Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2996 These people are weird

"It's just for safety reasons," Chi Feichi explained, suppressing his smile. "If the police surround the building, they will detonate the bomb on the seventh floor and cause turmoil on the sixth floor where there are more customers. In this way, we on the fifth floor will We can take the opportunity to sneak into the panicked crowd. With a little incitement, even without our incitement, some people will be scared and run to the first floor. The police will not stop people from running out at this time, and they may even be frightened. Organize people to evacuate immediately."

Hosokawa Masahiko: "..."

Although everyone has carefully made some preparations for 'safety reasons', it feels like the 'safety reasons' models of both parties are a little different...

Hosokawa Masahiko’s three subordinates: “…”

They were just here for a black market transaction, so they didn't need to do something as exaggerated as blowing up a building, right?

Although black market transactions are also illegal and criminal activities, once discovered by the police, they cannot explain the source of these expensive items or large sums of cash and will be taken to the police for investigation. However, they can hire lawyers and find ways to exploit loopholes to minimize the big problem. , maybe you can cope with it, and even if you are really caught, you will probably go to jail for two or three years.

If the mall is bombed, it will take more than two or three years...

After Masahiko Hosokawa was surprised, he looked up at the ceiling and asked speechlessly, "I can definitely leave the building this way, but if someone is injured..."

"The safety of those people is not our concern," Vodka said nonchalantly. He walked to the ventilation window and looked down. He took out a rope from the inner pocket of his coat and tied one end with money. One end of the handle of his briefcase was tied to a rope hanging from the outer wall, "Hosokawa, I'm going down first, you guys should hurry up!"

Hosokawa Masahiko watched Vodka turn over and climb down the rope deftly. After thinking about it, he took off his coat and wrapped it in his hands. He used the method proposed by Chi Feichi to grab the rope and slide down.

However, Hosokawa Masahiko was worried that his clothes would catch fire due to friction, so he did not dare to slide to the bottom. He pushed his feet on the wall and slid down section by section.

After Masahiko Hosokawa slid to the bottom, Masahiko Hosokawa's men tied the briefcase containing the gems with a belt, tied the briefcase to the hanging rope, slid the briefcase down first, and then chose to use the fine jewelry one by one. Masahiko Kawawa's method is to slide down section by section.

Chi Feichi stood at the door of the room. After everyone got out safely, he stepped forward to remove the steel rope hook stuck on the window and threw the entire rope down.

Vodka below understood immediately, stepped forward to pick up the rope, and rolled it up quickly, ready to take it away.

"Don't you need to leave this to her?" Hosokawa Masahiko couldn't help but ask.

"He seems to prefer walking on the rooftop..." Vodka put away the rope, paused, and declared fiercely, "I mean her!"

Hosokawa Masahiko: "..."

These people were strange, and he always felt that it would be better not to ask any more questions.

Five minutes later, Vodka and Hosokawa Masahiko separated at the entrance of the alley.

When Vodka crossed the street with his briefcase and got into Gin's car, Hosokawa Masahiko and four others also arrived on the nearby street and got into the car that picked up his group.

The car started, and a middle-aged man wearing glasses and looking polite sat in the passenger seat. He turned to look at Masahiko Hosokawa who was sitting in the middle in the back seat with an apologetic expression, "I'm so sorry, boss, when I came in I saw the middle-aged woman shopping in the shopping area, but I didn't expect that the woman who kept picking on the shopping guides, had a difficult mother-in-law, and looked like she was in menopause with a bad temper could be a member of a criminal organization. And that young woman, when she came to the fifth floor, I also noticed that she didn’t look like someone who needed to go to the office supplies area to purchase, but she told the shopping guide that she came to the fifth floor to use the restroom, which she had done before. Some women came to the fifth floor to use the restroom, so..."

