when the police investigate later, they can get from the recipient "He was delivering to me at the time." According to the testimony of another person, another person would constantly go to convenience stores to borrow toilets so that he could be captured by the camera. As his alibi, when questioned by the police, he only needed to say that he had a bad stomach to explain himself.

Moreover, the lower corners of the carton containing the body were dented, and the sides of the carton were also dirty. This was because the two deliverymen did not want spots to appear on the back of the body, and they had turned the box and the body over before...

"Wait, wait a minute," Haihara Ai realized that the situation was not good, and her face turned ugly, "that is to say, if those two people find us in the carriage..."

"That's right," Conan looked at the three children and reminded with a heavy expression, "They won't let us out. In order to prevent their crimes from being exposed, they should lock the five of us in this carriage until we are arrested. Freeze to death or be killed by them in some way."

The big surprise turned into a super big surprise.

The three children were frightened, but they did not give in to fear and discussed how to escape.

Conan's mobile phone was charged at Dr. Agasa's house. Haibara Ai, Ayumi, and Genta were worried about losing their phones while playing football, so they also left their phones at Dr. Agasa's house.

Mitsuhiko did have his cell phone with him, but it was already low on battery.

Conan asked Mitsuhiko for a mobile phone. He was relieved when he saw that Mitsuhiko was using a phone with a removable battery. He removed the battery, put it under his clothes and heated it with his body temperature. He planned to use his body temperature to increase the voltage and drain the battery. Fully activated so that the battery power is enough for them to make a call for help.

At this moment, Haibara Ai was also somewhat glad that Mitsuhiko hadn't changed to a smartphone yet.

The batteries of most smartphones cannot be removed. Although you can try to put the entire phone under your clothes to warm it up, the phone consumes power when it is in standby mode or when it is turned on and off. With the power consumption of smartphones, the battery may not be able to restore enough power. Let them make a distress call, and the phone will most likely cycle through the 'start-up animation - low battery shutdown - shutdown animation' once or twice, and then the battery will be completely exhausted...


The delivery truck stopped again.

Conan quickly closed the box, put the tape back on, and hid with the children.

Two deliverymen entered the carriage and turned the box containing the body over so that the side of the box was against the bottom of the carriage.

"Huh?" The short and fat delivery man squatted next to the box and looked at the tape sealing the box doubtfully. "Why does it feel like the tape has been torn open?"

"Idiot!" The tall and thin deliveryman didn't take it to heart and sneered, "Who do you think would tear off the tape?"

The captain was hugged by Haiyuan Ai and covered his mouth. After being covered for a long time, he turned his head in discomfort, "Meow..."

Hui Yuan Ai was startled and quickly covered the captain's mouth again.

"Huh?" The short, fat delivery man looked around the car in surprise, "Did you hear a cat meowing just now?"

"What happened to you just now? Now you said you heard a ghost's voice, and now you said you heard a cat meowing... Forget it, after all, you killed a person, so it's understandable that you feel a little anxious..."

The tall, thin deliveryman spoke of someone being killed in an understatement, as if he didn't take it seriously.

The two chatted, and Conan and others who were hiding in the dark learned the identity of the deceased and the reason why the deceased was killed.

This morning, when the short and fat delivery man delivered the goods to a house, the consignee happened to be the husband of the short and fat delivery man's previous affair partner. The consignee grabbed the short and fat delivery man by the collar and said that the short and fat delivery man had made him and his wife The wife was divorced, and the short, fat deliveryman stretched out his hand in desperation and pushed the consignee out, causing the consignee to hit his head and die.

To put it this way, the Chunky delivery boy was only guilty of manslaughter. If he had surrendered at that time, the final sentence would not have been too long.

However, before calling the police, the short and fat delivery man called his colleague, the tall and thin delivery man. When the tall and thin delivery man said, "I can help you," he felt lucky and wanted to escape the punishment of the crime, so he chose to follow the law. The tall, thin deliveryman said the way to create an alibi.

