Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2986 Uneconomical Investment

Baihe's restaurant is located on the first floor of the villa. There is also a tea room for afternoon tea outside the restaurant.

Chi Feichi and others arrived at the restaurant. After sitting down and chatting for a while, Shirakawa Chiharu and Shirakawa Saori arrived at the restaurant one after another, and Western-style lunch was quickly served on the table.

Conan saw that no one in the Shirakawa family asked where Shirakawa Chiharu had gone before, so he didn't mention the matter of Shirakawa Chiharu staying in Shirakawa Misuzu's room. He focused on lunch and ate the goose in front of him. Liver pate appetizer.

Mouri Kogoro showed a high quality as a customer. After tasting the foie gras, he immediately praised the taste of the food, "The foie gras tastes fragrant and smooth, it is really delicious!"

Chi Feichi also tasted the foie gras. Seeing Shirakawa Misuzu looking at him, he hurriedly grabbed Mouri Kogoro's "praise cart" before Shirakawa Misuzu asked, "It tastes really good."

"As long as you two like it," Misuzu Shirakawa laughed, "I ordered this from a friend who runs a French restaurant not long ago. I specially selected the best foie gras from him and asked his chef to prepare it for me. After bringing it back, I tasted it once and thought it tasted very good, so I kept it exclusively for entertaining guests..."

The appetizers were eaten while chatting.

Yuka Nakanishi pushed the dining cart through the door again and brought vegetable soup and bread to the table.

Mouri Kogoro noticed the empty seat opposite the dining table. Even if he didn't want to mention Shirakawa Misuzu's troubles, he had to ask, "Don't Miss Saori plan to come over for lunch?"

"I called Yuka just now when I asked her to go to the kitchen," Shirakawa Misuzu frowned in displeasure, "Since she doesn't come by herself, then don't worry about her!"

"Miss Saori said she has no appetite, so she won't have lunch with everyone..." Nakanishi Yuka softly relayed Shirakawa Saori's words when she brought the soup to the table.

Chi Feichi looked at the vacant seat, then looked away and continued eating.

Shirakawa Saori previously said that he got an audition opportunity for THK's new movie, and he was not sure how Toshiya felt about Shirakawa Saori.

In the past, several of the artists that Minya wanted to collaborate with were killed or killed others in the incident. However, he was also involved in the incident. Minya's attitude gradually changed when he heard that he wanted to contact a certain artist. So far, Minya has treated him with the vigilance of preventing an eagle from grabbing a chicken. In order to prevent Minya from treating him as a god of destruction for the company's development, he had just considered it-if Shirakawa Saori came over to eat During lunch, he would ask Shirakawa Saori which movie he was planning to audition for to gauge the company’s attitude toward Shirakawa Saori, or directly ask the person in charge of the movie what he thought of Shirakawa Saori. If the company was optimistic about Shirakawa Saori Saori, then he can try to prevent the murder of Shirakawa Misuzu...

Although Shirakawa Saori was neither the victim nor the murderer in this incident, the murder of her mother was a blow to anyone. At least Shirakawa Saori was not suitable for auditions and filming in a short period of time. movie, this may make Minya think he is a plague again.

However, Shirakawa Saori did not show up after lunch officially started, which made him give up the idea of ​​meddling in other people's business.

Shirakawa Saori didn't come over for lunch. It wasn't necessarily because she was too angry or losing her temper. It could also be because she felt that her mother had reprimanded her in front of important guests, which made her lose face, and she felt that she would be embarrassed to face people like them again. , so I continued to lock myself in the room.

But no matter what, Shirakawa Saori's absence during lunch shows that Shirakawa Saori is really childish.

If a character like Shirakawa Saori doesn't become popular all of a sudden, it would be okay. Shirakawa Saori still has enough time to learn slowly, but if the company is optimistic about Shirakawa Saori and invests resources to make Shirakawa Saori popular, then Shirakawa Saori will There are a lot of troubles that will be caused, and those troubles are definitely not something that Shirakawa Misuzu can help solve alone. When the time comes, the company will continue to help Shirakawa Saori deal with the troubles and clean up the mess, and the final reward may not be very big. The investment is certainly not small.

