Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2984 Even if the temperature is too high, it will burn people

Chi Feichi knew that his words might be misinterpreted as gloating. He looked at Shirakawa Meiling and added, "Miss Meiling may have been in the spotlight for a long time, and she knows that under that kind of light, any shortcomings may be magnified. So I hope Miss Saori will be better before she appears again, so that she will suffer less setbacks, but Miss Saori is no longer a child, and Miss Meiling may try to let her go to do some self-challenges."

From the previous contact, he could tell that as Shirakawa Misuzu's daughter, Shirakawa Saori was very confident in her appearance or acting talent. She must have heard Shirakawa Misuzu say a lot about the entertainment industry since she was a child. Just like when she was interrupted by Misuzu Shirakawa, Shirakawa Saori would immediately explain that she did not want special treatment. Under such conditions, Shirakawa Saori would think that she already knew enough about the glory and darkness of the entertainment industry, and she would never care about herself. I have lost my vigilance in the entertainment industry that I have been involved in.

But after all, that was an environment that Shirakawa Saori had never really entered. Shirakawa Saori's way of dealing with problems was not clever, and could even be said to be a mess.

First of all, when he was a guest for the first time, Shirakawa Saori shouldn't say that he passed THK's audition. Smart people would avoid work-related topics this time, and wait until he passed the audition and communicated with THK After the formal relationship was established, when they met outside THK or at the TV station, they would first reminisce about old times, then talk about their participation in THK movies, and finally ask him about THK's situation and what they need to pay attention to. This was not easy. Being misunderstood as 'deliberately trying to build relationships' can also leave a good impression of being generous and steady.

Secondly, after Shirakawa Misuzu interrupted her words, Shirakawa Saori should not have explained to her mother in front of everyone, "I don't want special care."

As he said, when an artist stands in the spotlight, his shortcomings will be magnified. At the same time, the artist's remarks may also be taken out of context by people who are interested. Some of them are normal, but if they are spread out, they will change. The best way Just try to avoid mentioning such topics and be cautious in your words and deeds.

In the situation just now, if it was an artist who was doing well in the entertainment industry, most people would be able to react and say something polite like "I'm sorry, I'm so excited to see you" and then stop there and talk about themselves. When talking about work, blame it on "I'm excited" instead of explaining it deliberately to avoid being offended.

It’s not that artists need to be very scheming, but artists themselves receive too much attention from others, so they have to learn how to deal with them. If they don’t know how to turn around and solve problems, they can easily get themselves into trouble.

And Shirakawa Saori's attitude towards the entertainment industry is like a proud little princess, confident in her attitude, speaking directly, and getting angry when she has a temper...

If such a person enters the entertainment industry, he will feel the malice of the world within a few days.

At that time, someone may deliberately spread rumors that Shirakawa Saori has an arrogant attitude, or spread rumors that Shirakawa Saori is not good at acting, and relies on her mother's connections to steal other people's opportunities. She can also present a pile of evidence in a decent manner, and some people may pursue Shirakawa Saori used the relationship between Shirakawa Saori's mother to obtain some resources, and after she succeeded, she stabbed Shirakawa Saori in the back.

With Shirakawa Saori having the advantage on the surface but being silly and sweet on the inside, the possibility of these things happening is as high as 99%.

Shirakawa Misuzu should know this very well, so she doesn’t want Shirakawa Saori to enter the entertainment industry now.

In fact, Shirakawa Saori can talk back to her mother and say to her mother, "You are a has-been star and no one remembers you anymore." It can be seen that Shirakawa Misuzu is not the kind of mother who doesn't love her children at all.

Only when a child feels loved and has a sense of security in his heart can he express his feelings and become angry because his mother does not understand him.

However, looking at the way this family gets along and looking at Shirakawa Kyousuke's reaction that he always hesitates to speak, Shirakawa Misuzu is probably the kind of authoritative mother who thinks that she is a mother and does not need to explain to her children, but the children must listen. own words.

Such parents are not uncommon.

