Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2992 Warm-up Operation

Shinjuku area.

In a corner of the bustling street, groups of tourists walked through the street together, speaking different languages, but with the same goal, heading towards the famous shopping mall not far away.

In a place like this where there is a large flow of people and people of all colors gather together, whether it is Chi Feichi's blond and blue-eyed disguised face or Takatori Isao's fake face of a rugged Asian man, they have become inconspicuous. .

However, Gin, who is tall, has long silver hair and wears a black windbreaker, is still a conspicuous person.

After Isao Takatori drove his car into the street, he immediately saw Gin standing on the road. He drove the car near Gin and parked the car in the empty space behind the black Porsche 356A.

Chi Feichi lowered the half-opened window completely, turned to look at Gin who was standing on the roadside, and said in a hoarse voice like raki, "If you smoke on a road where there are many foreign tourists and smoking is prohibited, be careful of the patrol police." Find me."

Well, a certain conspicuous bag is not only eye-catching in stature, appearance, and clothing, but he also smokes in a place that is called a "smoking-free public place," attracting many passers-by to look at him. Even though he is being looked at, he still looks cold and indifferent. He continued to smoke, which made some passers-by hesitate to speak. In the end, no one dared to come forward to protest.

Although passers-by dare not approach Gin directly to protest, and tourists will not approach the police casually, the security management in this area is strict. There are many patrol officers patrolling fixed sections of road every day. There are also some local passers-by passing by. Those people Some of them must be willing to go to the patrol police to report the situation here - there is a man who does not look like a good person smoking on the road over there, which affects the image of the city!

"Hmph..." Gin snorted indifferently, opened the back seat door, got into the back seat of the car, and closed the door, "There was a robbery and injury case on a nearby street, and the police are there now. By the way, all the patrol officers have been transferred to maintain order. Those police officers don't have time to care about whether others are smoking in public. Vodka has also gone over to check the situation. I'll wait for you here."

Chi Feichi looked at the rearview mirror of the car to see if there was any suspicious person paying attention to them, "What was the specific transaction you mentioned before?"

"Most of the batch of gems that the organization received from Kotaro Hirama before have been shipped out of the country for sale, and a small part remains in Japan." Gin calmly held the pipe in his mouth, "A man who has worked with us before The Japanese black market businessman wants a part of it and has been raising funds for some time. Not long ago, he told us that we can trade. The trading location is decided by him. It is in the commercial district of Shinjuku District. In order to prevent him from leaking the news or joining forces with others. Damn it, I left him alone for a few days and only informed him early this morning that the transaction would take place this afternoon."

Chi Feichi didn't see the suspicious person staring at the car from the outside rearview mirror, so he turned his attention to the front of the car, "If the other party wants to make some small moves, I'm afraid it won't be useful to let him go for a few days..."

"But I can wait until Lark is almost recovered and can continue to participate in operations," Gin said jokingly, and then went straight to the point of his plan, "Srifowa can contact some people in Japan. Black market intelligence, I want to see if he has heard any rumors here. In addition, I hope you can put on an inconspicuous face and go to the transaction location to confirm the safety before taking action. The person I was considering to assist you a few days ago was Belmod, but Belmod is busy with something and can’t get away for the time being.”

"No problem," Chi Feichi said, "But I want to confirm the emergency plan. If there are a lot of people ambushing near the transaction location, how do you plan to deal with the follow-up and where do I want to evacuate."

"I want to know the basic information of the transaction partner, the name or the code in the black market," Takatori Yanao added, "Every time there will be information on the leakage of precious jewelry in the black market, if there is no more specific information, I can't do anything. Determine whether the transaction partner has leaked information or recruited people in advance.”

"The name of the transaction partner this time is Hosokawa Masahiko, 51 years old, and the code name on the black market is sesame oil..."

Gin directly told the transaction partner's information, from name, age, code name, place of origin, to simple family information and personal information of the other party's two important followers.

Yingtori Yannan gradually felt at ease after hearing this.

The organization is still the same organization.

Even if Gin now told him how many times Hosokawa Masahiko went to the toilet in the past two days, he wouldn't be surprised.