Conan listened to the conversation between the two, and after figuring out what happened, his heart became heavy.

Originally, this case had nothing to do with the tall and thin delivery man, but the tall and thin delivery man actually instigated the short and fat delivery man to hide the crime, whether it was turning the corpse regularly to avoid the appearance of body spots, or using the consignee and the convenience store camera to create an absence. The proof was that it was all the tall and thin delivery man's idea. This man seemed to be taking this opportunity to test the criminal skills he knew and participated in it with great interest.

When talking about the death of the deceased and the money he got from the wallet of the deceased, the tall and thin delivery man did not feel any guilt at all. If he was not a sophisticated criminal, he must be a dangerous guy with a twisted mentality and criminal tendencies.

Such people will not be merciful just because their opponent is a helpless child. They must not be discovered by the opponent, otherwise it will be dangerous!


After the carriage was closed again, the five children hiding behind a pile of boxes relaxed.

Conan took out Mitsuhiko's cell phone and the removed cell phone battery from under his clothes, and put the cell phone battery back into the phone. Seeing that the phone was successfully turned on, he felt relieved and dialed Takagi Wataru's number, "I'm calling Officer Takagi. "

"Sorry, the number you dialed is not in the service area..."

The three children gathered around Conan, and when they saw that Takagi Wataru's phone could not be reached, they started discussing in a low voice.

"If I call the police directly, will it be regarded as a prank?" Mitsuhiko said, "It's better to call the doctor. He must be at home. Let's ask him to help call the police."

"Why didn't you call Brother Chi?" Yuantai said proudly, "If Brother Chi knew about it, he would have rescued us before the police found us!"

Hui Yuan Ai didn't say a word.

Although she didn't want Brother Fei Chi to know that she went out wearing a woolen skirt alone, at this time, she also tended to contact Brother Fei Chi.

It didn't seem like it was a big deal to embarrass herself in front of her brother, but compared to everyone being able to get away safely, she didn't seem to accept it when Brother Fei Chi said something unhappy.


"But doesn't Brother Chi have important guests to entertain?" Ayumi looked at Haibara Ai with some confusion, "Xiao Ai said that the other party is the president of the Hatakeyama Foundation. He should be a guest who must be entertained well, right?"

Haibara Ai nodded, "Brother Fei Chi and Sister Nanatsuki attach great importance to today's guests..."

It was precisely because Brother Fei Chi had important guests that she hesitated to disturb Brother Fei Chi.

If it wasn't like this, she would have asked Edogawa to call Brother Feichi directly, and she could also ask Brother Feichi to bring her some clothes.

"Then call the doctor, we don't have time!"

Conan saw that the battery indicator on his phone was flashing red again, and without hesitation, he dialed Dr. A Li's number.

Dr. A Li quickly answered the phone, "Hello, this is A Li..."

"Doctor? I'm Conan," Conan said hurriedly, "We have encountered a situation now. Please note down what I said now..."

"Ah? Sorry, I can't free my hands now, please wait a moment!" Dr. Ali was busy frying donuts. He was holding a mobile phone in one hand to talk on the phone, and holding chopsticks in the other hand to fry the fried donuts. After putting it on the plate, I accidentally splashed oil on my hands. I quickly put the phone aside and speeded up to put the two remaining donuts in the pan onto the plate.

Conan was extremely anxious, "Hey, doctor! Listen to me first..."

"Okay, okay!" Dr. Ali put down the chopsticks, picked up the phone, and said with a smile, "I've kept you waiting for a long time. I think the cake alone shouldn't be enough for everyone, so I fried some donuts. Although the taste may not be as good as the snacks from the store where I ordered the cake, but..."


The phone hangs up.

"Why did the call hang up?" Dr. Ali put down the phone in confusion, "Forget it, if there is something important, they will definitely call again."

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