Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2971 A letter of help brought by the cat

Although Chi Feichi and Hatakeyama Yu don't have much contact with each other, they have heard from their parents about each other's parents, so they will never run out of topics to talk about when they meet.

One person praised the other person's father's outstanding leadership skills, and the other person talked about the other person's grandfather's courage in facing crises. Even if Hatakeyama Yu avoided the emotional problems of the Chi family couple, Chi Feichi also avoided mentioning the death of Hatakeyama Yu's father. During that time, the two of them also chatted back and forth for a long time on the topic of "reminiscing about the glorious deeds of their elders".

The two elders didn't talk too much about their deeds, and Yu Hatakeyama talked about something they met at a banquet when they were young.

"I remember that night, the children were arranged to eat together," Yu Hatakeyama said with a smile on his face and his eyes full of nostalgia, "I was already in high school that year and I was embarrassed to stay with you. I wanted to I went to the adults, but in the end I still couldn't convince my dad, so I had to stay with a group of children... You must have been eight years old at that time, right? We rarely met before, but that time, I remembered you immediately Because compared to other noisy children, you are so quiet that I sat next to you right away!"

Chi Feichi also found a fragment of the banquet that day from his memory, and talked about the past with Yu Hatakeyama, "I remember that day Ayako and Arisa were arguing about dress accessories, and you were asked to be the referee in the middle, so I saw the male The daily breakdown of high school students.”

"Hahaha..." Yu Hatakeyama couldn't help laughing, "If they knew that we were talking about them behind their backs, it would be troublesome. But to be honest, they were only twelve or thirteen years old at the time. No matter how I tried to persuade them, , they couldn't listen, and insisted on me choosing a side between their opinions. If I spoke slightly in favor of someone, the other person would accuse me of being biased. At that time, I really thought that I would rather be struck by lightning on the spot. When I go to the hospital, I don’t want to deal with children anymore.”

The two took a sip of tea, and Hatakeyama Yu smiled and sighed, "Time flies so fast. Now Ayako is married. She is obviously younger than me, but she got married earlier than me. I heard that she is going to get married. I still felt surprised at the time, but fortunately I am getting married soon, and finally I no longer have to be the leader of the children..."


A calico cat climbed onto the balcony, barked, and walked carelessly into the house through the open glass door, attracting the attention of Yu Hatakeyama and Miho Ito.

Ito Miho's eyes lit up, "Do you still have cats?"

"It's not our cat, it's a stray cat in the Fifth Chome area. During this period, he often went to a nearby cafe to beg for food. The cafe manager named him Captain," said Captain Koshimizu Nanatsuki, who walked briskly. He walked towards the table and said with a smile, "It likes Mr. Chi very much. Occasionally it will come here to ask for food, or just come to see us. Today it may have passed by when going to the coffee shop to ask for food and smelled something here. The smell of the little cakes can’t help but come..."

The captain arrived at the table and obediently raised his head to Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Ito Miho and called, "Meow~"

Chi Feichi: "..."

With his superb food-begging performance skills and precise positioning of food-begging targets, it is clear at a glance that the captain has also received unnamed training, and his training results are very good.

"It's so cute," Ito Miho smiled lovingly, turning to look at the snacks on the table, "Let's feed it some food..."

"Then... give it two small cakes without cream." Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled, but did not feed the captain and gave the feeding opportunity to Ito Miho.

Ito Miho reached out and picked up a small cake, left the chair, squatted in front of the captain, slowly handed the cake forward, and called in a soft voice, "Captain, captain, come here, this is for you..."

When the captain stepped forward and lowered his head to smell the cake, Ito Miho saw the collar around the captain's neck and asked curiously, "Is it also wearing a collar?"

"When we first saw it, it already had a collar around its neck. We don't know if it was someone else's cat that ran out on its own," Koshimizu Nanatsuki explained. He also stood up and knelt down next to the captain to see. He put a white note in the captain's collar and reached out to pick it up curiously, "Huh? There's something in the collar..."

The captain took a bite of the small cake, and jumped onto the sofa next to him with the cake in his mouth. He placed the small cake next to Chi Feichi, rubbed his head against Chi Feichi's legs, and left traces on Chi Feichi's pants. Picked up two cat hairs, "Meow~~"

When Chi Feichi saw the paper in the captain's collar, he already had a guess in his mind. He reached out and took the paper off and saw that it was indeed a taxi invoice with a hidden code.

Well, it should be the incident where the children were locked in the refrigerated delivery truck. Unexpectedly, it happened today. They just came back from Kumamoto yesterday. A new incident happened today. It’s really hard to settle down for a day...

"The captain is such a bad guy. After he deceived the little cake, he ran to Mr. Chi," Koshimizu Nanatsuki complained about the captain, but he acted very sincerely and took the initiative to catch up. He reached out to touch the captain's head and looked at Chi. The invoice in Fei Chi's hand, "Is this a taxi invoice? Wait, what's with that weird English..."

On the taxi invoice, there was a line of English letters with a strange blank space in the middle, and the remaining English letters, when connected, happened to be 'Corpse'.