Parents encountered too many hardships when they were young, and they hope that their children will be able to avoid the pain they encountered when they grow up. Therefore, when their children are born in the future, they say, "You need to go to the doctor" and "You need to find a good-tempered wife." wish, and hope that the children will develop in the direction they have planned.

As their children grow up, enlightened or sensitive parents will discover their children's self-personality and personal preferences, incorporate their children's own wishes into the planning, or flexibly adjust their education methods. Parents who are not well-endowed in education will often assume that 'I It's for your own good, so you shouldn't resist, ignoring the child's self, denying the child's choice, and in more serious cases, some parents don't even allow their children to do anything that goes against their own plans.

Shirakawa Misuzu should fall into the serious category. The root cause is not like maintaining the parents' self-esteem, but more like over-protection - not believing that the child has the ability to solve problems, so the child is prevented from taking risks, resulting in the child never being able to learn, I have no experience, and I am even more convinced that my child is really not good, and I have to listen to myself.

What his teacher Mori just said was right. In Shirakawa Misuzu's view, Shirakawa Saori will always be a child...a child who needs her mother to help make decisions and whose mother does not need to ask for her opinion when making decisions.

"Sometimes the temperature is too high and it can burn people."

Chi Feichi gave symbolic and implicit advice, but he didn't expect Baihe Meiling to listen.

Over the years, over-protection has become a habit for Shirakawa Misuzu. The current Shirakawa Saori will only make Shirakawa Misuzu even more uneasy, and she dare not let go and let Shirakawa Saori try to go on her own.

As a mother, Shirakawa Misuzu will also firmly believe that she is the one who knows her children best and loves her children the most, and firmly believes that her decision is best for her children. No matter what an outsider like him says, Shirakawa Misuzu will feel that he is saying what he means. Some theories are not applicable to his own children, so he will not take his remarks to heart.

If Shirakawa Saori had known later that her mother loved her, the relationship between mother and daughter would have been able to ease today, but sooner or later the two would have conflicts because of Shirakawa Misuzu's arbitrary actions, which would make Shirakawa Saori go crazy again.

If she wants to solve the problem, Shirakawa Saori must have the courage to step out of the protective circle, experience pain and suffering that she has never imagined before, let herself grow up, and let Shirakawa Meiling see that she can solve the problem and use her own abilities to solve the problem. Change the relationship between parents and children.

"I understand what you mean..."

Shirakawa Meiling's reaction was not what Chi Feichi expected. She sighed softly and softened her tone, but still insisted on her original idea, "But with Saori's character and ability, now that she is in the spotlight, she She will definitely get into big trouble. You must also know what happened to the Tsukigawa family. The couple used to be entertainers, but not long after her daughter entered the entertainment industry, she was seduced by someone who wanted to make mistakes step by step, and finally got into trouble. It's a big trouble, your reputation is ruined, and it may be difficult to be accepted by the public again in the future. Once an artist makes a mistake, he may lose his future, so he must be careful!"

Chi Feichi nodded and said no more.

He just thought of some parents he had heard of in his previous life, and sighed in his heart, "different worlds, same people". In addition, Shirakawa Misuzu wanted his feedback, so he felt that he could talk about his true views as a response to this He just said a few more words as a respectful feedback. As for what Shirakawa Misuzu thinks, that is Shirakawa Misuzu's own business. He will not care about it, nor is he qualified to do so.

Shirakawa Meiling quickly adjusted her expression, put away the irritability and worry on her face, and showed an apologetic but decent smile, "I'm really sorry for bothering you all to worry about my housework. I'll take you to see it next. I have a collection of film reels. There are still more than two hours before lunch time. If there are movies that you are interested in, we can go to the screening room to watch them together."

When a group of people got up and walked out, Shirakawa Kyousuke accompanied Shirakawa Misuzu and asked in a low voice, "Mom, do you want to call Saori?"

"No need to call her," Shirakawa Meiling frowned dissatisfied, "When the time comes she loses her temper again, which will only affect everyone's mood. Let her reflect on it in her room!"


In a room at the end of the corridor, the door was slammed shut completely, causing Shirakawa Misuzu's face to show anger again.

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