"Yokomori, you were really careless this time. Not only did you not discover their people in time, but you were also discovered by their people," Hosokawa Masahiko saw the man's face becoming more and more apologetic, and then looked down at the official document on his lap. Bao, slowing down his tone, "But it's not your fault. Those people are more cunning and cruel than the most cunning and cruel treasure hunters. It's not surprising that you didn't find them. I hope you can learn your lesson and do it next time." Don’t preconceptions that someone cannot be an informant, and tell me immediately if you find a suspicious person.”

"Yes, boss," the man responded quickly and seriously, "I will pay attention to it in the future!"

The tall man sitting on the right side of Hosokawa Masahiko asked aloud, "Uncle Masahiko, those people said there was a bomb on the seventh floor... is it true?"

"Koujiro, do you think this is fake?" Hosokawa Masahiko asked, opening the briefcase and taking out the plastic bag containing the gems. Seeing this simple packaging method again, he still had a toothache, "If it's those Treasure hunters, I may still have doubts, but if it is them, I think it should be true. You and Kenichiro may feel that their preparations are too exaggerated, but it is actually very reasonable. We are just a group of people collecting information from sources. People who sell unknown things and conduct business operations in violation of the law will be released within a few years even if they are investigated by the police and sent to prison. If they are caught by the police, they may be burdened with enough crimes. They were sentenced to death, so they were more unwilling to fall into the hands of the police than we were. If those people were pushed into a hurry, they might even be able to attack and shoot the police. Of course, the guns and bombs they prepared would also be real……"

As he said that, Hosokawa Masahiko looked around at the two nephews sitting next to him. Seeing that they were a little awe-inspiring, he smiled in a low voice and continued in a soft voice, "People who operate in the black market usually come into contact with all kinds of things. All kinds of people, only people like us know clearly how many demons are hidden in the darkness of Tokyo. If one day we are caught by the police, the police will definitely want to get information about the criminals from us, information about the criminals. At that time, they will become our bargaining chip to reduce their sentences, and the information on these people will be even more precious."

The tall man on the left was thinking, "You mean, we may use the intelligence of these people in the future..."

"No, Kenichiro, unless it's a matter of life or death, you'd better not use the information of these people in exchange for benefits," Masahiko Hosokawa interrupted with a serious look, "We can use the information of the criminals to negotiate terms with the police. But the intelligence of violent societies and the intelligence of these organized criminals are the two types of information that cannot be leaked easily, because these people have the ability to chase you to prison and kill you!"

The two men sitting next to Hosokawa Masahiko immediately nodded seriously.

"It is very dangerous to associate with these people, and most of these people have weird personalities and are not easy to get along with." Masahiko Hosokawa looked down at the gems in the plastic bag again, thinking of the benefits that could be brought to him by reselling these gems. There was a look of obsession in his eyes again, "But there are many benefits to cooperating with these arrogant and arrogant guys. They have many means to illegally obtain wealth, so they will not be stingy with the transaction price, as long as the price meets their psychological expectations. , they will agree to the transaction, which means that middlemen can easily get more benefits from the goods, and they pay attention to safety and will pay more attention to the movements of the police than we do, and they are also able to prevent police siege. Just like today, we encountered You can still give them a ride when you are in trouble. Of course, only businessmen like me who have successfully traded with them many times will be more likely to get the opportunity to trade with them..."

While Masahiko Hosokawa and his two nephews were imparting their experience, Gin was also driving away from the commercial district, talking to Vodka about Masahiko Hosokawa and his group.

"Once those people fall into the hands of the police, our information will be at risk of being leaked," Gin said calmly, driving the car with a lit cigarette in his mouth, "and the police are in the mall. Here, it would be troublesome to kill them and silence them. If they make any noise, the situation will become worse, so we might as well take them with us."

"I just think this is too cheap for them," Vodka paused and continued in a leisurely tone, "However, Hosokawa won't be able to get much benefit for the time being, right? All the money of these black marketeers has been invested in the goods. This time we got so much cash from Hosokawa, we should have drained him dry, and there seems to be nothing in his goods that we need."

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