To put it simply, he feels that it is okay for Shirakawa Saori to make movies now, but it is not suitable to accept too many resources. At the same time, it is not suitable for THK Company to increase investment in Shirakawa Saori now. Since the two parties are not suitable to deepen cooperation, So even if Toshiya is optimistic about Shirakawa Saori's potential, he is not going to try his best to prevent this incident from happening.

During the following lunch time, Shirakawa Misuzu did not mention Shirakawa Saori, and no one else mentioned it either.

After eating the staple food, Shirakawa Misuzu invited the group to the teahouse outside, ordered Yuka Nakanishi to serve the after-dinner refreshments, and left the restaurant temporarily.

The teahouse is designed next to the garden, with wide glass windows installed so that you can see the scenery in the garden while sitting indoors.

Although there are two round tea tables in the teahouse, a group of people need to sit separately, but the outdoor is sunny and green, and the indoor is transparent and bright. It is better for a group of people to sit around two small tables than to sit A long table creates a relaxed and leisurely lunch atmosphere.

Mouri Kogoro thought that Shirakawa Misuzu only ate a little bit of each food during lunch and left the restaurant immediately after the meal. He asked doubtfully, "Is Miss Misuzu not in good health? She didn't seem to have eaten much just now... …”

"My mother has always been like this," Shirakawa Chiharu explained softly. "Because she was worried about her figure getting out of shape and her skin getting worse, she would strictly limit her daily intake of sugar and fat. When she didn't need to entertain guests, she would Occasionally just have a green salad for lunch or dinner.”

"She is really strict with herself," Mouri Kogoro asked with some emotion, "Has she kept the habits she developed as an actress to this day?"

"My mother has always lived in a dream world," Shirakawa Kyosuke lowered his eyes at the bread on the table, "It was the world when she was still a big star."

Mouri Kogoro didn't expect that Shirakawa Kyousuke would also complain about his mother, so he smiled awkwardly and said, "Mr. Kyosuke, actually you don't have to go so far."

Shirakawa Chiharu and Shirakawa Kyousuke didn't speak anymore. They looked down at the black tea on the table, and their hearts seemed to be full of worries.

Before Kogoro Mouri could ask again, the door from the restaurant to the tea room was opened. Misuzu Shirakawa walked in and said apologetically, "I'm sorry for keeping you all waiting for so long."

Mouri Kogoro quickly replied with a smile, "No, you are too polite, we didn't have to wait long!"

Chi Feichi noticed that Shirakawa Misuzu had re-applied lipstick, and guessed the reason why Shirakawa Misuzu left just now. As soon as he looked back, his left hand under the table was pulled over by Koshimizu Nanatsuki next to him.

Koshizu Nanatsuki used his fingers to write on the palm of Chi Feichi's left hand. In order for Chi Feichi to recognize it, he wrote each stroke very slowly.

It wasn't until Nakanishi Yuka pulled out the chair and asked Shirakawa Misuzu to sit down that Koshimi Nanatsuki finished writing the word 'makeup' and looked sideways at Chi Feichi's reaction.

She knew it was not good to talk about others behind their backs, but Miss Meiling left specifically after the meal to touch up her makeup before coming to the teahouse, which meant that what Mr. Kyousuke just said was probably true, and Miss Meiling still regarded herself as a big girl. Live the lifestyle of a star.

She discovered this and wanted to share it with Mr. Chi...

Chi Feichi nodded to Keshui Nanatsuki, indicating that he already knew.

Koshizui Nanatsuki let go of Chi Feichi's left hand, raised his chin at Chi Feichi, and showed a proud smile on his face that said, "You did well."

Chi Feichi looked at Koshimi Nanatsuki's arrogant smile, retracted his left hand, and said, "Don't paddle so lightly next time, I feel itchy in the palm of my hand."

Mouri Kogoro and Shirakawa Meiling, who were at the same table, vaguely heard what Chi Feichi whispered and cast doubtful glances at Chi Feichi.

"It's okay," Chi Feichi said to the two of them without changing his expression, "Yue Shui suddenly scratched the palm of my hand."

Koshimi Nanatsuki lowered his head in embarrassment when he saw Mouri Kogoro and Shirakawa Misuzu looking towards him.

Why is Mr. Chi talking so ambiguously? What is scratching the palm of your hand...

She didn't! she is not!

Although the movements were similar, she was doing it for something serious and serious. She...she couldn't explain what she was reminding Mr. Chi in front of Miss Meiling.

Damn it, Mr. Chi must have done it on purpose!

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