After Gin finished telling the information about the transaction partner, Takatori Yanao also gave Gin an answer, "I have heard of that person. He has been active in the Japanese black market for many years. It is said that he has connections with many treasure hunters. There have indeed been rumors recently that he is about to acquire a batch of valuable things. There are no rumors that he secretly gathered people or that the police came to his door, but this is just a rumor I heard, and there is no further confirmation of the truth. "

"I have also sent personnel to pay attention to his recent actions, and found no obvious abnormalities, but we cannot take it lightly," Gin looked at Chi Feichi in the front seat and said, "Lark, this time the transaction took place in the central shopping mall in front. The specific location is the office supplies on the fifth floor. The time is today at four o'clock in the afternoon. I will ask Vodka to bring the gems there. I hope you can enter the mall in advance and confirm the safety situation in the mall. You are also required to be there during the transaction. Pay attention to the progress of the transaction on the fifth floor. In addition, in today's transaction, apart from you and Vodka entering the mall, Keel will also sneak in. When the trading time comes, she will also go to the fifth floor. You don't need to let Keel and Vodka know about your transaction. Location, if there is a problem with the transaction, you find a way to spread the news as soon as possible. I will find a place nearby to pay attention to the situation outside. There are also Chianti and Cohen monitoring from high places nearby. If there is anything abnormal outside, I will immediately Contact you to evacuate. Change your face and evacuate from a place where people come and go. It should be no problem for you. You can make your own evacuation plan. I will arrange the evacuation of vodka and kiel..."

"Are there any precautions?" Chi Feichi asked in a hissing voice.

"Hmph..." A playful sneer appeared on Gin's lips, "Smoking and fire are prohibited in the drinking area and escalator on the seventh floor."

Chi Feichi understood clearly, "I got it."

Ten o'clock in the morning.

Takatori Yannan drove off the street and drove outside a small shopping mall, waiting for Chi Fei to go purchase disguise materials.

Eleven o'clock in the morning.

Chi Feichi completed the purchase of disguise materials, and went to a nearby restaurant for lunch with Takatori Yannan in disguise. After returning to the car, Takatori Yannan drove to a nearby park. Chi Feichi sat in the car. Start making a disguised face.

Half past eleven in the morning.

Takatori Yanao drove the car to the outdoor parking lot of the park and went to a nearby outdoor vending machine to buy a drink.

Chi Feichi finished the disguise he was going to use today, adjusted a bunch of bearded fake faces he had brought to Takatori Yannan, and gave the fake faces to Takatori Yannan to use slowly.

One p.m.

Chi Feichi entered the park restroom with his backpack, put three layers of disguise mask on his face, changed into clothes, and transformed into a man over 1.6 meters tall, with a stocky build, a square face, and a bright eyebrow The shrewd and cunning middle-aged woman took her handbag filled with tools and left the bathroom through the window. She left the park without returning to the parking lot and took a taxi to the Central Mall.

Half past one in the afternoon.

Chi Fei, who was disguised as a middle-aged woman, arrived late at the mall. He put on an arrogant attitude and walked around the beauty and luxury jewelry area on the first floor, observing the situation on the first floor, and then went to the mall floor sign to look at it. Just like that, take the elevator to the women's clothing area on the sixth floor.


Takatori Yano drove to the vicinity of the central shopping mall.

Chi Feichi had already looked around the central shopping mall from the 1st to the 9th floor in random order. In order to play the role well, he also bought two sets of plus-size women's clothing. Finally, he stopped at a coffee shop on the 9th floor and drank. coffee while texting other people on their phones to keep in touch.

When Gin talked about this operation last night, he said, 'It's a good time for your body to recover, and it can be used as a warm-up before your official return.'

I tried it today and it really warmed me up.

If the actions of bending down and shrinking the legs to make oneself more than ten centimeters shorter and walking around the mall for three hours are not enough to warm up, then there is no action that can better match the word "warm-up".

He had thought about disguising himself as a medium-to-tall man, which would make him feel more relaxed, but men were rarely interested in walking back and forth in the mall all day long. In order not to make himself too conspicuous, he disguised himself as a tall man. Rong became a middle-aged woman with a good family situation and looked like a full-time housewife.

Good news: He didn't find anyone suspicious in the mall.

Bad news: There is still an hour before the trading time, and he will have to stay in the mall for at least another hour in this capacity.

Resume updates.

The re-examination results are also good and will not affect normal life at all. In the future, you should be careful not to sit still for a long time.

Nowadays, people often sit for half a day or play with their mobile phones with their heads down. There are more and more people suffering from cervical spondylosis, so everyone should pay more attention to the health of their cervical spine. (;ω;`)

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