That is the English word for ‘corpse’…

"What's wrong?" Ito Miho came to Koshimizu Nanatsuki and looked at the taxi receipt in confusion.

Hatakeyama Yu also paid attention to the invoice in Chi Feichi's hand. He quickly noticed the strange English on it and read it out in surprise, "Corpse? Is this... a coincidence? It should be 'Credit Card Payment' here. English, Card Purchases, right? But part of the letter a disappeared, and several other letters disappeared, becoming Corpse..."

Chi Feichi rubbed the blank space in English on the invoice with his fingers, picked up the invoice and smelled it, then wrote down the numbers in the lower corner of the invoice, handed the invoice to Koshizu Nanatsuki, took out his mobile phone and opened it Web page, "It should be covered with ointment containing alkaline ingredients."

After Koshimizu Nanatsuki took the invoice, he also picked it up and smelled it, and murmured in confusion, "It does smell like ointment. Did someone apply it on purpose..."

"Can the ointment erase the words on the invoice?" Ito Miho asked doubtfully.

"Yes, this invoice is thermal paper, and the words on it are not printed with ink," Koshimizu Nanatsuki explained to Ito Miho, "The surface of the thermal paper is coated with a agent that turns it black, and An acidic agent called a chromogenic agent. When the chromogenic agent is dissolved by heat, it will react with another agent, causing black text to appear on the surface of the paper. Some ointments will contain alkaline ingredients. In this way, as long as the ointment is added Applying it to black text will make the black text disappear. Not only ointment, but other alkaline coating liquids can also be used to achieve this effect."

"But there is the smell of ointment on the invoice, so the English on the invoice was deliberately painted like this with ointment, right?" Ito Miho then thought about it, "Could it be a child's prank?"

"If this is a prank, it's too bad." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the invoice and felt that it couldn't be as simple as a prank. He felt a little uneasy. He quickly noticed that there was a strange blank space in the lower corner of the invoice and reminded, "Ike Sir, some of the numbers below have also been painted out, leaving only eight numbers..."

"I saw it," Chi Feichi looked at the search results on his phone, saved the screenshot of the page, stood up and said to Hatakeyama Yu, "I'm sorry, Yu, I have something to do and I have to leave for a while."

"Is it because of the invoice?" Yu Hatakeyama saw the word 'Corpse' left on the invoice and thought that this was troublesome. He had even imagined threats and intimidation. When Chi Feichi stood up, he also He stood up and asked proactively, "Do you need my help?"

"It's not necessary for the time being." Chi Feichi thought that Hatakeyama Yu had seen the invoice. In order to prevent Hatakeyama Yu from making up his mind, he decided to make it clear to Hatakeyama Yu, "Cats are very alert animals. The captain may let him know when he asks for food. People get close to it, but if they are not very familiar people, it will not let the other person touch its neck. If a stranger stuffs an invoice into its collar, it will definitely attack it. I took a look at it when I took off the invoice. There is no trace of blood on its front paws..."

"In other words, the person who stuffed the invoice into the captain's collar is someone he is familiar with and can trust." Koshimizu Nanatsuki finally understood where the uneasiness in his heart came from, and said solemnly, "Then It's probably a friend we know. It seems that no one among our friends would use the captain to do this kind of prank. Since it's not a prank, then the 'corpse' and eight-digit number left on the invoice are someone who deliberately passed it to Our message…this is a distress letter!”

"Please, a distress letter?!" Ito Miho exclaimed, subconsciously reaching out to cover her mouth.

Chi Feichi saw Koshizui Nanatsuki's worried face. He looked at Koshizui Nanatsuki and said, "When I took off the invoice from the collar, I felt that the collar was cold to the touch, and there were eight digits left under the invoice. I thought The captain should have stayed in a refrigerated truck before. Those eight digits are the license plate number of the refrigerated truck. Refrigerated trucks are special-purpose vehicles. The license plate number usually starts with 8, but the string of numbers on the invoice is not..."

"It's the TA-Q-BIN company's refrigerated truck!" Koshizui Nanatsuki's eyes lit up, and he felt a lot more at ease, thinking, "As long as we know this, we can check the license plate number of each TA-Q-BIN company's refrigerated delivery truck online. , this should be available on the company’s website. If that doesn’t work, we can also call the phone number on the website and directly contact the TA-Q-BIN company’s customer service for enquiries!”

"I have found it. It is the delivery truck of Cheetah Delivery Service. In addition, I also found out the delivery range of that refrigerated delivery truck today. That refrigerated delivery truck is responsible for the delivery in the Miwa-cho area today. It will start delivering from Miwa-cho 1-chome in the morning. "The goods," Chi Feichi looked at the wall clock on the wall, "It is now 3:30 in the afternoon. The refrigerated delivery truck should have arrived in the 5-chome area, and the captain's collar is still cold when it gets here, indicating that it came from the refrigerated truck. He didn’t walk too long after coming out, which also proves that the refrigerated delivery truck is in the Fifth Chome area.”

As he said that, Chi Feichi looked at Yu Hatakeyama again, "I'll drive along the delivery routes in this area and look for it. As long as I find the refrigerated delivery truck, I'll know if this is a distress letter."

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