Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2976 Newcomer’s Worries

"You already know?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki recalled with confusion on his face, "No matter what I think, the topics the four of us chatted about before were nothing special. Is there something I overlooked?"

"It's because you don't understand the situation of the Hatakeyama family," Chi Feichi lowered his head and dealt with the green onions he had just found. "Two years ago, Yu's father died unexpectedly. Because Yu's father had already made a will, so Yu There were no setbacks in inheriting his father's inheritance, but after all, he was still young and had only been working in the consortium for a few years. He took over the position of president in a hurry. As a result, he, the president, did not accumulate enough authority within the consortium and had no control over the consortium. As far as I know, the bank manager of the Hatakeyama Consortium has always been Yu’s uncle, Mr. Kenshiro Hatakeyama. So far, Mr. Kenshiro Hatakeyama is in charge of bank management. Yu is nominally the president of the consortium. But the decisions You make in bank management can only be implemented if they are in line with his uncle's wishes..."

Keshui Nanatsuki walked up to Chi Feichi, reached for half of the chives, and helped peel off the withered yellow skin on one chive. He asked curiously, "Is his uncle deliberately fighting for power? Or, is it? Does his uncle think he is immature enough and accidentally gives him too many restrictions as the president?"

"We don't have much contact. I don't know what his uncle thinks, but their relationship is indeed a bit tense. Now they only maintain a superficial harmony." Chi Feichi paused, "In addition, You's uncle has a My daughter’s name is Arisa, she is the girl that Yu and I talked about before, who had an argument with Sonoko’s sister Ayako at the dinner party. Arisa has always liked Yu, the kind of love between a man and a woman... This matter is not It’s a secret, and Yu’s uncle didn’t object, on the contrary, he supported his daughter.”

"Although cousins ​​can get married legally in Japan, the couple has too many similar genes, which will increase the incidence of genetic diseases in their offspring, and may also lead to fetal malformations. Now everyone should try to avoid dating. Cousins ​​or cousins ​​getting married, right?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki was a little unsure, "Or is it that the families in charge of major financial groups don't care about cousins ​​or cousins ​​getting married? After all, this can concentrate the wealth in the hands of one's own family, and Hatakeyama In the case of the priority student, if he marries his cousin, Miss Arisa, the Hatakeyama family's property will always be concentrated within the Hatakeyama family. However, if he inherits most of the family's property and marries other women, if the Hatakeyama priority If he lives and dies without leaving a clear will, the property may be inherited by his wife, or at least a large part of it will be distributed to his wife. Once his wife marries someone else with the property, the Hatakeyama family's financial resources will be seriously affected. weakened."

"Actually, the major financial groups and the powerful families do not have a unified attitude in this regard," Chi Feichi recalled the situation of each family. "Most people will not encourage cousins ​​to get married, but if the younger generations like each other and plan to get married, the elders will I won’t object. Generally speaking, the support of the powerful families of the Kanto Consortium for the marriage of cousins ​​is higher than that of ordinary families, but at the same time lower than that of the Kansai family."

In China, cousins ​​and cousins ​​are blood relatives within three generations, and the law does not support marriage.

Although Japan also has legal provisions that say "third-degree relatives cannot get married," the algorithm of "third-degree relatives" in Japan is different from that of "third-generation blood relatives" in China.

In Japan, your parents are first-degree relatives, your biological brothers and sisters are second-degree relatives, your parents' brothers and sisters are third-degree relatives, and the children of your parents' brothers and sisters, that is, your cousins ​​or cousins, are Those who are fourth-degree relatives and not within the category of 'third-degree relatives' can get married.

The law allows it, and even the Japanese royal family advocates consanguineous marriage. Most people in Japan are very accepting of marriage between cousins.

Even in modern times, everyone knows the dangers of incest marriage, but their attitude is just to avoid it as much as possible. If it is really unavoidable, no one thinks it is strange for cousins ​​to marry - what is the fuss about if it is supported by the law?

In conglomerate families and Kansai aristocratic families, support for cousins' marriage is higher.

The fundamental reason is to consider the impact of the concentration of family property on family development, and to prevent the resources controlled by the family from being dispersed due to marriage.

In addition, these families control a large amount of resources and are equipped to use modern medical methods to try to avoid genetic diseases caused by cousins ​​or cousins' marriage. Genetic diseases are really unavoidable, and they also have enough financial resources to treat or extend their lives. Even if the offspring suffer from genetic diseases, their life span and quality of life may not be worse than ordinary people. In this way, these families are not so afraid of the problems caused by incest marriage.

Of course, these families also have other means to prevent resources from flowing out. It is not necessary to marry close relatives to ensure that the development of the family is not affected. Therefore, these families' attitude towards the marriage of cousins ​​is that they do not take the initiative to create bridges, but are happy to do so. See how it works.

Koshimi Nanatsuki grew up in Japan, and did not think the ideas of Arisa Hatakeyama and Kenshiro Hatakeyama were too outrageous, so his attention was a little diverted, "Do Kansai aristocratic families have many cousins ​​or cousins ​​getting married? There are very few in those aristocratic families. The family information came out, I don’t know much about the situation, but they are more traditional..."

Chi Feichi selected the chives in his hand and walked to the sink with the chives. He thought about the news he had heard, "I don't know much about the family situation of the family, but I heard that my cousin got married. Not many. In modern times, there seem to be more marriages between distant cousins. The newlyweds usually belong to two closely related aristocratic families. Moreover, the younger generation now does not like the marriage designated by the elders and prefers to make their own choices. There are also many people from aristocratic families. Someone other than a member got married.”

"That's right. Whether it's an aristocratic family or a family with a powerful consortium, it seems that they are much more open-minded now than before. Didn't Mr. Hatakeyama also follow his own wishes and choose Miss Miho, who is from an ordinary background, as his marriage partner?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled. He smiled, and the smile on his face solidified and disappeared in the next second, and he said thoughtfully, "But Mr. Hatakeyama did not choose his cousin Miss Arisa, but chose to marry Miss Miho. Miss Arisa and Mr. Kenshiro will definitely not Will you be happy? And Mr. Kenshiro has the say in the consortium bank, which can be regarded as the lifeblood of the consortium. If Mr. Kenshiro does not agree with their marriage, Mr. Hatakeyama should face a lot of pressure..."

"Besides, You's parents are not very enlightened, and it's probably hard for his mother to accept that You's marriage partner is a villa manager," Chi Feichi said while washing green onions, "Actually, the news of their marriage came very suddenly. There is no news about the engagement, which is really inappropriate for the Hatakeyama family. In addition, Miss Miho has told you before that they will only invite family members and a few close friends to the wedding banquet, and do not plan to invite too many people... …”

"The news of the marriage came very suddenly, and they got married without even getting engaged. It was because the Hatakeyama family had previously deliberately concealed the relationship between Mr. Hatakeyama and Miss Miho, right?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki reacted, frowning and thinking, " Perhaps they feel that Miss Miho's identity will make them lose face, or they may hope that Mr. Hatakeyama will break up with Miss Miho after a while. In any case, this shows that the people in the Hatakeyama family do not recognize Miss Miho that much and only invite a small family. Some people attended the wedding banquet probably because Mr. Hatakeyama’s family does not approve of Miss Miho. Mr. Hatakeyama and Miss Miho must have been under considerable pressure to get married..."

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